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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their resurrection. greetings and a good time at your service.
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in these two years, 75% of productivity has been achieved . are we playing a role or not? now, with the aim of improving productivity in higher education, the conference of presidents of universities and higher research and technological institutions has started its work in mashhad. in these meetings, there will be a review of plans between the presidents of the universities in educational, research, technological and of course cultural fields.
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there should be understandings, the minister of science also said in this ceremony, emphasizing that fields such as artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences the internet of things and quantum are the priority for the support of the ministry of science, he said, with the support of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy of the presidency , the national document on artificial intelligence is being compiled, and researchers and scientists in the fields of basic sciences and humanities are important, and we have a special eye for it. we also have special support , we have used the capacity of the 7th development plan well, and fortunately, very effective decrees have been approved in the 7th development plan, and with their implementation , we will take effective steps for the progress of the country's higher education. god willing , the unveiling of the second book of saud 40 years by hojjat islam seyyed mohammad hossein raji was another part of the programs of this event. it is supposed
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to be held in three days . we had already spent 2500 billion tomans in the last year. the budget of 1401 was intended with 3 thousand billion toms to pay the demands of renewable power plants, which has not been paid yet, but now the follow-ups that have been made into remittances of fuel through the national gas remittance company are now with us.
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we are working hard to get it reviewed, god willing, we will be able to let's pay this 3 thousand billion tomans at the end of the year. the deputy minister of mines and material processing of the ministry of samt announced a 40% decrease in the productivity of the mining sector. mr. mohtashmipour added: the fleet of mining machines needs to be modernized and this issue should be properly addressed in the seventh plan. number of mining machines. there are currently 30,000 of them in the country, half of which are worn out. about 15,000 of them are over 20 years old. the importance of this issue shows itself because, according to experts , it has become the biggest problem for miners these days. without exaggeration, it can be said that it is the biggest problem of miners in the country now we are talking about mining machines. referring to the volume of mining operations in the country, the deputy of mining affairs of the ministry of samit says about the need for new machinery. many. we have worn-out machines in the mines
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, which should increase with the passage of time, and we must speed up the repair of torches. the condition of the machines in the mines is so bad that they are going to use general machines and road construction for mining works. wear and tear of mining machinery and reduced productivity while based on the seventh plan, 13 percent growth is targeted for the mining sector. a series of expectations have arisen in the program, including growth. is it necessary or not that serious changes happen in the main areas of mining , but according to the activists of the mining area, at least with the current conditions of the mining machinery, the realization of this vision
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is far from expected. i don't know if we want to reach this growth. we have to work, they have this capacity of ours. domestic companies with the trucks that are being produced, which i am sorry for your presence , do not have high capacities. we need to be able to. import machines with much larger capacities to increase production. although the removal of barriers to the production and import of machinery has been updated in article 48 of the seventh plan, but according to a member of the parliament's industry and mines commission, this article raises the issue of machinery in general. this means a clear reference to the need and necessity of modernizing the civilized machinery. mohsen karagzali , deputy director of medical services of the ministry of health, said that the figure that is announced annually as the diagnostic and therapeutic parties does not mean the salary received by doctors
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, unfortunately, it is a wrong naming of the medical tariff. people immediately think that this is the doctor's salary, while this is the tariff for health services. and the treatment of this percentage that is approved, one third is only related to the salary, including the professional component of the visit, the professional component is not only for the doctor. patients , clothes, detergents, disinfectants, and services provided in hospitals, therefore, comparing the increase in medical fees with the increase in the salaries of employees and workers is an excellent comparison, and at all, these two they are not comparable because this is not a salary at all, only a third of it is just a salary. the supreme council of insurance has approved an increase of 46 diagnostic definitions for the next year, a figure that must
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be finalized and approved by the program and budget organization and the board of ministers. the los angeles times newspaper. considering that there has been no progress in increasing readers and attracting advertisements and subscriptions , it is trying to avoid annual losses of 30 to 40 million dollars. senshi the owner of the los angeles times, in response to harsh criticism of him , considered the firings to be a real step towards the stability of this newspaper . thank you until the next part.
