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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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become an expert and get a gold star. we have been in business for 30 years. in the name of god. look at the smiling sun , say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of the pilgrimage of agha imam reza
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, peace be upon him, in your hope, in the name of your friend, from whom everything is, good morning to all of you, dear and respected viewers . happy birthday, god willing . happy birthday to all of you . happy father's day and men's day to the fathers and men of my land . my heart is with you, azadeh ali, with you, kharab abad
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, ali, my life, sacrifice alad, ali, my life, ali, my life, ali, ali i love ali, i love ali baba, against the first person in the world, ali. my greetings to najafah, we say goodbye, o aliyeh, manly, more than human, the truth of the qur'an , ali, the model of abu dhar and salman, the oppressed voice until the day of mahshar, a province in non-jatmanane, softer than excitement.
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the heart of the sheep, the heart of kham, the way of ali, the way of me, the sugar has been crushed , the king of najd, my king, in men, brother of man, the truth of the qur'an, ali, the model of abu. may you have a happy eid on the day of mahshar velayat, and thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch. let's go to a beautiful movement on his birthday. saadat ali, peace be upon him, free surgery for 21 needy children with problems. tonsils are facing. a
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surgical team is supposed to do this work in one day and that too at amirul mominin hospital in tehran. at. the studio hosted by mr. dr. masoud hasanpour, an ear and nose ring specialist and the surgical team of these 21 children , we are in need, mr. doctor. to the hardworking fathers and with the knowledge of iran , i congratulate the earth and the soul of the fathers of the sky.
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why do we do tonsil problems? you chose children with tonsil problems and what will happen to them if this treatment is not done for these children . let me tell you that tonsil problems are one of the most common diseases of children. 35% of children have tonsil problems, which is a high number . the problems that we will witness as a result of tonsillitis include sleep disorders, growth disorders
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, dental problems, hearing problems and frequent absences that children will have from school due to frequent upper respiratory tract infections and so on. roy children's learning disorders can, in fact , cause the need for early surgery for these people and timely surgery for these people, right , what age for surgery is around the age of, for example, 4 to 7 years old, it is a very good age, now it is usually up to 10 or 11 years old. who did this operation, but his best age is before entering school, so this is actually necessary considering the permanent complications that may be caused by not performing the surgery at the right time, which will cause us to think that and personally, i thought that one of the reasons was that it came to mind since a few years ago, when i could
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have a help in my work field, you are going to do 21 children today, please tell me how you choose these children and who gave them to you they are introduced and connected to your medical team in order to be placed as a person for whom this surgery should be performed . well, of course, the selection method was different in different courses. from the supporting organizations of the welfare organization, but in this period it was done completely from the heart and personally and... in fact, several times the notification that i had on my personal page , as well as the notification of my other doctor colleagues and the consultation that i had with the pediatrician colleagues, in places that i felt were deprived areas, whether in tehran or in other provinces, now we have
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only these 21 children. it must have come from another province . yes, we have different provinces, maybe half of them are from other provinces . then , at that time, what is the responsibility of the establishment of these and the establishment of these? they did and anyway the choice was like this now of course i might say that the most difficult part of the work is now that we are going to do the procedures today, but the most difficult part of the work is the reliability of the patient and the absence of the patient and the reliability of the need. public and private systems , you know that the public systems are overcrowded, almost if a patient comes in, they may be on duty for 6 months a year, and really
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, a parent may not be able to look and see that in this one year, they are repeatedly in see the reality of the child's illness , see the child's sleep disorders. because many of these really require relatively urgent surgery. well, government systems have a lower side they are supported by insurances, but maybe private systems. something around 10 to 15 million for each patient, whatever the disease, and finally, 21 patients will be a significant number that you as a doctor went through . how did you go through it? they were doing the same thing you are doing, like the anesthesiologist, like the personnel in the operating room. i was following several goals, the first goal is that i know that in fact
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, we cannot solve the economic and livelihood problems in our society. of course, i believe that the treatment costs and treatment definitions in our country are very reasonable and good, but in any case, one is the issue of livelihood problems of the people, and the second is the large amount of money spent on the medical and treatment staff in recent years. entered and despite the fact that i am in the middle of the story and i know how many different stresses a doctor and a treatment staff face during their work, it made me think that i can be a member i should make a small decision from the medical community to help people and send a message of honor. masculinity and knowledge communicate the medical community to the people.
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very good, thank you very much. we wish you success. we wish you good health for these 21 patients . thank you for coming to the morning program studio. hello, reporter. mr. dr. hasanpour, specialist in ear and nose ring and head surgery team of these 21 needy children. be with us. happy eid. .
