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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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[000:00:35;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad be speedy, dear compatriots, greetings to you at 6:00 am. welcome to this news section . the body of sardar
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sadegh omidzade, sardar hossein mohammadi, is being decorated in qom. and mohammad amin samadi will be buried in shaheed mahalati, tehran, and the martyrs of ali amazadah and saeed karimi will be buried in qom. his name was ali. he is the father of fatima khanum. i am 18 years old. i have a younger sister, you too , fatimah, a girl who speaks of her father with her smile . one of the blessings that i thanked god for was that god gave me such a father, a father whose work has always made me proud. we are always proud and the message that the martyr's daughter sends to the enemy is that i am following the ideals of my father and israel, without the 80s of today's generation competing with
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the father of fatemeh pasdar ali, who was born in the 1980s. there are 50 of those noblemen who were involved in the investigation of martyrs in their youth. the family of amazadah has two other amazadahs, one is a martyr of holy defense the other is the warrior who defends the shrine in this photo, the martyr of the holy defense , that is, the elder brother of ali agha and other aghazades who are veterans. we were under the army , our father was a veteran of the revolution, our brother was 15 years old , abbas was martyred, that one of our brothers, the defenders of the shrine, a little further on the 15th khordad street, the friends of agha
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saeed gathered to encourage his family. his mother and sisters were eloquent and good. no matter how little i say, i have said little about his goodness, his kindness, his compassion, those who follow this path have a strong heart. saeed karimi is survived by a son. god willing, sir hadish can continue his way and a father to his child. is proud fortunately, he went the way he wanted. yesterday, a group of defenders of the holy shrine and military advisors of the irgc were martyred in the zionist regime's attack on damascus. kermiani of qom radio and television news agency. the spokesman of the guardian council announced that a number of candidates for parliament representation
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protested the results of the examination of qualifications in the provincial delegations. qualifications have been confirmed. more than a thousand people who have registered their objections in the stage of registering their objections have been approved by the respected members of the guardian council. who are these people? of course, their qualifications were rejected or not verified in the previous stage. mr. tahan nazeef also informed about sending the names of newly qualified people to the ministry of interior. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a
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strong parliament is the key. we do not agree above the debate trends. on the eve of the elections, every day at 15:19 on the khabar network, whatever we are, tomorrow , the united nations warns about the spread of infectious diseases in gaza . in the camps displaced persons and lack of proper drinking water, more than 8 thousand cases of hepatitis a virus have been observed so far. on the other hand, the palestinian red crescent announced that while threatening the people of gaza
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, the zionists only allowed 80 trucks to enter from the rafah border. before the war, 500 trucks entered gaza every day. meanwhile, the spokesperson of the gaza ministry of health also says that 70% of medical aid. the shipment is out of the scope of the food needs and the patients are on the waiting list. according to the officials of the gaza ministry of health, the number of martyrs in the 17 days of the zionist genocide is 255 receipt.
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the zionists bombed the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip and areas of khan yunus , including al-qarara, in the south of the south with their fighters . he announced in this channel. the endowment administration of gaza also announced that the zionist army in this case. destroyed the mosque in the gaza strip. after the zionist regime's invasion of gaza, a large number of people from europe in various ways, including holding large-scale demonstrations in support of the rights of the palestinians. dealing with the people of iland for decades in
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the european and world forums for the rights of the palestinians , we are together and united with millions of people who stand by the palestinian people all over the world in the global movement for freedom and justice in groups of thousands and thousands of people. millions of people say that we are all palestinians, even though in the recent polls in england, 76 of the people want a ceasefire in ghazand, the main parties of this country still oppose the establishment of a ceasefire
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. opponents of zionism in england say that due to the support of the parties of this country to the israeli regime and ignoring the crimes of this regime in the elections this year's nationwide support candidates. the zionist regime will not vote. mojtaba ghasemzadeh , radio news agency, london. dear compatriots, have a good monday . shush is the oldest city of iran and hekmatane is the first capital of iran, the burnt city in sistan baluchistan , the city of harira in the south of iran, tap hesar in damghan.
