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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the general director. the non-communicable disease management office of the ministry of health announced the participation of more than 45 million people in the national health campaign and said that the next step is to continuously monitor the conditions of people with high blood pressure and diabetes. from november 20, 45 million and 3489 people participated in this campaign, which is based on the country's population over 18 years old. to date, the coverage of this population
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has been 717. also, the vice president of research and technology of the ministry of health announced the start of research on the data of the national health survey with the aim of prevention. we have more than 40 research projects from this diabetes campaign high blood pressure available. fortunately, we packed and categorized these yesterday and we are providing them to the centers in order to prevent the development of complications caused by high blood pressure and diabetes to create solutions and intervention methods that both diabetes and blood pressure, which causes delayed complications , should be identified and minimized for the patient.
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the 19th summit of the non-aligned movement member states will be held in the capital of uganda. from iran , the first vice president went to kampala to participate in this meeting. i am talking with the correspondent broadcasting news agency, mr. shayanmehr, hello and god bless you about the meeting of heads of independent countries in uganda and the program and meetings of the first vice president in kampala. thank you, i say hello to you and all the viewers. after a flight of about 7 hours, i arrived in kampala, the capital of uganda, in order to participate in the 19th summit of the heads of the member countries of the non-aligned movement and now that i am at your service , i am in front of the meeting hall where mr. mokhbar in a few minutes at this meeting as the first speaker. in the morning part of this meeting, give a speech
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mr. mokhbar, when i was speaking, he said that he will explain the positions of the islamic republic of iran regarding the gaza issue in this speech. after this speech, several meetings have been arranged for mr. mokhbar , there are about five meetings with the foreign ministers of the countries participating in this summit, which will actually take place, and god willing , i will share the news of these meetings with you and the dear viewers , but the focus of this the talks are mostly bilateral exchanges and interactions, anyway, this is a good opportunity for mr. mokhbar to discuss the economic capacities of our country with these leaders participating in this summit and he should explain our economic policies to them so that, god willing, it will actually have good results for our people. if you have any questions, i am at your service. if god willing, as soon as
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mr. mokhbar's speech begins, the information of this speech will also be available to you and the viewers. dear , i would like to thank you very much, mr. shayan mehr, the correspondent of sed and sima news agency to uganda, minister of culture and islamic guidance , announced the mass production of fajr fashion and clothing festival works at a reasonable price for sale in the market, according to mr. ismaili, supporting the productions of non-professionals e and tek works from special. the exhibition of this period is characterized by the fact that it has been able to provide a place for the non-professionals to display their works, as they say, along with the visions of some of these people who have single works in a city. they are in a city, they work here. it is welcomed by the visionaries and we
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have a serious support program in this field in the clothing model working group. zionist forces attacked several areas in the west bank, which led to clashes between palestinian fighters and zionists . in ramallah, the zionists went to the long camp karam raided and attacked the palestinian camp of balata in nablus. entering palestinian homes by force, destroying people's property and urban infrastructure , and arresting palestinians are among the actions of the zionists in attacking the west bank. during the invasion of the city of qalqilya, the soldiers of the zionist regime shot and wounded a palestinian youth. economic experts warned about economic stagnation in the zionist regime with the continuation of the war in gaza. the head of the central bank of israel asked netanyahu to
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take measures to prevent a severe economic crisis . the evaluations of the ministry of finance of israel show give the war expenses at the beginning of the month. a billion dollars will be exceeded and every day an average of 220 million dollars will be added to this figure. according to the announcement of the central bank of this regime, the growth of the gross domestic product decreased from 3 to 2 percent, the government debt reached 13 billion dollars and the trade balance deficit increased by 4.2 percent. also, the implementation of 70% of the technology project has been postponed. construction is closed. the number of tourists has reached one tenth and the sales of restaurants have decreased by 160. expulsion of another journalist for supporting the people of gaza. a reporter for a
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television channel in australia due to republishing human rights watch's report on gaza was dismissed. antoine lottov, who was working in the abc network. he was expelled due to the pressure of a zionist lobby group. after this incident, hundreds of abc network experts threatened to quit their jobs if they did not receive a guarantee to support the employees . the family memorial of the layers of zahrai tulips honored the martyrs of sohban, fars province , was held in shiraz. this memorial every year for the elder. 90 martyrs of estehban, many of whom are related to each other, will be held. the host , like every year, is haj qasim miftah. the host of the event it was very interesting for me. it has been held for 9 years.
