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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the deputy of cultural affairs of the minister of culture and islamic guidance announced the establishment of iran's printing house in the near future. in the national festival of printing industry , four knowledge-based products were unveiled while acknowledging the winners in the field of printing industry. yes, with your kind hands, please make this moment the sabbath.
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ecosalont ink, printer toner and sublimation ink and events that will be on the verge of self-sufficiency , islamic iran in the region, we are almost in the second place in the printing industry, but we have the possibility to provide services to many countries in the region. in the field of export market development. we should be more active let's do we need to strengthen our relationship in this field with the countries of the region. colored salts are not approved by the ministry of health. the vice president of research and technology of the ministry of health announced that every iranian consumes four times the allowed amount of salt. the ministry of health is supposed to inform about the reduction of salt consumption in the society in the national campaign of healthy eating, which continues from the 1st to the 14th of bahman. the advertisement of salt consumption is also with
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a new color and glaze. these days , we are seeing extensive advertisements of colored salts in the cyberspace. the ones you see in the market are pink or yellow and pink. they sell salt under the name of himalaya. those that do not have the necessary health certification, all kinds of different elements from lead and i don't know that there may be pollutants in it that you simply can't tell from its taste, we can't be sure about it from its color. found non-standard and not supposed to guarantee the health of people, heavy metals are carcinogenic , they create kidney stones, and if people use these to supply their salt, a deficiency will be created in the body and iodine deficiency. complications such as abortion
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, complications such as growth retardation and mental disorders it will lead to mental health in people. now , the ministry of health is going to emphasize the awareness of people in the society about salt consumption by organizing a campaign called awareness and healthy eating. the slogan of our first week about salt has come in this banner, choosing all two points of low but refined salt . this slogan is our first week to join hands and promote this slogan. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, the permissible amount of salt consumption per day is only 3 grams, while the statistics show that every iranian consumes more than 12 grams of salt per day, tayeb. worker of the radio news agency of doctors organization without borders
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warned about the israeli regime's obstruction of medical aid, medicine and food to the gaza strip and the organized opposition to the transfer of aid to the north of the gaza strip. according to al-arabi network, this organization announced: many doctors were forced to amputate hands or feet without anesthetics. israeli aggression against the medical sector in the gaza strip continues and the crisis is getting worse. failure to provide medical care throughout the gaza strip due to amputation or lack of supplies. provide humanitarian aid in the gaza strip and the situation is getting worse. the injured in the gaza strip they don't have that. go there. if
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we compare the situation with ukraine, we will realize that the situation is different. in ukraine, people can go to a safe place after a short period of time. an obstacle should enter this area as soon as possible and a ceasefire should be established so that we can act properly. doctors without borders also warned about the lack of troops and medical aid and israel's prevention of these aid reaching gaza.
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the organization emphasized that since november it has not been able to provide media aid to northern gaza because israel has opposed this issue. united nations. this opposition describes the organized opposition and this is a problem that according to the united nations has become more intense this month and this issue has caused the efforts to provide aid to the needs of the gaza strip like a drop in the ocean. stay with us .
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament , the key is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram playing with the whole country. why is your question an interesting question in these 6 months ?
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you are special for the election program, the leader of the revolution in the recent meetings. they are the real competition calling it one of the important pillars of the election means that the field should be open for the presence of different political, economic, and cultural tendencies, so that everyone with their different views can form a real competition in the big election contest and have an active presence in the field. . one of the issues on which experts disagree is whether we should deduct inflation or not deduct inflation in the case of the capital id tax, or the tax on speculation and gambling. the price changes depending on the profit you make you are saying that it is considered an unusual profit , according to the plan's producers, and what is included as a tax for capital will be deducted, you
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should pay the capital id that you had, which is considered an unproductive activity, as a tax . there is a difference of opinion. this is where the people who are against this type of tax picture head for inflation. they say, well, in a country with inflation, the prices of a series of things that are bought, property , cars, will increase, we will deduct the tax and then calculate the tax for the capital . on the other side, his opinion is different. they have more details in the program , stay with us in the higher election debate, thank you. well, in today's program and in today's studio above , mr. mehdi mohadi, an economic expert , is present, as well as mr. shaghaghi, another economic expert, and we will talk with each other . greetings and god bless both guests , i want to start with mr. mohadi. as you agree that we
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should not deduct the inflation capital from the special tax, mr. mohadi, please tell me why this should not happen. dear sir, dear mr. doctor and all dear viewers of our program , we must first determine the position of the capital id tax . let's see why we basically need a tax on capital id. if we can get to the main philosophy of such a tax, this can lead us to the direction that now, if the category of currency is going to be discussed , we should discuss whether inflationary adjustment should be made , that is, we should deduct the effect of inflation from this price increase and then collect the capital id tax.
