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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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it motivates me, mohadi, if you get money , go buy property and housing because it is growing , so a loop is formed here, a cycle is formed. increases, so the increase in the price of inflation again in fact forms the price, the increase in the price forms in that basket of goods that itself has an effect, and actually the inflation calculations are based on that basket of goods, this increase in assets directly and indirectly sabder increases ram . this is one point. what is the second point? the second point is that when this price increase took place, i have the motivation to go and buy this, i don't have money or i have money, but as much as i need to make a profit, this greed allows me to go and ask for a facility from the banking system and get this facility . how much did we pay last year? we provided facilities, all the facilities that we provided went towards production, how many percent of them went towards production. do the things that
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have gone, the institutions that have gone towards producing economic growth for us, show us that we have a leak, mr. doctor, what is our leak , our leak is that no matter how much our banking system the facility of the banking system is provided to anyone who wants to get an education with a higher interest and in fact with a higher return of interest . whoever has a higher credit will provide the education. . i told you about the super rich people that i told you about. now imagine if people are going to buy these things. they are not people. 50% of the people do not have cars. 50% of the country's households do not have any cars. they are not us the subject of our discussion is a series of companies that are abusing this space and a series of super rich people that you can find proof
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that they are the ones who create this space. to be honest, we should come and examine this work, this work of liquidity seeking , who has come and reviewed a serious article, mr. doctor? those countries do not deal with this issue like they do they have this tax for capital because in practice , conditions have arisen for them so that this attribute of the game does not form, very well, if you agree, before we have the answer of mr. dr. shaqieh, a report of my colleague in the macroeconomics group of sada vasima news agency will be prepared together. let's go back to the consensus of the viewers. let's continue the conversation. vahid shaghaghi , an economic expert, should not be taxed on all people's capital id. in other words
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, the country's inflation rate must be subtracted from the total profit to obtain the net income of the capital. for example, if a person buys a car for 1 billion tomans and within 6 month due to high inflation in the country, its price will increase to half a billion tomans. to calculate the tax, the amount of inflation should be subtracted from the total id , so to speak, based on the net id. it is a major error that renders its entire regulatory function ineffective. considering the exemptions granted to convert the assets to the best inflation adjustment, there is no justification. mohammad ghasemi, head of the research center of the chamber of commerce. not if inflation adjustment is not in the capital id tax law. not only
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will it not have any deterrent for speculative behavior, but by implementing it, the principle of tax justice will be more distorted. and the perception of injustice will deepen in the society and the gap between the strata of the society will intensify. ali malekzadeh, an economic expert, adjusting inflation in capital income tax is against tax justice. if the inflation adjustment is to be done in the capital income tax. in order to maintain the fairness and efficiency of the tax system, other incomes that are taxed should also be adjusted for inflation. ali nasili aghdam , an economic expert, there should be an inflation adjustment in the capital id tax, and i don't agree that there should be an inflation adjustment in the provincial tax on production , because it has no meaning at all. does not have. vahid azizi, an expert in spite of the extensive exemptions
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provided for the preservation of capital in the capital id tax , some people who are not aware of the commission's approval and its extensive exemptions believe that it should be equal to inflation. people who have non-productive activities should be deducted. this work is against justice and against the efficiency of this tax base, and they actually turn the tax into an ineffective and harmful tax. we reviewed the opinions of the supporters and opponents of the debate we are having today , mr. dr. shaq and mr. mamdi point out that they make a distinction between ordinary people and people who are now more wealthy or profiteers or companies that looking for business.