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silk in kashan, pasargad in fars, simre in ilam is the continuation of the list of the first cities and centers of ancient life in the land of iran. the architecture of each of these cities is different according to the climate, geography and weather. he does not see himself as equal to nature, that is, a part of nature, and not separate from nature. anemia, cold weather in some places and very hot weather in other parts, wind and storms, corners of... iranian people coped with all of them and this led to the continuation of a life of thousands of years in this land. friendship with nature is not if he confronts him , let's do something. sir , you are a threat, so i am the kind of person who can stand up to you. no, in fact, it seems that the thought of that traditional person is that it is you. well , i can't do anything because you and i are living together, so i will come from i will get a benefit from what that genie says. now maybe, for example
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, your annoying will not cause my life to be disturbed. in sistan-baluchestan, parts of south khorasan , the winds of very high speed were restrained without being harmful and destructive. horses with a unique architecture that can be seen in parts of afghanistan today, except for iran, and are the product of the coexistence of man and the elements. it is nature, the human being who used the energy of the wind with the design of wind turbines for cooling, and with the design of asbad for the grinding mill, took me to the past hundreds of years, how much the people here, with their knowledge and culture, knew how much a wind to be able to use it, i feel that this is an art inspired by them, so attractive , so strong, people in this area use the wind in this way, very exceptional. using the wind very intelligently, i feel that
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it is simply doing a very wonderful job in the low water areas, man slowly built the building of the glacier, he made clay from the soil and built this unique building with the same clay. . he separated the ice from the mountain in the cold seasons of the year and stored it in this conical building with an innovative method so that he could have cool water in the hot seasons. be they piled up a layer of ice until it reached the level of the ground. we come once a year and pour snow. there is a dovecote for the underground storage of water in these buildings. iranians built this tower for pigeons, but the dovecote is not a hunting ground and pigeon breeding is not for food pigeon droppings were used as agricultural fertilizer in this place. and for this reason, most pigeon houses
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were built next to fields, but some farmers today destroy pigeon houses to have more land and use chemical fertilizers. we now have all these ecosystem wheels by entering, for example we mixed the chemical fertilizer, the chemical fertilizer came and disturbed the entire flow of the pigeon house. ichdans , dovecotes, and azbads are the most obvious manifestations of coexistence of iranians with nature. this history that we have, the very long history that we have, has made it very, very special, that is, we have so much variety and variety in this large climatic and cultural area that exists in iran, from the field of architecture and now, whether tangible or intangible, that we can really dare to say that it is unique in the world, and this is the reason why so much attention has been paid to iran throughout history. some of these buildings are still in
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cities and villages can be seen that are registered in the list of national monuments, and their registration in the list of world heritage facilitates the introduction of their preservation. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. small parts with big functions. for canceling aircraft, adjusting the angle of radars and satellite ground stations, monitoring the health of huge civil structures and railway and metro lines by checking their changes and several applications. other chips are ultra-precise, which are actually divided into two categories: digital tilt sensors, chips sensors, with ultra-precise accuracy , in fact, in the discussion, their accuracy level is 27,10,000.
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degree is a piece with advanced technology that meets the needs of various industries in the country with the efforts of researchers of a knowledge-based company and breaking the barrier of sanctions. in the advanced industry, such as the steel industry , which has advanced machinery , it is used in the monitoring of tall buildings on the road and in robotics. they are using the technical know-how to make shibs, which is already available in 8 countries. it was in the world and now it is available to consumers at a lower price with the mark of iran. the manufacturing technology of this product is available to only a few companies in the world, which does not reach the number of fingers on one hand. actually , currently, 100 countries' needs
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are provided through our company, and the price of the domestic sample is 1/ the third one is similar to the western one, with a significant amount of currency savings. it happened that the provision of after-sales services, the availability and the possibility of calibrating chips inside the country is only part of the advantages of the product compared to foreign samples. our products can be very accurate from minus 40 degrees to plus 85 degrees celsius degree is actually a temperature compensation and can make that initial accuracy very high. foreign samples that can almost reach our accuracy are imported from switzerland, and we can tell you that samples of very low quality were imported from countries such as china, which could not actually meet our advanced industry. the high quality and reasonable price of this product has made
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this product of iranian scientists to have customers from russia, india and several european countries. mohammad hossein haji, reporter. eri sedav and sima line up of heavy vehicles at fuel stations in the city and bronshe we have been standing since 6:00 a.m. now it's 7:30 a.m. the queue is 200 meters long. i think it's a kilometer longer. this is another queue . there is no diesel in this area. we
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have been standing in line for exactly one hour. the positions are so limited that they have to deal with people who circumvent the rules. their cars are lying down, they bring their card , they give us the parking space, they sell it to us, that is , they sell their own parking space to you, not the same workers, the cars of the marajen garage , their drivers, they work in business to buy gasoil. even up to 20 times the approved price, we borrow from friends , we buy up to 77,000 tomans per liter , we buy 70-80 liters less, we go to buy free, how much do you buy free, that is 70-80 liters. the headquarters for combating goods and currency smuggling has already announced that there are restrictions on the supply of diesel fuel because the supervision in the road transport sector is not very strict. in the area of ​​bills of lading
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, we see the syrian bills of lading. in the discussion of the passenger situation , we see the syrian passenger situation and based on these data. unfortunately, the incoming information makes the allocation of the car illogical it has no traffic and actually receives oil and gas, and this oil and gas, well, according to the current price, we supply 300 tomans, well, in this area, we also have a diversion route and a smuggling route. the basis of the survey plan should be carried out in this section so that we can actually see the cars traveling on this route only on that so-called route. can joke the law of diesel allocation based on the distance traveled in the basis of the smart fleet traffic monitoring system or sepahten since 10 years ago. it was implemented to solve this problem, but the road organization he announced that the activity of this system
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has started on a limited basis this year. i assure you that in the bus sector we can create this service by the end of the year . of course, the results will be good. for the year 1403, the project in the cargo sector will also need a large amount of investment. the issue will be discussed later. from cyber attack to problems fuel stations. there are more customers, samia is cut off and that's enough , there is a time, there is a time, there is no time, it is cut off, it means you insert your card, it may not recognize it, yes, it does not establish a connection with the company, it is not online , i will release an amount of 300, bring it up later how much was your monthly contribution? 15 days, 3 thousand liters have been deposited. now it shows 3 thousand liters when it doesn't enter the card . there is one online pump from tehran to zanjan. we didn't find it. let's go to zanjan to buy 200 gas bottles. we found a gas pump
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and he gave us 100 gas bottles. where did this truck go with 100 bottles ? i had 1,000 bottles in my card. now, when i came to the parking lot, i saw that there was nothing in my card. 15 days after we gassed, nothing is clear. i didn't know how much was deposited to me . i don't want more. i want fuel according to my work. the problem of connecting the sepahtan system platform to the fuel price payment network platform , through which the non-infiltrating defense organization identified the cause of the cyber attack on the smart fuel system. if you did, you would have faced a problem. now the connection between this bank payment system and the souq system is disconnected. the officials of the ministry of oil say that in order to solve the problems in the implementation of this phase of the sepahtan system, the capital and capacity of different banks will be used.
