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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello gentlemen , welcome to economic news. the new president of iran chamber of commerce was elected. this morning , the re-election of the president of iran chamber of commerce was held and samad hassanzadeh was elected as the new president for 4 years with 28 votes. 21 people were approved as candidates for the head of the chamber, 17 people withdrew during the election and four people remained. according to. the results of voting also
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gave farjalullah memari 181 votes, ahad azimzadeh 15 votes and mojtaba ghayabi 5 votes, iran's exports to pakistan increased by 13% last year. the ministry of commerce of pakistan announced that the country's imports from iran reached 94 million dollars in 2023, of which 11 thousand dollars were officially exported to iran. according to the announcement of the trade development organization of iran, the country's target for the trade interests of the two countries is at least 5 billion dollars. the first economic culture festival of commercials tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
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it starts at the conference center of the broadcasting organization. in the first part of this festival, six seminars will be held on the topic of advertising, and in the second part, the winners of the festival will be introduced. exhibition stalls from 9 am to 18 is standing at the venue of the ceremony. the general commercial department of the broadcasting organization is the organizer of the first cultural and economic festival of radio and television commercials. the institutions that do not provide the required information to the validation system are criminals. the head of the parliament's article 90 commission said that failure to provide the information required by the central bank's validation system is a criminal offense, and this commission continuously monitors the performance of the institutions in this regard. provide systematic validation. they are criminals
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, we hope that this matter has been criminalized god willing, the information center, which is a subsidiary of the ministry of communications , will use its legal capacity against the devices that fail and do not have this support for criminalizing them. we are talking about the system whose story goes back to 16 years ago. it was approved in 1986 based on article 5 of the law on the granting of banking education to the first credit company. sanji iran was also established. it was supposed to check people's past behavior by validating them and determine their good or bad business dealings . in different areas , we check the behavior of the person as far as we have information. i will come we predict whether this person will default on his payments in the next one year of the education he is getting now and restore credit to the market and business environment. the trust.
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in the business market, we want to bring the members of the society, the people to the space of business and participation, in fact , we want to return the trust to this space. but the situation did not go as it should. the devices did not fully cooperate. from the devices that should have uploaded this information, there are organizations, civil registration organization, real estate registration organization , customs of the islamic republic, depository company. central and stock exchange, judiciary, farajat, etc. ministry of labor have not fully cooperated. some of the information is half and half. now, in total, only 30% of people were validated. the lack of information makes us unable to correctly determine the credit rating of a person. as a result , the more information we have , the closer we are to the real rank. the work that the article 90 commission has entered into and this information will soon be placed in the validation system. we
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predicted there that if there were any problems , these meetings would be held again from time to time be it summarize the problems of the central bank and report them to us as well, and by implementing the new indicators , they will increase the validation of people to about 90%. razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency. issuing a business license in the field of animal husbandry becomes easier. according to the head of the business improvement center of the ministry of economy, the revision of the sanitary law of livestock activities in the next meeting of the deregulation board. raised and additional items are removed. deregulation board meetings are held monthly with the presence of the minister of economy. i have one year to get a business license in the village and i will come to the capital of my province. to get a permit, you must 5
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kilometer distance from my colleague. in the summer of 2008, they made a law. the law of the animal husbandry society system will solve such problems. for the butterfly. as it is, i got the agreement from all the organs , the only organ that opposes me is the animal medical system, the government should have announced the executive regulations of this law by the end of 2008. there is another law in 1350, since this law has not yet been approved according to the livestock system law , the previous law can be cited in the cabinet of ministers of the new law. now , after 14 years have passed since the approval of this law in at the assembly of veterinary medicine organization is still eager to implement the same law of 1952. the reason that distances should be taken into account is based on the fact that hygiene principles
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should be observed in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases in the distances between different farms , different livestock farms or different poultry farms in the whole world. they maintain hygiene, not distance , all the breeders are near each other and have no problems. this law should be changed, because even today, according to the weather conditions and the discussion of happy birthdays, there are definitely many differences from year to year. according to the previous ones note 4 of the plan to facilitate the issuance of business licenses , it is prohibited to impose any restrictions or legal obstacles in the way of issuing licenses due to trade boundaries or geographical distances. for the health taboo , we hope that we will be able to solve the illogical recipe that has caused a high and unbelievable percentage.
