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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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in the middle of the semester or every year, we have a tuition increase . if it is so unnecessary, for example, the university should not charge students' tuition fees. one of the current debates is what will happen to these tuition fees. what percentage is paid to professors, and what percentage is paid to employees. what happens to this tuition fee? why are the salaries of azad university employees delayed by a year and a half and the professors of azad university are now receiving their salaries with a delay of a year and a half? i am not free, but i teach there the last time we got paid was a year and a half ago, that is, from a year ago until now. but
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tehran university, where we teach , they stop paying right away, mr. omrai, what do you think, why do you think that until now, as mr. mousavi himself has pointed out, the statement of the president of azad university seems to be inconsistent with what he said. it happened in reality, you see , they also said a significant point as a professor who is engaged in teaching at azad university . they have been teaching in this university for a year and a half without receiving a salary. is azad university a a year and a half of not taking tuition fees from students means, do you see a year and a half, azad university sometimes forbids students from issuing admission cards for their exams when they do not pay tuition fees ? in fact , you can't choose between not doing the exams and choosing the unit. but now, as a university professor
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, for one and a half years , they are asking you for your salary to come and continue. now maybe you go to the classroom and teach with love, but you don't stay there. do you want them to pay azad university when a student registers in this university ? i need to make a tuition schedule. tell me that you are a half-year student entering october 402. if you are a medical student, for example, or a bachelor's degree, we will add 4 years or 7 years if you are a doctor. i am doing it for our medical student who wants to actually study for 14 semesters, when he reaches the middle of the way, it means the third year. fourth, you can see that the increase of 20-30%
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is included i would say next year, for example, it will come in the middle of the third year and not at the beginning of the next year, there will be an increase of 100, i mean that compared to our previous year , for example, there will be a bigger increase than that. it has increased, so there are two ways or give up. for a person who studied hard , passed the entrance exam, or if he has to pay, that means the student will be stuck here, and this should be fixed from the beginning. he is studying, and for this reason, i actually feel that azad university should do this, no matter where it is in a city.
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we will return to supervision . we do not have a clear answer to the question of where the money is being spent. if the faculty members are being paid, we must see the satisfaction of the faculty members, not if the faculty members are satisfied at all. let's see the increase in quality in the university. if it is for buying equipment, we should see them, that is, in a way, we should see where it is being spent here. that's mean the managers of the universities, the managers of the azad university units , whether they are the voice of the professors or the voice of the employees, they do not do this.
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the governor of tehran has written two letters to the rodan municipality asking him to agree with this beautiful cooperative according to the law . and the president of azad university is behind oz municipality, if he is behind his employees, the violations here show themselves, and azad university itself has no supervision. this is an important issue regarding the supervision of azad university, and i completely agree with you. ok, now, unfortunately, it is neither from inside nor from outside . how can this problem be solved in azad university? as mr. fermede said, there should be a council, which i say again should not be crowded . yes, the council should be private . let
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me ask you a question, mr. amrai, their opinion was that the medical profession is a monopoly, the non-medical profession is not a monopoly, you agree, i agree with the non-medical market. how much that is, how many non-medical students, for example, in comparison with the students of payam noor university , how much of the applied science students are from the market, and for example, the discussion of competition in non-medical fields has increased so much that many students are attracted to government centers such as payam noor and other universities. well, this is because of competition or because the low tuition there is my competition compared to the university , because they see that there, first of all, the tuition is low, the city is very low, and then the quality is high . very good discussion there are people who come to work, they cannot work , they cannot have academic activities, they can speak in class
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in payamnoor university, they are easily doing their work, they are also studying, the next thing is that they both work, they also get degrees , yes. i teach in english for non-iranian students at tehran university . of course, i myself did a lot of language work, but in the case of payam noor, i didn't go to class at all because my language was good. yes, well, the time is finally coming i told one of my professors that he was with me once, sir, we were in master's degree, i said that my language is good, i like you very much , i like your class very much, but i can't come to your class at the same time, i said no, i have a class at the same time as you , jadi said five i gave a grade to attend the class
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, i said, sir, i am very interested in your class , i am also very interested in your personality, but i don't need your class, he said 5 noors to attend. do you have statistics on how much of the market is owned by azadeh university and what percentage is owned by other universities? look , in terms of the city, if we want to pay for the city of the university. in azad , compared to other universities, in fact, the number of these is higher than in non-medical ones, and again, the city of azad university, its centers and branches are wider than
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other universities, and because of this, maybe students can easily study in azad university. azadi university, which is in their city, is in the center of their province, registration is done. they have to pay even more than the tuition fee, but due to the discussion of transportation and the distance that exists , there is more favor towards the azad university, even in non-medical fields. hygiene that is, those who are in the university of medical sciences, after the doctors graduate and study , they receive salary at the time of their appointment. we expect this from azad university, because it is also charging tuition fees from medical students. in fact , pay salaries to both residents and medical students. which are actually in the course of their plan, that is, these are the expectations
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of azad university, so the student says that i pay tuition to the university, but i do not receive a salary. they also consider salaries for students, well, these are medical doctors you said that they have a monopoly, but now you are referring to the non-medical ones, the market is different , there are more branches, more brother. yes , but due to the fact that other universities are now competing with each other in the fields of non-medicine, jamel may apply noor and azad's message, i feel that the situation in non-medicine is much better, and now we can not simply say that it is exclusive, not competitive, but a something between these two, in fact, it can be said that now we have said that medicine is a monopoly, we are not medicine, we are slowly moving towards monopoly, let's talk about monopoly.
