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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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what people understand about taxis is the same service and transportation. all those who pay money, whether they have a low, medium or high level of education , do not get into these complications at all. we are going to enter into specialized discussions. i am talking about a specialized topic now, but the thing that is specific now, sir, is the service that is being provided to the people, what is the transportation service, if we define the same service as the carrier. now, here is the discussion of the order of mr. bigor, do we have a reference for pricing? we are the general goods and services of mr especially according to the new resolution that the parliament and the law of the 7th plan passed, and god the guardian has approved it, except for the cases that have direct subsidies from the government , for example, bread, for example, very limited cases, the rest of the cases should be determined by the market, as is happening now, and by the way, in my opinion, taxis internet, if we want to give a successful example, what does it mean that the market has worked well, what
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does it mean that the consumer is satisfied, where is his satisfaction proven , from here, this market has grown 20-30 times in about 6 years, 7 years. he has no idea to go back to the side of the street weisen, thank you, sir, points are being made, it should be clarified finally , i would like to exchange questions with mr. qaemi, then now we are at his service , see that this is a new technology and in fact. it has increased the quality of service delivery , there is no doubt about it, no one has said to go back and discuss this mechanism, let's disrupt its compatibility , it goes back to the fact that if a service is provided and there is a monopoly, it should be regulated in order to protect the rights of the public. to prevent this monopoly means to prevent the abuse of monopoly , not the monopoly itself, but the point that exists here.
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my problem with you is that what is the reality of this market, what is the reality of this market , it is not at all based on the opinion of mr. hadi and others, what is actually happening is that they say that yes, our opinion is that the transportation service is being provided. you , but what is being provided, i am not saying that the transportation service is not provided, but who is providing that transportation service
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? now, let's say foreign, let's say domestic . the suppliers of goods and services, whether they are doctors, drivers, or sellers they don't buy any more products , they have to create a website for themselves, get hardware and software support, and it doesn't work. the platform just does it. what i said is my opinion, which, of course, i did not use my opinion. that is being recorded in the transaction, the money that the party is depositing, this is the legal criterion according to the invoice law , the criterion is what is in the goods and services invoice , the proxy or indirect invoice criterion, the product or service, now if we had this discussion, i will come to it now the part that is possible with mr. zulfiqari let's go to the consensus, that's where the discussion of pricing orders, which you and i have, is an opinion that, in fact, excuse the weakness and inefficiency on everyone from every sun . except that
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we destroyed that area, we didn't do anything else, that's right, everyone is unhappy, the consumer is unhappy, the economic activist is unhappy, and finally the government itself is unhappy again like other situations we are seeing. you discussed the elimination of competition, which is a very advanced issue, and in fact , you correctly said that law 834 is a progressive law. for this reason, in fact , we have this discussion, in fact, anti-trust, now we have to sit down and determine the market limit, if we recognize that there is a monopoly, now let the competition council come to the authority, actually separate and enter and actually formulate there. come on, let's define the criteria, very well, now i will explain this further, well, i will say once again in parentheses that we invited these companies whose names we mentioned, obviously in the field of taxinti, to participate in our program, but anyway, for whatever reason, they did not want to. what do you think of mr. ghaemi's failure to coordinate with us? what about the pricing reference and a point mr. hadi mentioned that now the driver is satisfied, the consumer is satisfied and my market is a car market, how much do you
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agree with this? i will know later that the consumer is very satisfied. nowadays, people are paying for online taxis, especially during peak traffic hours, the traffic is usually very high, and we had many complaints in the city council. i wanted to tell you about the existence of businesses the internet, which either provides a service to people or a product , is a very desirable thing in itself, and this ecosystem must actually grow itself and have a regulatory system. and regulation by the government with the participation of the private sector that started this business. i know that the national center for virtual space is preparing a draft for the regulation of various internet business areas, including internet transportation.
