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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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increasing the commercial and economic relations between iran and turkey by signing 10 cooperation documents in the presence of the presidents of the two countries, we have decided to develop the level of commercial and economic relations, we have set a target of 30 billion dollars in the first step of iran-niger relations on the development of signing several cooperation documents in the fields of agriculture, economy, health and health.
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the martyrdom of 21 palestinians in the last 24 hours of the zionist attacks on the gaza strip, the hunting of two pahvads and the destruction of several zionist tanks and armored vehicles in today's operation. the rural houses of sluyeh la region , after 50 years, i apologize to the people, why this happened with a delay, this issue is very it should be done sooner.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten my fate. hello, dear viewers, welcome to this news section . simultaneously with the birth of the pious prophet, peace be upon him, a special program was held in the shrine of razavi with the presence of pilgrims. the holy places of mosques and hussainiyehs are on the streets and alleys with inscriptions in the name of their own people . birthday imam ali and also father's day is a day called to all shia muslims of the whole world.
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i would like to say that the people who put the alevi way of life at the top of their lives, their justice, fairness , piety , everything . hazrat ali is a role model. hazrat fatemeh zahra has the same virtues that she has for the people. if we can observe haq nas and this, at least we can make our hearts happy that we are walking on the path of amir al-mu'minin and his birth is an excuse for appreciation for the support of our father's life, then we all came to do shopping for our father. today , on the occasion of amir al-mu'minin's celebration, which is tomorrow , friday night, we said today, let's go to the tajd market , do some shopping, and come back. on father's day, my servant and his family also bought a gift for me. we bought it in advance.
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with the presence of the presidents of iran and turkey, 10 cooperation documents were signed in the economic and political fields. in a joint press conference with his turkish counterpart, mr. raisi said, emphasizing the promotion and development of relations with this country: we are determined to develop the level of economic and commercial relations. mr. raisi with emphasizing on cutting the vital arteries of the zionist regime , he said: this action can be effective in forcing this regime to end its crimes. the president said it should be for the crimes of the zionist regime.
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it created deterrence and limiting communication with the zionist regime can be effective. in this press conference, the president of turkey emphasized the increase of iran's trade and economic exchanges to 30 billion dollars and said: our policy is to support the people of gaza and we will increase our cooperation in this regard. at the 8th session of the iran-turkey supreme cooperation council, the president said: "the will of the leaders." iran and türkiye are expanding relations. the president called the establishment and holding of 8 meetings of the supreme council of economic cooperation between iran and turkey a symbol of the will of the leaders of the two countries to expand and promote more than. he knew the level of relations between them and expressed hope that its effects will be revealed in the field of action as soon as possible. welcoming the president of iran in türkiye. together with the presidents of two neighboring countries that
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have close relations. this is the second time in the last two years that the presidents of iran and turkey meet officially . bilateral issues with priority cooperation economic and regional issues centered on gaza were the main topics of private talks between the presidents of iran and turkey. private conversations behind closed doors for about two hours. in this trip, the eighth meeting of the supreme council of cooperation between the two countries. was also held in this meeting, the president said about the cooperation of the two countries in the fight against terrorist groups: mr. raisi also mentioned the issue of the caucasus and said: the solution to establishing security in the region is to cut off foreign interference and regional cooperation. the topic of gaza was the focus of mr. raisi's speech in this meeting. president
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on cutting off political and economic relations with the regime zionist emphasized and called it the most serious mechanism to deal with the crimes of the zionist regime . in these talks, the officials of the two countries followed up their negotiations regarding bilateral cooperation . negotiations that resulted in the signing of 10 cooperation documents between the two countries. documents for cooperation in the field of agriculture in the same fields of commerce, technical issues between the two countries, discussions on the training of scientific exchanges that should be done between the two countries anyway. common free trade zones. we will start based on this memorandum to create a joint free zone between the two countries, the result will be this it was concluded that there will be joint investment between the two countries and an increase in trade, export and import between the two countries, and energy exchange. fortunately , we had good negotiations with the turkish side in the field of energy, especially in
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the field of exporting oil, gas, petroleum products and petrochemical products in relation to the export of liquefied lpg gas was also a good agreement in the discussion. the export of petrochemical products, oil products, we have also made good agreements, efforts to bring iran-turkey trade exchanges to the ceiling of 30 billion dollars per year, it is necessary that we can also do joint production in some goods with the purpose of exporting to the markets of interest is to use the capacity of the turkish route to reach the north african market, which we can use if we reach an agreement, god willing, we have good resources in turkey. we want to use these resources more, regarding how to use these resources and also how to use our gas resources in turkey . and turkey, as well as the presence of
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iranians living in ankara, the latest programs mr. raisi will be traveling to türkiye. amir shaher mehr, a journalist of the iranian broadcasting news agency. among other things, niger is one of the serious strategies of the 13th government. in a press conference with the prime minister of niger, the first vice president said: the government of the islamic republic of iran has followed the developments in niger carefully. in order for us to be able to develop our economic relations, there are a few
