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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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according to them, the balfour declaration was the beginning of the zionists' comfortable living in the occupied territories. in a celebration that was held in london with the presence of the leaders of the zionist regime, he announced that he is proud of the role that london played in the formation of this regime.
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after 100 years, england is accused by its people of being influenced by the zionists. the british people say that the zionists are interfering in the internal politics of england, and if an official opposes the crimes of this regime, he will be removed very soon. the british government always says in response. the relationship between london and tel aviv is only a close one. human rights activists in england seek to collect 100,000 signatures are. to discuss the issue of zionist influence on london policies in parliament. declassified research database. by publishing figures , it showed that people's claims are not far from reality. this news site wrote: according to the latest findings, one. third, members of the current uk government
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are directly supported by israel or israeli lobbies. these lobbies take the statesmen under the umbrella of their support in different ways. including inviting politicians to go to tel aviv, offering numbers that cannot be easily ignored. like a five-day trip the one that prime minister brice johnson had in 2004 to the occupied territories. travel expenses lobby friends. conservative israel provided. this lobby claims that it has recruited 80% of the conservative party of england so that they can align england's policies with the policies of the zionist regime as much as possible. in 2012 , when boris johnson was trying to become the mayor of london, the same lobby did not deprive him of financial and advertising assistance. except for johnson, five other cabinet ministers were also supported by this lobby. including:
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traveling to the occupied territories at the expense of these lobbies they did alan danikenen, senior british diplomat and former member of the british government, has said that the involvement of israeli lobbies in british politics is widespread and dubious. two other cabinet ministers, michael
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govou and priti patel, also traveled to washington with israeli lobby dollars to participate in the aipac lobby conference . a year later, priti patel was fired from theresa may's cabinet for holding secret meetings with zionists. apart from the lobby of conservative friends of israel, there is another well-known lobby called the seki regime research and communication center.
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england also pays. the election committee of england says that he won 70,000 in the 2005 election pound has helped this party. 15 thousand pounds of it to choose d. beit cameron has been the leader of this party. england fulfilled the promise of creating a homeland for the jews 100 years ago, but now it is sitting on the wagons set by these lobbies . france is one of the first countries to ban marches in support of the palestinian people . france, paris.
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france is the second tourist destination of zionists after america. although france and the zionist regime are competitors in the sale of military weapons. but in most fields they have friendly relations, including in 1956 when the french military during the occupation a part of the sinai desert helped the zionists . the peak of close relations between france and the zionist regime was in the 60s during the sale of the mirage to the zionists. the french mirages
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played an important role in the victory of the occupying regime in the thousand war of france as the youngest prime minister in the history of france. in 1990, the french parliament passed a law known as the fabius guissou law. the content of this bill was what fabius wanted to make it legal. the bill that says: if anyone questions the existence of gas chambers and the killing of 6 million jews in world war ii , he tried a lot, from one month to one year in prison and paying a fine. naqdi will be condemned and will lose his job . the genocidal gas chambers
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are always a serious question of many critics. iranians know fabius, he is the cause of the scandal of exporting contaminated blood to iran and several other countries between 1980 and 1990. in this case, patients in need of blood were infected with hepatitis c with the blood sent from france. fabius was acquitted due to political masonism, but critics of fabius believe that the judicial branch of the french government is under the influence of the lobby.