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good morning. happy eid. thank you for being with us. in the second part of today's morning program, we want to go to a robotic competition, which is also in the field of children, which can be very interesting for its fans. ok, besides that, since children are the subject and focus, it also has its own beauty, and in the year of the birth of hazrat ali, peace be upon him, we are hosting mr. dolo in the studio, who is responsible for the children's robotics competitions, so that we can hear more about these competitions from him, of course. with the robots that participate in these competitions, some of them
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will be brought to the studio of the morning program , hello reporter, mr. d, but have a good morning . i wish you good health, thank you for your concern with robots come guys, please tell us how many of these children will participate in today's competition , god willing, today we have 250 students from all over the country, from 22 regions of tehran, the cities of sarab , zanjan, qazvin, neishabur, sabzevar, yazd, qom, karaj, mohammadshahr, borujen, isfahan, yazd and karaj. and in hamedan, it can be said that in the northern half of the central part of the country, 250 children from our country participate in this tournament, their age groups are in three age groups, 5 to 7. 8 to 12 years, 13 to 15 years, boys and girls. what are the features of this course? we have three
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leagues of warrior footballers and car controls for guys, we held a competition. these children were chosen among 4 thousand students from all over the country. having provincial and regional competitions. these 250 people qualified for national competitions. and it is supposed to be finally after this. and that a robot training for children, in addition to the fact that it has its own charms for the children themselves , many families may go for it because it somehow creates creativity in the minds of their children and their children. the perception that should be created in children
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all of our students are talking about your creativity , we are working on the topic of robotics, and those who enter the topic of robotics are talking about creativity and trust. it is important for the children's spirit, because for example, the robotics teacher says to the children's class, children , we want to make a jar today, for example , we want to make a boat, and the children draw the picture between the jar or the boat, now or in their minds . or in the sheet, they should build this robot themselves based on their creativity . our effort is the children's creativity. well, mr. nolo , i want you to come with some of these robots . i want you to tell me about the functions and tell me which age group these robots are designed for, of course, so that they can use cameras. you have to work hard to get each robot that you describe. bring it up by hand so that our cameras can capture it. this robot
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is our control car robot. it is for the age group of 5 to 8 years old. most of the children welcome it. this robot was made by a 6-year-old girl student with her own creativity in this league, which is already a field for children it is designed, the children must cross this field within 10 seconds with the obstacles it has, an example of a street, by going left and right , they move into the road and reach the end point, it only moves , let me explain it to you, this is his engine . how much of this thing is being made? the idea of ​​the coaches who are willing to maybe 5%, the kids are really great. it works if it is turned on
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, yes, your camera too, if you turn it on, my colleagues they can show that you said he is a woman's daughter. that creativity is not comparable to this creativity at all, madam. at all, sometimes the teacher comes to the class and gives a lesson to the children. the child goes home with his own knowledge, with his own creativity, something beyond what he has learned and is much more beautiful and beautiful we can't believe that it's a child's work, but we see that he really did it, then
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you provide him with the equipment that he needs to use, the parts that he needs to use. it means that all these parts of the journey are completely produced by us in iran. and we provide these to the children in the classes that the children participate in. they teach them how to use them and how to use them. so, next , let us know. yes, the eyes of our robot are warrior robots. an 8-year-old boy made this generally , this robot moves with black instruments to give fear and anxiety to the opponent's team, and in this way, it rises under the opponent's ligament and removes the opponent's ligament from the distance. so what is that one robot? of course, if there is anything left about this there is still more to see. this one is also our robot soccer player. the kids in the league we have today have ping pong balls that are provided to the kids . they have a goal in the field that has been built, and two robots play soccer together like a soccer game. this part is about the robot shooter that shoots the ball towards the opponent's goal
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, which group should the children have ? to create happiness, to create excitement , to create competitions, what are the differences between these? i would say that it has an effect on children's creativity and that children, the older they are, the more they have their own robots. because we are getting here based on their own plan, they should make their robot more advanced. for example, when you enter a doctoral course, they first tell you that
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you now have this experience, and that if you want, for example, an essay. write an article that is related to the thesis that you want to defend at the end , that is, you can go forward with it step by step . he is obliged to that robot hey, make it more advanced and upgrade it in different years that it is getting higher or not , something like this shouldn't necessarily happen, he can put it aside and look for another robot and build another robot based on the lesson plan we have. we train the children, we only teach the children a ready shasti, but after that, the rest is completely in the children's hands . the lady's daughter, about 7 years old , had made a tank with exactly the structure of a boy that's right, very good, thank you very much, mr. dolo, responsible for the children's robotics
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competition . today, there must have been very good and interesting events among the children. it is possible that they will go to the world championships sooner. thank you for coming, dear compatriots, stay with us .