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basic things that need to be done in order for the private sectors of the two countries to become active, including monetary and banking issues. we have to solve the issue of transportation, especially air cargo, which is fortunate good decisions were made, mr. mokhbar. condemning the cruel sanctions of the colonial regime, iran announced that it is ready to share its experiences in fighting these sanctions with friendly countries. god willing, we can move forward hand in hand . certainly, one of the best solutions and mechanisms is holding joint commissions, and god willing , the new version of it will be held soon so that we can witness the improvement of bilateral relations. in this event, two years. the cooperation document was signed by the officials of the two countries: one is the economic and political community cooperation document and
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the other is the health cooperation memorandum of understanding we had good understandings and agreements in different areas, especially in the mining sector, in the areas of transportation, road and construction, health and treatment, improving the level of education in niger, labor exchange and education in these areas, which, god willing, in the joint commission that in the near future , most of these understandings will definitely become agreements and contracts. mr. mokhbar also expressed his satisfaction with the preparations for the reopening of the embassy of the republic of niger in tehran. this press conference was the end of the trip of the prime minister of niger to our country, which was at the official invitation of the first vice president. polluting devices and companies
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who refuse to pay pollution taxes in slovenia . the head of judiciary, who has traveled to bushehr along with high judicial officials , ordered the judicial officials of this province to identify the polluting companies and deal with them according to the law. the head of the judiciary traveled to bushehr province as part of his provincial trips. the beginning of the journey is not from the center, but from the south of bushehr province, the energy capital of iran. this is an energy hub, and especially in asaluriyeh, there is a need that some of the legal problems that people have, the judicial branch can solve this problem, god willing, with a higher and faster measures and steps.
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he gave the house to its owner. may allah bless you, allah is the document of your property. i will say goodbye to you in a big time for the sake of people , god willing. the head of the judiciary, in a meeting with the people of salweh city on friday, also pointed out the importance of preserving the environment in the oil industry areas and stressed the need to collect pollution taxes for the people of the region. we have a law that, sir, pollution charges must be taken from
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the device that creates pollution, and we have a law to prevent that pollution and what can be incurred as a result. the ancestor of this law must be implemented, mr. at the end of this ritual, hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen mohseniye ajei presented the document of 500 housewives of four cities and 10 villages of salweh city to their representatives. the head of the judiciary along with the deputies and high judicial officials of the country then went to bushehr to deal with other issues of the judicial system of bushehr province. mohammad hadi hajizadeh, slovye radio and television news agency. various trends. political and economic competition in elections.
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the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. there is a telegram channel with he plays across the country. of course, this is the month of pricing, your question is an interesting question. we don't want to be a football manager. we do not agree with any type of shock treatment. higher. tendencies debate on the eve of elections every day at 15:00 and 19:00. wherever you are from today's news network, we will be higher tomorrow. above) the deadline for registration of parliament election candidates for television advertisements has been extended until 24:00 tonight. today, in order to use the possibility of television advertising in radio and television, a number of other television advertising channels in the constituencies of khorasan, razavi, khuzestan and
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kerman was launched. parliament election candidates to use these advertising facilities until 24:00: after the explosion and fire in a refugee settlement center in khanyounos, the spokesperson of the united nations relief and works agency said about the zionist regime's obstruction to the transfer of the wounded.
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now, now inside the kuwaiti khan yunus factory , there are no doctors or children's equipment . this building, which was the accommodation of hundreds of displaced people in khan yunus, caught fire after being hit by israeli tank bullets. at least 14 people were martyred. according to the health officials of gaza, the zionists surrounded nasser hospital in khanyounos with their tanks and it is not possible to transport the injured and send medical equipment to this center. the invaders also targeted rafah in the south and jabalia in the north of the gaza strip.
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this morning, the gaza ministry of health announced that the total number of martyrs in the last 110 days was at least 2,570. announced. the zionist regime confirmed the wounding of 21 of its soldiers in the gaza strip in the past hour. the zionist media also reported on the continuation of intense clashes in different areas of the strip gaza, in particular, gave their condolences and announced that three israeli soldiers were killed in these clashes. the qassam battalions also reported a fierce one-on-one conflict in the west of khanyounos, and the casualties of the zionists were much higher. more than the statistics published by the zionist media. the resistance fighters also targeted several gathering places of zionist soldiers and enemy equipment with rockets and rockets . in the name of god, in the name of god, in the name of god,
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the merciful. in the northern areas of the gaza strip, a heavy battle between the resistance battalions and the zionist forces was reported , two other drones of the occupation, including one today, espionage entered the control of the palestinian resistance . at the same time, hezbollah targeted the two military bases of this regime in the north of occupied palestine and the shabaa fields.
