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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people, the iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram , the country is playing, why is there no pricing in these 6 months? your question is an interesting question. we don't agree with the treatment. above is higher than menia. today , wherever we are, we are higher tomorrow. in the name of god
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, greetings and politeness and respect to each and every one of you , dear and respected viewers of the special higher program of the leader of the revolution, in his recent meetings , he called the real competition one of the important pillars of the election. it means that the field is open for the presence of different political, economic and cultural views and intellectual currents so that all these intellectual currents and views can have an active presence in the big election contest. one of the topics on which the experts disagree is the issue of determining the authority for determining the city rate of azadeh university . islamic azad university is also present, mr. amrai is a member
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transparency and justice watch training commission, while greeting both guests, i would like to start with mr. mousavi and the question of where should this authority be in azad university itself or somewhere other than azad university . al-rahim and behi nastein, greetings, politeness and respect to you and all your loved ones and all friends who are watching us in iran and the world, and i hope you have a good time. to be with you, dear ones , there are very important points in connection with azad university, which we will discuss in detail now, god willing, but the important point is this is islamic azad university for helping higher education. only i apologize because there is something wrong with your voice and microphone. so , i will ask mr. emrai a question before we get back to you. the challenge between the guests started from here.
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in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful , i am at your service, dear guests and viewers. i am at your service . where is your question about the pricing authority ? yes, look, we actually have a law. yes, we have a law . in the first article of this law, it is stated that universities are border institutions higher education and research, academies and science and technology parks that have a license from the higher education development council of the ministry of science, technology, health, research and medical education and other legal authorities , these are within the framework of approvals and financial regulations, administrative transactions and employment. they act as approved by the board of trustees, that is, azad university is stated in article 1 of this law that regarding the tariffs, tuition and fees, in fact, the employees, both
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organizationally and structurally , act in accordance with the approvals of the board of trustees and in relation to this article . of course, it is mentioned somewhere that this is actually the approvals must be approved by the ministry of science , health, and medical education. for this reason, we feel that the azad university itself is determining these tuition fees, as mentioned in the rest of this article , which must be approved by the ministry. yes , there is this approval, but in fact, the azad university and the board of trustees themselves actually determine the tuition fee, and the ministry specifies a minimum and maximum for them , and they proceed within the framework of that minimum and maximum . azad university is doing this, or basically do you think that it is not correct? look, we
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believe that any institution, whether it is azad university or any other institution, until it is under the umbrella of transparency, i will declare it openly in this program. as long as it is not under the cover and transparency, there is a possibility of theft in that device. it means that the device must be transparent. if we want to determine the tuition fee, in every university , there must be monitoring devices and monitoring systems to monitor the determination of the tuition fee, whether it is minimum or maximum. look at the protests against tuition fees, especially in the field of science medicine, especially in the master's degree and doctorate level , shows that this actually stops the work we are doing, it definitely requires supervision, and if there was supervision, we would not have witnessed this lawlessness and protests at the level of the university and the students of azad university. in your opinion, which one of the authorities should
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come in and set the price for a city ? look, azad university is now the only legal entity. in the article 5 of the constitution of azad university, it is mentioned that the university is a non-public institution, in fact it is non- governmental, in such a way that we do not have such a word in the legal system, that is, we are in the system. our law is now azad university with the word that is known to us in the legal system . the rights of azad university should be amended, based on that amendment , it will be placed in the framework of supervision, and in the continuation of your service, mr. mousavi , please let me spend in the name of allah , the most merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, the merciful, and the most merciful. kenan, although
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azad university has a series of tensions and challenges, but we should also focus on the advantages and benefits that azad university has had for the country. let's focus azad university now has branches in the most important places in iran. many students who could not study in public universities are now studying in haran university. regarding job creation, many employees, workers, many professors, full -time, part-time, part-time, all of these are working, and in fact , they have removed a huge burden from the shoulders of higher education in our country , but there are many problems in the university. it should be resolved , no one can deny this, the problems
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should also be sorted, we apologize let's go to the main question of the program and get the answer from you, because our companion mentioned it now. in your opinion, azad university is, naturally, now it is setting its own urban price . in your opinion, which authority should do this , azad university itself is he doing this or not? naturally, it must be somewhere else . azad university is doing this, but if we want to have a supervision over azad university, which should be the same, it should be in consultation with higher education and the same supervisory body that they are operating. tuition fees from province to province it should be determined city by city, which means that we can't make one prescription for everyone, everyone has to pay this amount, for example, for this field, their fixed sharia , their temporary and variable sharia, azad university should
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have an open hand, but with the monitoring that is done, with these monitoring, it is azad university's hand. let's leave it open so that shahria can determine the city and can have a free administration, it's good, but as mr. amraei said, wherever there is no supervision , there is definitely corruption . the group says that one is management discussion and the other is discussion if the supervision of these two is corrected in azad university, especially since the subject of our discussion now is the issue of tuition fees. it will also be resolved, so you are saying that the tuition fees of the former komafs should be in the hands of the azad university itself. my opinion is that it should be, but there should also be more supervision. mr. amrai , what do you think about mr. mousavi's statement?