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because the total jewish population at that time is less than this number. garodi's book proved that the zionists collaborated with the nazis in world war ii. garoudi's book was translated into 29 languages ​​shortly after shab, but garoudi was banned from writing after a trial in a french court. europe continent. march 11, 2021 ruby riblin has traveled to europe again to discuss with the leaders of the european union about iran's nuclear program and, of course, about the decision
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made by the international court of justice about the zionists. fatou bin sadestan of this court has announced that he has started an investigation on the situation in palestine. the severity of this regime's attacks on gaza forced irish foreign minister simon kavoni to protest. german people also took to the streets in response to the gaza war they poured a survey by the bertelsmann institute showed that more than 60 percent of germans have a negative opinion of the zionist regime. the leaders of the zionist regime are in europe. their lobbies consult and spread money , and germany is attacked under the pretext of the holocaust. but in the end, polls show that the
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public view of the occupation regime is negative. people believe what they see. the country's top company will be held with a 62% increase in our operating income and sales from 240
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thousand billion tomans to 400 thousand billion tomans and that is why we became the first. there were many, including that in 1401, when this ranking was done based on the financial statements of that year , we were able to set a record in 1401. let's feed this refinery. we had the most feed during the period when this refinery was actually in use in 1401. we have few collections that have this complete chain , so to speak, we say from the stone to the paint , from the mine itself to the final product that we offer, and another value that these collections create is that their final product is all in one. the following chains are used inside the country. is coming in fact, from automobiles to home appliances to buildings, etc., and this creation of value
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is the big thing that is happening in the country. in this sector, indicators such as the performance of companies, the level of liquidity, the level of export productivity, indicators will be received. debt and market were among the criteria for choosing top companies, and the level of access to information. currently, there are hundreds of good companies, especially listed and over-the-counter companies, all their information is published in their financial areas , and other information of industrial partners can be obtained by asking the companies and for in the next year, do you have any plans to provide better conditions for the company, god willing, in the productivity index, we ranked first, god willing , we will be able to maintain this rank. one of the most important approaches that we followed this past year was to we can make qualitative profit . qualitative means divisible profit that the respected legal and real shareholders can benefit from. with this
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approach, we were able to get the first rank in efficiency areas. however, some economic activists also believe in classifying companies in different fields. economic activists the necessary motivation in order to be able to reach this in fact , it is very valuable to be able to stand out and define a place for them. but maybe if we can rank the companies based on their specialties, i.e. one level lower from the value chain perspective than from the specialized classification perspective, we can do this , maybe it will be a little better from my point of view, for example , the energy sector for example, in the field of cement and dairy, the minister of industry announced that 50% of the top companies are located in tehran province and said that development should be based on the talent of different regions. deputy's country the business coordination position is obliged
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to go with the participation of the provinces and formulate a plan based on which the talents of different regions of the country are identified and we organize the development based on the talents and capacities of each region, not based on the opportunistic opportunities now. yes , the president's representative has come here, let's stick it now. a steel factory has been built in one of the cities of the provinces near tehran. mr. agha mohammadi , it has not been built yet. it is wrong, that area has such a capacity, no potential at all there is no acceptance of air pollution , the minister of economy also pointed out the growth of 18 sales of large companies and said that we should not surprise the country's industry with overnight directives. it must be done in a completely
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transparent and prior manner in the portal of national regulations. the country should announce that the activists and producers who do not bring their goods across the border will be faced with a notice that was issued last night that starting today at 7:00 am, for example , the export of a certain product or the import of the subject or the tariff rate and the like will undergo changes and this the path has helped us in 10 months of 1402 , compared to 10 months of 1401 , we had a 50% reduction in the country's commercial and customs directives . it is not ideal, but it is a very impressive move compared to the past. it is the appreciation of 500 companies in different fields every year. production and service industries
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are ranked by sedah news agency safari and isfahan's simad mobarakeh. the problem with the electric car or its infrastructure is that the government plans to install 100,000 electric taxis in big cities very soon , very soon. i say this by the end of this year , god willing. as long as we succeed in doing this, because anyway, a relatively big change is a big change. liszt has developed its infrastructure accordingly, at the same time providing the necessary width for these cars, which fortunately has now been supplied and is being imported, and then our car manufacturers are preparing to produce them. currently, there are less than a thousand electric cars in the country , and the only manufacturer of the infrastructure of these cars, i.e. public and home charging stations
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, is a domestic company. we can actually produce up to 1,500 chargers per day at the domestic charger let's give in the charger the order is different. for example , the european model of the 120 amp fast charging device costs between 35 and 50 thousand euros, which is about 30% cheaper than this device in the country. the chinese model of this device is sold between 23 and 29 thousand dollars in high order.
