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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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tehrani was awarded, we had 41 medalists , that is, about 23% of the total medals of the caravan were related to tehran province. in addition , we held a motivational appreciation program for athletes who are on the verge of winning a share . for them, sports is important. i also returned from the olympic games . it is appropriate to prepare these awards for all the olympic medalists . these signs are good difficult conditions have been achieved for iran, we were able to win a bronze medal after 65 years.
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let's win, which was done by winning against the world's second olympic team, japan, who is the owner of the style in the world. ansi borzandeh of sed and sima news agency. thank you for your support. but today is tuesday 3 bahman, 11 rajab and 23 january. sunset in tehran at 17:00. 22. anzan maghrib minute will be at 171 minutes and islamic midnight will be at 23:32 hours. dear and respected countrymen , thank you very much for your attention and cooperation with this news series. now we will go together to the election program studio. we are going higher and together with my colleague, mr. i greet you, mr. big tsab, may god be with you. in the name of god, i greet you dear colleague. greetings and respect to all viewers. the program
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above has a main question and a main proposition. our plan today is that if the capital id tax is going to be levied, should we deduct inflation from it or not? that means whether this adjustment should be taxed or not . this is the main proposition of our plan. i invite you to follow this discussion with us if you are not interested , please follow us on khabar network. thank you very much elections in the election of a parliament. niromand, the key is in the hands of the people, the iranian coach, sharaf iran , has a telegram, he is playing with the whole country, why are you pricing this month? your question is an interesting question . we will be higher tomorrow
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, you will be higher with the special election program . in recent meetings, the leader of the revolution called real competition one of the important pillars of the election , meaning that the field should be open for the presence of different political, economic, and cultural tendencies, so that everyone can agree with this. their different views can be used in the big competition. make the elections a real competition and have an active presence in the field. one of the issues on which experts disagree is whether we should deduct inflation or not deduct inflation in the case of the capital id tax or the tax on speculation and gambling . think of buying a property or buying a car , the price of which changes due to the incidental profit you get, which is considered an unusual profit according to the producers and that. that in as taxes
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it is being charged for capital, you have to pay the capital id that you had, which is considered unproductive activity, as tax. there is a difference of opinion that people who are against this type of tax picture because of inflation , they say, well, a country with inflation will increase the price of a series of goods, things that are bought, property, real estate, cars . after that , let's calculate the tax for the capital. on our side , they have a different opinion against his favorable opinion . stay with us for more details in the program during the election debate. above, thank you. well, in today's program and in today's studio above, mr. mehdi mohadi bek , an economic expert, is present, as well as mr. shaghaghi , another economic expert , and we will discuss the program together. greetings and may god bless both guests . i want to start with mr. mohadi
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, as he agrees that we should not deduct the tax for capital inflation, mr. modi, please tell me why this should not happen. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful. your excellency, dear mr. doctor and all the viewers of our program, we must first find out the position of the capital id tax. let's determine and see why we need a capital id tax. if we can get to the main philosophy of such a tax , this can lead us to the direction that if inflation is going to be discussed, we should discuss this. should there be an inflation adjustment, that is, we should deduct the effect of inflation from this price increase and then take the capital id tax or not, the capital tax
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is an anti-gambling and speculative tax . in the economy of our country, non-productive activities have taken the place of our productive activities we need to look around us . let's say you ask any of us how many billions they actually have. the first thing that happens is that they ask us, sir , what do you want to do with these billions ? our mind is that we will go and buy a property with it, buy a house, buy a car, and then what will we keep, and in the following years , it will grow by this amount, and we will get a significant profit from this transaction, this is its main logic. there is speculation and speculation . now you and i can do this with a small amount of money