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament , the key is in the hands of the people, coach.
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you are a special companion of the higher program. in recent meetings, the leader of the revolution has named real competition as one of the important pillars of the election , which means that the field should be prepared for the presence of different political, cultural and economic trends so that everyone with their own different views and trends can participate in the competition. take part in the elections and create a real competition. one of the issues on which experts disagree is the market management debate, whether our stabilization policies should be mandatory or not , whether our supply control should be mandatory or not, as we want. let us have a debate at your service. be with the special program. thank you. well , we are with you. here in our studio are mr. al-husseini , a banking expert. also, mr. i will start
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the question. how much do you agree with the directive policies to control and stabilize the rate? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful i would like to ask you to see that the price of land is a price in the economy that is the result of the fundamental factors in that economy. we theoretically say in economics that the price of land is the balance of three. different market , product market, money market and capital market. we have a product market, we want to say another exchange rate, for example dollar to rial rate. the product market is characterized by the productivity difference between iran and america. the money market is characterized by the difference between the real interest rates of iran and the united states, and the capital market is characterized by the difference in expectations regarding the future of the iranian and american economies. now if the relationship. we are considering dollars and rials , so you cannot determine the price of land by order
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. if someone has this idea or makes the mistake that the price of land can be determined by order, it will be like a person who has a fever at night , the result of interaction and negativity. inside that child's body , what do you do to lower the child's fever? he puts an ice cube next to the thermometer , the fever comes down a lot, but the child's fever has not really come down, this is not a virtue, he will kill the child because the child has an infection in his body, you have to go and treat the infection . it is going up so much, it jumps so much , or we stabilize it, like in the 80s, then it does once, or it stabilizes like in 93-96. then it suddenly jumps. these show that there is a serious infection in this economy, so
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the main point of discussion is whether we want to treat the infection in the economy in a radical way, so that this fever whether it goes down or not, we want to show this child's body a different way of fever for a short period of time by putting ice and putting a series of painkillers and giving a series of painkillers and so on. for example, when the government is at the end of its term or parliamentary elections or anything else , it will do this as long as it can and as long as it has currency resources, because our economy is not like turkey's economy , the economy of turkey is very difficult. in very short periods, he can make this mistake in iran's economy.
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let's put aside the demo meter and what they are, and that is the oil income that dollars are coming out from under your land you spend those dollars outside, which i will now tell you, how else we could have spent them and what. we have caused long-term damage to iran and the people of iran with this way of politics and with this way of managing the economy . thank you very much, mr. hassan khani. in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service, dear mr. seyed, and also, dear viewers. if we want to answer this question , we have to examine at least 89 issues together . what does it allow us to do? i'll just give an example so that i don't go into a long detailed discussion . out of the 43 general policies that have been announced
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so far, there are about 830 clauses. these 43 general policies from the 1970s to today are about 26 to about 3,300,000 only economic clauses, out of these 320 to 26 clauses, they are directly and indirectly related to the field of millet, or are related directly or indirectly. 32 rulings come out of it, it is constantly said in different policies to stabilize, for example, let's assume the monetary and foreign exchange commercial policies. coordination between the policies of this the second issue that should be addressed is the structure of iran's economy, the economy of iran today , in fact, if i want to give an example of its characteristics, about 80 of its imports are basic hats, inputs, and basic consumption and auxiliary goods.