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in order to determine a city, we have no say in this matter, but it can only be a proposal, that is, according to the inflation rate in the society and according to other issues , azad university can request an increase in tuition fees for a a measure towards the apparatus, for example, the one in charge of this matter, such as the ministry of science, which is in charge of higher education and in the fields of medical sciences. azad university should give this proposal to the ministry of health. in my opinion , azad university should be the one to propose this tuition rate determination, or not. if it actually wants to participate in the tuition rate determination meetings, it should have only one vote in a meeting. 5 a council of 1 or 7 people is formed and azad university has one vote . in my opinion, there is also supervision, if it is not clear, we
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will definitely get into trouble, and i feel that we should have supervision over the tuition fees and reduce the role of azad university in determining the tuition rate . in your opinion, the current market regarding higher education for azad university is a competitive market or a monopoly market because we want to go step by step towards which authority should enter and set the price . since its opening and establishment, it must have contributed to higher education in our country and certainly, in fact, the successes that we had in terms of science in different periods , the higher education system definitely owes to azad university, but this does not mean that we have a supervisory umbrella because of some of the successes and contributions that have actually been made with higher education. let's take azad university or university. let's know except for the transparency of education in the university
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. in fact, let's get to your question. in my opinion, the university tuition fee should be given. one is inflation and the other is the level of education. this is to make the education more competitive. in fact , you should consider the education in the university itself, which is azad university. with the annual increase in tuition fees, has the level of education been able to be the same? i mean, have you been able to upgrade in the fields that are actually engineering , they need workshops, or in the fields of medical sciences in azad university, are our laboratories or our hospitals or our hospital beds equipped, really, i want to say that if these tuition fees along with the improvement of the education level and the quality level in the university must be liked by the society at all. it is a problem that you have not seen so far. in my opinion , if we consider the year 80, it must be a
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progress has been made, but a lot of progress should have been made in various subjects, especially in the field of medical sciences, because we have reports about the hospitals under the supervision of azad university and azad universities of medical sciences, which are not in a good condition in some units, and from this for us , we feel that if there is this monitoring umbrella , the problem will be solved, so i will say something in parentheses so that we don't go to mr. mousavi, that we invited the officials of islamic azad university who were present in the program to respond to the points raised by the critics , but well, they didn't come for any reason not agreeing to have mr. mousavi present in the program, as a professor of islamic azad university, mr. mousavi, do you agree with mr. amraei or not? do you think that the quality of educational services has increased in proportion to the increase in tuition fees? this is a relative matter, that is, we we can't say absolutely that it is absolutely proportional
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to the increase in tuition fees . this issue did not increase the quality . in some cases, the quality did not increase . many universities that are fresh their medical university has been established in azad university . we can see that in a very short period of time , they were able to provide a series of facilities , such as damavand azad university , which is a fledgling university. shortness has been able to provide a series of good facilities that are appropriate, but there is still room, that is, the issue of increasing quality
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is still a very important critical issue that we are trying to do now. a question that i did not get an answer from mr. emrai press, i will ask them again and you i would like to ask if you think azad university activity market is a competitive market or a monopoly market? azad university market is a competitive market. do you know why? because now with the increase in branches and activities of payam noor university, as well as other universities that are considered public universities in iran, we are witnessing that many of our students are attracted to payam noor and other universities. which does not have students, now there is a discussion about claiming various units of azad university and it is really very serious about the question of annexation of damavand and firouzkoh campuses, which are far away. they have a lot of things with each other, but because
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they don't have students, it's not worth it. very well, mr. emir , you agree with mr. musifah. is this market a competitive market or not? you see, i feel that according to the expansion of universities in higher education and medical education, our universities are going towards a competitive market, that is, now , for example, payam noor university is going to have its medical department. we don't have a card in the azad university, but it doesn't have a medical education, not according to the state university. in fact, it is divided in fact, i would like to explain the question to both higher education and medical education in this way. in higher education, now the universities of the applied scientific community are providing services and registration from
