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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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where does he work in central province? he says, "i had 28 years of good insurance coverage in tehran province. now my salary has not increased according to the framework, so as a result, my pension should be low until the end of my life. respected expertise of the social security organization . the first opponents are regional opponents for me. this was very interesting , let's get the answer from mr. javani. mr. javani , see 2 objections regarding the determination of the regional minimum salary . the friends who called and said that the discussion
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is not right and wrong, because the discussion has not happened yet there is research. now we are discussing theoretically. we are discussing expertly. this is not something that actually happened. let's defend it or reject it. the discussion is now as far as mr. tajik gives an example. see, this is my analogy. see, as we say, for example. for example, the party is working in tehran , does he live in the central province, or does he have a photo ? naturally, the housing costs in tehran are different from those there, and when the wage of the region is determined, it is possible, as you said, that the party works in tehran province and receives the tehran wage. if he gets housing in tehran , but he is a resident of central province, naturally he has the right to housing it's lower, he pays less, it won't be much, that is, i can give many examples in violation of your words, but this is not the subject of our dispute at all, or the discussion of your tamish, who says to move forward step by step, if you allow me to use the same issue, see us as long as we have a duty, mr. ravi
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, well, my place in the society is defined as a representative of the workers. i am present in the supreme labor council. my goal is that the best things happen to the community under my cover. it is true, but i have a higher goal. you and i , sorry, we are all under the same flag. i am a worker representative and a representative of the supreme council whether i am iranian or not, the events that are taking place in my country, or i can be one of its influencers, i'm sorry, this is discrimination, i was exactly the issue here, i wanted to get to the same point in the third case, i'm sorry, why should someone work in another place ? let's take another province that is higher, not you, i want to say exactly what i said in the third step, i want to reach the same issue . well, you should have the answers of mr. jovani , you should have housing, for example, one of the good discussions that took place, if it happens. i don't know how agile
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the government will help us during the discussion of article 149 of the labor law, it was brought up that we should come to a camp, in fact, workers' housing , to jump on the discussion of work housing, one of the discussions that we had, the discussion of the other field, the third side should be in the direction that the total price of the land is in fact if a house reaches zero, it means that the government has so much land or many of the industrial units that are looking to the government can afford the full price of the house. reduce the price of land to a minimum. this is not a regional issue at all. in fact, in central province, the land that is there now can happen in tehran or in different places, and the same issue that i am talking about is the basket. our livelihood, if we really want to help, is not that you sit there, i sit on this side of the table. where should the government or the government help us? if, for example, i come, then inflation is in my control. it's not a question of housing, the cost
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of which is not in my control, i understand that it is not in my worker's control, in fact, but we are eating the wood , and when the worker is injured, he will not be able to work. i am also injured in the workshop. this is the discussion that before we continue the discussion, if you agree , i have prepared a report from my colleague in the welfare and cooperation group of sada and sima news agency . asghar ahaniha, representative of employers in the supreme labor council. determining the regional minimum salary of workers is a legal task that was blocked and ignored in the last 20 years. the labor law emphasizes two issues: wages for different regions, wages for different industries, and the determination of regional wages instead of the same minimum wages for all. the basis of this law has been raised.