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everyone who was invited here had a family relationship. it has made the empathy between families much better. since 2008, with the establishment of natabeh prayer. their gathering was formed in the big house of the family. most families like to participate in such an event . the family gathering of haj qasim miftah became the ansar al-mahdi family delegation. the members of our delegation are about 500 people. the story becomes interesting from there that all the members of this delegation are related to the martyr. they are like this mother who, according to an appointment , brought herself to the party every year. i am also a martyr's mother. here in shiraz the commemoration of 90 martyrs was from estehban , of which 29 martyrs are related, the son of the common martyr, the cousin of the martyr, the common martyr, the family is not
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one of us who has not gone to the front. martyr strengthens social ties by shedding his blood. the presence of different generations in this memorial drew attention. if alireza is six months old and attends these meetings, they can be trained by ahl al-bayt. i am noheed until heda is 10 years old. you are the grandson of martyr, grandfather of habib mufta and wife of olin martyr of this family board. after they were martyred , three of the children were commemorated along with the martyrs of ghazah and the axis of resistance. in short , 14-year-old haj qasim miftah, who opened the chapter of salah rahm with the focus of martyrs in the family, and
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celebrates it more magnificently every year. mohammad ashari , shiraz radio and television news agency. the end of this news section, god bless you. since the end of the 70s and with the beginning of archaeological programs in the east of mazandaran, a new round of research related to the prehistoric period was formed, which led to the discovery of evidence of the sequence of human settlement from the settlement of the desert to the formation of cities in the plains. this area led. east of mazandaran, its importance. it is mostly because, compared to the west of mazandaran
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, we have a lot of ancient works and phenomena that cover different periods, that is, you see a sequence or that cultural sequence from the stone age, and then it continues until the islamic period. the continuation of this program involves the identification or registration of more than 90 prehistoric works. and the ancient hills in the area of ​​neka reached the city of golugah. among the most ambitious caves in this area is the hutu cave, which was explored as the last settlement of caveman. this cave is one of it is the oldest ancient caves of iran, which tells the story of the last life of man inside the cave and the exit of man from the cave and the beginning of the ten-day settlement, which is a universal home of many extraordinary values. many have
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started living in the villages after leaving this cave and settled in iran since the beginning of the 1980s, the archaeological research program continued and during this period the ancient city of gohartepe was explored. examining the remains of this city is important because it is one of the first places of human settlement after cave dwelling and one of the first chains of modern human settlements. it shows that the settlement continued without interruption from the middle of the 4th millennium bc to the beginning of the 2nd millennium bc. bahr tepe has been subjected to archeological excavations since 1380. well, first of all, it has been determined that it has an area of ​​about 50 hectares, which means the area itself and the so-called development of our settlement. from the mafraq period, we can see that the city was formed here, and then
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the transition from the mafraq period to the iron age, which is one of the archeological mysteries before the history of iran, can be found in this same gohartepe and on the remains of the cemetery from the iron age. let's follow up on these i would like to say that according to the studies conducted in academic centers such as oxford , gohartepe is one of the most important habitats of the mafraq era and one of the largest urban areas in the south of the caspian sea . the so-called absolute dating is done. from all the phenomena and samples that we have
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, the so-called carbon 14 test has been carried out, which means that we cannot say that it has been around for 3,000 years or around 5,000 years. we sampled the ancients and sent them to university centers and so on for us , we have absolute dating, which means that it becomes one of the sources that can be found elsewhere. this mohabbateh consists of two stages , what we see at this level in these terraces is divided into two parts, an architectural part belonging to the qibla period that you see in those spaces, it is a part of the clay walls, which is part of landscape architecture. these are the remaining ones and some of the burials that you see on the surface. they are not necessarily simultaneous , they are formed from two different periods architectures are older stages that have been reduced and
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in the next period, in the newer period, these iron age provisions have been made on these architectures, but in archeological excavations, when the soil has been excavated , the debris has been removed, we put these two phenomena together. binim, in the archaeological excavations, 226 human structures were obtained, which is important in studies such as anthropology of livelihood, ritual customs and knowledge of social classes. one of the traditions that can be seen in the burials of the people of gohartepe is the tradition of burial in a vat, an example of which we see in this space. a child with a lesion in the area if there is a skull, they bury it in a pot and put objects next to it, or we have another example where a dog is sacrificed and buried next to that pot, and this pot is placed next to the owner of that animal, and that animal is apparently from
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it was of special importance for that person and that person was of a high social hierarchy , he was buried in a good part of the cemetery and many gifts were placed next to him, such as metal daggers, bracelets, and metal jewelry . we got a stumpi seal for this burial, this chicken shows the existence of private properties there are people, it shows the power of people , and the existence of monitoring systems, which shows that societies are not simple societies , they have their own complexities, or, for example, when you look at a development, when you wear a necklace made of laver. well, we don't have lapis lazuli mines in mazandaran, they came here from far away, which now shows the
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so-called cross-regional exchanges. or the works that we have here, some of them are similar to damghan's hesar tap , these have been examined with the works that existed in turkmenistan in bergan plain also, it can be compared that the total of this information obtained is that 200 square meters of the 50-hectare area of ​​gohartep have been excavated so far, and these excavations have been stopped since the 1990s. it has been subjected to archeological excavations for almost 10 years . these could have continued, but since 2010, we have seen that the research process has almost stopped
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. they follow these treatises, we help them. part of the so-called contents and their sources let's feed here, and the protection and restoration works will be carried out. if it is revived , which i hope will happen, we can again present gohartepe in the international arena , as it was before. the excavations of the ancient city of gohartepe have been stopped while basis of upstream documents. the archeological map of the country should be completed in order to preserve the historical cultural monuments and protect them against the implementation of construction projects , and for this purpose, archaeological excavations should not be stopped. mahmoudi of the radio and television news agency.
