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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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the evidence that we see all shows that this happened, and even the analysts who looked into this issue and reviewed the evidence and documents unanimously affirmed and said that what is happening in the food is a classic example of there is an installation that can be used as a very clear example
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, even the supporters and parties supporting israel and those who are actually accused of being silent against israel's crimes. currently , there is not much to say, but i still want to repeat the convention of the generation of the convention about genocide is clearly defined and one of its clauses is that if someone if he supports the genocide and remains silent, he himself is guilty of that genocide. for now, we are looking for a positive result in our first case, and then it can actually have consequences and signs for the signatories of the convention, and then we can look for other parties who can, for example, because of silence in
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they should be convicted and accused of being part of this crime, and south africa can enter this phase in the next phase , mr. ambassador. in order to prepare for this question , we are ready to see minutes of this court. madam president, distinguished members of the court, it is an honor and a privilege for me to appear before you today on behalf of the republic of south africa. i wish to express my gratitude to the court for convening this hearing on the earliest possible date to entertain south africa's request for the indication of provisional measures. this
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matter, in our application, south africa has recognized the ongoing conflict of the palestinian people through israel's colonization since 1948, which has systematically and forcibly dispossessed, displaced and fragmented the palestinian people, deliberately denying them their internationally recognized inalienable right to self-determination and their internationally recognized right of return. as refugees to their towns and villages, in what is now the state of israel. we are also particularly mindful of israel's institutionalized regime of discriminatory laws, policies and practices designed and maintained to establish domination. subjecting the palestinian people to apartheid on both sides of the green line. decades long impunity for widespread and systematic human rights violations has bolded israel in its
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recurrence and intensification of international crimes in palestine. i invoked the words of martin luther king when he said, the moral of the universe is long, always bending towards justice. south africa's case will be presented by a team of six legal councils. dr. adil hasim, senior counsel, will provide an overview of the risk of genocidal acts in the perpetual vulnerability to acts of genocide. madam president, distinguished members of the court, it is a privilege to appear on the court. the republic of south africa in this case of exceptional importance, it's a case that underscores the very essence of our shared humanity, as expressed in the preamble to the genocide convention. it's my task to address the court
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on the genocidal acts that have led to this urgent request for provisional measures under article 41 of the statute of the court, south africa contends that israel has transgressed article 2 of the convention by committing actions that fall within the definition of genocide. the actions show a systematic pattern of conduct from which genocide can be inferred. for the past 96 days, israel has subjected gaza to what has been described. as one of the heaviest conventional bombing campaigns in the history of modern warfare, palestinians in gaza are being killed by israeli weapons and bombs from air, land and sea. they are also at immediate risk of death
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by starvation, dehydration and disease, as a result of the ongoing siege by israel, the destruction of palestinian towns, the insufficient aid being allowed through to the palestinian population, and the impossibility of distributing this limited aid while bombs fall. this conduct renders essentials to life unobtainable. still in the world today with mr. francis molloy, the honorable ambassador of south africa. we are with you, mr. ambassador , what is your opinion of the court proceedings, how optimistic are you that you can vote in the hague court in favor of the palestinian people and to stop this genocide? face it, we are very optimistic because
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we think that our case and in fact our arguments are very strong and solid . our case is very decisive, of course, on the other hand, the case that we put forward from the other side, that is, israel, cannot.
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in fact, the evidence that we presented is strong enough that we can hope that the verdict will be issued in about 10 days from now. and we hope that the best possible sentence will be issued, so we are optimistic. during this time , we witnessed the inaction and inefficiency of the international structures
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, including the un security council, who could not or did not want to stop the violence in gaza. they didn't have any special defense
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. the security council actually had this inaction against israel's crimes, of course, but the decision that the court is going to make, which of course, we all have to comply with. we, israel , because we all signed the genocide convention we did, and we ask everyone to respect the court's decision. if we are in favor of egypt's rule of international law , the israeli cabinet and its leaders, in fact, our advice to them is to change their actions right now and wait for the decision. model court. the palestinian people
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have suffered a lot of hardships that are unbearable and we saw that they are being slaughtered in gaza and palestine without any help and support, and humanity must end it. to act on these crimes so that the israeli cabinet will be pressured to stop their own crimes. thank you for the fact that this is really unbearable. i also have a final question, regardless of this story, it goes back to the relations between iran and south africa. anyway, we had a long history of close relations after the collapse. iran and south africa have always been close to each other and
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anyway your country is one of the emerging powers that just a few days ago iran officially joined a group called brics and there is going to be more cooperation between the two countries. like iran and south africa, the world order can.
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let's provide the side so that we can benefit tangible for our own nations to be able to actually reduce poverty and root it out.
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paying attention to these conditions , let's actually create more fields of cooperation with the focus of brics for ourselves and be able to progress.
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economically, we are considered a weight in brics , and in fact, the gross national product of brics is higher than the gross national product of many global groups and agreements, and this actually gives us the opportunity to expand our cooperation areas. let's give much more brics member countries and. as member countries of the global south, we must revive ourselves and inject new energy to ourselves so that we can rebuild the world order and in fact create a new configuration for the world order and in fact those institutions such as
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the meld organization and related to international laws are actually a reflection of what is happening. these institutions that exist now are actually a reflection of what happened in 1945 and after world war ii. the era of those years has changed , democracies have grown, and we should actually develop global cooperation , build the new world order based on these facts, we are the system that it exists now, it is related to 75 years ago and in fact
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it is consistent with those conditions and... every night in the world today we present you a video package of the events of the past 24 hours in palestine, usually this package was presented at the beginning of the program, now this time we see the final hours of his program.
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there is no time for us, no time for us, no time for us, we have spent too
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much time. i want this morning to update you on a very difficult event that took place yesterday during the fighting in the center of the gaza strip , 21 soldiers died. and these pictures that we are watching are the moment of the big explosion al-haz, al-maghazi camp area. and a large number of israeli soldiers and officers were killed in it. yala
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aksir kamera, then, by god
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, and now we see the world according to the narration of the picture. i'm here on strike today with my colleagues, because we really need a salary increase that helps us keep pace with inflation.
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the days and hours before this explosion, the family of mr. omidzadeh, or omidzade, or haj sadeq, the children of the resistance , were counting the days to see him again. the daughters of the aghazadeh family sent their father away with all the wishes he had for them in front of their uncles, in front of abbas and abulfazl, his two martyred brothers. one of the blessings that i thanked god for was that god gave me such a father, a father whose job has always made me proud and always made me proud
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. khademi had filled the cave of martyrs , he wanted to be the khadim of martyrs, he himself was martyred, now an iran took him by the hand, he and their four new martyrs, haj sadiq ali, mr. aghazadeh saeed karimi and hossein mohammadi, the last time we were at hazrat zainab's shrine, until the end of time there. we were always martyrs. he was staying in the shrine until the last moment . these five people were martyred by siyim d. zionists in zainabiyah, damascus . he is falling into a dilemma that he can't come out of and
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it seems to me that he is making the last attempt. israel actually sees its own reputation lost and is looking to buy a reputation for itself because of the defeat it suffered on the resistance front and it can't do anything about it. the program is forced to empty itself like this do the killers of these five people, the zionists , killed and martyred about 25 thousand other people in the last hundred days. the smoky fire that they set up has gone to their own eyes many times. still , it's been three months, people don't give up resistance .
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