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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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rahman al-rahim, dear viewers of khabar khemet network, at your service. hello , i would like to present you a 10-30-minute news segment. we will start this segment with news from the documentary series that has not reached the revolution and once upon a time programs of pahlavi iran , the most monthly documentary series that has not reached the revolution. every night at 22:00 from tehran network.
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it will be broadcast every week until wednesday at 9:5 on radio saba. once upon a time, mohammad reza was always looking for a catchy title for himself, and this program is a series of shows that take a humorous look at the pahlavi regime. with you, i am the green flower of spring oh father everything i have is from you. oh father iran.
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loved today at 19:15 and 23:15 and tomorrow at 17:19 and 45:00 on one sima network. success and all this is from chek babaei. basically , he is known as a supporter and breadwinner. different cultural, historical and social aspects of iran's identity are the subject of this program, mir and fakhr arab ham shireza . every month, saturday to wednesday, every week at 145 minutes, it is broadcasted live on channel two, my sport , as you know, increases blood flow in the body , increases calcium absorption, pregnancy, mother's health and childbirth and nutrition are the main topics of this program, marjan sadeghzadeh of sed and sima news agency.
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strengthening the flow of television show production led to the addition of the teletheater section to the 42nd tater faj festival. radio shows were also performed in this period of the festival. i imagine if the weather continues like this. it was revived after many years. i hope my room has a canopy bed. about two years ago with katib azam. know who you are talking to in the past months. and it is very attractive that it connects the mother's art or the art of the show to the magic screen of television and the audience has very good memories. the need to pay attention to this species is relatively forgotten and speeding up production. in sima, he
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added the section of television shows to the schedule of performances of fajr international theater festival along with radio shows. reg's show was one of my most memorable shows as a writer and director, and fortunately , its television version, which i made with a combination of different actors, apparently attracted attention. about the invasion of culture. america to the iranian woman to the identity of the iranian woman in the 40s means the beginning of the american cultural attack on the identity of the iranian woman in the 40s , which actually caused a series of problems for women. now judges and experts say that television shows and radio shows have their own special audiences. the work , especially the work that was performed from the city, i think is of variety. it was a good topic.
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he had found his audience. but the highest steps must be taken so that these performances can be performed by the public. what is your milk they are looking for broadcast of the selected works in the national media. sahar zwanati news agency sed and vasima. the call for the second sobh international media festival was published. domestic and foreign artists can submit their works the festival has three sections, the vice section, the truly free section, and the special section for palestine. the works presented in the festival are in the formats of documentary films, television, radio
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, virtual space, and new ideas. these works will be judged when they are received. it will be held for about two or three days as an event at the end of may 143 along with the closing ceremony. prizes will be awarded to the selected works, and god willing, this year the festival will have richer works and focus on the issue of palestine in a main part of my presentation. last year, that is, in the previous period, we had the palestine section as a section it was a side issue, this year it is the main part on the sidelines of this event. the poster of the second sobh international media festival was unveiled. those interested in participating in this festival can send their works to the festival secretariat until april 20, 1403. mohammad reza zaraei of sed and broadcasting news agency. the book guaya roz r plus one
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was published in the iran sedah system. this book is a dramatic and documentary reconstruction of the last efforts of the pahlavi regime forces to carry out a military coup in the days leading to the victory of the islamic revolution. the book tells the story of the day in addition to a legitimate 3 meeting of the council the commanders of the imperial army in the last months of the pahlavi rule, i.e. january and february of 1357. i asked my dear colleagues to prepare a plan for fasting, that is, the day they are ordered to go abroad
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. support the government, it led to the fact that coming and giving flowers and saying that buying trucks and pushing the gate, and no matter how much we talk, with a newspaper level that writes above, ayatollah khomeini said that the army is our brother, this is really all it makes you sneeze. honorable prime minister, based on the ideas of timsar sepe bad mohaghegi, they said that a place should be prepared for the arrest, how much? 20,000 or 100,000 people is so much time. that a decision should be made quickly and implemented immediately with the existing facilities, that is, when will the military prime minister be appointed , let us decide for ourselves that it will be a coup d'état, the only one who can save the country, on the last day when
