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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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for the past two months, telavid and some other occupied palestinian cities have been the scene of demonstrations for the release of prisoners of resistance. the zionist regime has declared one of its goals for the continuation of the war in gaza, the release of israeli prisoners, but so far none of these prisoners have been released as a result of israeli commando operations. presentation of credentials of ambassadors of seven countries to the president the new ambassadors of nicaragua, bosnia, herzegovina, burkina faso, belgium , south africa, japan, and uzbekistan presented their credentials to mr. raisi while meeting with him . the ambassadors of these seven countries while presenting a report of the state of bilateral relations
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collapsed on an attempt to comprehensively develop relations on an indian passenger plane in the mountains of afghanistan's badakhshan province. the federal aviation administration of russia reported that the falcon plane seen in afghanistan has been registered in the state list of civil aircraft of the russian federation. according to the report of the indian plane from my main route. while it was in the airspace of afghanistan near the border of tajikistan, it was interrupted and the radar screen disappeared. the missing plane was on a medical charter flight from india to tashkent, moscow. based on the preliminary information of six there were four crew members and two passengers in this plane. iran's exports to pakistan increased by 13% last year.
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pakistan's ministry of commerce announced that the country's imports from iran in 2023 will reach 94 million dollars, which is 110 million dollars more than the previous year. meanwhile, pakistan has officially exported only $155,000 to iran in 2023. according to the announcement of the trade development organization of iran , targeting the country of trade relations between the two target countries. the rescue of the alvand destroyer of the army navy to the iranian barge that had an accident, this fishing barge due to technical failure and lack of fuel , it was stranded in the northern indian ocean for 20 days, and one of its crew died due to seasickness . the alvand destroyer found this barge in a sea search operation. addressing the technical defect to compensate
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for the shortage of food and fuel led it to the coast of our country. this mission was carried out in a place where unwarranted vessels that only have a redundant presence in the area were present, but unfortunately, despite the request for help from this vessel many times , there was actually no response. no, they had made a move and our loved ones were witnesses that they were in that area we are happy to be present that we can do our mission correctly and based on the international laws of the seas in the depths of the seas. the technicians of a company of scientists succeed in the technical knowledge of device production.
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measure the resistance of surfaces against freezing . with this technological product, the possibility of surface freezing is measured so that in case of problems , the desired surfaces can be resistant to this natural phenomenon. as the weather cools down and snow falls, some water and electricity lines are disrupted, and the reason for this is the freezing of the power transmission lines. it can be a problem when ice sits on surfaces.
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measure the adhesion of ice to the surface. this a device that measures the amount of shear stress necessary to separate ice from a surface. which is placed on this part, it measures how much the dam has the capability of non-stick ice , the device has a chamber, the nano coating made by the researcher is placed inside the chamber, after closing the chamber, the amount of shear stress and the force necessary to separate the ice from the surface is announced by the device. the process of performing the test takes about half an hour. in the best condition, the device for measuring the adhesion of ice to the surface has reached the commercialization stage . for most research institutes and universities, this test
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according to the officials of danesh banyan company , the device produced after development in the domestic market is ready to enter the international markets. lovely news. gazari, the minister of health , announced that during the 70 days of the national health campaign , the level of people's participation in screening for high blood pressure and diabetes was remarkable. according to dr. ainullah, this campaign is a great help to prevent these two diseases in the health system. experts say 10 to 15 percent if the minister is in a special news talk show. at first, he said that the participation of about 46 million people in the national campaign health is considered a record-breaking participation in the health system, so much so that people trust and refer to the country's health system. this is a sector for which i
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thank all the people. then mr. minister stated that the people identified in the field of high blood pressure and diabetes are the stages. they will go through their treatment. health care workers we have hired people as health care workers, people whose job is only and they will follow up regularly, god willing, of course, the goal of the national health survey of the population over 18 years of age was that 73 percent of this population participated in this survey. 10 million people were seen, 800 thousand people were told, what is this? 800 thousand people are those who definitely have high blood pressure, 10 million people are those who are suspected, and diabetes is about 4 days, and for example, 60 thousand people are those who are certain. there are about 3 million people and there are those who suspect that they may actually have diabetes. what was your blood pressure? now it was 12.
