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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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sima can actually ask these candidates in this process. in addition, more importantly, with the variety of programs and expert planning and the use of these capacities, aqash's votes can actually be gathered in the electoral basket, and this important goal that sedasima pursues is actually participation. an election will be held and various groups and factions will be on the stage, which is emphasized by the supreme leader and elders. in fact, if this platform is provided, this is an opportunity for broadcasting, provided that, of course, this publicity justice is also observed. this amount it is high, especially for those who now have the ability to advertise in this period
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, but they may not be able to do this financially, but in general, the work of the organization is good and it is a positive step. now, in fact, thank you, please comment on this amount that is going to be it should be paid from dabtalban, thank you very much , thank you very much . regarding the advertising planning from the national media in the coming days , we have a guest from west azerbaijan on the phone. the two hundred tv channels that are considered for the selected areas, tvbion will also assign a dedicated page to all the candidates with a capacity of 10 hours of uploading videos , promotional videos and other information that the candidate wants to upload. in addition to that, in iran sada
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, we provide the same capacity to all candidates , they can upload their audio files and a page will be created for them . the authority of the honorable candidates is based on the law the election, which was reformed, made us able to use our capacities for the benefit of more participation , so guest and name.
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it's a very good move, but i think that the sums that are considered for the candidates may be extra, but in general , i have counted on saving the environment by saving paper consumption. 20 million we have help in advertising candidates. to
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preserve our environment and preserve the atmosphere , i call it a very great move, god willing, these new moves and moves that the radio and tv have in mind for the candidates. god willing, with the opinion of the honorable president of sed and cima, if they find a little taqweel, the movement is excellent. and it is appreciable that, god willing, all the candidates can be used within the framework of the law and advertisements that you have considered for us . regarding the time of the day, the number of re-broadcasts, yes , an effort has been made to allocate 20 minutes to different people for each electoral field, in addition
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, this is within the 7 days that the law allows for the candidates. advertise it will be repeated, so that the peak hours are not available to only one person, this will be in a rotating manner, that is, if a person broadcasts his advertisement at 2 pm today , tomorrow it will no longer be 2 pm, for example, it will be 4 pm. after that, it will be like this until, for example, 8 in the evening, and this rotation. it will be done, we will try, now it is based on alphabets , but
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it is possible to create a lottery. different choices are different, but maximum. efforts will be made so that the slightest injustice does not happen to the candidates in time, we will go to the content complexities of the subject of content monitoring, which is very important for managers and planners of the national media in television channels in the electoral areas. law. it will start in each of these election channels , we have programs in the framework of encouraging the elections and topics related to the capabilities of that constituency, anthems, music, sights and
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prominent figures, that is, until then, two daily we have a program in this framework , god willing, when this is allowed, during those 7 days until one day before the voting day, that is, one day before the 11th of march, god willing, during those seven days, we will publish the ads that the candidates have, videos it is designed even so that this problem does not arise. in different provinces, the presenters, that is, radio and television presenters , give questions and answers in the same way , but the answers given by the candidates are put there, and it is monitored that there are red lines. for
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example, inciting discussions about ethnic groups issues of ethnicities, issues in the field. the election is not within the authority of the parliament member, but a volunteer may come and talk about it, so these will be returned to him again so that you can correct this and provide it to us . equal position, god willing, act and people based on it. the plans are to vote for their favorite candidate who is close to their tastes . one of these telephone conversations with these candidates mentioned the environmental benefits and of course horizontal savings. yes, this issue is definitely from different angles.
