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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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in any case, if we want to answer your question , if we want to answer yes or no, let's see , after all, this city and this land have capacities that we have almost reached the edges of filling this capacity and in some cases we have passed these edges. we put the land of tehran, yes, the whole land where tehran is located. after all, capacities are not unlimited capacities. we can have expectations from any land in terms of its capacities . in many cases and cases , the territorial capacities of the city of tehran have been filled and we have crossed that border. almost he said that we have no choice but to take serious measures. in this area, some of the points
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that we rejected and filled the capacity and passed cannot be reversed, so with the explanation that i have given, yes, yes, i definitely agree with the transfer of the capital , so mr. danesho agreed to transfer the capital, what are the reasons for this agreement? as i said, at last tehran, we can have expectations from him, see in our different fields from tehran. we have expectations, for example , that in the field of economy , tehran is finally going to shoulder the entire economic burden of the country, or, for example, in discussions related to settlement, does this land that we named tehran have the ability to cover 20% of the population of the entire country or not, or should we?
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let's think about predicting these capacities in other places based on the god-given gifts of other places and with the actions we take in these areas in order to be able to make maximum use of the god-given capacities of the divine resources in our land. let's move in that direction. in many areas, our behavior has been exactly the opposite, which means exactly in places where our land has no capacity. our policies and our actions have caused population density, and in places where there is capacity, our actions have caused us to have no population there. now, in the whole of iran, we have places that have the best capacity for housing and employment, but we
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have uninhabited lands in those places, for example, the southern coast of our country has a very good capacity in the south of the country, and we neighboring countries. even the countries that are located south of the oman sea and the persian gulf , they use their capacities to the maximum, but we came here , what did we do? we brought our population centers to the center. in the margins in the desert and places where we have a lot of territorial problems, we have concentrated them and there we have organized them densely , so one of the main reasons that i can point to why they agree is the capacities of the territory . because the capacity of tehran city has been exhausted and
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the capacity of this population is no more... now there is no traffic, air pollution, traffic, etc. well, of course, the solution is to move the capital . if this slide that i gave them to show their service. colleagues , you have the possibility to show the slides. yes, yes, please. yes , the first picture actually shows the area. the general public of tehran, that agha mohammad khan chooses here as the capital more than 200 years ago, 230-40 years ago, it was the right choice, that is , the prab region has the alborz heights behind it due to security barriers, the center of which is the axis of the north, south, east and west. choose an area that has high environmental capacity to choose the path.
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the next slide shows the years from 1935 to 1990 , if you look carefully, the parts marked with color. done i want you to see that tehran had a population of about 1,561,000 people in 2015, and now it has a population of about 8,600,670,000 people, and these are the censuses of every 10 years of the country. the population growth rate in tehran in 2015 was 9.5%. it was one and fourteen percent, which means about 7 in this case. during the decade of tehran, the growth rate has been decreasing, but instead , the urban area of ​​tehran has increased from 10% to 194. it means that as the population of the center of the metropolis has decreased, the surrounding cities
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have become heavily populated. now , the reason why this is happened. we slide next, rome, if friends show us , we have a high attraction of non-native students for employment and housing. the largest industrial concentration is located in the axes connected to tehran, especially the axis of karaj and karaj ghazvin, four large industrial cities within one to two hours of tehran in the region. 21,000,000 cars are produced at the peak of annual capacity, which is the absolute focus of financial and credit institutions. and we have capital markets. the share of the gross national product without oil in the tehran region, the general region of tehran is about 31, based on the 90th census. the share of 35-40% of tehran region's tax on chlorine is tehran's share of the total added value of the sector
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66 financial intermediation, 51 independents, and 36 transportation and warehousing. more than 60% of deposits and bank facilities are also in tehran . put these together. it means that our focus is most of our focused activities in this situation, and when the investment in the rest of the country is not enough, due to the employment of the first issue, due to the employment of this the public area is under load . now in the next slides, if you show your friends , although in the city of tehran, despite the increase in population , the population growth rate has decreased in the last 3 decades, but in the areas around tehran, the growth rate we experienced a very high population, for example, in sabah shahr 21, this rate is very high in pakistan, 10%
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in sharif abad, 7 in baghistan, 6 and a half percent in the southwest of tehran, shahryar region. and the incident that has decreased in tehran is increasing in a public area. the reason for this is explained in the next slide. we focused only on control measures , while there were less negative measures to take the burden off tehran. all this does not mean the transfer of the capital. if you invest in a balanced amount in all parts of the country , wouldn't we have the largest amount in south pars the amount of investment has been made there throughout the history of iran, when south pars was active , many experts were present and even took my home to the general area of ​​south pars
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, why because employment was available there, if we want the south coast to be active, there needs to be a reason for the population there is getting drunk and the main reason is employment in the current situation. employment requires huge investments. investment requires investment security and planning. show your friends on this next slide. failure to explain the appropriate employment and services in the region removal of obligation and adherence to farad documents. and changing policies and approaches is one of the reasons. well , when we, mr. doctor , sit where the secretary of the supreme council approves plans, these plans are like laws, like the laws passed by the parliament, in