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if we want to compare chinese samples, some of us are actually in competition with our competitors and our prices are close. sometimes they 5. they are 10% cheaper. sometimes we are the cheapest, but now, considering the conditions of transportation and customs issues, we can completely compete, and these chargers are cheaper. provide customers. the chargers that the source says are indigenously designed and more than 90% internal. regarding the body of the panels, we design here and the internalization is complete, which means that the internalization is done completely, and about the rest of the parts of the chargers. the most important part of them is the part of their control board, which is again designed in a completely indigenous way here, and their manufacturing is also done in our own collection. the item that is not domesticated in the country is these nozzles. it is possible to make it easily, but because it is currently in currently not actually mass produced these chargers are few in number , so it is not economical for domestic companies. we
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have several layers of communication in this field. the first layer is the connection between the charger and the car. the second layer is between the charger and the users of electric vehicles. be it in our monitoring center, we can monitor all the stations and chargers that are installed in the country, both inside and outside the country. we can see the latest status of the stations, how many have been installed and how many have been launched. how are you, ministry of program? it has increased the number of electric cars by producing and of course importing. to reach 50 thousand devices by the end of next year. with internal manufacturing equipment , it is shiranist design and engineering, and the equipment used in daresh is iranian, and soon, god willing, i will have a battery. it will be iranian, although today we make batteries in the country. currently, about 90 charging devices have been installed in 31 stations across the country. tehran, isfahan, kerman, mashhad, mazandaran and
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kish have electric charging stations. reza safari, radio and television news agency. this is the first sound that mankind heard in space from the 500 km orbit of the earth's surface the former soviet sputnik satellite in 1336, a year later, the united states was able to put a satellite in a 500 km orbit, but it was more important than building these transmitters to send them into space. now, after 66 years since the world's first space presence in the world, out of 193 countries in the world, of which nearly 90 are building satellites, only 10 countries
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have the ability to build satellites and launch them. iran went into space with a satellite on safir omid in 2007, but on december 30, 1402, iran's main step for its space activities was taken. with the launch of a serial communication satellite, this time by a different satellite qaim 100 satellite, the sub-orbital test of the qaim satellite was done in november 1401, and now the lifter engine performed its first space test with the qaim spacecraft. the difference between this satellite carrier and other iranian space satellite carriers is the material of the rafi motor body and the low weight, which is made with karwan fibers. and it has the ability to direct the engine output at any moment. irgc space scientists have made all three engines of this 3-stage satellite from kirwan fibers, which
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significantly reduces the weight of the satellite. the same problem shows itself in the launch of satellites. seria becomes the first iranian satellite which, due to the irgc's space knowledge , rises to an orbit of 750 km from the earth's surface and successfully. placed in the circuit. this is the image of the separation of the satellite. now, among the 10 space countries, iran has become the top 5 countries that can inject their satellites above the 500 km orbit of the earth's surface in the 750 km orbit. due to burnt engines. this moment is the happiness of the elite students of tehran universities, allahu akbar, who closely witnessed the launch of this satellite and the scientific advancement
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of iranians. yoneseh shadlou, sed and sima news agency. it is 7 years. that is for mining license i am trying, unfortunately , i had many problems in this direction. my main problem is the question of the inquiry sub-groups, which unfortunately do not have the right cooperation, and act in a tasteful manner. this is part of the problems miners have in obtaining various permits for their business. the licenses that should have been obtained through the national license portal.
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unfortunately, the orders given to that organization were disobeyed and the permit was not issued . this is despite the fact that according to the tassil law, the issuance of business licenses licensing authorities are obliged to facilitate the conditions for issuing and renewing licenses in the least possible time . now the permissions. permits of parvan akshaf are certified and before that, the registration of the area is entered in the kadas system and it is connected to the national permits portal, and the necessary measures
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are taken in the national permits portal. the last thing that remains to be connected to the portal is the issue of the employment permit . the report of the national center for monitoring the business environment of the country indicates that the mining department of the ministry is behind in order to connect to the national permit portal. the mining engineering employment permit issued by the engineering system organization mine it is issued despite the fact that 2 years have passed since the entry into force of article 7 of the law on the implementation of main general policies 44 of the constitution. national licenses not connected during the meetings we had with the friends of the mining engineering system organization, it was decided that the connection of the mining engineering system organization regarding the mining engineering employment permit to the national license portal would happen by the beginning of january 1402 , but it is still not connected. unfortunately, it did not happen. according to
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the law, the last deadline that was given to the devices to connect to the national portal was december of last year, but the land register or cadastre system of the department ministry of samt mine is still not fully connected to this port. seven license titles are issued by the ministry of mining, mining and trade, including titles such as discovery certificate, exploration license , chain establishment exploitation license. the title of the license is connected to the national license portal, but despite the fact that 15,000 applications have been registered in the national license portal, after two years, only two licenses have been issued to two people, that is mining exploration activity has been issued to two people.
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if the device is not connected to the port and the people are still in attendance, the license is issued or the paper is handed to the people for inquiries and such things, the representative of the prosecutor and the representative of the auditor organization or the audit court will ask for an explanation from them, and if they do not accept their explanation , they will even prosecute the officials of the relevant department based on the announcement of the national center for monitoring the business environment of the country, some of the issued licenses are out. it is from the national licensing portal that this matter is in accordance with the provisions of note 4 , article 7 of the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44, which is an example of the crime of article 600 of the islamic penal code. mohammad reza sohrabi, sed and sima news agency.
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various political and economic trends in the elections , competing with each other, the importance of elections in the selection a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people, who will stop your competitors, the pricing is not good, the government is subsidizing, why should there be a salary cap , we do not want to remove women from the stadiums, it will not cause any pain. it doesn't lead to being productive. higher the debate of trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:193 on the khabar network.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the deputy minister of culture. islamic guidance announced the establishment of iran's printing house in the near future. in the national printing industry festival, while acknowledging the winners in the field the printing industry unveiled four knowledge-based products. yes, please record this moment with your kind hands. the essence of echos.


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