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we discuss the third issue of raw materials with very low complexity. models for explaining the behavior of land prices, there has been a mistake , there has been a misunderstanding of economic theory, and now i don't want to enter into the discussion of mr. al-husseini, that is, this is not based on his order, i have a general view. i do, and what they say, sir , inflation should be adjusted according to the inflation between iran and the united states , nothing like this was said in any economic book. how can we justify the backward behavior of the exchange rate? this is the problem that we cannot tell the land price to go up because there is an inflationary difference between iran and the united states . there is no such thing at all in economic scientific texts, only in explaining the behavior. the price of land is said to be one of its factors in different conditions under certain conditions
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with certain presuppositions, it can be a difference in inflation, this is a discussion. the fourth problem is the number, if i am correct, the discussion of the explanation of currency crisis models. we have three models of currency crisis. one experience is the experience of latin america, 10, 1980, mexico, i don't know, chile , different countries that faced the currency crisis due to those three events, 3 characteristics of high inflation. negative business and someone with a continuous budget. this is a very detailed story that we can jump into now if there is an opportunity. it is a matter of the currency crisis of european countries that the uk faced a financial crisis in 1992 for a reason. now that reason is said in the text. it has been triggered by speculative attacks, caused by the policymaker's hesitation in maintaining or releasing the interest rate
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. now there is a detailed literature, and it was a crisis in south east asia, which was caused by the fragility of fragility. the southern economies of southeast asian countries were caused by short-term foreign debts. i can see turkey's partition as well as venezuela's crisis in this structure . another issue is the sanctions issue. the issue of sanctions is a very detailed issue. now if there is no time, i will wait for the second part i would like to tell you how agreeable you have been to mr. hassan khani until now they mentioned topics that had nothing to do with our discussion. they mentioned a legal topic that i think we should skip now. it is definitely the law. why do we say that the exchange rate should be stable? you are an expert. you know that you should say that the exchange rate should be stable. how to determine, how
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to determine this is a very important issue in economics , it cannot be said just like that because the law says it. so we don't talk anymore, even though the law also says that iran's land price is floating and managed, now i don't want to get into the legal issues. well, we said that the exchange rate of the product is 3 markets. capital market and money market , if we understand this, mr. hassan khani, please answer this . but you have to control those three markets, if you want to have stability, if you want the child's fever not to rise, you have to control his body infection , not to go and manipulate the thermometer, but this is what they say, this is a theory, let's go to the political field and see the price of land in iran. how was it determined, how did it happen? i want to review the space before and after the revolution, now before
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if there is no time for my revolution, i will review it after the revolution . if necessary, i will go back from 1300 to 1357 and from 1957 to today . the formation of iran , did the theory work in iran's economy or did it not work, if we come to the theory, firstly, that there is a specific theory in the field of land price, we have two types of land price determination, we have the pp model and the polio model, there are many references. it exists for this area, it has been resolved in other world , it is strange that in our economy in iran, it is still there we are discussing about these things, really, but there is no problem. until now, every year without exception
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, we either gave a preferential exchange rate or suppressed the currency . we were able to suppress the currency for only 10 years, that is, from 1980 to 1990, because there were a lot of horizontal resources available to the government, believe me. don't you know how much intervention was done in iran's economy in the 1980s to keep the rate around 800 to 1000 tomans ? do you know how much china's new silk road project, which includes 80 countries, is sewing itself. america is afraid of this plan and says to the whole world, "wow, this." he is questioning entire countries. you know that this plan that started in 2008 is called the belt and road initiative. you know that all
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the spending that china has spent from 2008 to 2021 in the plan to bring the whole world is scaring the whole world , it is taking china out of its isolated state. it owes china a total of 240 billion dollars for territorial intervention. what we did in iran's economy during this period was 249 billion dollars, that is, you, china, with that power, with that power, with those resources, for the biggest plan that mr. xi jingping knows his own plan, china's future plan, he knows 240 billion. he said, "we have spent 20,202 dollars to fix the width on something with a false illusion, a false idea, and a false policy." the temperature is the same as the ice cubes next to the thermometer in order to put the ice cubes next to the child's mouth so that his body temperature does not show high, while he really has a fever