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education that was supposed to be the most remote science take the regions of iran. the constitution of islamic azad university was written in azar 1361 and was approved by the supreme council of cultural revolution and it started its activities in tehran with an initial capital of one million tomans . currently, islamic azad university has opened about 407 academic units and educational centers across the country , serving more than 1,250,000 students in 31 provinces of the country. the most notes of graduates and experts about the increase in tuition and the quality of education. islamic azad university, including amir rajaei , an opposition researcher, in a situation where public universities
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they do not comply with some important matters. if the islamic azad university can comply with these important matters, it can have a competitive position, such as creating a quality assurance system based on the validation model of guiding and guiding theses and theses of graduate education courses in such a way that to be in charge of solving the problems and needs of the country. and improving the payments to visiting and part-time professors in order to raise the quality of education, avoiding lowering the standards related to the evaluation and assessment criteria of students, paying more attention to islamic culture and values ​​and implementing them in the form of programs madoon tehranchi , president of islamic azad university, the tuition fee of azad university is not very high , although we also feel the inflation in the society , but if doctoral students compare their tuition rate with the tuition fee of a kindergarten or a non-profit school
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, they will realize that the tuition they pay is it is equivalent to one year's tuition of a kindergarten or high school. the average tuition fee of azad university from associate degree to doctorate is 690 thousand tomans. mohsa rashidi, an opposing researcher. one of the main reasons for the low quality in azad university is the inappropriate ratio of professors to students, especially. in education in addition, due to the lack of faculty members, a significant number of students face the fundamental problem of choosing a supervisor during the thesis or dissertation phase. the action taken in this regard, such as the recruitment of affiliated faculty , can lead to a decrease in the quality of education. safi is a member of the faculty and the head of the islamic azad university, dastovol-e -nazov branch. islamic azad university has units that are the best universities in the country in some special fields, such as ghazvin unit, which is the robotic pole of the country and the world. azad university has created a suitable opportunity
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for people who cannot study their favorite field choose in public universities and continue their studies in azad university of their city or the city closest to their place of residence. by registering in this university , you can avoid the costs of transportation and housing and other worries. many researchers disagree. the quality of azad university is only in units of big cities like tehran, isfahan, shiraz and some other big cities have improved, but if you visit the small units of this university, which are located in smaller cities, you will see that the lack of professors and laboratory facilities has caused the students to leave alone and when their studies are over they themselves don't know how to pass many units, the scientific level of azad university is not comparable to that of public universities. well, we have seen the report together, mr. emrai, so far we have talked. you doctors said monopoly, non-medicine, you almost got it in the middle
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, now it is quasi-competitive monopoly, and why has competition council or any other institution not entered so far, or they have opposition from azad university, or whatever you see, if our country is moving forward according to the constitution. as a matter of law, i told you that azad university is now an institution that is defined as non-private and non-governmental. we for the institute what kind of non-private and non-governmental monitoring institution can we do? well, the parliament has approved a plan in the education commission under the title of organizing plan. the supervision of islamic azad university is mentioned in paragraph one of this plan that the name of islamic azad university will be added to the law on the list of non-governmental institutions and public institutions. what does that mean? we have a few lists of non-governmental public institutions and institutions such as the municipality. now the government can supervise the municipality
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. municipality of all cities and many other institutions. these names have been included in this list due to the law of the parliament it is our duty to enter that list. it is specified in article 2 of this plan that we hope as soon as possible because it is now on the agenda of the public forum . the proceedings of the court of administrative justice have been declared in the first paragraph that the court has the authority to file a complaint from which institutions? he said that the decisions and actions of the government units from the ministry of home affairs and organizations and institutions and state companies and the municipality and the social security organization have come here in the parliament and the name of azado university has been added.