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how do you say sugar is good? i say don't eat salt , do n't eat fat. my blood sugar is high. the participation of this survey was from the age group of 35 to 40 years what was the participation of ladies and gentlemen , 35% of women participated in this campaign , 65% of men, but one of the results of this work is that people find out about their disease 5 years earlier, about 70,000 people can be prevented in the next 5 years. the mortality that is actually caused to 225,000 people who actually have bad side effects due to the disease, so yes, it reduces and the latest news of the minister of health in this program was approved by the supreme council of health insurance that children under 7 years of age
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will be treated free of charge. especially in disadvantaged areas, rural areas, etc on purpose, everything will be free for children . hosseini bai of the radio and television news agency. issuing a business license in the field of animal husbandry becomes easier. according to the head of the business improvement center of the ministry of economy, the review of the law on the hygiene of animal husbandry activities will be discussed in the next meeting of the deregulation board and the additional items will be removed. deregulation board meetings are held monthly with the presence of the minister of economy. i have one year to get a business license in the village and i will come to the capital of my province. to get a license, i have to walk 5 kilometers away from my classmate. in the summer of 2008
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, they made a law, the law of the animal husbandry society system, to solve such problems. i got approval from the entire organa for parvene kez. the organization that opposes me is the veterinary medicine system. the government should have promulgated the executive regulations of this law by the end of 2008. there is another law. in 1350, since this law has not yet been approved according to the livestock system law , the new law has not been adopted by the council of ministers . now, after 14 years, the previous law can be invoked. since the approval of this law in the parliament, the veterinary medicine organization is still eager to implement the same law of 1952. the reason that distances should be taken into account is based on the fact that hygiene principles should be observed in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases. in
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the distances between different farms, different livestock farms or different chicken farms, all over the world they make the environment healthy, not the distance. all the producers are nearby and they don't have any problems. this law should be changed because even today, according to the weather conditions and the discussion of happy years, there is no certainty. differences of according to note four of the plan to facilitate the issuance of business licenses , it is forbidden to impose any restrictions or legal obstacles in the way of issuing licenses due to trade boundaries or geographical distances. for health taboos, we hope to be able to find an irrational recipe that has caused an unbelievably high percentage of horticulture lands. inshallah, we can release those who cannot be beaten, and agricultural
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production can grow. according to the statistics of the ministry of agricultural jihad , 4,400 business licenses have been rejected so far because of what is called health prohibitions. alireza shakti, radio and television news agency. astan of hazrat reza is ready to celebrate the birth of ibn al-reza, peace be upon him. on the eve of the birth of imam javad (peace be upon him), the holy shrine of razavi is ready to host pilgrims. tonight, at the same time as the night of the birth of javad al-a'imah, peace be upon him, a special ceremony will be held in the razavi shrine after maghrib and isha prayers. movement of teenage servants from shahada square. to reza's shrine and congratulations to hazrat reza (peace be upon him) are among the other programs of tonight.
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the head of the country's itikaf headquarters said that young people and students are welcome to attend the event. in last year's retreat, more than 70% of young and adolescent retreatants there was a tenderness in it. i like to see what will happen in these three days . whenever i remember, it gives me a sense of peace and spirituality, as if i am getting closer to god. there was no room, very cool from a c. who were alone with god in the itikaf ceremony last year. every
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person who is alone with god, the first result he gets is peace. when i am alone with god , well, first of all, it makes one feel a strength and it makes one feel better. it is a kind of opportunity to make our own year. we can call it the school of self-improvement. this year, 6 thousand mosques all over the country are under the work of this self-improvement school. one of these, 6,000 mosques of the university of tehran are hosting the student retreat. alhamdulillah, the reception this year has been very good. ninety percent of these are young people who are in the 70s and 80s . okay, company, because we are in the middle of exams and our first exam starts on thursday , i don't think i would have liked to go. now, of course , i don't know. the university was very good about the issue that the students who took the exam