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because his profit is low, because his liquidity is high and because the expectations for the future of his economy are not positive. i will finish my sentence , i will come to your service. it is not positive . we put ice cubes next to his mouth. this child does not have a fever and this has created a huge disaster, which i will tell you in the next part . don't fall for it, we caught ourselves with our own hands, mr. hassan khani, please tell me how much you agree with this order, let me have my own arguments and go a little further, then to the golden point. i will just give an example during mr. trump's 4 years of mr. trump's term, more than 90 incidents of sanctions
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have happened to iran, of which 6 have been removed. at least 62 cases have been in the field of monetary, foreign exchange, banking, insurance, commercial shipping and so on, and therefore the country of iran should take special measures for it , the issue is the next issue for discussion. 800 billion dollars until today , the last statistics i have is one trillion, now one trillion, the total amount of investment promised , the total amount of investment given according to their documents is 8 trillion dollars . we don't want to have anything in niad mohsen
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let's talk together. i have a request from you and other friends, please don't make comparisons, he was a child , he grew up, medicine and infection and these stories aside , we want heavy and heavy economic literature and in fact what comes from an expert, let's talk like this. we don't want to step in the shoes of doctors, we don't want to give examples that we get stuck in those examples , the issue of the country's transversal system, the issue of policy making. it's very different, and i beg you, it's not necessary at all, you don't need it, let's get into the issues, for example, to give an example for example, he wants to bring it to mind. the issue is very clear. if we are talking about width and horizontal politics, and according to your interpretation , suppression of width.
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let's talk about what we want to talk about. first, i will answer them. look , mr. bozoran, we have two types of stabilization . we have two types of stabilization policies. in the world , there is a type of stabilization policy based on the power of the central bank. tone is wide, gold backing is stabilizing, what are you doing? do you want to do it? it has been fixed for years. the uae has fixed 367 with the dollar. well, this has something to do with inflation and so on. i say that the point of the uae is that i have horizontal reserves, so i can stabilize this issue, let me take my turn to stabilize the stabilization, which is caused by an emergency , which means that a country receives a shock.
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the resulting land equilibrium of three markets, mr. al-husseini, we have a detailed literature in the detailed literature in the economic environment, in the conditions of imbalance , the economies do not swear by hazrat abbas, which is always in be balanced, if you want to talk about the long-term perspective and the perspective of balance and so-and-so, that's another issue. our problem is that when you see, this kind of issue should change. you are in the same situation as you are now let's assume that the politician didn't know that a mr. trump would finally come and withdraw from the jcpoa , because mr. trump himself, when he wanted to participate in my election, said that the first thing i would do would be to withdraw from the jcpoa. now, i really like him. i do not want to pay an important variable, perhaps now, in a sense , is not in a period. finally, a person named mr. rouhani came and said, "i want to connect with some western countries
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." if i do well, the conditions of the country are calm, i don't know, foreign investment is coming to the end, well, a sanction will happen, in the shock of sanctions , there will be a shock on the supply side, in a shock on the supply side, what should the policymaker say , should he say, i should go, increase the productivity , raise the interest rate. i will strengthen people's expectations and make them positive. we do not want to say the same statements that what i said mr. roger farmer divides economists into categories is useful here. read the book of mr. bernanke's memoirs, only because you are the preliminaries , it is taking longer to get to the point. this is when your opportunity is over . i want justice to be told in my time. what does peg mean? they lock their rates to us dollars . in economics, we have something called the impossible group. in the impossible group, we say that, sir, whenever
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the party. a country's capital account is open. you cannot stabilize the interest rate and the land rate . you cannot have an independent interest rate in your exchange rate policy. we can do one of these two , we can do one of these two. those countries that are pegged to the dollar, like the uae, like saudi arabia , they don't have an independent monetary policy, mr. hassan khani, these are politics. their policy is the monetary policy of the federal reserve , i.e. the uae that you have given as an example , the uae, when the interest rate of the federal reserve comes to its meeting, the interest rate will go up five hundredths of a percentage point, as they say, on the same day, at the same time, the central bank of the uae, the same policy. regarding the interest rate , it applies on the other hand the rate.


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