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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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it produces from the 10th to the 13th refinery , which is considered among the most important refineries here, and a piece of 14 south pars on land in the sea also comes to this part , it produces gas from 50 million cubic meters to 60 million cubic meters after refineries we have national transmission lines and sub-transmission lines for gas supply to cities, villages and industry, which are more than 39 thousand kilometers across the country, and these lines are in operation , which is produced in the south pars basin after traveling a distance of approx. a thousand kilometers to the heart of the desert in this wasteland of saraje, we are lost in the season.
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in summer, we receive gas from the main line , we compress it with compressors and increase the pressure up to 300 bar, that's why we use three turbochargers to increase the pressure from 300 to 320 bar. this helps 320 times to a large amount of about one tenth of a billion cubic meters and we can store it in reservoirs . in winter and autumn, we have to harvest these. about four and a half million cubic meters actually treat gas. we have two natural gas storage tanks in the country sarje qom and shurije sarkhas. shaurije sarkhaz is also considered the largest storage tank in the middle east. seven million cubic meters of gas are stored daily in this destination, i.e., in the storage area of ​​sarajeh, and in
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dar shurije, nearly 11 million cubic meters of gas are stored, which means that in the whole year, one billion and 280 million cubic meters of natural gas are stored in sarajeh. in the whole year, 2 billion and 700 million cubic meters of gas are stored, during the harvest in the cold season of the year, nearly 8 million meters are collected from the sarajeh field. the gas cube is collected, the final refining is done and it is injected into the national network at the peak the consumption is transferred to the company's network and is distributed to the east, west and north of the country from this point, such as tehran province, semnan province, gazvin province , alborz province, as well as the north of golestan.
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even in the west of the country towards azerbaijan, zanjan, after the gas passes through the transmission lines, it enters the suburban stations, the pressure of the gas is reduced in the suburban stations, it is broken, and basically it is scented by mercaptan gas, and at this point, the gases are in the urban gas stations. there is a gas distribution network in 1,253 cities and over 39,700 villages in cities and villages to supply gas to the subscribers of various uses, including domestic , commercial, special businesses, such as bakeries, hospitals, have been implemented, which
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have been implemented thousands of times, gas came here a few years ago, because the network is here for kilometers in cities and villages, the network is very cold. there was no gas. what were you doing here about 3 years ago? it came and connected, alhamdulillah , it was very good. there was no gas in the old days, what was it like in the old days, there was a chair, there was an oil heater and a gas capsule, and unfortunately, we wanted to go and get gas from 5 to 6 kilometers. let's connect it here. it was very difficult for us, who were old men, but, thank god, this gas has come for a long time we were in a lot of agony with oil, gas, and capsules. i came here, no one was living. well , the tree fell, and the glass came in. finally , my workers increased, and we also increased . you have seen the documentary on the production of gas from the sea. reaching the
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consumer is a difficult and complicated task. therefore , in order to manage this valuable energy, a consumption mechanism should be used to solve the gas imbalance. it should be explained that we have inherited a situation and conditions, which is an energy imbalance, and the energy must be balanced . consumption should be encouraged, incentive mechanisms should be put in place for people with low consumption and this work should be followed seriously. according to the 15th budget law of 1402 , the government, the ministry of oil and the national gas company are obliged to evaluate both the pattern of gas consumption and the price of gas tariffs. body. with the meetings we had with the honorable members of the energy commission, the definitions of december 1401 were approved in terms of the amount. according to
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the stairs, the consumption of the stairs increased from 75 cubic meters to 100 cubic meters. therefore, the tariffs are the same as the tariffs of december 1401, the total price of producing each cubic meter of gas without subsidy is at least 9 it is 1000 tomans and a maximum of 12000 tomans, which includes the subsidy per tenth of gas subscribers pay a cheaper price. the subscribers of the first three tiers are low-consumption or conventional, and in climate one, that means very cold cities like tabriz and urumi, 500 cubic meters per month. climate 2 means cold cities like mashhad and karaj 450 cubic meters per month in climate 3 means balanced cities like tehran, isfahan and shiraz 400 cubic meters per month in climate 4 means hot cities like dezful 350 cubic meters per month and in climate 5 means very hot cities like ahvaz
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one person in mahshahr consumes 250 cubic meters of gas per month which consumed 400 meters, consumed 400 meters, 21 are low consumption in terms of the number of subscribers, 50% of our subscribers are 25. they consume 5% of our province's gas , while their number is 50% and the money they pay is 7% of the money we receive in tehran province gas . there are 7 subscribers who pay 50% and are
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actually in the category of they are our low consumption, but let's go to , for example, bad consumption, even though in terms of number. 2% are consuming about 10% of the province's gas, and according to the calculations of pelkanion, they are actually paying 50% of the costs. now, based on the tariff table , we can calculate the price of gas for a high-consumption customer. this customer, whose price we are showing here , is 10 units in a customer, with an area of ​​3,600 square meters . as an example, we are checking their bill from january 10, 401 to february 6, 401 for 26 days. in these 26 days, 17,600 cubic meters
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were consumed. during these 26 days , 1,760 cubic meters were consumed. . and divided by 10 units, the consumption of each unit is calculated as 1760 cubic meters divided by 26 days, and their daily consumption is calculated as 67 cubic hectares multiplied by 30 days. if you consider a month, 2030 cubic meters of consumption per unit in 30 days of the last year, the high consumption is from 1000 to 100, nearly 1000 cubic meters per unit is on the twelfth step, and
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until the end of the fifth program, the subsidies should be provided to non-subsidized energy providers. it was issued , but still high consumers with astronomical qbooz are also included. energy subsidies are received during the years that in the 90s, unfortunately, these cases were abandoned and were not tracked. it was finished with a subsidized price, which was very high, and actually compensating for this gap required a schedule. and until now, they are gradually reaching this, maybe at the end of the 6th program, he could follow this work , but we hope that at the end of the 7th program, finally, god willing, this issue will be finalized.