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now this should go to the supreme council of cyberspace and be approved. now, mr. zulfiqari orders that the reference should be made that the pricing of the competition council. excellency mr. hadi too. they say that this area with their collection is in the ministry. the upstream laws that we have in the city council, including the municipal law and the law of the councils, both explicitly recognize the city councils as the authority for pricing transportation in cities. we are now setting rates for the subway , we are setting rates for buses, for taxis that work under the municipality's own taxi management organization. by the way , last week we also had a meeting with stenb and tasir about the arrival of friends in the city council. we had a discussion. it seems to me that we have a number of high-level laws that, unfortunately
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, were severely ignored during these years. if we go back now, if the law has a problem, the supreme council of provinces can prepare the bill and send it to the parliament to amend it. it should be clear who the decision-making authority is , but in my opinion, the numerous laws that we have in the area are being ignored. the first law that we had on the issue of intra-city transportation, mr. gergiri, is the installation of resolution 2835, which belongs to the revolutionary council, and then the government is obliged to implement the bill. he should prepare his by-laws as in 205/72 of this by-law it will be regulated and then the details of this matter will be presented gradually. in 2018, if i 'm not mistaken, we came across an agreement signed between the ministry of position and the ministry of interior . you should know that these upstream laws
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should be taken into account. to give business recognition and set the rate authority themselves , while ignoring this legal duty , in my opinion, if i emphasize again. if this regulation system now has legal foundations, it should be followed, but the fact is that the rates that internet taxis have now are from the people. they charge, especially during peak hours or bad weather conditions , which is very unacceptable and actually causes people's dissatisfaction . thank you , mr. hadi , what is your opinion about the rates? we used to use it, mr. qami . i didn't, because in fact he is in charge of pricing and pricing with the center through electronic means or the ministry of position. of course, now i actually had a responsibility there in the past. now it's been a couple of months since i no longer have any responsibility. that this business in in the field of e-commerce, i referred to that license, and in fact, the device that
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is the guardian and regulator of the field of e-commerce. in the matter of pricing, i also stated that basically, pricing according to the rules and regulations is actually limited to certain areas and in fact it is limited to those areas where the government enters and the market of interests determines the price. in the matter that mr. qaemi said , it is actually a correct order. look, in fact, pay attention, if we go back to the same statement that mr. ghaemi said we actually have an urban traffic, which means that a person actually wants to go from his home to work or to move . there are actually options for this movement in the city. in the areas that are managed by the government, he often benefits from subsidy is either directly managed by the government, like the subway and similar , or it actually benefits from subsidies , like buses, like taxis, which get subsidized fuel, or actually a car with a better price. they get special services in these areas according to the laws and regulations that mr. ghaemi rightly pointed out.
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it has the same resolution of the revolutionary council, which said that the focus is actually on matters related to taxis in tehran municipality. there is an interview of the revolutionary council, dated 1359. in the law, it says that transportation within the city is a bit longer. no , i repeat . concentration of iranian tax related matters in tehran municipality where is there a single article, not even more than the regulation , which is attributed to 13 years after the 14-15-year gap of 1972. in fact, 15 years was 14-15 years apart. 72 is over 20 years old. yes. he is 79, now he was 72.
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in fact, my opinion is that now, about 13 years later, it has been approved, and it defines the taxi at all . the taxi, which is the same as the first article, if you please, now qaimi is on the front shoulder of the third clause , mr. qaimi defines a taxi, he says that the one that actually has a taxi license from the municipality . now we are talking about a car that we have, which is part of the development of my people many of them are his highness himself. have you seen that in the people around us, in the friends we know, many of them, due to the employment problems that have existed, and that status is actually an employee, and this is becoming obsolete over time, in fact, now they have employment and their income and sustenance in this way, where are their cars ? the privilege of the municipality has its definition in that mirror. now, i am mr. ghaemi, because i am actually a witness and we have always been devoted to you in the meetings and we have used your witness. that we for the upcoming elections , i confirm qami's statement from this point of view. i myself, from yesterday till today, when i was doing a review
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, we have many laws and regulations, depending on who won , this was approved, one was sent to the ministry of interior , and it was suggested by the trustee. i don't know the ministry of interior, i don't know anyone else, the ministry of the interior has appointed another deputy . unfortunately, we are facing an inflation of rules and regulations . entered , i completely accept mr. hadi's order. it is the government's privilege, we don't have pricing and criticism , and your excellency, we are fully aware of this issue
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. that regulation that you mentioned, your excellency, is actually a regulation that was actually approved in 2012, and i said that now there is a draft by the ministry has gone to the direction of saying that matters related to taxis and these things are in the scope of snaf, which again in the amendment that was made in 2015, it was said that the ministry of interior and the ministry of poisons should be joint, which finally led to the practical order that i sent to the two ministers, mr. pardon, mr. zulfiqari what do you think about the quality of the rates that we are witnessing now? one explanation before your order, i would like to say, first of all, this point mentioned by mr. hadi has a complement to what is included in the 7th development plan, it is not just a subsidy issue , there is also a monopoly market issue. there is also investment in the exclusive market. yes, these two cases are for two reasons. it's about pricing , why the price of what the government subsidizes should not go beyond the limit. by the way
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, pricing in the monopoly market is one of the government's regulatory tools. look at the unconventional pricing by the monopolist, whether the monopoly is on the demand side or not. on the supply side, which is mainly formed in the markets of goods and services, monopoly is formed on the supply side. our country , i have an interpretation, is a monopolistic country. you have to find a non-monopoly market with a magnifying glass. therefore, when we have a monopoly, he actually came as a service provider , there is nothing for him at all, in fact, there is no boredom for him, because he came to make a profit, the requirement to make more profit is to raise the price, so here the government must intervene somewhere. which is actually abuse of monopoly power, and this abuse is exemplified by unconventional prices, but from an economic point of view, until as much as possible, don't go for the price tool, the regulator
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. this is a precise point. it is a correct point, that is, if it is possible to prevent an unconventional high price that actually destroys the interests of the demand side, which is the general public, then this can be prevented with a non-price tool. a series of markets , for example, this work is done with some tools or with the conditions of access to the market. now, the market is different from the market, so here, because there is a monopoly , there is a possibility of abuse of the monopoly . where can this abuse of the monopoly take place? where the authority of these suppliers the monopoly now has two options , one is the right to commission, which i think is about 15%. now , it needs to be checked. is the 15% that they put a high number, a quantitative number, depending on their costs? these should be checked.
