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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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every saturday to thursday is shahr farsh, shahr of household appliances, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran telegrami. he is playing all over the country , why is your question an interesting question in these six months? we are higher tomorrow. in the name of god, greetings, courtesy and respect
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to you, a dear and respected viewer, especially for the higher election program of the leader of the revolution in their recent meetings , i had called the real competition one of the most important elements of the election, which means that the field should be open for the presence of different economic, cultural, political and social views so that all these views can have a real competition together in the big election contest. . one of the issues that different experts disagree on is whether the internet taxi market is competitive or exclusive and whether the government needs to set its prices or not. whether it has a price or not , is the internet taxi market a competitive market or a monopoly market ? specially for the higher program and especially
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for the higher program, mr. zulfiqari, a university professor and economic expert , is also present. mr. ghaemi, a member of the tehran city council, is also present and we are going to talk together, but before we start our debate, my colleagues in the market group prepared a report. i invite him to come back and start our conversation. mr mohammad khalaj ceo of snap. in internet taxis, everything is transparent for the passenger and the driver. this transparency has many advantages that cannot be easily achieved in the traditional market. prescriptive pricing policy is undoubtedly the death of innovation. mrs. negin ansari, legal vice president of tabsi internet taxis. cannot
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be considered similar to city taxis. binding internet taxis to management in the traditional way of municipalities and taxis not only disrupts the performance of these businesses but ends up at the expense of people and passengers . mr. ali hakim javadi, head of trade union system a computer mandatory price has always been to the detriment of people and usually has not reached its goal. mr. seyed jafar tashri, head of the civil and transportation commission of the islamic council of tehran, the rates of internet taxis during peak traffic hours are very strange and unfair. receiving such amounts is against the fast generation of the law, and for this reason, a supervisory body should enter the fare price of these taxis so that people do not lose. mr. mohammad sadegh muftah, former deputy of the ministry of transport, as long as there is a monopoly in internet taxis, the upper body should monitor the prices. can't do without market supervision abandoned internet taxis. mr. hassan hassan khani. economic expert in the current situation, the
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big companies have created a monopoly in internet taxis and took over the major share of the market. if there is no supervision on the supplier's monopoly, people will lose. we reviewed the opinions of supporters and opponents of mandatory pricing in the report of mohammad elhari mr. zulfiqari, let's go to the main topic of the main question of the program, your opinion, these internet taxis, which are named in the report. it is taken away from them , is their market competitive or exclusive, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful great dears and dear viewers, you see, when we want to talk about whether a market is exclusive or competitive, according to the principles of competition regulation, how many steps should we check?
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let's say what kind of players are there in the market that we are considering, then we will check whether this market has market power and monopoly power or not. the market is also defined in terms of the product or service, that is, the main pillar of the market of that product or service in that market. there is supply and demand, so we need to have a discussion first let's look at what these internet taxis actually offer , is it a transportation service or another service, if we say transportation service at that time. the scope of the market will be such that all transport service providers will be placed in this market , that is, these two companies that are named now, and another competitor, and others, in fact, companies that are similar to these are also operating. those
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agencies that were more before the advent of this technology are now less and taxis are actually urban means of transportation within the city. and sometimes between cities, well, all these are located in this market but the point i want to make is that basically the service provided by these internet taxi companies that are called internet taxis is not a transportation service because they do not serve people with their own vehicles, that is, for example snab company or tebasi company does not send its own car and its own driver to transport people, but these are companies whose main job is transportation, that is, they are a group of drivers , they own the cars themselves , and have no employment relationship with these companies. and they want to be in the transportation market on the other hand, there are a number of people
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who want to use the service of this company, they are actually drivers, but sorting them out , so to speak, as it is called in economics, this is a service that these companies have with their software and their system. they do this matching , of course, in order for this kind of matching to be done correctly , they usually have a series of rules and regulations, that is , they specify a framework for the drivers. and sorting is active. these are actually there must be a series of rules and regulations. so, are they exclusive in this market or not? well, when we consider the matching service between driver and passenger in this market, it means that this service is being provided. the evaluators of this market
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are only those suppliers who provide this matching service . not those who provide the transportation service and their applicants, who are actually the ones who get this sorting service. with this description , in this market, only these companies, such as snap, tapsi, maxim, and the like, are the suppliers in this market. there are drivers and passengers who want to get along with each other, and the price of this market is not the fare, it is not the transportation, but the price of this market is the commission that this company takes, and this market is exclusive, exclusive, completely exclusive, thank you. we had invited these companies to appear in the program, for whatever reason we could not , this coordination could not happen from the companies' side to be present in the program, mr. hadi , what do you think, do you think this market is monopolistic or competitive, in the name of god? rahman