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checked means you see that immediately when 90 people in a city, 100 people are nominated, even in small constituencies. when this number each of them puts thousands of posters next to the wall and spreads thousands of photos on the street level, some of them write slogans next to the door and the wall, and this is for the sake of paper consumption and because it makes the surface of the city very ugly, at least now, using election channels can solve this issue to a large extent. mr. doctor, you mentioned that tehran has 4 tv channels due to the high number of candidates and volunteers who register in before the elections , we have candidates who are behind our communication line. i am greeting you from tehran
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. please give your opinion about the advertising opportunity of the national media, which has been provided for the first time in this period. if you have any questions, the vice president of provincial affairs of the national media is our guest in the studio. come on. if this honorable candidate from tehran receives my voice, i will greet you regarding the advertising opportunity that the national media provided for the first time. i want to know their opinion and also if they have any questions, this connection is still not established, my colleagues in the command room are trying to re-establish this connection or let us receive their voices from the studio . i greet you. hello, don't be tired . look at your colleagues in the national media . the new look that the broadcasting organization has given to this election period. a new look makes people know more about the candidates, their methods
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, their character, their actions, the recognition that the candidates do through the national media leads to the informed choice of the people, and this is very good, and this method is a new method, and i congratulate seda and vasima for this look. new and new . thank you very much for your explanation . to how much does this new look help introduce those who are new to the field of elections and are going to compete with those who have experience in this field ? hazrat imam, which is the measure of the nation's vote, and from the point of view of the wise leader of the islamic revolution, which is the subject. every vote is the right of the people, it is a very
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, very important issue, but due to technical reasons and the use of new technologies, at one point they used to put up placards and posters in a traditional way, then it turned into text messages , it also appeared on mobile phones, and then it turned into virtual networks, god willing, this time will become tv channels for the field. there is a choice, and radio and television has tried to take a big step in this field. we hope that with the investigations that can be done day by day, these complaints that friends get will decrease, but in any case, we hope that in addition to health and safety . the election, which is part of the duties of the ministry of interior, the parliament and the guardian council, has two other issues , one of which is to increase competition and the other is to discuss
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the increase of participation . god willing, we will prepare the ground for an intelligent election on the 11th of march , which, god willing, will make the entire nation of iran proud. thank you very much, mr. dr. abini, the deputy of the affairs of national provinces, for taking the trouble and answering the questions of our compatriots and candidates from different fields in tonight's special news interview. you were a different choice , i say goodbye to you and thank you very much for your constant companionship with the special news talk tonight. good night and god bless you.
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god is great, god is great, god is great. akbar is the witness that there is no god but god. the witness is that there is no god but god . the witness is that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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allah is the witness that allah is
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the best, god is the best, god is the best, god is the best, god is the greatest, there is no god but god. these are among the images of the national
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sports champions of iran recorded away from the main cameras and on the sidelines of various competitions. most of these images were recorded when the race was not in progress. when the competitions are different from the call to prayer, the prayers of the athletes and spectators are delayed. we came close to the horizon of tehran at the royal moments of maghrib call to prayer. we are asking for prayers from all of you, dear people. i could not pray here. my prayer has ended. some athletes and spectators say, it is better the planning of the matches should be like this. who does not divorce with the call to prayer, in fact , they manage after the call to prayer or before the call to prayer, whether it is now or in the middle of the call, which is one of the positive events that now the audience, those who want to perform the duty of prayer, actually have the opportunity to perform the duty of prayer. first of all, the viewers and even the fans are here to take advantage of the time when the call to prayer is called, so they want to pray and
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perform their religious duties. the time of the games should be moved a bit so that they can pay. in the sports community, that is a bit the dignity of prayer is not taken into account, the activity and promotion of prayer in the sports community has its own differences, it requires its own sensitivities
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, the way and model of work are different . please note that our effort is that all sports federations adjust their programs in such a way that, god willing , there will be no interruption in the discussion of their prayers. god willing, the first prayer will be held until this moment . nadehi seyyed hossein mousavi of sahne tv news agency the scene of praying, hugging the defeated opponent , the scene of respect for the team, you have shown the identity of the iranian nation with these behaviors. this is the manifestation of islamic and revolutionary values.
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yoo shema shte nafilot هنه هنه امال'ه مه زه بوميم لا نفيلوت اه 4 3 21
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under the grip of the under the yala yala in the breath in the breath amshi amshi ashan bis ashan al-ghubrah ghusl facehk ghusl facehk shahar al-baroukh al
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-darla most of me earthquake. most of us have an earthquake and they are martyrs . god is perfect, there is no power and no power except with god
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and his blessings. peace be upon you
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and may god have mercy on you. al -qabbur al -dur al -dur al -talat la hyfi al -nassan al -nasswan al -asfan la hesi vienna vienna velayeh vienna wayneh vienna
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vienna al -nassa al -nassa al -ma'mat al -ashtan al -ashiya units of al -ashiya units the strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people , there is a telegram channel playing with the whole country, why are you raising prices in these 6 months? your question is an interesting question. hit manager. he pays his insurance according to what he does. we do not agree with any kind of treatment. higher. tendencies debate on the eve of elections, every day at 15:00 and 19:30 on khabar channel. wherever we are today. we are higher tomorrow. higher.
5:57 am
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dear sirzdad and the thoughts of the journalists, we have seen the closeness of our feet and the wings of our faith, your message, o imam of independence, independence, naqsh our lives, the martyrs, are wrapped in the ears of time, your cry , follower of mani, the jabdan of the islamic republic of this.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, dear compatriots, greetings to you at 6 o'clock in the morning. the opportunity to register candidates for television advertisements of the parliamentary elections ends today. candidates can register in the advertisement system using em 1402.r. sada and siba have launched 200 television channels in all provinces in order to provide advertising opportunities for candidates in the march elections.


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