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ali khodayi, a labor member of the supreme labor council, based on article 41 of the labor law, determining the minimum wage should be based on the cost of living and the inflation rate. if we really want to follow the single law , first we must raise the basic requirements and then the other legal duties. life means the livelihood basket of workers should be determined. fatemeh azizkhani, an expert at the majlis research center, because in determining the national budget, the cost of living in all regions is calculated equally, both workers in big cities and workers in deprived areas are discriminated against, workers in big cities cannot minimum subsistence. provide for themselves employers in low-income areas cannot pay the approved minimum wage. in this way , they hire informal workers, which is not in the interest of the workers. hadi abui, secretary of the supreme center of workers' trade unions. wherever higher wages
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are paid, workers will migrate there , perhaps to live better. these decisions currently have nothing but increasing problems for the government and the people. first determine the national minimum wage, then determine a higher percentage of the minimum wage for some regions. jamal razaghi, head of fars chamber of commerce. regional wages cause labor shortages can't many of the costs and rates of items in cities and villages are different from each other. definitely , the house rent rate in big cities is much higher than in smaller cities and villages. fethullah bayad, the head of the union of contract workers. regional rights. the employer's escape from the responsibility of labor rights. even now, the minimum wage is not sufficient for the workers. in this situation, putting forward a regional position is the exploitation of the workers of kamberkhordare regions. because with this policy they employ workers with any salary. well,
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we saw my colleague's report together. my young man, i have a question i will ask you and i will get the answer from mr. taji later. in general, i think you are an employer, not a carer. in response to mr. javani, i would like to say that the worker's mouth is not sweet when we say housing camp . you know, i know. i know, sorry. how many meetings in the previous governments did we discuss housing, should we set up a housing camp ? workers will have a house . shall we have 10 meetings. workers will have a house . discussing the welfare packages, i agree, mr. jovani . i am ashamed of the country's
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workers. basin, inflation was not supposed to come to 434 and 45. mr. javani, the promise that mr. khandozi , the honorable minister of economy, finally made. i expected the government to come to the aid of the working community in difficult situations. excuse me , at least this help could have been the livelihood packages, which the government is obligated to in the constitution , so i will give one more reminder .
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let's talk, now our main discussion is whether this will happen or not, if not, because you came against it, so let me say one more paragraph, that it's a problem, i told you, it's the third one. then mr. javani came to the conversation, and the conversation faded. it was about demarcation . i will repeat that the worker is retiring for the last two years, and considering the possibility of falsehood, it was about the opposition of the expert himself. it was social security . our third discussion was about the determination of the pensioners' salaries of young countries . don't you agree on which salary and which province should they get the next issue
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? let me speak, we say that the law should be done correctly, god forbid. we are not the representative to make right and wrong mr. javani, my duty as a worker's representative is to make the demand of the worker's sweat. well , it's a big problem, sorry to see that the job that you mentioned discriminates in two provinces in terms of industry and regions. the worker has a motivation. one of the reasons for migration for the labor force is the issue of wages and region. well, mr. javani , please look at the 1928 convention on the mechanism for determining the minimum hand, let me tell you the experiences of other countries . if they are working in this way
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, they will fully meet the basic needs of workers and families. the issue of livelihood means that we , article 41 of the labor law, have dealt with this, and so have we we accepted, in fact, we are one of the countries that accepted the minimum handshake convention in china. in fact, having this mechanism was accepted. at one time , there was a problem of having a strong person to compete. the studies we did, then we reached a place where seeing, not at least, the student will go up, because of this, the workers will be affected, the workshops will be affected. coming to the discussion of regional wages and large small workshops, the support of the government and raising reasonable wages or different industries does not mean that we actually give less to the workers in vulnerable small workshops.