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al-rahim, my servant, i greet you , dear guests of the program and dear viewers, today is gaza day we wish that god's final victory will come as soon as possible. palestine will be and god willing, we will see the destruction of israel. thank you very much for the good topic you chose as the title of the program . well, the title of the program was the discussion of command pricing . every area of ​​the economy that we have come and entered in an orderly manner and in fact from top to bottom without paying attention to the requirements and in fact the real conditions of the market , i think the result is already in front of all of us and all horizontal and monetary areas and services. and so on, including the field of transportation , for example, intercity transportation and intercity buses, the result of which is that a large part of the buses are not profitable at all. in my report, i saw that sada vasima has actually gone, so the main issue is whether we
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should think about the prescriptive pricing or the traditional methods that we had in urban management, and i think that the inefficiency has clearly shown itself . i'm going to talk about it. we have passed, now if we want to enter the discussion of competition and monopoly let's face it, there are really issues that in terms of regulation in the world are actually much more advanced and newer and more modern that countries have entered , of course, i am saying that it is newer than the traditional regulation methods, which of course we still have the same methods. in general, the discussion of elimination of competition is a new topic. in fact , if i want to continue mr. zulfiqari's statement , he said that in fact, one of the main topics in the discussion of monopoly and competition is that we must identify the scope of the market, which is actually the scope and we have to determine the area, i boldly say it mr. zulfiqar, i think i will complete it in this way that we have two methods of providing services in the form of internet businesses, direct supply. indirect supply or platform or what we know as a platform in the field of e-commerce in recent years all over the world
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, including iran, in fact , it is necessary to use a platform for various reasons that can be discussed now . i give, and my main argument is actually the cost reduction and the specialization of the subject, in fact it has come and in fact it has become the main procedure of the e-commerce trend in the world in the form of a platform. a group of teams that is actually offered in the field of techniques, a series of suppliers of goods and services between this platform and these goods and services , regardless of whether they are doctors or actually shops and trade unions or units such as hotels and airline agencies and whether they are a driver or a transport service provider, that's what we consider in e-commerce according to the rules and regulations , for example. only about these internet taxi platforms, i emphasize on the platform, because in fact, these are the mode of intermediary and facilitator, and in
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fact, distance between the supplier and in fact there are consumers. our criteria here is that the money that is being deposited on this platform is being paid for. now, when you pay in snap or tabisil, what are you actually paying for? you have money for the transportation service. you pay, so the activity of these platforms is to provide transportation services in an indirect or search way. if in fact, this definition has been around for several years. we talk about organizing business and carnets, and at least in the last five or six years it is clear that in the field of platforms, in fact , it has become the main trend of e-commerce in the world and in iran . this is actually what is the criterion of action, and i think it is very clear, that is, you, the consumer, in fact, anyone who is a driver or anyone who is a witness. there is a supervisor on this matter, ask, sir, the service that is being provided now. your opinion with the definition
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of urban transport service, in fact, we have to consider that now we myself, you, our family , the people around us and all the people want to do an urban transport , we have several options or so called alternatives, which are that market they recognize and we must determine whether the share that exists in this market is more than 50% or not. now, as for traffic in tehran itself, for example, at least 70% of urban traffic is done by private vehicles , that is, you. you can take out your private car or a motorcycle if you have one every day, in fact, some of it is done through buses, some of it is done through the subway, some of it is done through passing taxis, etc. it is possible to create an internet taxi section that will pay for the taxi the taxi service agencies that we have had for a long time and now they are limited and finally a
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competitive logic has been formed, but due to the lack of the necessary regulation and regulation system , it has moved towards a form of monopoly, so i believe that if. that we have a review of the legal bases of this issue together and
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address the need for regulation, maybe, god willing, it will lead to the issue of competitiveness overcoming the monopoly space we have. yes , i must tell you, so it means that you believe in the exclusivity of the market and do not think like the explanation mr. hadi, this market is a competitive market. ok , i said that the basis for the formation of this competitive market , but due to the lack of a regulatory system , it has moved towards monopoly because we had no supervision. it should be said that the ruling power could not come to enter and there are many reasons for which we are now discussing the method. thank you, mr. zulfaqari. what is your opinion, do you agree with this competition in the way that mr. hadi mentioned the method or not? here
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is the definition of the market. they have let's say that these are transportation service providers , none of these drivers have any employment relationship, nor car ownership relationship, they have no relationship with these companies, these are the drivers who own their own cars , they provide transportation service passengers are the same, so this point is very important. it is possible that the service they are providing is purchased by the applicants for the service, and the price of this service is the commission.