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the field of urban planning. if someone comes and says that i don't accept this or i don't implement this , you should pay attention to the policies that all the member institutions of the government have signed. after committing to do this work, if someone comes and says that i will not do that work, no stone will be left unturned in politics. the ones we compiled in some times. we ignored or did not act on it and these are ultimately ineffective mr. doctor, let me summarize what you have said so far , because the transfer of the capital has a financial burden and requires a large investment, and for the time being , this investment is possible. no, you disagree, no, i didn't say it like that, i am saying that as long as you are managing like this, the transfer of the capital will not solve the problem, besides, since 1900 , we have not had a serious transfer of the capital in the world, except for places that are politically motivated. changes
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it happened seriously, for example, the soviet union and the newly independent countries, for example, kazakhstan did this after independence, or for example , east and west germany and berlin . . whether to transfer tokyo or not, in the end , he did not come to a clear conclusion. well, mr. student , do you agree with mr. ahmadi's words ? see the reasons that mr. the doctor himself is there being present and having exactly this responsibility , exactly what mr. doctor is saying, means that he is basically stuck with this amount. and with this volume that has been mentioned in the slides , we have no choice but to take serious measures
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, pointing out that we have not had a transfer of the capital for years, and by the way , we have come to countries like malaysia, that is, the policy makers have come there separate the different ones and transfer them. to different places so that they can manage in this way . we brought the centers in tehran, that is, now you are tehran, the economic center, the economic capital, the administrative and political capital, the industrial capital, even the scientific and academic capital, so what is the need for us to gather all the centers in one place, and then by gathering all these, these are the problems that they create and intensify each other. we in many
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countries, now countries that have almost culturally similar conditions to us, have made this experience and it has been a successful experience. malizo has separated its economic capital from its administrative capital and moved the administrative one , or even turkey has done this, pakistan has done this. done. that is, many countries come to separate their administrative and political capital from the capital or the economic center of their country, the reason is that they can divide the problem into smaller pieces that can be solved. when you gather all the centers in one place , regardless of the territorial capacities , you can no longer manage it. now, my point is this, after all, it is true that the statistics indicate that
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the population growth rate in tehran is slower and slower than in previous years. it has changed, but we do not take into account the changes in commuting patterns, i.e. commuting the comparison between now and 30 years ago is the same as what you are discussing about the transfer of the capital and... studies have already been done, for example , moving the capital near ali borders , moving it near soltanieh . near tehran, behind the campus , these are the three options that i am going to mention in the study of the transfer of the capital . the conditions had been provided for the formation of the management of a fabric in south kana, the chairman of the second council wrote a letter
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masaba asked the majlis of ministers to cancel it, no, there is nothing like that. look, see what i am saying. i have it in front of my camera . see, mr. khatami was the president at that time. mr. chamran and i and a number of other members of the council went. we followed up on this matter. in other words, we were following the implementation of the cause of the parliament, the parliament had approved the handing over of such issues . that the management of public libraries should be left to us, and this is very interesting for us, that is, we who were following this issue at that time, it is completely clear and completely controversial. the transfer of some ministries of housing, their headquarters to some provinces was also discussed. i think, for example, cultural heritage was discussed to fars and shiraz provinces. now, look at this discussion that
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i am discussing, of course, the interests of dr. hanachi , who are very creative. he has political discussions, i respect him, but god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that he is the most high.
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good work, good work, god's work akbar allah akbar la ilaha illa allah is specialized and specialized. see the topic we
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are talking about. let me finish my presentation. yes , it is specialized, but look at the aspects of specialization . do you two agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? i am completely asking a question, i am clearly asking, there is no need for the activities that can take place at the level of the whole country, in tehran, it is very good, so you also say, so you also say that the focus in tehran has passed its expiration date, no one is talking about tehran. with the same conditions in tehran. and with this centralized management, we will win another point, well, it is clear that this point of ram will not answer, if it answered , it would answer here, and it is clear that this is also there, if our management is the same model and we want to have the focus, the same will happen there, and with a time delay there. we also make it difficult
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, but the point is that we have to somehow manage this concentration in tehran and separate it into pieces, which now, for example, other countries are sometimes able to manage the pieces in this way, for example, their university city. transferring to another place or city related to the activity taking their political administrations to another place , taking their economic activities to another place, and these have been completely successful, their experiences have completely shown that they can move in the right direction, of course , there are requirements that no one denies, these requirements must be met. so that we can get the right answer from him, the friends who insist on moving the capital think that tehran's problems will be solved with this transfer, this is not the case at all, because
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studies show that if the political center is moved, it can affect up to 4% of the population. let it mean that tehran's problems are in their own place that now there are some trends, tehran is no longer the capital. it comes from the point of attention, due to the limited resources in our country , there is a possibility that the problems will become more acute, because when it is the capital , you can pay more special attention to it. now, the countries where this happened are ankara, the neighboring country of turkey, ankara is the political center. i think it has been around a few decades since he moved, at least five or six decades since he moved. have the problems of istanbul been solved? or istanbul has moved away from the economic center, no, it hasn't , right from 1923, i think. now pay attention to us