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zionist sources announcing the increase in the death toll of the occupying regime's army in gaza has caused this regime to hire more foreign mercenaries. earlier , many videos of citizens of european countries were published on virtual networks , who were speaking in different languages ​​and were fighting with palestinians in the uniform of the zionist regime's army in gaza. these two young american couples came to the occupied territories for education. too much are excited many bases to undergo military training and join. it has no attraction for the jews of the world. recent developments have shown that
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the zionist regime has failed to ensure the security of the settlers and is forced to attract troops only with money. recruits are trained in such centers . this military trainer says: our goal is not to play, only to kill. you should sensitive areas. body beat pedro das flores is another example. he is a former soldier of the spanish army. he fought for america once in the iraq war and once in the ranks of ukrainian soldiers in the war that is still going on. pedro now he has been recruited by the zionist army. i am a member of the force fighting for israel for 390 euros a week. apart from the fact that they have other receipts for additional missions. although ukraine itself is involved in the war with russia, the pictures published on social networks
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indicate the presence of a significant number of ukrainian mercenaries in the ranks of the zionist army in the war against gaza . recruiting mercenary elements from abroad and setting aside a large budget for them is the main condition recruiting presence in units used by mercenary elements in the gaza war. the occupiers claim that the current war is a decisive national war. but we see that there is no nation and the infantry of this war are foreign mercenaries. the spanish newspaper el mundo wrote that mercenaries from different countries other than spain , including france, germany, albania and even the american special forces, who had a history of war in iraq, afghanistan, mali and gaza,
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are now fighting in the gaza front. the british ambassador in iraq claimed that the aim of iran's attacks on erbil, iraq is to destroy the stability of the kurdistan region. a member of the government of iraq said that the person was killed he has been in contact with mossad in arabid. irgc missile attack on the mossad-affiliated center in erbil, iraq. a legitimate response to the recent terrorist act in kerman. the legal action that the arab league describes as a violation of the security of iraq and the region, ignoring the threat to iran's national security from the kurdistan region of iraq, for
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many years, unfortunately, from this geography , there have been objective threats to the national security and the security of the citizens of the islamic republic of iran, a region that sometimes the private life of zionist spies. my information shows that the person who was killed in the attack on erbil was connected with the mossad organization of the israeli regime he participated in the planning of the explosion that occurred in kerman. of course, the statement of the arab league did not go unanswered. legitimate defense against israel's abuse of iraqi kurdistan is against iran's national security. amir abdullah's reference. it is documented in article 51 of the seventh chapter of the united nations charter. legitimate defense is not only reserved for when a government
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attacks another government, but also if non -governmental activists, including terrorist groups , launch an armed attack against a government, governments have the right to legitimate defense. again, with the cause of article 51, and now in the other scene of the 30th day of 402, the aggression of the zionist regime in damascus the continuation of the violation of the chain of sovereignty of syria in the shadow of the silence of the arab league, according to political observers , the dual approach of this league is one of the reasons for expansionism and the continued aggression of the usurped regime . the military in syria has used drones, fighter planes, and missiles, but we
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have not heard a voice from an arab alliance. unfortunately , this policy of one roof and many airs and not two airs is not acceptable and logical in any way . clear notification of any budget discrepancy. the government advised all institutions and agencies to avoid creating financial obligations without providing for revenue support and said: not being afraid of the budget is against the quick principle of 75 laws. in another part of his speech, the president said: all government agencies are obliged to take the necessary measures to support the family institution in various educational, educational and executive dimensions and to direct all efforts towards.
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a recruit announced the launch of a system for measuring satisfaction with the performance of government employees in line with the popularization of supervision in cooperation with the ministry of communications and information technology. in line with the popularization of supervision the satisfaction measurement system for government employees has been launched in cooperation with the ministry of communications and the presidential public communications center. until today, when we are at your service, for 885 thousand government employees , two-dimensional ids have been issued and installed at their place of service . people can easily comment on the performance of government employees with a phone. internal messengers yes, we made an arm under the name of people's arm, which with their phone, if the client enters
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the executive device, he sees that the next id is not installed, or it is broken, or it does not work in any way. you can report with your blash phone for free . this is the report of the speaker of the parliament in a meeting with the members of the staff . the revolution must be aware. referring to the enemy's attempt to downplay the revolution, mr. qalibaf said: "the fajr decade is an opportunity for officials to point out the importance of the opportunities created by the revolution." the parliamentarians determined the list of allocation of subsidy credits in 1403. based on this, the government subsidizes medicine, powdered milk, medical consumables,
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cash subsidy. livelihood and kalaberg electronic will provide and pay assistance to families covered by support institutions and bread subsidies. specially, the salaries of government employees are among the other predictions of the parliament in the budget bill 143, those who have four children under 20 years of age, or strengthening the foundation of the family and raising children, and paying attention to the lower deciles of the society in the budget bill. proposal no. 10, right after the approval of granting a free piece of land to families who have at least four children , parliamentarians passed other decrees in this framework and obliging the government to marry young, it was childbearing, it was in the field of sports. it was the field of health, as well as construction projects , especially with the priority of villages and nomads, in the continuation of the parliament's consideration of the expenditure part of the budget bill.
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the subsidies targeting organization was obliged to spend the resources obtained from the value added tax on the sale of oil and natural gas products only to provide subsidies for bread and medicine. it is possible to provide non-free funds for construction projects and services of the country, which is of particular importance, and the representatives of the ministry of petroleum obliged 200 thousand billion rials. allocate for this matter. it was approved . crude oil as a raw material is provided to the refinery by the ministry of petroleum .


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