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they wanted to leave, the army told me that now go and arrest 5 thousand people mr. bakhtiar is sitting there, 100 prime ministers have come, this is for 10 days if he doesn't want to. we don't have fuel, we don't have energy, we don't have money it doesn't exist and unfortunately i have to tell you that we will melt like snow one day plus one. legitimacy of the negotiations of the pahlavi general staff on the 13th and bahman 1357, according to the narration of behrouz razavi dawood , the representative of the islamic republic of iran, and with the artistry of the broadcasters
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of the islamic republic of iran, produced in the iransada narrative book database. . let's start with the name of the book, which maybe some people don't know. what does r plus one mean? salam alaikum. day of operation is an operational code that refers to mohammadreza pahlavi's departure was on the 26th and one day after the departure of the shah, who was supposed to launch an operation on a wide scale of the regime's military and security forces, and the situation from the atmosphere where the country was heading for a revolution and in
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it's a time of transformation, change the body, so to speak, they control themselves and prepare the ground for the shah's return. this is the title and the name of the book that we used. well , now this is really a book, or you turned it into a book. in fact, i want to see that the documents and what is behind this case? an important meeting in the form of the council of the grand commander of the army, whose name is the group of military commanders regime security. one day before the departure of the shah,
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the next meeting and the last meeting on 9 bahman, that is , three meetings will be held in this short period of time . in fact , almost all the main security military officials of the country are present, and this plan is the agenda of this meeting, and the review of this plan, its obstacles, its problems, and the logistical position of this work will be recorded until the end of this meeting. it seems that we were not aware of this. at the beginning of the revolution, a writer refers to the archive
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radio aha, a play based on this sound was made and broadcast on the radio at the beginning of the revolution. an author heard this play on the radio in 1959, if i'm not mistaken , and asked to have a part of that sound at his disposal . it is placed and implemented in the form of a final book. my book mentions that there was such a voice in the archive , thanks the voice and the radio, and says that this document is actually a voice that is in our radio archive. we went to the archive we searched and found the original sound, now we did not find that show, the original sound of those three main meetings of the commanders' headquarters. we found that all three sessions were recorded. yes, it was completely recorded . it was in the possession of the radio because we could not find the play, and from that side
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, the sound itself in terms of listening quality, now with that recording mechanism, which at that time was a recording with a microphone, i think you are a the meeting of 25 people was recording the sound , it was not very clear and audible for a long time . without interfering with content possession in the form of production reconstruction you used kenny and saddam himself, this book tells the story of raib, plus one, in fact, yes, that is what it is , part of the book, especially the important passages or important parts of it, we brought the original voice, but in order not to disturb the listener for a long time, a representative of an actor with the same feeling and with the same space plays that dialogue and those phrases that were said in that meeting . so, in fact, we can say that even a part of his voice
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is being published for the first time . in fact, it has never been released before with this sound, as far as i know. now it may be available to reporters be it i did not find a record of its broadcast. and you heard parts of the sound in my teaser. it means that these voices were the prelude to the beginning of acting for our actors in the teaser and on the screen. there are many parts of the original work in its entirety and it is completely real, and this is not a show intervention in order to make the narration of the book or story-telling correct, that is , it is completely based on reality . in addition to a total of nearly 8 hours, it is available to the public and
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can be heard on the first page of the iranian audio book. it is now free to refer to. iran audio books are free, sir. how was the number of speakers selected, the narrative of the work or the introduction, which was used to explain the characteristics of this meeting, the description of the conditions of the members present in the meeting, the positions they held, and the historical events that happened on that date before the victory of the revolution in the form of a descriptive and explanatory text for mr. behrouz razavi took the trouble to narrate it. and 8 actors are also the characters who were present in these meetings . the voice acting of the main character of these meetings and the main organizer and moderator of the meetings is mr. qarbaghi, who is represented by mr. dawood.