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we have other examples, we have delhi , and we have this in pakistan. in a period after modernism, after 1930, when the modern movement was born, the discussion of new cities and new constructions. it was brought up in the events of the world , it was brought up in brasilia, mr. jaberi, now they are pointing out that in brasilia, delhi, ahmedabad, many countries have done this , ankara, many countries have done this, even russia, moscow, before that, st. petersburg, this happened , but this experience was not a successful experience. for the same reason , it did not continue with this wave, but later, for example, in almaty and astana we had rome, yes, after the dissolution of the union of your society, you
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state a hypothesis, a question in your mind the way you want, and then answer it. it is not a question at all. see, you say that the friends who are following up on the transfer of the capital assume that there are problems. it can be solved, if it can't be solved, they don't follow up on this at all . the issue is that we should reach a management model that is less difficult and less difficult , mr. student, i didn't tell you to look in the parliament when this side was raised, the respected representatives who raise this issue, first the verdict on the transfer. being a given capital means that the order to transfer paytb was in the text of the law, but because it was burdensome , it would naturally be based on the principle of 75 and the guard would not accept this return
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. after coming back, i entered into negotiations. we said that you want to deal with tehran's problems. if this happens, by the way, this should happen at the highest levels, that is , you paid attention to the highest planning levels of our managers because of tehran's problems, they should not lose sleep, and this is the right thing to say, come change this law and your plan. first , raise the issue of organization. i believe that by organizing the major part one of tehran's problems will be solved. in organizing, the issue of integrated management is discussed, preventing the division of the country from collapsing. lack of concentration does not arise in organizing. at all, the main issue is lack of concentration. i'm done, i'll say the same. this means that the transfer of the capital is not necessarily discussed. i did not mean that at all. you made me the addressee . i understand that your excellency has respect for this matter. i did not say this, but what i meant was that you
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are putting this matter on the table in a way that it is not, and then you would reply to it. see, this is the issue of lack of concentration. it means all our efforts in one direction may it not be concentrated in tehran in all cases , do you agree with this, mr. doctor, that we finally have a limited capacity in tehran, in this complex that tehran has formed in this land, in this vastness that tehran has formed, now with the town and its satellite cities , do you agree that our capacity it is full. you agree that in some cases we have exceeded the full capacity. tehran is a prime example . it is full. so, according to you, this is what i am saying. you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. this is definitely one. there is no option to see if it is assumed that the answer is such a question wide and complex is to transfer an item
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. it was decided that this is neither a scientific view nor an expert view, it is not my opinion at all, i say that we want to call it whatever we want, let's call it a method, if we want, let's call it transfer of the capital or whatever we want to call it. no , let's not call it the transfer of the capital, let's call it the lack of concentration . i am not sensitive to this . it's over, he doesn't have more patience in the issues related to water supply, this problem exists even in the issues related to our social and cultural issues this problem that has recently been raised by the earthquake, i recommend that you look at the studies of the urban complex of tehran. in summary, it has four or five axes, one of which is the management of dr. barcheh, the same place where these studies were done, so
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look at your order and see when you tell me. it was very strange for me to say that the doctor is against this transfer, because finally. because you, like the conceptual meaning you take from the transfer of the capital, with whatever you see as the meaning, i see the problem with this matter , finally, the plan that came up, which we discussed until we reached the conclusion, mr. doctor, i also see the problem. now i
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think i have all the impression i wanted to have from this meeting. alhamdulillah , it has been realized. you and i are of the same opinion. if we have a difference of opinion, please tell me. you and i are of the same opinion that this land has exhausted its capacity and cannot endure any more. you and i both believe that if i am wrong somewhere, please tell me. you and i believe that the focus is the focus of all activities, economic , political, scientific, industrial activities in tehran. seme here no longer has the capacity to withstand this concentration , so now we want to call this lack of concentration whatever we want to call it transfer. the capital, or do we want to call it movement towards lack of concentration, i agree with this , i will mention the main axes of studies of the tehran group , but before you make your orders, i would like to tell you that by
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the end of the program, i think less than 8 minutes and the development of tehran's transportation axes, tehran has 6 and 7 main axes leading to it. yes, you also said that, for example , karaj to tehran, 400,000 cars travel through it daily , from karaj to tehran, the discussion of reducing congestion. residential in kalan shahrhar, tehran, the issue of water is a serious issue, because at that time, all water programs for, for example, two decades in tehran, ati had a maximum population of 15 and a half million people, and population control and diet was one of the public policies, the issue of low-income housing was the issue of the green belt, and these were the issues that
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were mentioned in the study of the metropolis of tehran's urban complex. look at the continuation of the tehran metro line to parand. in fact, in the continuation of the approvals of the urban complex of tehran, we moved in the right direction, and in other directions , we moved in the opposite direction, in the field of national divisions and breaking down national divisions. we moved in the direction of reducing the burden of population density in tehran. we moved towards the photo from a thousand tall buildings tehran. 450 of them were built in one period , and still this current has not gone bad . there is an insistence on continuing the wrong path, which is against the direction of the lack of concentration that you and i emphasize on. if we want this to happen, we first, we have to stop wrong moves and move towards organization.


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