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let's say that at one time, the business is basically the business of some people, in fact, the people who have these businesses are promoting their own work. in the sense that the legal entities of the company and many big capitalists may no longer go towards production at all, but rather trust the conditions towards this speculation and speculation, so let us understand the main philosophy . if we want to tax capital id, why do we want to tax it ? we want to actually come as a mechanism as a mechanism and put an end to this kind of gambling and speculation by taxing the capital id, so this is it. the most important goal of if this happens, then we want to name it as a tax for the id of the capital as a tool and mechanism to prevent rigging and speculation. now we have to see
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what it has to do with inflation. we have to explain this , if the tax for capital id has nothing to do with inflation, then it is natural that it comes from the tax. adjust the capital id for inflation and then take the tax from it, even though this may not lead to tax savings, speculation and gambling, but the person may have to pay for it. if it is profitable, continue to do this unproductive activity , but you can do something like this if this inflation is not related to this tax for capital id, but what if it is related , if the lack of tax on capital id itself, in other words, speculation and speculation that in it happens that the economy of a country is one of the main factors of inflation in our country's economy. this is the main issue , that is, if we sum up these two issues , it seems to me that we can easily reach this conclusion. the first point is that if we we want to
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come and moderate the inflation, which means we allowed it that is, speculation and the quality of play from that question. in fact, we didn't spend it, we allowed the speculator to come back and with this amount, in fact , he still has a profit and continues his unproductive activity . let's see if playing hard and speculation has an effect on inflation and is one of the main factors of inflation or not. if this happens, i think that the continuation of our discussion with mr. doctor will end here. tax on capital id on inflation that god willing, i have some discussions at your service, arah aghaghi. you agree that this inflation should be moderated and deducted. what are your reasons, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, behi nasta'in, it is good, nasser, my servant. hello , i am at the service of his highness and mr. doctor, who are colleagues of the tax organization. . from the ministry of economy, mr. minister, the colleagues of the tax organization are in sensitive situations and they are trying hard to reform the tax system. there are many issues in our tax system. i really like the efforts of my friends, but i have something to say about this issue, that is, i am against it. i agree with this discussion and i believe it should be adjusted. now , if you allow me to point out my reasons, you can see that the tax has 3 specific goals, the discussion of increasing the government's income is someone against this issue. no, the second issue is the explanation of wealth, and the third tax ruling or
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tax goal is to prevent non-productive activities. now let's call it extreme speculation or extreme gambling, so it has 3 goals: tax and well, and now we are going to tax on capital id, because it mainly pursues that goal. the third of course , it will generate income for the government, but its main goal is to prevent extreme speculation. look, mr. dr. mohed, i have no objection to the principle of capital id tax, i accept that it should be defined as a tax base in iran's economy, but the ambiguity for me is , see, the question is the root of inflation in the economy. is speculation extreme or not? let me give you a simple example
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. i am unemployed. i am not a capitalist . i have a certain amount of money. this is my savings . let's assume that it is one billion tomans in an economy whose 6-year inflation rate is above 40%. from the point of view of justice, tell me what should i do with this money, if i have money in my mind, people are looking for an anchor. are able to maintain their purchasing power. apart from now, there are a few sections that are really defined in that extreme speculation. the second question. the
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second question is that we focused on the tax on capital. let's assume we close this road. that is the productive part. with a thousand and one punishments from instabilities, from the lack of a favorable macroeconomic environment, from the discussion of corruption and bribery, from moderate factors that hinder your production as an executive , as an impartial person, tell me what i should do with my capital. let me see that i am shaqi, which means 70 million people in this country, at least 75 million people you assume that 5 million or 10 million people may be very few. 5 million people are defined in the phase of extreme speculation, but i am not looking for speculation , as an ordinary person, i am looking for the fact that, mr. doctor, you should close the root of inflation, inflation of
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40-50% and uncertainty about the future and the past experience, the numerous promises made by different governments , from the word "don't buy", we have heard that "don't buy" is cheaper, sir, in these 20 years, we have seen that everyone who didn't buy got it. and that capital was liquidated. do you have a chance to invest in iran, or should i stop? if you stop until now, then we can. the capital in iran is currently in it, and capital is defined as gold dollars, foreign and domestic cars, housing and the capital market. this is currently our asset basket. now we are blocking it. we, the people , are anchoring another commodity as an asset . who said you are? iran