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yes, of course, some investigations have been done, now these investigations should be more complete, and another one is algor rhythm, which is the mechanism from which the equilibrium fare is actually derived . we have a line now based on the distance and these, they make a fixed number that your city has now found 3 issues in this matter, and i completely agree with you. if the conditions of monopoly are confirmed , it is worthy of competition. in fact, it is the duty of the authority to enter, and its legal status is clear. . it is everywhere in the world , now we have to talk about monopoly and non-monopoly , and we may have some points to discuss because you know that it is a very complicated issue, and a change in it will actually change the monopoly. now, the discussion that actually my friends in the city council entered recently i think that we actually have a field that is working almost correctly and
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by the way, people are satisfied. the prices are characterized by depreciation costs and fuel costs. unfortunately, the fuel quota for internet taxis decreased from the first year of last year and was stopped at the end of the year. compared to the linear taxis that are receiving a quota, in fact, they have a normal quota, in fact, it is the same car. which is a normal car and actually 60 liters per month no, they are taking online taxis . internet taxis have had their quota cut off since last year. they are getting regular quota. so what is my point? what mr. qaemi says is correct because i may be in the hour when it is raining. i think we all agree that the existence of a product or service in the first market depends on the price. dear mr. ghaemi, you yourself are a professor and you have an executive experience
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. and this was not yet an internet taxi, for example, the area you know and where we travel we had a lot of rain. the crowd is actually coming from the sides of the square , especially towards the east and the west, which is a corridor, you know , but it is actually a place of east-west separation, both from mullah's side and from haqqani's side . there were no cars or taxis at all. and people started walking to tetro haqqani on foot, so what do i mean? by the way, when the price adjusts itself, the driver who travels a distance of 10 minutes has to stand in traffic for an hour and a half in the rain.
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based on the resolution that was approved by the minister in 1995 that approved by mr. qaemi has not been recognized by the parliament as having any contradictions with the laws and regulations. the approval is in accordance with the upstream laws. in fact, there is a reference to smart pricing, which mr. zulfiqari said at the beginning of his speech, based on a series of indicators, including distance, among others. the conditions are actually the supply that is available and the drivers that are available, including the type of location , whether there is a passenger returning from it or not. there are many variables that happen in an intelligent way based on them, and by the way, mr. zulfiqari, i want to say that if we discuss if we want to make a monopoly , you said completely correctly, the one who dominates and has the power of the market should set the price higher, if now the internet taxi that snap, which has about 809 markets, at least in the big cities, the price is lower than tabadi, by the way, easily. it is proven
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that this market is the condition that we always call the competition council and the regulatory body, now in america we know it by the name of the 3 and it is known that there are antitrust discussions and these come when the one who has the most market share is doing what is being done. tick ​​in the right of the consumer if i one two three to make a point, first of all, regarding how the fare rate determination mechanism should be, the truth is that mr. ghaemi said this point according to his expertise, but it is not possible with this taxi model, which means cash transportation service, such as , for example, taxis in the city, because there, taxis in the city are actually one route. definitely, another line from a certain point to a certain point of all services. in fact, they offer the same, but not here , the space is actually flexible, so we have no choice but to use a flexible process, but it must
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be ensured that the interests of consumers are not harmed in this process. when is it possible that the abuse of monopoly will happen here, so this is not the city council, when will it be , i say, with a free process but under the system. this discussion of dynamic pricing that i mentioned is based on the various variables of the crowding and overcrowding situation, in fact supply and demand, and in fact
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, the fact that the market is a monopoly market, it should be based on this pricing. it is not the city council that you can see, for the time being, the mechanism the service providers themselves have an algorithm to determine the price . it takes shape if i am in a hurry under the pretext of rain under the pretext of the circumstances, in fact, this is unexpected. if the rent goes up, how much
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does that company benefit? if the benefit of that company means that the algorithm is such that the company benefits from this unexpected increase , then we say that it has an incentive to move the algorithm in a direction where this rent increases. he can use different excuses to benefit as much as his commission . well, i'm saying that he should double his commission. if the increase also happens in there is no problem with an open trip because the purpose of that increase is to actually increase the number of trips . all the good viewers of the higher election program who have accompanied us until this moment, may god
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers welcome to atba news section at 6:30 p.m. the deadline for registration of afghan female students at hazrat masoumeh university, peace be upon them , ends tomorrow on the 3rd of this university in the fields of bachelor's and master's degrees in the fields of quranic sciences, jurisprudence and law, business management, psychology, translation, and language. and art for the semester of bahman 1402


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