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it is on the seventh day, the last day of the retreat. it has been arranged that they can participate in the retreat and then be introduced to their professors as an introduction to the teacher . the exam will be taken from them at another time. if you want to participate in the retreat, what number and agreement do you have with god? it is a difficult question, what kind of covenant do i make with god? it's really a difficult question , very difficult. i make a covenant with god that every step i take will be to serve the society . i haven't thought about this until now. rajab begins and continues until rajab 15. mohammad al-masih, sda news agency, president of dar al-qur'an basij announced the opening of 114 dar al-qur'an in less privileged areas of the country at the same time as the birth anniversary of imam javad (peace be upon him). cities where
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there are no quranic institutions or fewer quranic instructors. especially the deprived areas that need quranic activities, we tried to prepare those areas so that, god willing, these 114 dar al-qur'an will be opened there and the people of the region and the basij parties will use this capacity. mr. limoui said the development and creation of appropriate infrastructure for quranic activities throughout the country. cultivating 10 million quran memorizers and turning mosques into quranic bases are among the goals the implementation of this plan. the principle of basij's activity is based on the mosque as a quranic base, that is, we are looking for all mosques in the country to become quranic bases, god willing. if we open this darul-qur'an in the city, the first duty of this dar-ul-qur'an
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is to know the mosques of that city and to train teachers for it. let the mosques be active and let us see that there is a branch of darul-quran basij and darul-quran in every neighborhood so that people have easy access. the road organization approved the deregulation board's decision to remove additional conditions for issuing a large-scale smart fertility license considered illegal. according to the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44 of the constitution, approved by the deregulation board , it is mandatory for all business licensing authorities to own a truck. smart large-scale freighters that
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reduce time and cost for drivers and cargo owners with the help of modern technologies . it is a difficult task to be able to issue a bill of lading , then how many bills of lading are 80,000 per year? every year, 32 million bills of lading are issued in the country , and this is not at all a volume of the market, two tenths of the market, even though the regulatory board asked the road organization to ease the conditions for issuing licenses for license applicants of large-scale smart companies, but this company was granted a license. are still facing the challenges of minimum vehicle and minimum area for establishment. that is, for the activity of the platforms to issue the bill of lading, it will be destroyed. the problem remains unsolved. this is while last june, the first vice president ordered the road organization to solve this problem two weeks to solve. however, since the problem was not resolved, the head of the regulatory board
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requested the removal of these conditions in a letter this november. officials of the road organization about their refusal to remove the conditions. in addition, they say that it is not a law , it was approved by a board that approved without your opinion in the road organization and road transport operation, which is the main custodian and regulator of the operation, without receiving your point of view . the vice president of the business environment improvement center says that the resolution of the board is the law and must be implemented. the resolution of the board must be fully implemented. ok to take time from us to implement this masabah completely. now, after all these installments , the road organization has announced. in spite of the fact that in any case, our expert opinion is to take another decision , well, we are obedient, and the highway organization will announce these new regulations in our transportation areas. faruzaneh hasanpour of
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radio and television news agency. the national oil company announced. 70 burner gas collection plan has progressed. according to the report of the majlis research center, this project had progressed only 5% between 1995 and 1400. the fire burns. a national capital that burns. all this wealth is being burned. he is 25 years old and it is burning. the flames that are burning in khark island consume twice as much as isfahan province. i always said that these are gold that are burning, and that are dollars that are burning and are second-hand, it is environmental pollution. for the first time in 2019, the ministry of oil asked investors for help to put out the oil industry's torches. by the end of 2018
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, we will provide these associated gases to those who apply , why don't they accept this work? it is said that not investing on time will cause delay the remaining gas production from the consumed gas per year and the determination of the government has made the private sector serious about collecting burner gases in projects such as gas plant and mayeh 3020 gas plant, the first phase of which was put into operation in may this year. it provides petrochemical feed, including the bandar imam petrochemicals, or the collection of gas flares from east karun in the beid bland refinery of the persian gulf. more than 20 million tons of this. by collecting the gases, he was able to make a very important contribution to the discussion of gas imbalance in the country. the plan to collect flare gases in khark island