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in fact, some kind of this spy will enter the positions, and we have entered into negotiations with the national bank to bring samples, and now the tests of the so-called security defense complex can be done, so that they can also use their capacity in the field of supply channels . the process is underway. i mean, if we want to say when we should say, i can't say when now. according to them, according to them , until this problem is solved, drivers can use the emergency cards available at the stations. ruqiyeh hoyda of the news agency radio after these attacks, lebanon's hezbollah
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came to the field in support of the people of gaza. netanyahu threatened hezbollah. and threats became the focus of these media's talks. the things that hezbollah has done in the north and the things it has thrown did not cause extraordinary damage. i think that hezbollah is not really in a strong position to involve itself in a full-scale war with israel. israeli officials have repeatedly emphasized that if we enter into a real war with hezbollah, all of lebanon will show these lines. sometimes it continued until this speech of your ships in the mediterranean sea does not scare us and it will never scare us. i am saying that we have prepared equipment for your ships with which you are threatening us. after this speech , they gave the possibility of war
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. how serious do you see the risk of a full-scale war between hezbollah and israel ? you are a very serious risk with the developments on the battlefield . the main thing that happened is that hezbollah's use of heavier missiles compared to previous attacks by israel is in a very difficult situation, it is not possible now. the continuation of the war in the long term makes it difficult to analyze the possibility of entering gaza in the long term it changed again, they said that we should look at the battle scene more realistically, we should consider the reality , first of all, israel is fighting for its own life now, but in the end, it does not want to destroy the whole country, and these realisms worry the experts. i am worried about the continuation of the war. it is not advisable for them to go to war with hezbollah, if
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they want to use hezbollah's 150,000 missiles despite their presence and effectiveness. there is an iron dome system with the possibility that we will lose even half of tel aviv. lebanese media say hezbollah from the eighth october is the second day of the wolqsa storm operation , so far 105 attacks have been carried out on zionists , as a result of which 28 zionist settlements were evacuated and 65 thousand zionists were displaced in the occupied territories. atefeh godini of sed and cima news agency. gal onaf is a zionist soldier who joined the occupying army with the call of the ministry of war of the zionist regime to recruit reserve forces. anaf was the owner of a furniture store company in jaffa, which he ran for 9 years. he has now returned from the war with millions in debt and an uncertain future. unaf
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is one of the 350,000 workers in occupied palestine from the beginning of the military invasion. the workers against gaza were recruited by the zionist army. the statistics of the ministry of labor of the zionist regime show that most of the reservists who were recruited into the zionist army worked in the field of information technology. this area accounts for 18% of the gdp and more than 50% of the exports of this regime and is considered as the vital artery of the zionist regime's economy. many of these buildings are in medina. and these tall buildings that you see behind me house the largest information technology companies, but due to the call-up of reserve forces and the joining of the workforce. these companies are now empty on the gaza front. also, 70% of large projects have been postponed and 50% of investment in this area
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has decreased compared to last year. the startup central institute of the zionist regime has also announced more. new information technology companies have transferred their capital abroad and some have closed due to lack of labor. the war in gaza marked the beginning of the collapse of the israeli economy. the consequences of this war are very serious and currently the economic losses of this war cannot be estimated. the center for trade statistics of the zionist regime has announced that due to the problem of the movement of ships in red sea imports in the last month of the year. imports have reached the lowest level in the last 3 years. exports have also decreased by 18% in the same month, which in some cases has made the trade balance of this regime negative with several countries. if the cabinet of the zionist regime does not take tough economic decisions as the head of the central bank of this regime wants, the israeli economy
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will reach the edge of the abyss. currently, the investment sector and the living standard of the city. gaza, with unprecedented economic costs of nearly 60 billion dollars , is estimated to be the most expensive war in israel, a war that has entered its fourth month and so far has not achieved anything. has not had hello. this is gina publications, national exam exams, possible questions, 160 tips and tests, and general techniques, only and only in the book , you heard it exactly right, nostrazist, a star type in the sky of the country, a different work from gilna publications
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