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inshallah, we can liberate those who cannot be cultivated from the valuable lands of the country, and agricultural production can grow, according to the statistics of the ministry of jihad agriculture, so far 4400 people have been licensed. work has been rejected due to so-called sanitary taboos. alireza shaukati, sed and sima news agency. more than 50% of naiman buildings are insured. the managing director of the tehran fire department says that if the insurance companies do not provide fire insurance for naiman buildings, they will be forced to insure them. why is the passage that is insured not equipped? simply the insurance will pay if it catches fire, which is not the right thing to do , and human lives will be in danger. the head of central insurance also said: "10% of commercial and passage properties and 30% of the country's industry
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are insured against fire, and insuring naiman buildings is only a loss." something that has not been fully approved by regulatory agencies. this should be prevented it means that we should not issue insurance policies for these high-risk places. god willing, together with atashani and with the municipalities, god willing , we will write a memorandum of understanding so that we can solve this with germon insurance companies. the environment, referring to the approval of the car scrapping mirror in the government board, said in the new regulation value. car scrapping has increased. gol alizadeh added that 211 million tomans will be provided to the taxi driver for decommissioning worn-out taxis , and the municipality will also provide 100 million tomans of facilities. will pay it's hard to breathe, we all got sick
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, my heartburn is so intense , it's almost suffocating. as stated by the environmental protection organization, this is 60%. air pollution is released from the exhaust of vehicles. 6% of the pollutants from mobile sources are dedicated to worn-out passenger cars, which according to the 7th plan should be used for 500,000 vehicles every year, but it is god's will to take this today and tomorrow , give us a new car, but if he doesn't, he will go to our herds for 6 months. we have to be unemployed. according to the law on organizing the automobile industry, the automobile manufacturer is obliged to use 25% of its production allocate to the replacement of worn-out cars , in the absence of a scrap certificate, he must deposit one and a half percent of the car's amount to the government account, which leads to it has reduced car scrapping in the last 5 years . since the beginning of the year, about 50,000
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good devices have been released on the radio. one of the pillars of the implementation cycle of this law is the 35 million tomans certificate of cancellation. in the table of previous comparisons, it has nothing to do with the year of manufacture. but in the new equation table of the age of the car, you can see the car with one eye. considering their age , they consider it a certificate of abortion, that is, a ride there are three types, that is, the one that is younger has more scrapping certificates. naturally , we will scrap more cars. the other layer of this wheel is put by car manufacturers. the head of the scrapping association says that for cars under 600 million tomans, the car manufacturer tends to have one and half a percent . for cars that cost more than 600 million tomans, the automaker is interested in
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buying a scrap certificate, because the scrap certificate is less than one and a half percent, in the executive regulations of article 10 , a plan has been thought out in such a way that the scrap certificate is available enough. the law is complete, which is a step towards a blue sky based on article 8 of the government's clean air law. it is obliged to provide the necessary mechanisms and agencies to replace worn out cars. elahe rostamnia of radio and television news agency. the road authority considered the decision of the deregulation board to remove the additional conditions for the issuance of a large-scale smart freight license as illegal. according to the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44 of the constitution approved by the board. deregulation is mandatory for all business licensing authorities , trucking
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, maintenance, hiring drivers, these are not things that we did not come here to do this. smart large-scale freight companies that reduce the time and cost for drivers and cargo owners with the help of modern technologies . we are forced to have so many cars in the name of the company. let's issue bills of lading, then how many bills of lading will be 80,000. in our country, 32 million bills of lading are issued annually in the country, and this is a volume of the reed market, 2 percent of the market, despite the fact that the deregulation board asked the road organization to change the licensing conditions for license applicants of large companies. smart scale facilitate but receive the license of these companies is still faced with daily challenges, the minimum vehicle and minimum area for establishment, that is, for the operation of the platforms to issue the bill of lading, the problem that remains
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unsolved is to be eliminated . road authority had ordered to solve this problem in two weeks, but when the problem was not solved, the head of the regulation board requested to remove these conditions in a letter in november this year. officials of the road organization say that they have abandoned their actions regarding the non-removal of additional conditions. it is not approved by a board without any point of view in the organization of road management and road operation , which is the main custodian and regulator of transportation, without receiving your point of view, now they have approved every step of the process, and one-way notification, but the vice president of the business environment improvement center says that the approval of the regulatory board is the law. it should be implemented, because the board should be fully implemented, which will take our time. now, after all these delays and installments , the highway organization has announced, despite
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the fact that our expert opinion has made a different decision , well, we are obedient, and the highway organization, as a rule, in our transportation areas, these new rules will be announced. faruzeh hasanpour of radio and television news agency and national oil company announced that the plan to collect gas from mashal 70 has progressed. according to the report of the majlis research center, this plan is only valid for the period of 1395 to 1400.
