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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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the famous fried sausage is when you want to fry the sausage in one place, then move to another part, slowly, slowly , the whole sausage is fried . that the tactical capability of confronting them was weak and less than their tactical action in that situation of carrying out operational measures and then accepting the responsibility. the only point that exists is that against israel's operational action. if you want to reduce its power
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, tactical countermeasures must be done if general measures are taken, it is natural that this issue does not create the necessary deterrence against israel. one of the things that creates deterrence is credit. that is, the first case is power and the second case is credibility. what do you mean by this credibility, that is, if you say that countermeasures are really mutual, not that, for example, the israelis carry out a precise action , strike a tactical and strategic center of iran or hezbollah. and we only respond to a
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relatively general type of reaction, for example, hitting a golan region, well, this hitting the golan region does not have the necessary tactical value. something that has a tactical value that can be effective and a part of israel's power equation in some way. iran's resistance and in the current situation, which is placed in the space of israel's tactical offensive actions in the peripheral environment , can carry out the same countermeasures in a more precise manner, not in israel's own territorial areas, so that it can
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create better results for deterrence, that is, power alone. it is controlled by power . there is an iranian proverb when your tactical power has to follow up the action with similar and even heavier tactical operations. they say lumpy in my opinion, deterrence is the same as iran's, and of course, if we continue this action only in the form of rhetorical literature , you have no doubt that the israelis will continue their actions, while if they take countermeasures.
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it can be done even stronger tactically, in those conditions, the level of battle and the level of crisis created by the israelis will decrease. the only thing that will lead to israel accepting the ceasefire and passing the genocide is the counter tactical actions of the resistance actors against politics. israel will be aggressive from what you said i believe that even if we want to prevent the war from spreading at the strategic level
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, we must take very serious measures at the tactical level. there is no need for this. that the policy of coercion and tactical action should be used, and this action should create confidence in the mentality and thinking of the israeli defense authorities that if they want to continue the genocide , they will be faced with strong measures through the resistance front. thank you very much, i would like to ask two questions finally, i would like to ask about the zionist political situation . better to see a report about it before that . we will
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continue the conversation. one day before announcing his death, they informed us that he was alive , the next day they informed us that he was injured. a soldier of the hamas movement has been killed. there were no signs of stab wounds or strangulation on ron's body, and his body
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was intact except for broken fingers, indicating that he died from inhaling toxic gases. the family is ashamed of the israeli army's theft the tombstone of their son was also accused . words were written on his tombstone accusing the zionist war cabinet of murdering him. the zionist regime's army had previously condemned the wrongful killing of its captives in gaza and claimed that the occupying soldiers thought that they were fighters of palestinian groups. this has caused panic among other families of israeli captives and they have left.
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it does not lead to correct decisions regarding the future of the current cabinet of this regime and its composition. the current israeli cabinet wants to maintain its current structure, which consists of far-right parties keep until today, these parties were able to get everything they want from netanyahu. these differences prevent them from making the right decisions. matters related to their discussions and differences show that decision-making is for them. it is a burden because everyone is thinking about their political future. that is why the necessary decisive decisions have not been taken. the prolongation of the war leads to an increase in israel's internal problems. especially, this issue has arisen, the case of the abductees
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should not be closed. the case of winning this war and bringing hamas to its knees has the same weight. now everyone it seeks to achieve some kind of victory to present to israeli society. based on the available data and the situation of israeli society, the future of netanyahu and his cabinet is very short. israeli society demands netanyahu's resignation and his return to the world of politics, and that he should not be given any role and be tried. the likud party is facing a 60% defeat among its supporters. the supporters of this party have gone to other parties. undoubtedly, netanyahu will leave the government in the short term, and he will not return to the political arena and world of politics in israel in the near future. therefore, these differences have an effect on the lack of confidence in this cabinet. we are still with you today's world. mr. motaghi
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the zionist political situation has become more complicated since the beginning of the war and we are receiving many rumors and news from the occupied territories that some of the main members of the war cabinet. they are submitting to resignation, as well as other disputes that former officials or even current officials are publicly revealing . you think the situation is failing. what will be the effect of their political situation and the future of netanyahu and his cabinet in gaza after these 16 days? netanyahu expanded the war in a situation where he wanted to achieve a political survival for himself . he put the doctrine of the destruction of hamas on his agenda.