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islamic azad university, if this is approved, from now on. azad university, whether students , employees, or faculty members, can go to the branches of the administrative court of justice to obtain their rights, and there, because the university has entered into article 10, it is within the court's jurisdiction, but now if a student files a complaint with the administrative court of justice azad university should come and file a complaint, the court has no jurisdiction, it knows itself that because in the law, the name of azad university is not considered as an institution that the court can enter, mr. mousavi, what is your opinion , you also have an opinion on mr. omrai, because basically the supervisor could not come to monitor or not, the azad university itself has no desire , the azad university itself has no desire, the azad university clan considers itself a competitor of the state university, and
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in a way, it goes back to the original constitution of the azad university, which was set up in such a way that the sub-category of no there is no one, but because it is written in the constitution that if one day the azad university is dissolved, all its assets will be at the disposal of the government. the government is now providing them with services, land at a very cheap price , i don't know if it is subsidizing rice and i don't know what food items are in it. there are kitchens there the important point that we must address is that we must solve the problem from the root , that is, the statutes must be prepared in such a way that both the opinion of the azad university and the opinion of those who claim that there are many violations are committed there, especially a series of parliament members , a series of professors, student employees
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, this statute should be set up in such a way that the name should be set up nicely, what does non-private, non-governmental mean? what does the definition mean? this should really be clarified and the second point is to set this statute in such a way that the right to monitor the devices there should be a clear supervision and the way should be opened very clearly so that if someone wants to do supervision from the government, they can do it . an important point that i would like to pay attention to is the basic and root problem of the statute. the constitution should be amended in such a way that all the problems that have been raised will be eliminated and these problems come back to a few points. if you want, i will summarize the problems in five points. look at one of the issues that have been raised. azad university is made up of several pillars. one pillar is the professors.
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many people have been attracted now that they are protesting why. our salaries are lower than those of university professors govt. well, it should be answered. the next point is the discussion of the management structure of azad university. how much is the difference in law ? you can almost say, because i can't exactly raise this in both cases, there is no problem , but it can be said, for example, i think you yourself say more transparency. it depends on the university, i only like the university that is close to me. 40 tomans to 20 tomans is too much, 100 tomans to 50 tomans is too much. now, if i want to say a number , maybe i have to do my documents here again
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, but it is better to say how much half and half means, what does half and half mean, for example, how much is your assumption? please, if you assume free universities , we assume that they pay 25 million to their professors. state universities are 50. pele state university is like this now, no, 25, 50. i would like to say that it is better if i don't give an exact number, because i have to, but what i have in my mind right now is like this. the point is a discussion of the management structure. according to the constitution , the next pillar of discussion is the students. our students are really complaining about azad university. it is an impossible reality. we have to go to the point where these mistakes, these problems, and these problems are 3
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solve everyone's mistakes , problems, problems, it means that the student's opinion is secured, the next discussion is the discussion of the texts, the discussion of the texts is also a very important discussion that should be corrected , of course, although many of the texts are common between the government and the free, there are still a series of texts that are in the university it is taught freely, which is for example in the form of a pamphlet and i don't know the form, the professor comes and gives a discussion of several pages, and these should be corrected. i have questions and answers in both english and persian arabic, the next pillar you define the pillar that mr. yes, the next pillar is the planning pillar, that in this planning discussion , we must act in such a way that the dispossessions, needs, tendencies and attitudes of the professors and students are seen and provided for. the conclusion i have for you
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is that we are facing the noblest professors, students and employees at azad university. a great fact. for example, in the crowds of the past years, we saw that the least protests and the least crowds now. protesting is a good thing , but the least crowding was more by professors, students and employees of azad university it was the discussion of the governments that do not pay according to sharia . this is an important discussion . the next point, which is also very important, is the discussion of the employment creation of azad university. yes, you should see that azad university, due to its special and vague nature, has always been exempted from supervision laws. it is an autonomous state that we did not consider the supervision of azad university to be a
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suitable supervision, which means either it did not exist or it was not an efficient and proper supervision. always better than cure if we want to solve the problems of the current students of the university right now, and of the new arrivals , we should not create protesting students again in the university. we must bring the supervisory authority over the azad university under the umbrella of supervision. one of these cases is the jurisdiction of the administrative court of justice to enter into the complaint of the azad university, and secondly , we must understand the nature of the azad university . we are a non-private, non-governmental institution. gentlemen , believe me, we don't have it in iran's legal system and this should be corrected. thank you very much to both the next guests. all good viewers special higher program that as always, you have accompanied us until this moment, god bless you. from below or above, wherever
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