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for the first time in 1993, the ministry of oil asked investors for help to put out the oil industry's torches. by the end of 2018 , we will provide these accompanying gases to those who apply, why ca n't they accept this work? naft says that not investing in time will cause gas production to fall behind it is possible to import gas this year, and the government has made the private sector's determination to collect burner gases serious in projects such as the gas plant and maye 320 gas plant, the first phase of which was put into operation in may this year, petrochemical feed, including petroshim bandar imam ro. it supplies or
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collects gases from the east karun torch in the bidbland refinery of the persian gulf and has collected more than 20 million tons of these gases and has been able to make a very important contribution to the country's gas imbalance. the plan to collect flare gases in khark island has more than 71 progress. it generates 500 million euros of income annually it is going through the final stages for the country and in dehloran province . it should be put into operation in the month of next year according to the managing director of the national oil company, the plans to collect flare gases have progressed 70% so far. by the end of 1404, all associated gases will be collected, god willing. as stated in the bill of the seventh program, the ministry of petroleum is obliged to take measures so that during the implementation of this program,
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no more fires will occur. do not light the oil torches of the country . i sincerely thank you for your cooperation with the radio and television news agency. now i spent nearly 100 million , nothing anywhere see the problems that one side is the customer and the other side is the repairman. now this is the gear. the photos are on whatsapp. now the union is back. they said that their experts absolutely need to change the gearbox. 100 million tomans of equipment was used
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. the problem was caused by the type of oil on the highway, they said. your car's timing belt is broken, change the belt. saying that you pulled the valve is talking about the fake parts of the car, which was supposed to have no place in its stores and repair shops by implementing the design of the product . unfortunately, there is no information about where it came from and where it belongs. the people who are here today because of the joy of imam reza's heart
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i gathered tonight, tell imam reza, sir, because of your every smile, we need you. tell me, god willing, i was told to read mast najaf, if you are going to read masjid najaf , the stars will come down, then everyone should have warm hands and clap first . i will see, mashallah, but not if your hands come up. najaf all knows that shahid najd has the key to the heavens in his bag, so
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be half beat on the top throne in rama zahra above up high up above aaba sweet like a frequent hilgide with mullah mullah
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today we can believe we can believe we are reviving the people we brought the people to the stage yesterday, the young man of kajan village rolled up his sleeves and with the efforts of 43 young people. with the cultural actions of the jihadi group, hazrat hamza seyyed al-shohada memorized the qur'an. it was necessary , and we were able to use the forces of the prisoners who could speak in the name of the voter to help the places where they had left the document and we did not bring them, and it caused
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us to have 3 million continuous and unproductive trees on the desert slopes that are completely waterless. it's raining, it's cold and it was very nice and it was completely empty, tree work was done, these are part of the works of 3 thousand jihadi groups that the role of jihad has been underestimated before the 5th national festival of jihadists, which is scheduled to be held on the 12th and 13th of bahman. attending these ceremonies will help these dignitaries progress, firstly
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, secondly, the friends who are ranked, we have considered special support for them, both material support and spiritual support with the help and education of the institutions that have a mission in the field of separation deprivation. god willing, we are at your service at gorgan university of medical sciences, a group of friends. we gathered together at the end of the 110 jihadi groups selected in this event for the fifth national festival jihadists are finding their way, ali akbar abbasi of sada and sima news agency, after these attacks , lebanon's hezbollah came to the field in support of the people of gaza , and netanyahu threatened hezbollah.
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that if we enter into a real war with hezbollah , we will destroy all of lebanon. this line of marking sometimes continued until this speech. your new ones in the mediterranean sea do not scare us and will never scare us. i am telling you that we have prepared equipment for your ships with which you are threatening us. after this speech , they gave the possibility of war. how serious do you see the risk of a full-scale war between hezbollah and israel? with the changes in the battlefield, they analyzed a fundamental change that happened, hezbollah's use of heavier missiles compared to everyone else
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, i am worried about the continuation of the war . i am very worried. until its missile wants to use it, despite the presence and efficiency of the iron dome system, it is possible that we will lose even half of tel aviv, lebanese media say that hezbollah has been fighting since october 8th, which is the second day of the wolqsa storm operation, until the 15th. the attack on
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the zionists was carried out as a result of this operation 28 zionist settlements were evacuated and 65 thousand zionists were displaced in the occupied territories. atefeh godini of sed and cima news agency.
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this carpet is capital that with the car. it is woven, but it is 100 wool like hand-woven, and the finishing steps are also done by hand. the price is even more interesting because it is a quarter of the price of hand-woven . i have a guarantee. i have never seen a machine-made carpet that looks so much like hand-woven. yes, you can buy, sorry , mr. mr. farsh, you can buy capital carpets only at mr. farsh branches. well, here you can choose your birthday gift. my birthday gift is a motorcycle, a desert motorcycle , choose whichever one you want, it's meant for me, you didn't like me to ride a motorcycle, only kabir can ride a motorcycle, because i feel comfortable that you ride a motorcycle safely and peacefully, and you are free from the pain of traffic and parking space. it is not new that kabir motor also gives helmets to its buyers . most importantly, you spend more time with your family with
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the safety equipment of kabir motor products . enjoyable and safe motorcycle riding. discounts and special sales with feelings of 24 and 36 months. not every month, not every week. rather, win 50 million tomans every day right now buy all kinds of cheese maze shir and doug mehen and send the code to participate in the lottery of 50 million. send the code for more chances to win more lottery. every day at 18:00 live from the communication media of the country. in the big festival of the city of household appliances, for every 35 million tomans purchase in cash or cash , get a free electric medicine with a reputable brand as a gift at the same moment. gifts for a limited time in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sa'ah. medicine city
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home appliances. iron pyrrole is my leadership line.


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