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many in israel believed them. many people in different parts of the world and even some iranian analysts thought that hamas would no longer exist . while hamas has a social root. this is the reason why hamas was able to resist for 17 days . it is truly unprecedented in the history of israeli wars. israelis could achieve part of their tactical goals within 6 days, 7 days, two weeks or at most 33 days in the current situation. appointment erosion if the war of attrition becomes an attrition, the tactical expenses of that actor will also
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increase, so netanyahu's promises to the israeli society today have become colorless. the second thing that exists is that the military cabinet always casts its own profit and wants to see how long it will continue the war. and if it goes on too long, it will naturally lose its credibility , that's why in the current atmosphere of the israeli war cabinet, on the one hand , it continues to survive based on the needs of the tactical environment, and on the other hand, because of israel's military expenses. has increased and could not reach its initial goals
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nayel is in a state of disintegration. the thing that exists is which force can turn its back on the other. it depends on what kind of coercive blow the resistance force strikes in order to be able to implement the necessary policies to force netanyahu to make a kind of revision. to provide means a practical action , which is based on strong tactical actions to revise netanyahu's policy and strategy in connection with the continuation of the war. thank you for your presence in the world. today
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, 25 people were killed in ukraine's attack on donetsk, located in the east of the country. denis pushilin, head of the donetsk region, said the missile attack ukraine also left at least 20 wounded . donets is one of the four regions that russia took control of last year. slovakia says it will block ukraine's entry into nato. prime minister. ukraine is under the complete control of america and its membership in nato will lead to the third world war , that is why his country is against ukraine's joining the nato military coalition. robert fitso said that kiev should solve its problem with moscow through dialogue. us presidential candidate nikki haley after trump pelted her with bread while talking about the january 6, 2021 attack on the capitol building. former member of parliament the american representatives mistakenly
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questioned his mental preparation. haley had previously requested that biden and trump undergo mental health tests. two british warships collided in the waters of the persian gulf. the spokesman of the british army said: these two minerop ships collided while docking at a port in bahrain. the secretary general of the united nations says the council: the security of this organization reflects the world 80 years ago. guterres criticized the composition of this council and said: it cannot be accepted that any country from the african continent is among the permanent members of the council. security is not present. the secretary general of the united nations called the summit of the organization next summer as an opportunity for reforms in global governance to rebuild trust. asia's largest lithium ore mine was discovered in sichuan province, china. the reserve of this mine is about one million tons.
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lithium, which is known as a green energy metal in the 21st century for the production of batteries , electric car factories are one of the main consumers of lithium batteries. after the invasion of gaza by the zionist regime, a large number of europeans supported the rights of the palestinians in various ways, including holding mass demonstrations, but the people eiland has been defending the rights of palestinians in european and international forums for decades.
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he saved gaza from this genocide. the secretary general of the united nations and other officials of that organization have likened the situation in gaza to a hell for the residents, a humanitarian crisis, a bloodbath and a terrible situation. great britain consists of four regions: england, scotland, wales and northern ireland. the british government, which gave palestine to the zionists, was an unequivocal defender of israel's actions in the last 75 years.