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shush is the oldest city in iran and hekmatane is the first capital of iran, the burnt city in sistan baluchistan , the city of harira in the south of iran, tep athar in damghan, silk in kashan, pasargad in fars, simre in ilam , the list of the first cities and centers of ancient life in the land of iran continues. the architecture of each of these cities suits the climate, geography and weather is different. he does not see himself as equal to nature, that is, a part of nature, and not separate from nature. dehydration, cold weather in some places and very hot weather in other places. wind and storms are the corners of nature's self-expression in the territory of iran. demonstrations that the iranian man coped with all of them and this led to. second, living in this land for thousands of years has become a friendship with nature, not to
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confront it, let's do something, sir, you are a threat, so i am against you, no, in fact, it seems that the thought of that traditional person is that it is you, well, i can't do anything because you and i are together we are living, so i will come and get some benefit from you, that aspect now, for example , your annoying may not cause my life to be disturbed. in general, in sistan baluchistan, parts of south khorasan , people used the wind , very high speed winds that it was restrained by the efforts of iranian people without being harmful or destructive. aspats with a unique architecture, which can be seen in parts of afghanistan today, except for iran, and are the product of the coexistence of man and the elements of nature. man who harnessed wind energy by designing a windbreaker for cooling and by designing an asbad for. siab qalat took me to the past hundreds of years, how much the people here with their knowledge and culture
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knew how to use this wind. i feel that this is an art inspired by them, so fascinating , so strong, some people in this area using the wind in this way is very exceptional, very clever use of the wind, i feel that it is simply doing a very wonderful job. does in low water areas, man built the building of ice, flattened the earth, made clay from the soil and built this unique building with the same clay. put the ice in he separated it from the mountain during the cold seasons of the year and stored it in this conical building with an innovative method so that he could have cool water in the hot seasons without water . after it freezes, they eat it and pour it under this dome in this hole. a layer of ice is added until it is flat. iranians
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built this tower for pigeons, but the pigeon house is not a hunting ground and pigeon breeding is not for providing food. the accumulation of pigeon excrement was used as agricultural fertilizer in this place, and for this reason , pigeon houses were often built next to the fields , but some farmers today use pigeon houses for they destroy more land and use chemical fertilizers. we have now messed up all these ecosystem wheels with the introduction of, for example, chemical fertilizers. the chemical fertilizer came and disturbed the entire flow of the pigeon house. ice houses, dovecots, and azabads are the most obvious manifestations of the coexistence of iranians with nature, which have been remembered in architecture. this history that we have, a very long history that we have, has caused a lot. it is very special, that is , we have so much variety and diversity in this large
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climatic and cultural area that exists in iran, from the field of architecture, both tangible and intangible works. we have that we can really dare to say that it is unique in the world and this is what has caused a lot of attention to iran throughout history . the world heritage list facilitates their introduction, preservation and conservation. elham goran, sed and sima news agency. this is one of the accidents that the accident expert wrote in a report sheet due to insufficient visibility at night to provide safe and low-risk passage during a night trip. road and transportation experts
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are trying different methods. one of the latest methods is construction of such roads is shabta roads. the specialists of our country had previously tried to make nightlight colors in a similar experience, but in the new experience, now the technicians of a company of scientists went to another method of making nightlight bitumen. we were also able to produce nightlight bitumen. and during the night during a process of 8 to 12 hours. this method makes it especially easy for night drivers on unlit roads. warning can be used on the roads. they do not need energy. they cannot be opened or moved and please be advised that they have high stability and low cost at the same time. these bitumens are such that
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the driver can overcome the obstacles while driving. recognize that even if the car light is off , there are colors in this field, but it is a good bitumen base that is compatible with asphalt , it is not slippery when it rains, it is not very durable in this field, but the products of this company are another concern of road engineers. by producing anti-bitumen, there are anti-bitumen, these are bitumen. that a special product has been worked into them, which is released over time, over the years it is possible and what it does is that it prevents the road surface from freezing up to minus 25 degrees , there is no need to use salt on the roads anymore, there is no need for it, it protects the lives of passengers and
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drivers, it also protects the environment and this product is a unique product. well, that's a lot. it has been worked all over the world. the specialists of this company say that they have reached the commercialization stage of shabtab and antidi bitumen and they can produce up to 50 tons per year , aiming for the domestic market and, of course, exporting more of the country's asphalt recycling projects with materials. we have done and we had more exchange and we used to export our own products to other countries, to the countries of the emirates of turkey. qatar and most of the persian gulf countries were due to sanctions, and before that we exported to france, singapore , along with the research and development programs to build more fuel-efficient cars, the construction of such roads that help save lighting costs is one of the priorities of road construction experts have been set.