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labor and government, workers and labor must come to our aid because it doesn't happen, we can't ignore the law because it doesn't happen. for example, in the discussion of looking at inflation, the criticisms that friends had about the salary of 1401, which was actually 57% of the dispute , was lower than subsistence. a few factors , including, in fact, the factors that the government and the sovereign are responsible for, which is not only the employer, or this year, which was actually determined to be 27, it was still looking at inflation, it was not necessarily inflation, that is, we cannot say, because article 41 says that this misinterpretation and abuse of it's legal, mr. javani, so how can you forgive me at that time? the word legislator should not look at inflation in livelihood
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we agree that you are lower, that where it is in our favor, we should not interpret it in our favor , the lower should be inflation, where the higher is the sabbath of my livelihood in general in the last few years that you are present in the meeting of the supreme labor council and your other dear friends and the government. i said, excuse me, livelihood is the red line of the worker's society, because he is living with it . at all, with the percentages that someone said that if the employer does not fulfill his duty , then he has the duty to provide medical services to the worker. now you should stop these systems that came. see, one month is enough for karfa to delay his insurance for any reason pay, he says
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, sir, you are not entitled to health insurance, he made a mistake, the statistics are wrong, the statistics are already there , he disagrees. who has designed it, make some changes, we can't fix it , because the supply expert came to a meeting without studying, he disagreed, so it didn't work, we can't. my personal belief is that i read the 1928 convention of the international labor organization about 100 years ago and said that agha saz his work should be such that it provides the minimum requirements of a family. we do not have any differences in this case . we do not have any differences in the discussion of my livelihood basket, but we say that the livelihood basket is not all about the work. you say that the livelihood basket is ok. for example , we agree with you. you said that the mashhad basket is 18 million tomans. do you think that a small workshop can pay a worker 18 million tomans
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? there is no problem with a large workshop paying much more now. 6 years of life, well, this should be your tool you should see where we stand in front of each other . housing is the duty of the government . health is the duty of the government. education is the duty of the government when it does not fulfill its duty. i am a young man. look, if the goal is to relieve our shoulders of the burden. sorry for the responsibility, this is a chicken and egg story, we will never reach a conclusion. i'm asking too much, sorry, this is
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illogical, your worker signed it, the government signed it with haft. or should i say, sir, according to the law, pay 18 tomans, which one is not in the region ? you want us to make an agreement here , we will come without the government's duties , give the employer's duties to the operation. hey, i 'll think about it again, i warned you five or six times, if you please talk about it, thank you . look at these factors that i said you are from you pass by housing. no, i don't pass by. i say that the government has established a housing camp, and the output should be housing. no, you say that the government does not act on its own , and it has no output.
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i completely agree, but it is true that the law has no corner, one part of which is the issue of housing , and you brought up the issue of housing. i said that there is no problem that we have to get an exit so that the worker is not in housing, and i cannot say 100 expert meetings. when a worker becomes a housewife, there is a need to talk about livelihood let's give 10 baskets, when it is not implemented, when the government does not come to the aid of the working community , i am a worker, how should i spend my day and night, spend my month, sorry, this is bread for the worker. i know why we are against the regional wage because i can't see its consequences. we are our country. it is a trial and error . let's implement a plan. don't answer. please forgive the people in the middle. let their rights be lost. let the people's rights be lost. what is it ? we came and gave a plan
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. dear members, what topic did i raise? mr. jovani, your witness, i said that two. the governments, at least, do not agree with themselves about the regional wage. well, the ministry of labor, as the head of the supreme labor council, is discussing the wage . it raises this issue . where is the social security of the sub-category? mr. javani, the sub-category is nowhere. he came and said, "i am against it, because i don't have the infrastructure. i say that when social security violates and fails like you said , it cannot accept what consequences it will have for the worker later. forgive me. you will pay the difference later, or my servant. well, mr. jovani, because you are referring to the infrastructure. what kind of infrastructure do we need? i don't accept it because we don't know the problem. the answer is because
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we don't know. delete the problem. you say that you say that i don't know what the implications are. we can deal with the issue , we were opposed to the implementation once and without any demands without research . now i have a question in all the meetings that were held by the committee . you are convinced that the regional position is the implementation. we are still not able to say one word or another word, mr as an iranian, have you been convinced that the regional wage should be?
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for example, i would like to say that there was a proposal regarding the increase of housing rights or the discussion of ben kargari . we agree and we believe that by determining the same national banana, we
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are turning the small industries of the employer into workers . the employer is not the oil for his workers. this is when it happens and we are in front of article 19 of the labor law. you are not bringing down the salary, you are repeating this we say that we are working, sorry, youth, we have 7 , 6 and 800 salaries to the workers, you say that we are destroying the workshops , there is no labor force in our country, we are thinking about the future of iran, we insist that article 19 of the labor law says that he has his duty , he has his duty , sir, he said that the workshops with less than 10 people can be removed from the labor law according to the reformer .