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is khodro. ok, where in the world is khodro ? why am i going to buy a car because i want to protect myself from inflation ? now you are asking me, i will say inflation. next year, with the situation i see, we will have inflation, so what should i do with my money? therefore, i want to say that we are not against it for id tax, but the same section we have to do something about it, that is, a group of ordinary people who have nothing to do with inflation, mr. mohadi
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. sodagri is also defined as an adjective of play . i disagree with all the four concepts that i have presented to you and i have my own arguments that i present to you. we have a disease in iran's economy . we have found a disease in iran's economy. i'm sorry about this issue. it works on me i usually come across people who say , sir, we iranians , since the achaemenid era , whenever we needed to invest, we went and bought a property. the emergence of a series of diseases in our country's economy, which
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have caused this problem from one period to the next , is an example. according to the statistics provided by the iranian statistics center, for the year 2015, the capital demand of our housing sector, the capital demand of our housing sector , out of the total liquidity in the housing market, was about 20 the percentage included 55 and 80% of market demand and volume. the liquidity of the market used to be focused on consumer demand. 80 consumer demand and 20% of capital. now this number is exactly the opposite. if it hasn't gotten worse, we have about 80d of the total amount of liquidity in our housing market, and more than 80 is capital demand. what does 20% of consumer demand mean to this? it means
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that we have found ourselves in a situation where our economy , due to the sledgehammers that have been used this year , has actually produced more pollen than the previous year, and the production is scattered from each other. he had resources, he wanted to invest somewhere, he sees the production, he can't go to invest, he goes to what , for example, land, housing, cars, coins, currency , bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and stocks like these , what will happen? it is because i agree that we should have a policy package to help production, but this does not mean that we should stop speculation and speculation here , when we are talking about speculation and speculation, mr. doctor, don't think about it. a person who bought a 50-meter or 100-meter house is a real estate agent
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it is not open and speculators, rigid open speculators are those who have companies and legal entities, they have institutions that go up to the sub-group of a bank whose all activities are speculators and games . let's say, sir, these people are saving, people are buying a 50-meter house, no, sir, they are not influential at all , the main influencers are the legal entities that are the branches of the bank and a thousand and one different institutions that are taking advantage of this opportunity. what happens now? what does this abuse mean? woman, the point is, when this speculation is gaining ground as a logic , it asks for liquidity, which means it needs facilities before it can do this speculation and speculation . by the way, the corruption
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of many of these banks, the subcategories of many of these banks, is taken from the private sector. or there are government companies that are helping this angle of work , so liquidity will come in the form of facilities , who can get facilities , the same companies that use these properties as collateral. they can let those companies that have more credibility increase the demand for liquidity. now, looking at how this demand for liquidity will affect inflation again, i will explain about it. yes , keep it right here. so far, let's get the answer from mr. shoaghi and see if they agree or this is how i understood this inflation. when we sit down to find out its roots, let's study it one by one . it has been studied in iran for 50 years. this is how i understood it, and this is how our economic friends, the economists, also understand it. they say that the first one will be the budget imbalance, the other will be the imbalance of the banks
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one of them is the imbalance of pension funds, then recently, the imbalance of water and other macroeconomic imbalances have also been added, one of them is the land imbalance resulting from trade deficits, the result of the capital account deficit, and another part is uncertainty about the future of my economy. in the name of a significant contribution to speculation, if speculation is the cause of inflation, it may be a stimulus in some process, but see the root cause of macroeconomic imbalances. inflation is the main root of macroeconomic imbalances, from currency imbalances to various imbalances, this is an issue now. inflation is the result of these protests, sir. inflation has been implemented
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in the economy of 40 percent. it has been 6 years now that we have had inflation of 40 percent . i am not rich in iran. i am not an ordinary person . i am halal . it won't go with inflation of 50. you tell me that i don't want my wealth to be lost. on the one hand, we closed the production department, mr. d. i wish i was in charge of the capital market. well, i have a little understanding of the capital market. every time i entered, i came out with a loss. well, every day