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universities in medical education, which i say is one of the our troubles are education. medicine is a monopoly market, but it is competitive in higher education. i feel that because of medical education, we are actually the only tuition -paying university . but in fact, they charge the tuition fees from the students , but in my opinion, in the discussion , it is actually competitive here. the market is a monopolistic market. you see , we have this problem in medical education, and i will say again that the largest tuition that azad university currently receives is from medical students, and
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because of the monopoly market , how much is it? well, the units are different, but the most units that it currently has are in the city receives the international units of kish and qeshm it is because it is international and the figure above 30 tomans is the limit. now, in fact, the figure is high there. in these units, the figure is high. now , you have to ask for the details here. in fact, this is why i am saying that if there was a monitoring system or a website, we would refer to it . sir, how much is the qeshm or kish international unit receiving from the medical students of azad university, but there are a lot of protests from the students there. well, now that you agree with mr. amrai in this section or not, do you disagree with the discussion of the exclusivity and competitiveness of medical sciences ? yes, medical sciences now or other fields like us. for example, last night we had the discussion of online taxis
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, now they are very similar, we wanted to check the authority of the pricing, this is a fight between monopoly and competition. the pricing authority is in total. the competition between the azad university and the public university, especially payam noor, is very high, but in the discussion of medical sciences , it is true that medical sciences, especially in kish , are in a state of uncertainty, even public universities. well, now you think that even though you when do you say monopoly should come and set the price? you keep saying azad university itself . i am not saying only azad university . we believe that there is no place for two kings in one region . azad university is a subcategory of higher education , so we cannot claim that azad university can have the first and last word in all fields
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, especially in the matter of tuition fees. now this procedure we have monopoly, for example, we have the competition council , we have places like this that enter into competitive and anti-competitive procedures and set prices . do you think that this should happen for azad university or not ? yes, definitely, in my opinion , the competition council is one of the councils that can actually enter into this matter, and of course azad university has 60,000 employees and academic and non-academic faculty members working in azad university due to its expansion. and due to the extent that exists in the university now, in my opinion, it is like a board of trustees the university, which has a special and heavy weight and there are usually members from different institutions, in the board of trustees, in my opinion, such a board should now consist of one person from the azad university and the rest from the regulatory body, and
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now maybe this will actually lead to a in fact, it is a new council, but i want to say that it must be done in different institutions, for example , the general inspection organization, should enter into this matter regarding pricing. actually. there is the best option for this case that can enter in addition to the ministry of science and the ministry of health , which of course are mentioned in article 1 of the law on the permanent decrees of the development programs of the country, if this article is implemented correctly, the ministry has asked for the approval of this for pricing and for determining the tuition fees of mr. mousavi. you agree. whether the competition council comes in to set prices or not, the competition council can also be one of the pillars to determine, not just him. azad university
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, university of azad university, higher education, competition and greetings, the three are crowded, crowded, the competition council is not quieter, no more. anti-competitive procedures, i understand that sari markets are only competitive in the country. there have been unsuccessful cases. this is another issue, but you agree to the entry of the council . yes , but it should be the first and last word. no, i agree. look, i told you, i said there should be a council, a board. which consists of different devices , it should not be possible for you to monopolize one device at all, which means that right now we are fighting about it. there should be a debate in the meetings, that is, there should be a debate on the tuition fees in azad university, not just azad university coming to announce it as zineft. for example, i have to raise the citizens so much