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good morning. let's go to the international part of the morning program. hello journalists . good morning. happy eid. hello, i am at your service , mrs. hajipour and dear viewers of khabar channel happy eid to you and dear viewers . we are at your service with international news. one of the news that we will follow today in the international desk is the meeting of the 21st meeting of astana. mr. ali asghar khaji continued to have meetings with representatives the other day. russia and turkey were talking about this issue with mr. mohdian, an expert on central asia and the caucasus, mr. dr. hello. good morning
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. please tell us about the goals of this meeting. i would like to tell you, the viewers, that the astana meeting, which actually started in 2017, aims to stabilize the situation in syria and move away from the war situation , especially in the current situation. that we are actually facing the interference of the zionist regime, so this meeting becomes more important, in fact, efforts are being made to find community and comprehensive solutions to actually solve the problems of syria, to stabilize the humanitarian situation in this country, to determine the situation of the refugees and the mobilization international efforts to rebuild syria , fight terrorism and determine the fate of people who disappeared or were arrested, which is the process of 2017 was founded by iran, russia and turkey, and this year observers from jordan, iraq, lebanon, as well as representatives of the united nations high commissioner for refugees and the
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red cross committee are also participating. iran's position in this meeting has been clear, iran has always supported the talks between syrian groups and the government of this country, maintaining the entire width of syria and finding a political solution to solve syria's problems in its own hands. in fact , the syrian people and the goal of this astana process is to confront the unilateralism of the united states, to strengthen the role of diplomacy instead of militarism and to stabilize the role of iran. in the developments in syria and confronting the excesses of the zionists and the americans who support isis and terrorist groups, of course, in this field , the positions of iran and russia are closer to each other , anyway, turkey supports a series of groups in syria. yes, but turkey also needs coordination and cooperation with russia for its actions, and its presence in this group shows that turkey
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actually recognizes the power and role of the islamic republic of iran as well as russia. thank you very much, mr. mohdian, i will say goodbye to you. yes, the next news we will follow at the international table today the continuation of international support for the oppressed people of palestine in different countries, according to the call of the people issued in some islamic countries , international demonstrations in support of the oppressed people of palestine will be held today as in the past days, in addition to this important news that we have there are whispers about the withdrawal of american troops from syria and iraq. an american publication has announced that the us is planning to withdraw from syria. in addition, the withdrawal of american troops from iraq has also been announced by iraqi foreign minister fouad hossein. do with mr. cheraghi, an expert on qorbas issues.
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mr. chiraghi, hello, good morning, welcome, mr. chiraghi , tell us about the international support and the withdrawal of american forces from the region. west asia is one of the concerns of the people of these countries, the most important of which is iraq and syria. the occupying regime of america in the region, with its own presence , has completely avoided the aggression of the zionist regime during these nearly 4 months. openly and openly supports it, and for this reason, the nations of the region actually want the occupiers to leave islamic countries, and these
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activisms, both on the street level and on the virtual level, are intensifying day by day, especially in iraq , and this is why the americans are facing the proposal and the option of leaving or losing their credibility, and for this reason , it seems that the americans have come to the conclusion that they should leave the region and more in fact , lose your credibility for the zionist regime and the crimes of the zionist cabinet and netanyahu's nazism thank you very much, mr. chiraghi, yes , just like mr. chiraghi, mentioning the withdrawal of american troops from syria and iraq has been widely reflected in various media. mr. fouad hossein, the minister of foreign affairs of iraq, announced in a tweet that the iraqi government will take the next steps for the withdrawal of the united states. from this.
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the country is following, he said that mr. fouad hossein said that this american embassy carries an important message for the iraqi government, that in the next hour we will cover the news of the departure of american troops in different news sections , mrs. hajipour, this is the international news, we are at your service, thank you very much, mr. shahsuni, a reporter sed and cima news agency, dear and respected viewers, who were with us from 6:30 p.m. i am very grateful. we have to watch the news at 7:00 a.m. after the news, with the continuation of the morning program, in the year of the birth of the holy prophet (peace be upon him), father's day and men's day , we will be at your service, dear and respectful viewers, to all the men and fathers of my land. islamic iran
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, i congratulate you on this great day. let's go to 7 o'clock news. we will be with you after the news. in the name of god. dear viewers, hello , good morning, good news at 7 am you came. happy birthday of hazrat ali (peace be upon him) to you dear ones. america, i apologize. the president arrived in tehran this morning after a one-day official visit to turkey. mr. raisi had visited this country on the official invitation of the president of turkey on wednesday afternoon. iran and turkey signed 10 cooperation documents with the aim of increasing investment, economic cooperation and regional issues, especially the situation in gaza . these cooperation documents in the fields of railways , energy exchange, the establishment of joint commercial areas and communications


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