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there is a resolution, every day there is a recipe. well, mr. menya , you did the same. out of these many recipes, one day you go for refinement . you buy a recipe, you stay because it messes up the financial statements , it messes up the profitability of the company, you go to the bank and buy it. you buy bank shares, then you see that they are fined, you go, i don't know, you buy steel, i don't know , you buy copper and steel industry, and then there is no water, there is no electricity, there is no gas, or sir, open a place, you are a government official, so am i. i was once in your place, but i want to tell you that the government should open the space, that is , the production space . i am not crazy to go and buy land. no , we closed the space, the space that
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i am saying, mr. moderator, the production space in the capital market is passive and does not work in iran's economy for investment . i am one of the 1% of halal wealth, so what should i do? 50% of my wealth is not a leap year , tell me this. i say there is no problem with taxes i don't know about id as a tax basis, even though it is one of the pillars of taxes, i know that the first task in taxation is income for the government, the second task is the tax on the redistribution of wealth, like the wealth tax, if we had a third goal, they would take the tax on non-productive activities are correct, that is, the third and lower part, i say there is no problem, i can't produce, i can't take my money, if you have art , your government men can come in my place, guarantee, take my money , production, but keep it to the extent of inflation, at least i can't take my money from production, then mr.
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my dear, what should i do? i'm going to buy land you tell me this is id, well, iran doesn't have it. i say, sir, i am not an extremist at all. i want to buy land so that my wealth can be preserved. the government is the government. from the beginning, when every government came , including the previous government, this is the 13th government. i have devotion to all these friends whom i really love, that is , mr. dr. i know what hard work they do and how much effort they put into the tax organization. dr. sobanyan is a friend and comrade. well, mr. dashto khandozi, i like him very much , i want you to see this. political package we have to work on the production path , so mr. doctor, do you want to keep that package , i don't want it, the last argument, my last sentence is that if we at least allow that in the issue of inflation
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, which i am not to blame, as a rich person in my society , i did not create the disharmony that i i want, only i want my wealth to be preserved. hello , let the tax be adjusted. it means that the id is affected by inflation . there is an average inflation
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. we have to remove this swelling and then let's calculate the tax for capital id, so the main point of my argument and actually my claim is contrary to this , so i have to argue, mr. doctor , capital id tax is implemented in 187 countries in the world, 187 countries, most of these countries are countries with very, very low inflation. . after the value added tax, our most popular tax is the capital id tax. among the countries, there are some african countries or even argentina, which you can see right now with high inflation. iran is like these countries, which, in my opinion, are due to the lack of because of one of its important factors due to the lack of tax, it has been capital . we have been in england since 1965. it is one of
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the things that actually seems to me that you and i have an agreement on the tax . i have been away for a short time, mr. doctor, mr. doctor, if we talk about us after that, we have this as a controlling factor. when we are talking about england, since 1965, england has had a tax on capital, and america has had it since 1913. there is a tax on capital id , pay attention when we have these countries and many others from other countries, i would say that 187 countries
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have capital, why should we invest? we are discussing that yes, the cause of our inflation is banking imbalances, energy imbalances, water imbalances , fund imbalances and the like. the area of ​​zarif fazaandeh is going to justify this liquidity. liquidity wants to have an effect . i have another important factor that creates liquidity . ok, and what ghusls, this is growing . when it grows, it means that it motivates me. if you get money, go
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buy property and housing. because this is growing, so a loop is formed here, a cycle is formed, where i am going to buy real estate because the price is increasing, and because the price is increasing , so that increase in the price of inflation is actually expensive again. it shapes the price increase in that basket of goods which itself has an effect, and actually the inflation calculations are based on that basket of goods , this increase in assets directly and indirectly, it increases ram, this is a second point. the second point is that when this price increase took place, i have the motivation to go and buy it. i don't have money, or i have money, but as much as i need to make a profit, this greed allows me to go and ask for facilities from the banking system and these facilities. how many facilities did we provide last year? all the facilities we provided went to production. what percentage of them went to production? are those things that went to education?


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