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ireland's most popular party in the largest demonstration of 2019 in support of palestinian rights in london increased the encouragement of the supporters of the palestinian cause. we together and united, we are millions of people who stand by the palestinian people all over the world. in the global movement for freedom and justice. we say in groups of thousands and millions of people that we are all palestinians. although in recent polls in england, 76% of people want a ceasefire in ghazni, the main parties of this country still oppose the establishment of a ceasefire. opponents of zionism in england say that the parties in this country support the israeli regime and ignore the crimes of this regime in
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this year's national elections to the candidates supporting the zionist regime. they will not vote. mojtaba ghasemzadeh broadcasting agency, london. now we want to go to london to talk with mr. masoud shajareh, the head of the islamic human rights center. hello mr. shajareh. peace be upon you. good night. why, despite the support of the british people, according to the polls, about 76. for a ceasefire to be established in gaza. and the killing machine of the zionist regime should be stopped, but the british government continues to support israel and its war . yes, this is really very surprising. i mean, i never thought that the british government would so easily
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trample on the issues of democracy like this, really. on the one hand, the british people a space is being created and it is getting wider day by day between the ordinary people in england and the british government and the politicians, on the one hand, the politicians are day by day supporting this evil zionist , occupying and murderous government, and the people are becoming more and more aware of it day by day. it has been created that day by day they are increasing their support for the oppressed palestinian people, they are aware that the absolute oppression of the palestinian people and the mass killings are very clear to them, and this shows that this
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so-called perception that the western governments not only england, but also france, germany and even america the term of creating an environment where these are obedient to the wishes of their own people, but all the statistics show the exact opposite, but on the one hand, our people are pro-palestinian, even england is 75%, many demonstrations that we are witnessing in london, in paris, in germany, in washington, d.c. new york in los angeles shows that people are really spontaneous in this responsibility. the situation is that the expression of the voice of the oppressed palestinian people has been taken over and the governments are not even
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listening. and other powers are using it even against the fans. they are changing the laws , for example, the laws that allow people to have the right to buy israeli goods or any goods they want to boycott , and now they are taking away this right day by day . there was a law in england that made this illegal. these are the countries that claim to have freedom of speech, they claim that they represent the people, they claim to implement the will of the people , but in reality
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they prefer the wishes of an evil government, foreign apartheid, to the wishes of the people. yes, thank you. in recent weeks, we have seen complaints from south africa against the zionist regime. we were a glove in gaza to the international court of justice. to what extent can governments like america and england be considered complicit in genocide and war crimes for providing weapons and helping the zionist regime? let's see, on the one hand, we are waiting and hoping that the ic court will give a positive decision. but at the same time , the international bodies, whether the united nations, the european union , the bodies of the islamic countries, or
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the international courts, were really unable to stop a genocide that was unprecedented in our generation's life. stop it, no, they couldn't even stop it, they couldn't even prevent countries like england, europe, and america, who give free gifts of guns, cartridges, cannons, tanks, and killing tools, to this murderous and child-killing regime that can kill innocent people. increase the speed , you can increase the intensity. unfortunately, until the court makes a decision, you cannot take these to court. of course
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, there have been a series of complaints from politicians in england and america, but when it goes to court, unfortunately, it will be difficult to implement unless the court the international community should declare that it recognizes this genocide. admit that this genocide is taking place, then we ourselves as human rights associations are ready, we have a plan that politicians and those who support this genocide according to international laws that say if anyone , any organization, any politician comes one by one create an environment where killings are done. let that person like the one who is doing these killings is something, he should be brought to court and he should be held accountable.
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so this is the program. but in the meantime, until then, there are other activities. the boycott of israeli goods really affects people in europe and the rest of the world the countries, even the arab countries of malaysia, indonesia, have a lot of pressure on the companies that support and support israel and these murderers. we made one clip, we made seven clips. regarding the boycott of products supporting israel, one of them reached 5.5 million views only on instagram within 2 weeks, which means that people are really active, we should ask everyone, even the dear people of iran, there is no need to support this , coca-cola generation and even pepsi and such organizations
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should be sanctioned. currently, the majority of people in europe are intensifying the sanctioning program gen sidem's comment we had a program today in london, a conference on gen side killings , mass murders. boden and 2 of the famous professors of international law all emphasized that on the one hand we should pursue legal work and on
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the other hand we should form courts that are not under the control of western leaders and are not colonial and arrogant . and on the other hand, people should be able to put pressure on the israeli government and western governments with their sanctions . i do, mr. shajareh goodbye. similarly , i say goodbye to the viewers of khabar network at the end of the world today. have a good night.
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different political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament is the key. this is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel with the width of the country. we don't agree. above the debate of trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on khabar network . today, wherever we are, tomorrow is higher.
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at 3 o'clock, the bodies of five martyrs who defended the shrine in the recent crime of the zionist regime in the regions.


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