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or they manage the same fare, see if we carry it in the market. if we consider the transfer and the fare that is actually determined to perform this service, it is true that there are many drivers in that market , and in fact there are not many passengers, that market is not exclusive, but in that market, the bargaining process to discover the equilibrium price does not happen like in competitive markets. a driver does not determine the fare by himself, no passenger determines it by himself , and this is included in a mechanism , but from this point of view, in my opinion, since it is a matter of pricing, it is related to the fares, as we are now. here we have two prices, one is the fare itself , which is in the form of one riyal, and the other is the
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commission of this platform, which is a percentage of the fare. indirectly, this bargaining process can be realized in another way , it can be accepted as a competitive price and it is considered that there is no need to intervene in the order. they have the function of the goal of these, the number of tables is also logical, from the economic point of view, these are actually the benefits that they bring commission. which they get and they get the commission from the completed trip, so their preference is to increase the number of trips as much as possible. well, in order to increase the number of trips, this fare, which determines whether the trip is completed or not, should be like this. that the maximum possible number of trips can be made , so if one of the limits exceeds the equilibrium limit
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, the drivers are willing, but the passengers are not willing. and vice versa, therefore, in this process, which is now, as they say, in a random process in an artificial intelligence mechanism, these numbers are determined in such a way that based on the records of the subject, the number travel should be maximized. well, if this process is correct and transparent, and it is confirmed that there is such a transparent process, then the criteria for determining the fares will be set, then it can be said that the fares do not need to be interfered with, in fact, this is happening . zulfikari , i am claiming. these companies themselves are like this, but a governing body should actually check this, but it depends on which body it is, it depends on if you have a competitive aspect now, you say that their market is a monopoly market, which means they should compete. we have a fare. there was a mistake in the discussion. now, sir
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tell me, i will explain. yes , i will tell you. look, we have a fare rate. if this process that these companies claim is a random process that wants to maximize the number of trips, then the driver wants to have the most satisfaction for the passenger. this process will be the same. indirect competitive bargaining , instead of the driver and the passenger bargaining with each other, this actually has an algorithm that actually implements this bargaining. as a matter of fact , they collect their own commission, that percentage is actually the price of the service here, they have a dominant position, and this dominant position may cause them to abuse this dominant position, and setting this number higher and higher can harm the interests of the driver and the interests of the passengers
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. because it actually causes this number to be higher than the number that the driver accepts for the trip , so the passenger pays a higher number, and this money is actually taken from the fare that should have been given to the driver, this actually requires one. it is a matter of strict supervision and regulation of competition. well, mr. hadi , your explanation is clear. first, it is actually from for one reason, i am happy that we are talking about a topic that is actually one of the almost specific examples that we have in public meetings. now, what about us, all my friends are actually a successful example. when they want to give an example of the distribution of electronic commerce to digital, they say, sir , look, it's not the same as before. it's not comparable, i mean, i 'm asking for all of us to review once , it's not too far away when we ourselves were a bit younger. we were teenagers and we were standing on the side of the street in the cold and in the rain shaking hands . probably a friend would come to my car and sprinkle some water on us. we would walk back and forth. under a light and so on, now ladies in a certain situation
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, men in a certain situation, with women and children, and so on, until , for example, a car comes to pick us up, then with what quality, sir, for example, i don't know what you did to the glass, i don't know if you closed the door quietly, i don't know if you smoke a cigarette i mean, with this situation, we have now reached a situation where you actually choose a car whose information is completely specific, the identity of the driver is actually specific , it comes to your house, you honk it, and you get on it. i mean, comparing these two is like comparing the earth to the sky , so now let's talk about what mr. zulfiqari said. this is because the viewers are now watching and in fact we want this discussion to be useful for the people , please take care mr. zulfiqari, in fact, their order is that the service they are providing in these companies is a fake service . i am asking you a question. you and i are paying in the documents. first of all, there is no distinction on this issue. secondly, if they ask us, sir , what do you have this money for? we get criticism, we move from point a to point b and one we pay money, now part of this share belongs to the company , part of it is the share of the driver. what is the percentage? we do not enter into this matter