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if there are workers we know, we accept informal workers in underground workshops freelancer, these are the things that are neglected , and we will make these workers that we say are in the number of millions now. because i don't have official statistics, i can't give official statistics here, but this is not from the point of view of us saying, see if 3 million tomans are paid , see if the tomans are paid . let's determine how much is the livelihood in the lowest level of iran according to what i explained. you are in the committee. can you do this? yes, i know what i mean. where
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are the 6 unofficial jobs? i will say what number is a good salary . we will determine the number of official jobs. last year, we proposed that article 19 of the labor law says that a part of the workshop can be exempted from some of the provisions of the labor law . we have a minute and 30 seconds for you to summarize. 30 seconds, sir i really appreciate it. i submit that the employers' society and the workers' society are two wings that fly together as one bird, they cannot be separated from each other. if we have a discussion, in fact
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, our discussion is not that god forbid , mr. tajik, the worker, please give me 30 seconds. kargari, i repeat again , they agree with the full implementation of article 41 of the labor law. in my opinion, if mr. javani does not take the correct action regarding wages , surely in 1403, we will have a decrease in the purchasing power of workers, a decrease in the supply of labor, an inflationary stagnation , and eventually a shutdown. we have workshops no one works with these numbers anymore. thank you to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment . thank you very much, may god protect you. or higher than any yoya, wherever we are today, we will be high
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tomorrow. gal onaf is a zionist soldier who joined the occupying army with the call of the ministry of war of the zionist regime to recruit reserve forces. onaf was the owner of the furniture store company in jaffa, which he operated for 9 years. he has now returned from the war with millions in debt and an uncertain future. unaf is one of the 350,000 workers in occupied palestine from the beginning of the military invasion. the occupiers against gaza were recruited by the zionist army. the statistics of the ministry of labor of the zionist regime show that most of the reservists who were recruited by the zionist army
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were working in the field of information technology. this area accounts for 18% of the gdp and more than 50% of the exports of this regime and is considered as the vital artery of the zionist regime's economy. daadah al-emarat in madina talbir is the center of tel aviv and these tall buildings that you see behind me house the largest information technology companies, but due to the call of the military save and join. the workforce of these companies to the gaza front is now empty. also, 70% of large projects have been postponed and 50% of investment in this area has decreased compared to last year. the startup central institute of the zionist regime has also announced that most of the start-up information technology companies have transferred their capital abroad, and some have closed down due to the lack of labor. the war
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in gaza is the beginning of the collapse of the economy. it has marked israel. the consequences of this war are very serious and currently the economic losses of this war cannot be estimated. the zionist trade statistics center announced due to the problem of the movement of ships in the red sea, imports in the last month of 2023 have reached the lowest amount of imports in the last 3 years with a decrease of 16%. exports also decreased by 18 in the same month, which in some cases. the trade balance of this regime has become negative with several countries. if the cabinet of the zionist regime does not take tough economic decisions as the head of the central bank of this regime wants, the israeli economy will reach the edge of the abyss. currently, the investment sector and the living standards of the settlers are facing big problems. the zionist newspaper yedi oved aharanot wrote that the ground attack of the israeli army on gaza with the expenses
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an unprecedented economic close. it is estimated at 60 billion dollars as the most expensive war in israel , a war that has entered its fourth month and has not achieved anything so far. in the morning, raw cacao ranchers , ranchers cream, ranchers sticks with honey ranchers, cheese ranchers, milk, cocoa ranchers, yogurt, khosh khashmse ranchers, fresh cheese ranchers, ranchers.
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each and every macaron is only at the top. with greetings , we present to you, dear and respected viewers of the 16 o'clock news. the criticism of the leader of the revolution on the poster of the martyrs' congress of the air force was revealed. in this ceremony, with the presence of the chairman of the irgc army commanders' assembly and a group of the families of the martyrs of the air force were held at shahid sattari university. the families of 63 martyrs were honored.


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