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they played the voice of the great professional of our country and very close to the feeling, tone and style that we had in the voice of the original voice of that character . from friends and voice actors. the radio also took the trouble to draw the other roles , one was the commander of the navy, the other was the commander of the ground forces and the head of savak, etc. yes, yes, the friends played all the roles of the members of that meeting, and exactly the feeling that starts in the first meeting with a sense of authority and the plan of this strange operation that now has the opportunity after
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this is also an explanation about the content of these key people's meetings, from their own point of view, they are in the revolution , and they think of providing a place for the prison. it is suggested to kill these people and arrest them somewhere in bushehr, somewhere in the south of the country , somewhere in shiraz, how many places are suggested that have logistical concerns to carry out this work , and a demonstration happens after that, so-called people say in the name of supporting the law and
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the shah, create an atmosphere like august 28 and prepare the ground for its return through this first meeting. there are 25 of us until the last meeting a number of them leave the country, and finally, 9 people who are present at the last meeting on 9th of bahman, with a completely different literature and with an atmosphere of desperation , consider all the previous plans as failed, and finally , the decision is made to declare the neutrality of the army, and actually set the stage. . imam rahmatullah and the victory of the revolution provide what happened and that is actually the last shot of leaving the military system of the government . thank you very much for the conversation we had and the answers we gave . we have reached the end of this news section. greetings and
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godly the first rank among the 500 largest companies in the country, a conference that is held every year to introduce the top 100 companies in the country , with a 62% increase in our operating and sales revenues from 240 thousand billion tomans to 400 thousand billion tomans, and this is why we became the first well, there were many factors, including the fact that in 1401, when this ranking was based on the financial statements of that year, we were able to break the record of the feed of this refinery in 1401, the most feed during the period that this refinery was actually in operation. in 1401, we had fewer
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collections that had this complete chain okay, so we say from the stone to the color, from the mine itself to the final product that we offer, and another value that these collections create is that they are all final products. in fact, from automobiles to household appliances to buildings, etc., and this creation of value is the big thing that is happening in the country. in this sector , indicators such as company performance, liquidity, export productivity , debt and market indicators will be eligible to receive plaques. among the selection criteria of the company.
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which we followed this past year. it was to make as much profit as possible. quality gain to the meaning of divisible profit that the respected legal and real shareholders can benefit from. with this approach, we were able to get the first rank in efficiency areas. however, some economic activists also believe in classifying companies in different fields . economic activists have the necessary motivation to be able to reach this, in fact, their own caravan. they can be mentioned in some way and be able to be one in some way. it is very valuable to define a position for them , but maybe if we can rank these companies based on their expertise, that is, one level lower
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from the point of view of the value chain than to actually categorize them. if we can do this professionally, maybe it will be a bit better from my point of view. for example , the energy sector, the cement sector, for example, the dairy sector, the minister of industry announced that 50% of the top companies are located in tehran province, and said that development should be based on the talent of different regions of the country. take the deputy of business coordination is obliged to go with the participation of the provinces and formulate a plan based on which the talents of different regions of the country will be identified and we will organize the development based on the talents and capacities of each region, not now based on the opportunistic opportunity now. there is an opportunity here sir the representative of the president has come to fix it. now, a steel factory has been built in one of the cities of the provinces near tehran. mr. agha mohammadi
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, it has not been built yet. in this ceremony, the minister of economy, referring to the growth of 18 sales of large companies , said that the country's industry should not be affected by the directives of 1. let's be surprised. the person who sets the rules in iran's economy has no right to catch producers and exporters by surprise. it must be in perfect form transparently and a priori in the portal of the country's national regulations to announce that the activists and producers who do not bring their goods across the border will suddenly face a notification that was issued last night that starting today at 7 am, for example , the export of a certain product or the import of the same subject or the tariff rate and the like will be subject to there should be changes and this direction has helped that in 10 months of 1402
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, compared to 10 months of 1401 , we had a 50% reduction in the commercial and customs regulations of the country. it is not ideal , but it is a very significant move compared to the past. every year, 500 companies are ranked in various industrial production and service fields take safari, isfahan sada and simad mobarake news agency, 8th rank among all works, whether in the field of repairs, renovation
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, reconstruction, expansion of pilgrimage spaces , we should use the maximum use of different experts at the threshold level of the national province , even i told my colleagues in these areas , if you recognize any place, to use foreign experts as well. let's use it, use it, there is no prohibition, there is no limit, the work that takes place here and the architecture that is formed here must be the best and the most beautiful, and to do this important thing, the use of experts and expertise is not limited.
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therefore, the work should be done in consultation with the expert study, i myself insist on this . which becomes somewhat general , i will tell my friends that i have come to the conclusion that this work should be done or this work should be closed. you should go and get an expert to see if this is true or not .
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act, don't delay, if not, this idea that has come to my mind is not acceptable and applicable from an expert's point of view, argue , i will accept it, based on the fact that it is a case-by-case and personal matter and taste. it is not a pleasure to use everything. dear scholars, this kind of work will last in various fields, and our belief is that if the work wants
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to last, it should be done like this. year. the various debates of various experts until we reached the republic square, the first was the discussion of the azadi square. well, it was said that the azadi square is as old as architecture in terms of architecture
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. if it is positive, it overshadows the architecture . we have to preserve those artistic aspects as well . we cannot just make it easier to visit. we should not ignore the architectural and artistic aspects of several hundred years , neither the pilgrimage nor the preservation of this building. in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings and good morning, dear and respected countrymen, we are in egypt.


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