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, what is being presented to the consumer , please pay attention . what is the service provided to people in science? the service is to quote, not your mistake, this is also your mistake . exactly what services do snap and tafsiya provide? i say that my account
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is snap and tafsiya, the money goes to our snap account. central authorizing device by e-commerce and the trade union of the country that exists, they actually recognize this with virtual jobs , and this is something that has been implemented in this country for more than 10 to 15 years . we discuss together, but now it's simple, what i pay online now is 90, above 90, 95 , people pay money online, right at the online payment portal, cash, now no one gives the driver, very rarely, no one else at all. no, now you pay according to the information that actually has a payment gateway and the bank side, does he have money, can you see the details of the share in snap. now, what share is the driver's share ? what share might it be, i don't know, it may be the municipality's share, the union's share, it
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does not enter your details at all. if you get an invoice from snap , what kind of invoice do you get? you go to the company you are in, the organization you are in, you see the invoice and you review it. so, first of all, i would like to ask you to follow the regulations and the custodian body that determines it allows us to put this issue as a reference because i can't wait any longer. this is the device that the diagnostic manager has. not in this case, in other cases. if this is what you are saying , then we should call all the platforms digikala, dr. dr. dr. sir, they are offering jursazi service, but people don't understand what jursazi means, what do they say, sir , we are getting medical consultation services from doctors, we are buying goods from digikala, this is all indirect and a platform. and work and business. let's understand the model so that we can serve you later what is offered to the people and is it paid for? yes, you use it when
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you make an online purchase, the money goes to the national bank account
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, it is business and commercial, the ministry of trade , the trade development center is now in charge of pricing, when will it be the authority for pricing, who is the authority now in fact, the regulation of competition in our country is the pretext that pricing in the monopoly market is a competition regulation tool. the price, quantity and conditions of access to the market mentioned in paragraph 5 of article 58 of this law according to article 92 of this law, this law governs all other laws. this is actually the regulation of competition. the first step is to define the market, that is , how do we define this market, whether we define the sorting market or the transportation market, please
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allow me to explain it, but it is the competition council. no, there is no other device, and this statement should be clarified in the competition council, which is the definition of the custodian of this market, basically, the definition of an arrangement, and the point of view of the competition council is that the point that i made, so it means that the al-raqat council believes that the market is still on the exclusive market dear jersey, the topic of your discussion is taxi. and the thing that people are seeing in the program now is a concept called jursazieh . before the jursi program, what mr. zulfahad says is completely correct. and according to the law, invoices are issued. please take care of the goods and services for which you are invoiced. if snap and tabsil have been in existence for seven or eight years now, tell mr. they say that it should be fixed
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. we have to say something that the audience who is watching the program should not turn it off. tell them, sir , what they are saying. what people understand about the taxi service is the same and everyone who pays for it. whether they have a low , medium or high level of education, they don't get involved in these complications at all . your highness, the university professor is your little servant. as an expert , we will enter into specialized discussions . what is the service that is being provided to the people? we have defined the service as mentioned, now this is except for the cases that have direct government subsidies , for example, bread, for example, very limited cases, the rest of the cases must be determined by the market , as it is happening now, and by the way, in my opinion , if we want to set a successful example, internet taxi a well-functioning market means that the consumer
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is satisfied. his satisfaction with


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