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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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along with rabbis and jewish scholars, some history researchers are also in the ranks of opponents of zionism, such as ilan pope. israeli historian and social activist who consider the forced migration of palestinians to be ethnic cleansing. he says: i believe in a land where half of the population is not jewish. a government cannot be based on monopoly or ethnic supremacy. according to this professor of social sciences and international studies, what the zionist regime has done to the palestinians is clear genocide. the world community against zionism believes that the general assembly of the united nations violated the idea of ​​tudor herzl organizational and legal has been committed. however , the children of zion are members of the united nations.
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protesting the indifference of the fate of the prisoners , dozens of whom have been killed in attacks by zionist fighters and commandos.
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the past war and the return of captives through war will not be achieved. stop fantasizing about a heroic military operation. you must do the pow trade now. the media of the zionist regime have interpreted netanyahu's decision as the result of personal motives and stated that it is not possible to release the prisoners through war. the army has admitted the chances of returning the prisoners alive with military operations it is very little. every day the number of people alive decreases. we have control over the ground, but the prisoners are underground and we do not succeed in getting them out . the streets of tel aviv are still crowded and the number of prisoners in hamas' custody is decreasing every day. . even now in israel, we have people like
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mrs. brenda shofer who want to destroy an entity called iran and believe that iran should be destroyed. what does it have to do with the behavior of the israeli government? what happens in the field of action means going and assassinating the armed forces. how does a country in the territory of a third country deal with this matter? you can, this lady is not israeli , she doesn't live in israel, she came here with a doctorate, she is a faculty member, mr. manheshen , she is an employee of a public university , that is, a faculty member of a public university in israel. you are lying. instead of insulting , discuss rationally. i am asking you about an official employee of the israeli government, ambassador.
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what do i have to do with the ambassador of the country and the government of israel ? i am mistaken that he is an employee of the israeli government. syria going there , please allow me, i did not laugh at your statement, while i am against your statement, the presence of the forces that you condemn as being the legal and independent government of that country , but when i ask you, the presence and military attack of the state of israel on the same the country that does not even have the minimum invitation that the syrian government had for the iranian forces means aggression in terms of what we know in international law, international law and the united nations charter, we know that it is aggression against the territory of syria. the government has the right to security, mr. aref israel
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let him defend himself with the same logic . i have a very big question. with the same logic, the islamic republic also says that i have the right to defend my own security. every
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night tonight, with the expansion of the al-bariya operation in khan yunis, we have a lot of injuries. injuries we are in the place, of course, i am a jackal in al-anayeh's booth, at least today there are four beds in al-anayeh, that is to say, 10 11 people, i was going to sleep on top of the beds, so that i could see the medical equipment, there is not much available. .
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currently, i am going to bury the body of martyrs in nasser mosque the open land is a very difficult nest. it is difficult to go out to the mosque. there is a place where the tomb is buried. it is the nest of the besieged, and the work of the people of adam is a target.
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most of the possible punishment, punishment, punishment.
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it has advertised through its military and media branches that it has the most moral army in the world and the officials of the occupying regime are proud that the soldiers of this regime adhere to the highest moral values ​​during the war and
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take preventive measures to reduce civilian casualties. they marry benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of the occupying regime many times. he emphasized that the soldiers of this regime committed there are no war crimes or ethnic cleansing, and they refuse to claim and target those who have not been involved in terrorist acts, but the gaza war, which has entered its fourth month , was accompanied by many crimes and the image that the occupying regime drawing it in the international community is trying to destroy. most morally , it was not enough to kill about 25,000 palestinians in more than 100 days and displace about 2 million palestinians, but its crimes also took place against the bodies of the dead underground, so that the soldiers of the occupying regime, using the equipment of a series of they destroyed the graves in the city of khanyounes in the south of the gaza strip. the clarity of this crime and the anger that came with it
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, the occupying army announced that it had committed this act. the purpose of this work is to search for the bodies of asra's bodies that hamas arrested during the al-aqsa storm operation. this is not the first time that the army of the occupying regime destroys graves in the gaza strip, so the european mediterranean human rights center documents the aggression of the occupying army against at least 12 cemeteries. presentation has done. among the four group cemeteries that were recently established. the zionist army destroyed these graves and brought out the bodies of dozens of people. from khanyounes to rafah , the occupation regime's crimes do not stop. this time, the rights of the dead and martyrs were clearly violated. the zionist army kidnapped the bodies of the victims and
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stole their vital organs and skin. this was what the office. the announcement of the government of the gaza strip last december, after discovering and identifying the bodies of 80 martyrs , announced that the zionist regime stole the bodies of these martyrs and buried them in rafah. return infant children were not spared from the brutality of the occupation regime, whether they were killed by the army of the occupation regime or children who were snatched from the arms of their parents. european-mediterranean center for human rights. also announced and presented the documents that the zionist soldiers stole palestinian children and forcibly moved them out of the gaza strip. the crimes committed by the occupying army in the gaza war are only a symptom of a long record of aggression and human rights violations spanning decades.
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the crime of murder and depriving him of his life, keeping his little body in the morgue for 10 days and then delivered to the family. he was handed over to us after ten days while his body was frozen . the pain and suffering of ruqiya's martyrdom is indescribable. dissecting the corpse without the consent of the family. the bullets of the invaders did not allow him to achieve his dream of going to school. this was my daughter. it was very dear to me. he liked going to school so much that he wore school clothes twice and went to school. but he was not yet old enough to go to school and he was sent back.
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he took it and put it in his bag. this is the dress you are wearing and this bag. palestinian children cannot achieve their dreams like other children. for children palestinians are forbidden to aspire or be like any other child in the world. ruqiyeh is one of the 112 children who were martyred by the occupation forces in the west bank in the past year alone. i did the same thing.
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different political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is the people's hands. who will stop your competitors? your mandated pricing is not good . the government is subsidizing. why should there be a salary cap? we do not want to remove you from the football manager's list. women will not cure any pain from gyms . it does not lead to productive debate the trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 hrs
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from khabar network today, wherever we are , we are higher tomorrow.
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in the old days, they say that fish is fresh whenever you eat it, what does that mean? that is, it is never too late to turn to the things we have not done, such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the modification of consumption habits , management of electricity consumption, now a small part of people are consuming outside the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the pattern of consumption. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example, a lamp can be changed from this to this. no, yes, it will be converted and their consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not in use, i.e. in ready-to -use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers
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, microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. they are electric which consume electricity when they are off and when we don't need them , they must be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more. it is from the lamp. if get used to it and remove unused electrical appliances from the power outlet . be very careful when buying them. in the end, you will see that not only did we do a great favor to your pocket, but we also took a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country.
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can you start a shopping bag production line ? can you have a shopping bag production line? we have no experience.
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call 0219. have you bought your shoes yet? do we have special conditions for tetis shoes? that you can buy now and pay later tetis shoes are a very light and flexible shoe under a shoe designed in such a way that you can walk. a long-term dream , use it easily. the upper of my shoes is very cool because the air is flowing in it. how can i get it? it's very easy. just text the number 1 to the thousand 79 78 system and it's new. it's guaranteed to be replaced within 7 days. what else do we want? you have removed
1:59 am
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point. more importantly, you can buy now and pay later. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. american warplanes targeted the border crossing between iraq and syria . al-mayadeen network reported: in this area and jaraf al-nasr area in the north of iraq's babil province, basij headquarters were targeted. an american army official also announced in a conversation with al-jazeera that the american forces are located in the headquarters of the battalions


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