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the brilliance of iranian muslim women in various fields international sports does not end only with these medal winnings. at the beginning of 1402, until now, we had 100 delegations in the women's section, including sports teams , athletes, coaches, head coaches, this is the number i am presenting to you. in fact, it is the number of our dispatches. part of these missions is related to the mission of women who were invited by official invitation in positions of supervision, referee, chief referee, and in fact management of holding international events. now the world of sports depends on
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the tact and expertise of iranian women. we have opened a special account in the supervisory and judging management teams . to take the path of progress and increase knowledge in such a way that they actually shine at the level of events in asia and the world. an example of this presence is actually in more than 35 asian and para-asian games. five of our expert women in different fields were in charge of different responsibilities in the asian continent at the highest level of the asian continent's competitions. this is a source of pride in various sports halls, we witnessed the presence of women who, wearing approved clothes and clothing
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, were in fact representing the presence of iranian muslim women as referees. these brilliances are not only in the field of performance. iranian women in most fields they are among the decision makers for athletes in asia and the world. we in asian federations, confederations. asian and world federations actually have 111 menses with special characteristics. in this period since 1402 , our expert women have been able to win two very valuable seats in the asian set.
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to be the head of an effective committee means to be able to defend the technical and specialized rights of iranian muslim women in the field of sports . introduce to the world the title of capable women who, along with other scientific fields of medicine, engineering, technology, in which our women are currently active, as athletes , as experts in the field of sports, in fact, in addition to the efforts
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that our athletes are making, are actually introducing themselves to the world. they do good events that happened under the influence of these influential chairs in the international arena in the field of sports. the selection of ms. seria aghaei, our olympian athlete, who has recently achieved the level of asia's first level international coaching , was actually selected as a coach in the asian olympic development camp. but the most important concern currently, women's sports alongside the national teams have the opportunity to experience coaching and management. acquire sports disciplines on the field of competition, and we emphasize this to the heads of the federations, even
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many times our teams may not get this opportunity, but the presence of our coaches in the international arenas, in fact, the presence of the technical staff in the in fact , the consultant who is leading our teams makes us knowledgeable in terms of experience. let's get promoted, which will actually contribute to what we face in the fields and competitions. now, we are going to hold the national congress of influential women, which is actually focused on sports, this time with the presence of women experts in the areas of refereeing , supervision, and management of sports events in the international arena. ansi borzandeh of sed and sima news agency.
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various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in the key to electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel that is playing with the whole country. this is an interesting question . you don't want a football manager to pay for his insurance with any kind of treatment. we do not agree to be above the debate of trends on the eve of elections every day at 15:00 and 19:00 on khabar channel.
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it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. no, i didn't. it made a difference. yes , it made a difference.
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you exercised very well today . well done. as you are cooling down, stay updated . i have sent you my next program. it is very good . it's really good, mila. you can message me anytime in the conversation section of arman sport. it's okay , i saw the food plan of the theme, it needed a change. i coordinated with the nutrition expert, thank you very much bye. goodbye, sports coaches can send number 6 to 2087 for registration. coach , i wanted to see if we can get a program from you through arman sport . yes, arman sport. why is it like this , because the installment is not finished yet, good tv at
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washlan has hundreds of prizes every month . sports news: iran's national football team advanced to the round of 16 of the asian nations cup with a slight win against hong kong. contrary to the head coach, the national team was not satisfied with their own game. iranian with the zeal of doha khalifa stadium and iranian fans who are friends


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