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what does an anti-speculation tax mean? it is necessary to look around us that for many years in our country's economy, non-productive activities have replaced productive activities . suppose you ask each of us how many billions in money, the first thing that happens. they are asking us, sir , how many billions do you want to do? the thing that comes to our mind more than anything else and sooner than anything else is that we go to buy a property with it, buy a house, buy a car and then maybe keep it and in the following years it will grow this much and we will be able to make a profit. we will gain attention from this deal, this is the main logic it is speculation and speculation , now you and i have to do this work for a small amount of money
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. that the legal entities of the company and many big capitalists may not go towards production at all, but rather allow the conditions towards this side of gambling and speculation, so we understand the main philosophy, if we want to tax capital id, why? we want to get we want to actually come as a mechanism as a mechanism and with capital income tax is to eliminate this speculation and speculation, so this is the most important goal of eliminating speculation and speculation. well, if this happens, we will prevent this as a tax, capital income tax as a tool and mechanism. we want to avoid gambling and gambling. let's name it, now we need to see what it has to do with inflation. we need to explain this
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. if the tax for capital id has no relation with inflation, then it is natural for you to adjust the inflation from the tax on capital id and then tax it, even though this will lead to spending the tax is not a profit or a game, but it may be beneficial for the person, continue to do this unproductive activity, but you can do something like this if this inflation is not related to this tax for capital id, but if they are related what if the lack of tax on capital id , in other words, the speculation that happens in the economy of a country , is one of the main causes of inflation in our country's economy, this is the main issue, that is , if we summarize these two issues i think we can do it very easily. to this let's come to a conclusion. the first point is that if we
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want to come and adjust the inflation , that means we allowed speculation and gambling . let him have and continue his unproductive activity. the first point is that the second point is to talk about the effect of inflation and hard play and speculation. does gambling and speculation have an effect on inflation and is it one of the main causes of inflation or not? if this happens, it seems to me that the continuation of our discussion with dr it ends here and looking at these two aspects , i.e. the impact of the lack of capital id tax on inflation , which, god willing, i will present some discussions to you , mr.
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shoghi. the tax organization is from the ministry of economy, mr. minister, colleagues of the tax organization , there are sensitive conditions and they are trying hard to reform the tax system . there are many problems in our tax system. i really like the process of my friends' efforts, but i have something to say about this issue, which means i am against it i agree with this discussion and i believe it should be adjusted . now, if you allow me to point out my reasons , you can see that the tax has 3 specific goals . there is no one against this issue . the second issue is the explanation of wealth. now let's
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call it extreme speculation. or extreme speculation, so it has three goals, tax, and now we are going to tax on capital id, because it mainly pursues the third goal, of course , it will also generate income for the government, but its main goal is to prevent extreme speculation. mr. dr. mohed
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, please tell me the principle of capital id tax and from the point of view of justice , what should i do with this money? if i keep my money , my purchasing power will decrease by at least 40% per year. my year of effort as savings, my friends tell me that we will close this, these speculators . they call godliness a fixed game. i don't call it speculation at all. for the general public, in my mind, people are looking for an anchor that they can maintain their purchasing power , except for a few sections that are really into it. extreme speculation is defined. the second question. the second question is that we focused on taxing capital
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. let's assume that we closed this way. other production means the productive sector with a thousand and one punishments from instabilities, from the lack of a favorable macroeconomic environment, from corruption and bribery, from many factors that hinder your production, as an executive, as an impartial person , tell me, i am this capital. what should i do? you see, i am shaqi, which means 70 million people in this country at least. 75 million people, suppose you have 5 million, 10 million people, maybe very few. 5 million people are defined in the phase of extreme speculation, but i i am not looking for speculation, as a normal person , i am looking for mr. doctor, you should close the root of inflation, inflation of 40-50% and
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uncertainty about the future and past experience of promises. we have heard that it will be cheaper if you don't buy, sir, in the past 20 years, we have seen that whoever didn't buy got caught and his capital was lost. do you also have a chance to invest in iran, or should i stop if you stop so far? that we can, the last sentence, capital is in iran now, and capital is defined as gold, foreign and domestic cars, housing, and the capital market. this is our asset basket for now. now we are closing it. we people are going to anchor another product as an asset. who said that there is a car in iran? okay, where in the world is a car and why am i going to buy a car because i want to protect myself
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from now you are asking me about inflation , i will say inflation next year with this situation , but we have to work on the productive sector, that is , it wants a policy package, not a single policy, you want to block the productive sector with a single tax and capital ride policy. it should work. who imposes inflation on inflation? one sentence there is inflation of the month. it is the wrong policies of governments. i am a normal person who has nothing to do with inflation. mr. mohadi let me serve you. by the order of mr. dr. both in the field of tax for capital and in the effect of tax on capital, tax for capital on gambling and speculation, from the definition