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. there is a device that can oppose it and it should announce that no, you don't have the right to raise it so much. it means that we have to put aside tarfo and in this board we have to determine the violations. that is, you are saying that he should not offer to bargain, let him be a councilor. who decide the violations in azad university are too many. i have an example in azad university when a student gets a phd and the student defends his second paper . they take and print up to 30 million 40 millions, no one has found entry, this leads to how many semesters maybe a few years. you can stay in the same debate in the world of barzakh, he defended his uneducated fag and azad university takes tuition from him. this is one of the criticisms
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i made to the gentlemen . for example , he does not attend the university at all. what services do you have ? you asked him that you could not answer and there are still these violations. sir, i completely agree with this order, wherever the supervision is there was no corruption, there was no supervision anywhere, there was no supervision , there was embezzlement, and azad university is not an exception . there is no supervision . azad university is not supervised as it should be. . i would like to inform you that azad university is now a non-private non-governmental institution recognized in
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iran's legal system in its constitution. we do not have a non-private non-governmental institution . we have a public non-governmental institution. four conditions for an institution there is a non-governmental public institution , one is to perform public duties and services, the second is the independence of the legal entity, the third is that more than 50% of the budget of that institution should be provided by non-governmental sources, and the fourth is according to the law and approved by the islamic council. the first case applies to azad university , which means that it is performing public service duties , it has an independent legal personality, and more than 50% of its annual budget is financed by non-governmental sources . in 2009, a
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plan came to organize the plan. supervisory of azad university islamic azad islamic university's monitoring system plan, which was announced in january 99 in the speaker's board, was decided to add azad university to the list of public non-governmental institutions and institutions. it has and also takes tuition fees or opens centers as much as the government can in the university of this government , which i say the government to.
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the fact that the parliament has not yet reached the end, they can bring this plan because there are 3 clauses in it. if you want , i will give you an explanation in this regard. i agree with your opinion. look at the violations in azad university is too much, unfortunately, i will give you a few examples. look at the examples. some of these violations go back to the management of the lower managers , some of them go back to the top managers . it starts from the top managers. for example, according to an unwritten law , social security insurance is not included in the violations of azad university. why did this criticism raise the voices of professors, employees and workers who work in private companies there ? to middle managers.
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the head of units, as an example of the cooperative company of azad university, ran away 20 years ago with the money of the employees and professors, he bought a piece of land, until this moment, this land has not been paid, why is there a lot of administrative problems, for example, for 2 years in the municipality of rodhan, this municipality is stuck. he wants to exaggerate the municipality, he wants to exaggerate the municipality, and now i want to tell you that the director, the president of the azad university of rohden branch, instead of coming behind his own employees and professors, is defending the extravagance of the municipality . maybe the gentlemen who are in tehran know their soul maybe not, i don't know, but these very important problems that are happening now have caused
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the university. there will be a lot of protests there is a lot and this has caused the voice of the professors to be heard over the voice of the employees, the voice of the workers who work in private companies, which means a series of violations . the university cooperative is not a branch of the university, you have the right to enter. he does not have this knowledge in these cases, it is in the university, and our topic today is mostly the issue of authority for urban pricing and urban payment and where to spend the tuition fees, but one thing the president of azad university said about the program is that the dependence of the university on tuition fees should be reduced. i want to read it clearly. it was said that it went from 85% to 52% in mehr 1402. naturally, the question that may arise here is why we sometimes
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have an increase in tuition fees either in the middle of the semester or every year, if so much, for example, it is necessary for the university not to charge students' tuition fees. one of the debates that is being raised now is what will happen to these tuition fees. what percentage will be paid to the professors? what percentage will be paid to the employees ? a year and a half and university professors azad is now receiving salaries with some of them with a delay of one year or a year and a half. now , for whom did you get the last salary? i am not a member of azad university, but i teach there . the last time we got salary
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was a year and a half ago.


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