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you are a thief, at least i am entering half, but the car is a consumer product, why do the people of iran khodro have rights? well, i calculated that in 1989-1990, i was using a foreign car, and
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now it has increased 50 times. we went to him two or three times in the last 12 years , but we couldn't. let's buy it, it has become very expensive , it has increased by 50 times, then i saw that the land that i had bought or the house that i had bought has increased by 35 to 40 times . there is almost a convergence between the increases , that is, you can buy a dental check and buy dental floss. during an inflationary period, there is a convergence. instead of buying a car, people are considering another product as capital , just like people in the past. their own money once went to a special commodity , they considered it as money, until finally reaching silver and gold , due to the features of the beginning that they did not go to gold and silver, they took a durable storable commodity
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as monetary unit money. look, i want to say that let's assume dollars and gold, let's assume housing and land and the capital market, of course, you excluded the capital market . from this issue, it means that the capital market is exempted from this discussion by an expert economically, i agree that the capital market is also involved. don't put the capital market in your head now , the situation is so hot that we can't understand the people's greed in this situation anymore. now everyone who took their money in the last five or six years is in a black hole. let's not talk about it at all, not me at all. you see, i don't have money to lose. a university professor has nothing to lose. my money is halal, halal. well, whatever he gets, they first reduce the tax and give us a sum of money, so that we can work hard. my doctor is an academic member of the university. they know that we have no other income. we don't have any rights other than what we teach . the same teacher's rights are really halal, but
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i want to tell you to see that i am talking about the car . let's talk about the car issue. why did all the other goods increase during the last 12 years, i.e. 40-50 times, for example, let's consider the year 1990 , you have a collection of 400 domestic and foreign goods, 400, 400. consider the item of the consumer basket as the cpi index and the assets are the same 5 that we mentioned. in almost a period of 12 years , they all tend to the same thing, this has increased 50 times, so they
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are all caused by inflation. what factor causes inflation ? the second point is the car. in this world, no way, no way, doctor, it is not like this . right now, you should check the tax reforms of canada and see how many tax reforms and tax reforms you have paid for yourself in these recent years, when in fact, canada has been so-called immigration-friendly. capital and other tax rights to control the housing market approved and moved england forward.
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some time ago, i went to buy a car . we entered a so-called parking lot. this parking lot was full of cars, and these cars had about half an inch of dirt sitting on them. a parking lot, by the way , in the middle of tehran. in the middle of tehran , all these cars are next to each other with half an inch of dirt. who was sitting in the way, what happened that made me buy a car, not only buy a car
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, a car that i use under my feet and go here and there, not to buy cars , all kinds of cars that actually i want to buy different international brands. in this mr. doctor , he says the name of car hoarding .
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i can sell a prideo to them. it is cashable. there is a market. where is it? sir, you
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have to get involved with the drug mafia. it is not that simple . look at the buying and selling . you pointed out a positive point, prideo. you said the point here is the point here. no, i said 500 million and 500 more. i said millions, now, now, maybe less ok, i'll just tell you, my friend shows that the prices are not available, we are not able to buy, mr. doctor, the point here is the ability. sell more of this, we just need to go inside the real estate, real estate, and car trading companies to see who owns what, what they buy and what they sell, and in this economy of ours , why don't they go to production. due to the many problems that you have mentioned, i also confirm that there are a series of fundamental problems in the production
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our production has major problems, so we have to talk about it in a complete package, but we want to talk about inflation. look, i say that if i believe in the long term, yes, if someone keeps a car for 6 years, he will keep it for 5 years. you have to adjust for inflation. there is no problem with our dispute and our scientific debate . he buys capital to sell later. i say that if they do this inflation adjustment, it will not only save money i created an economy for him to continue this cycle again, but i created a situation where the party does not find the motivation to create a product at all , he does not think about the production at all, sir, to open a shop . i don't know if i should go to a workshop, go to learn a technique, have a professional technical workshop , choose a professor, and until the end
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, he doesn't like it at all. we should sit together, there is no problem, for example, mr. and the ministry of economy let's hold meetings with numbers and figures for the long term, let's estimate estimates and models . look, i have never seen that gambling or speculation is the root of inflation or
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has a significant contribution to inflation . i can name for you the domestic and even foreign ones, which by the way , we are working on the same issue, the effect of the 50-year-old breadcrumbs inflation , you see, there is no problem , let us bring a group of experts to work on inflation. before this starts, let's see what is the contribution of this extreme speculation inflation has those imbalances that are seven or nine priorities, perhaps from budget deficits, bank imbalances, commercial imbalances, capital account imbalances, and recently , electricity, gas, water, and gasoline imbalances, and these are all engines of inflation, because when imbalances arise, the government is inevitably in charge. there is pressure on the budget, such as the imbalance of the pension funds, which