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has more than 71 progress. annual income of 500 million euros creates for the country. and in dehloran stanam , it is going through the final stages . it will be put into operation at the latest in the month of next year . by the end of 1404, all associated gases will be collected, god willing. as stated in the seventh plan bill , the ministry of petroleum is obliged to take measures so that during the implementation of this program , no more fire will be lit on the country's oil burners. roqia hoyd. according to the deputy governor, the sale of daily permits for the traffic plan in tehran has been banned for tomorrow
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tehran, with the decision of the air pollution emergency working group, the sale of daily permits for the traffic plan is prohibited for tomorrow, monday, the second of bahman, and the odd and even number of cars will be implemented within the scope of the air pollution reduction plan. mr. qarawi said that all activities of shenoum and asphalt mines in tehran province are prohibited on monday. greater tehran traffic police was also obliged to prevent the traffic of all motorcycles, smoke-emitting vehicles without technical inspection and smoke-emitting vehicles with technical inspection . hello dear viewers , we have a calm atmosphere in the country for the next few hours. only sometimes in parts of the northwest and northern regions country. we will have the same increase and probability of rain. but the good news is that from monday , a new rainfall system will cover the north-west of the country in the provinces of ardabil
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, east azerbaijan, west azerbaijan, zanjan kurdistan , hamedan, kermanshah, parts of lorestan, ilan, as well as the northern coasts of gilan, mazandaran. rain will start on monday. it is possible and we expect to have rain along with snow in the highlands. weather warnings and alerts. exported agriculture, farmers must take the necessary measures to avoid possible damages do the body for this tuesday, the scope of activity of this system will also affect the western and northern areas of alborz slopes of ghazbin alborz provinces of tehran, semnan, parts of north khorasan and razavi khorasan. during this period, we expect the caspian sea to be rough and choppy. for the next hours, the persian gulf will have an increase in wave height. marine activities should be limited.
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in the name of god, i say hello and good day to you, dear and respected viewers. asian nations cup football will be followed today with two games. in group 6 of this competition, from 18:00. oman with thailand will face kyrgyzstan and saudi arabia at 21:00. in the table of this group, thailand and saudi arabia with three points and oman and kyrgyzstan without points are in the first to fourth places, respectively. but yesterday, in the fifth group of this tournament , south korea and jordan tied 2-2 and bahrain with 1. he took the goal from malaysia. the special gifts of the supreme leader
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arrived in the hands of the athletes and champions of the asian and para-asian games in hangzhou. december 1, 1402. here, imam khomeini's hosseini and the meeting of the supreme leader of the revolution with the athletes and medalists of the asian and para-asian games. rahman raheem. in this the supreme leader's ceremony, a point to be noted about the livelihood of the athletes, we must make sure that our athletes can have confidence and hope for life at this acceptable level. now, two months have passed since that date and the leadership was the first to act on this point. mrs. faiza dibai, silver medalist in parasi athletics.
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i am very happy now, it feels very good, sir , to embarrass us by being kind to us, the supreme leader of the revolution's favor included the athletes, and today i was invited to receive the gift that he prepared for us. working hard will make us more motivated for the paralympic paralympics in paris, which is really exciting. it was a good gift. i am very happy that a gift and a blessing from the supreme leader came to us. my hero , they are grateful for the greatness of the leadership . it was more valuable than the medal we won. i would like to thank our beloved leader for having a special interest in sports and athletes
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, and this gift is very valuable to me. para-asian and asian sports caravans of our country in the game hai hangzhou placed second and seventh respectively and a review of some brief sports news in the quarter finals of the asian handball championship. an hour ago, our national team faced the emirates to stand in fifth place , according to the announcement of the asian football confederation, tantashev pilgi. from uzbekistan , he will judge the match between the national teams of iran and the uae in the group stage of the asian nations cup. this game will be held on tuesday, the third of bahman. the marathon race of the asian championship was held today in hong kong, and mansour bayat from our country stood in ninth place. saber charkhi, another representative of our country due to injury the vision did not reach the finish line. in this competition, runners from india, china and kyrgyzstan were first to third.
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iran's national beach soccer team , which is preparing to participate in the uae world cup , lost 43 results last night in its second preparatory match against belarus . front side.
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khache nof won. thank you for watching sports news. today is the first sunday of bahman, the ninth of rajab and the 21st of january. in tehran, sunset at 17:00, maghrib call to prayer at 17:39 sharia midnight will be at 23:32. and now the higher election program and my colleague mr. in the name of god , thank you dear colleague mrs. hosseinzadeh. greetings and respect. to all the special viewers of the election program above , we are at your service with another debate.


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