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of gambling and speculation that you say , in fact, in the way you perceive inflation and the occurrence of inflation with each i disagree with the four concepts that i have presented to you and i have my own arguments that i present to you. we have a disease in iran's economy. we have found a disease in iran's economy. this disease has been found since a certain time. sorry, i use a lot of similes . we buy a property and housing if this is a mistake, this is a root. then, the causes of this problem have arisen, i will take an example
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, according to the statistics provided by the iranian statistics center for the year 2015, the capital demand of our housing sector , the capital demand of our housing sector. about 20% of the total liquidity in the housing market was included 55% and 80% of the market demand and market liquidity volume were directed to consumption demand . 80% consumption 20% capital. now this number is exactly the opposite. we found ourselves in a situation
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where our economy, due to the sledgehammers that are used every year, actually produces more pollen than the previous year, and the production is dispersed. when this production is dispersed, the one who has financial resources has resources . if he invests somewhere, he sees that he cannot produce he invests in it, he goes to what , for example, land, housing, cars, coins, bitcoin , crypto currency, stocks, etc. what happened is because i agree that we should have a policy package to help production. but this negation does not mean that we have to stop speculation and speculation here , when we say speculation and speculation, mr. doctor , our mind should not go to a person who bought a house of 50 or 100 meters . again, there are people who
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have companies and legal entities, they have institutions that are a subsidiary of a bank 48 subsidiary companies of a bank whose all activities are gambling and gambling , for what reason, because we said that whenever we go to gambling and gambling, we will stop it. they said, sir, these people are saving. . they buy, no , sir, they are not influential at all, the main influencers are those legal entities that are subsidiaries of wazar bank and a different institution , who are misusing this opportunity , what will happen now, what will this abuse lead to? when this speculation has a place as a logic if he wants liquidity, that means he needs facilities before going to this speculation. do it. from whom is the request for liquidity made? it is made from the bank. by the way , many of these banks are subsidiaries
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of many of these banks, either private or government , and there are companies that are helping this angle of work. therefore, liquidity will show itself in the form of facilities, who can get facilities, the same companies that can use these properties as collateral, those companies that have more credit for this liquidity event. he is increasing the demand. now , looking at how this demand for liquidity will again affect the inflation , i will explain about it. let's sit down and study its roots one by one . it has been studied in iran for 50 years. this is how i understood it, and these are our economic friends
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. recently, water imbalances and other macro-economic imbalances have been added to the situation . there is a forgiveness, currency imbalances are the result of trade deficits. the result of the capital account deficit is also a part of uncertainty about the future of my economy. the fact is that in the main roots of inflation, there is something called a significant share for speculation that speculation is the cause of inflation. it may be a stimulus somewhere in a process, but the root is the root of macroeconomic imbalances, so you see, inflation is the main root of macroeconomic imbalances, from currency imbalances to various imbalances, this is a problem, now the tour is the result of these imbalances. in the economy
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of 40, that is not a year. we have had inflation of 40 for 6 years now. at all, i am rich, iran does not have me i am not an ordinary person, i belong to one percent of the upper classes of the society, i have acquired legal, halal wealth , that's right, you should put me in the inflation tax, sir, i have acquired wealth , so it is halal. not that i have conditional wealth. you tell me that i don't want my wealth to be lost. on the one hand, we closed the production department, mr. doctor. look , i wish there was a person in charge of the capital market . well, i have a little understanding of the capital market. a day is a decree, every day is an order
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action: well, sir, you will see that they are fined, you go, i don't know , you buy steel, i don't know, the copper and steel industry buys it, then there is no water , there is no electricity, there is no gas, sir, open a place, you are a follower of the government. you. this is what i want to say, you see, government men should open the space, that is, the production space. i am not crazy to go and buy land. well, if the space is open , iran does not have it. we closed the space. the space that i am saying, mr. executive, is passive and does not work. in iran's economy, for my investment, i mean out of 85 million iranians, whether rich or poor.
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we also closed the production. well, i have some wealth . let's assume that i have halal wealth except for 1%, so what should i do? 50% of my wealth is not a leap year. tell me that, i say there is no problem. tax on my id as a tax base. you don't know that it is one of the pillars of taxes . i know the first duty in taxes is revenue for the government . if we had a third goal , i would take the tax on non-productive activities. it means the third and lower part. i say there is no problem. i can't produce and take my money. if you have art, statesmen. you come and guarantee for me, take my money , produce, but keep it as much as the inflation, at least i can't take my money from the production, then , dear mr. bozor nsab, what should i do? i will buy the land.
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you tell me that this is id. well, iran doesn't have it. i say, sir, i am not an extremist at all. i want to buy a piece of land so that my wealth can be preserved. these friends whom i really love, that is , mr. doctor, i know how hard they work and how much effort they put into that tax organization, mr. doctor. subhanian friend and friend. well, mr. dashter khandozi, i like him very much, i say that you should see this, i say that we should go the right way to reach a goal, we must ask for the production path , it is a policy package, we must work on the production path , mr. doctor, do you want to keep that package i don't want the last discussion. my last sentence is that if we at least allow that in the discussion of inflation, i am not to blame, i am rich.


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