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was inevitably the 17th general budget of this year, the share of the government's aid to the funds. it will increase the budget deficit , it will be financed by the channel or the central bank or the banking system . let's see that extreme speculation , i still believe, i'm not saying that speculation can't be the cause of inflation , it can be a factor of expectations, but see what share it has. we have to value everything according to its share, priority, and importance . we can't leave something behind. let's do it, then let's go to that feature, that factor or that element that has a small share. the second issue is again , i
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believe that in our own country, we go forward with a single policy many times. everyone has their own mentality, for example, i said two the other day, we saw that an announcement was made regarding the refinements. if you invite that minister , he will argue for you that this work should have been done, but when you check the effects of a comprehensive circle, you will see that yes, it was useful , but it was harmful to another field of cost analysis. what you do, you see that the benefit is less than the cost, so i don't want to do this. i want to say that when you look at the issue, there is benefit. you , sitting there in the tax organization or the ministry of economy , analyze from your own angle, you say that it is very good , but not for this. i want to talk about devices i am also pointing out that the minister
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who issued this notification did not have an expert, he believed and proved and proves that he should have done this, or the one who made the pricing order. can the one who has an expert explain it to me ? but mr. doctor, you can see that it hits one place, it brings a benefit , it creates thousands of costs, so from this point of view, i want to say that we wanted a policy package, taxes. again, doctor, i believe that taxes want a policy package, not just on i would like to say one more thing, now is not the time. open i believe that even though i am in favor of the tax system, increasing tax revenues, the government's reliance on taxes, increasing the government's share of taxes, increasing taxes on production, but i do not prescribe this medicine for this period of iran's economy , even though i know that there is medicine and but, but
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different economic conditions, like another doctor, a doctor examines the patient and the patient and says that this medicine is useful for his heart system, for example, it is used , but. now is not the time because, for example, his diabetes is high , so the analysis of the patient is also important, i still believe no, if it wasn't for this tax , i was referring to the entire tax system, and i still believe that there is no problem. let's take the time to prove this . by the way, if the ministry of economy can prove it with numbers and figures, it can come to you, mr. minister. dr. sepaniyan should come and tell you, we sat down with 20 or 30 economists and we proved that speculation has a special contribution to the tax and this tax comes from the capital
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without adjustment . this amount can have an effect on inflation. when we talk with numbers and figures it will make our work much easier and acceptance will be easier , thank you, because there are many minutes.
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i put it and this has started and by the way, we have witnessed many examples from different domestic and foreign economists, which is very good. i say that you, who took this trouble, now
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have no problem. now we are talking about my bachelor's degree. i can say from the experience of all this that there is no problem, but i say that you should take the trouble. it is very good. invite economists from different fields to the ministry of economy with numbers. and figure prove it, if it is proven that the root of speculation is one of the most important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important important i myself thank you very much, thank you very much to both guests of the program, all good viewers. the higher program that you have always accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you, wherever we are today, tomorrow
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we will be higher, the limit of international and legal pressure against the authorities of the occupying regime. it has intensified due to their brutal crimes and continued killings in gaza. the latest international movements in this field are indonesia, mexico and chile joining requests for an investigation by the international criminal court about israel's aggression in gaza. explaining this decision, mexico said: the reason for the measures taken by this country and chile is the growing concern about the rise of violence, especially against civilian targets. mexico referred to the united nations reports on the occurrence of events that may amount to war crimes. on the other hand , chile supports any research about har
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any possible war crimes anywhere declared these developments paralleled the request of south africa , bangladesh, bolivia, the moon islands and djibouti to the international criminal court to investigate the crimes of the occupiers in gaza. despite the international efforts to stop israel's barbaric attacks, the attacks and aggressions and crimes of this regime continue. the european mediterranean human rights watch announced that the military. gaza continues through all available means. despite requests at the international criminal court, israel
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continues to use starvation as a tool for mass murder. this raises the question of when the international criminal court and other international organizations and un agencies will act to take immediate measures to protect civilians and stop the attacks in gaza.
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the size is from bam dadan to shalgamhan with ranchers. in the grand festival of home appliances city, for every 35 million tomans purchased in cash or in cash , get a free vacuum cleaner with a reputable brand as a gift at the same moment. for a limited time in all tehran branches. sweep away the originals and the hour of gifts, the city of homemade music, one by one macaron, one by one macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single
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macaron single macaron single macaron only at the top. good evening, dear and respected compatriots. we arrived at 16:00. we present the news of this section to you. today, the west bank was the scene of conflict between the occupying forces and the resistance forces. the zionists in hebron arrested mohammad zaytoun halaiqa, a journalist, and his wife, samiri halaiqa, a member of the palestinian legislative assembly in hebron . in various areas of the west bank, including nablus and beit lahem, zionist soldiers


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