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mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency. various political and economic trends compete in elections, the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key is in the hands of the people. telegram is playing with the country, why is there no pricing in these 6 months? interesting question, do you not want the manager of a football player to pay his insurance according to what he does? we do not agree with any type of treatment
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. we are ours, our story is not a dream story, come with your heart to the sea, don't doubt the woman, this is the end.
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there are only a few picture frames of dr. kamran's presence in the parliament and on the representative seats. dr. chamran. this is a speech as a minister defense and mp at the same time. because the election minister. had it not happened, he should have stayed and performed the work of the ministry of defense. the most important strategic issue for us is that there is no ground for a coup. this same speech also answered the objections, ambiguity and questions about the presence of the army in the body of the army. it is suggested to the officials to declare this force disbanded and they are a dangerous army. 500,000 people, if he wanted to fight with the nation, he would have killed millions, not 60,000 people , at least full pension
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should not be paid to them. it is not known if they served in the previous regime. i swear to god, there are officers in this army, behind whom i prayed with full courage and courage, and i pray chamran because i know the weaknesses in the country's defense structure. in order to participate in the legislation of this field , he was a candidate for the parliament election with his personal decision. 8 people were elected in the first round and were not drawn to the second round, and dr. chamran was one of those 8 people . tell me, 3 months have passed since the start of the work of the parliament. from the popular forces. since then the cameras the majlis did not record a picture of dr. chamran because of his continuous presence in
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the southern fronts for more than a year as a camera photographer and the memory of this photographer and reporter of the holy defense, but he has clear memories of mustafa chamran in those days, the prosperous life of dr. chamran in america. during the war , dr. chamran, who has a history of scientific and guerilla activities , meets farooqut. berkeley university, america, in the field of electronic plasma physics, where he works in a company in america. one day , he accidentally finds out that his workplace is the largest producer of weapons for the zionist regime. saying that from him at the time, i researched where i can make up for my past, when i worked in this company, and to help the oppressed who are against this regime. there was a family leaving for lebanon
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, they are the director of an industrial school in jab al-amil, they do art work in this conservatory , there is a dormitory next to it, they live in a dormitory , there is a military camp next to it, and they receive military training, they don't have the basic facilities to sleep . living in such narratives he is not lacking in the heart of wars from lebanon to iran . we had conversations that later really became the light of my life. the most important thing was to look carefully around you. in the original manuscript , i will search the bottom of the water, maybe i will find this. memories of after three months of his presence in the parliament, jamande is not dissimilar to these statements, there is a conflict that dr. chamran wrote this note in the parliament that day , last session we witnessed touching events in the parliament
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, i want to speak in the society, my dear, i never expected anything like this. i did not have my friends, my brothers, my elders , those who are respected. like each other like this it is true that if it is not said , i will feel guilty in front of my conscience and in front of my god. the representative of this field was often absent from the present parliament. where he stayed for 10 months , he commanded the headquarters of irregular wars until his martyrdom. those prayers that he himself performs in the car between ahvaz and... lobby , in the same manuscript at the end, he says, hussain, you hugged each and every one of the martyrs of karbala
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. is it the same course that we all thought would happen to a person in the worship of the ascension? he has a burden from today that will make you fall for a lifetime. everyone is waiting to see where you are. we love the material of the heart.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the special electronic auction of oval movable property will be held simultaneously in 14 provinces from today. according to the ceo of the property management organization , about 1,500 categories of goods and the basic value of 900 billion tomans will be offered in this event. from tomorrow, the first of february 1402


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