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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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if we say the whole league is worth 6 thousand billions, one dutch one, if they sell it to you, maybe he will come and play a game, now messi and that are in their place, our discussion is not at all that we can compare our country with these formats , because the indicators should match each other. it doesn't work at all, they get it from underground sources , they don't have any problems between their people, they explain in one episode.
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they have a policy in order to make history for themselves, for example, they go to qatar , they spend 220 billion, and they organize a society that they can solve with only one problem. if america says where is iran, for example, it will say iraq or something like that, but now when you say qatar, they will say yes , that is where the world cup was held. this means
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they are making history for themselves . now these policies are doing this. the limits of our mental and managerial abilities are completely closed. we do not act like this at all. who are the managers of our club now ? how do all the appointments relate to football? nothing, many of them , nothing . well, what do you expect? after that, will an assembly be formed, will they change it, when will it be changed? may who is talking about him at all, no one , mr. norsheh, of course, our football managers, as mr. asadi knows, are not all appointed, the board of directors of the clubs , i apologize, presep esteghlalt, the manager is the best, they are also appointed. something higher than this ceiling of literature that is usually
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used in the national media should be talked about, i think it should be like this, then let's put aside a little bit of this verbal reserve. say the name from top to bottom i will tell you that it has nothing to do with the football structure of our country. i want to say that because they in the clubs are not familiar with football , they do not know the problems of football. therefore, if they make any decision , they will not be responsible for the expenses of this football in the material, spiritual, and moral sphere. madan goes to his work, but what remains is the regret and sadness of our people and the national debate that we will follow
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. we will organize a field for one year. 3 we organize 2 3 4 we organize everything from what do we want from this output ? what is this, what are our products? what is the result of mr. esadi's orders ? more monitoring is necessary . i think that they are agreeing in the opposite position. in the legal field , i have a box called the supervision of the committee for monitoring the status of players, coaches , and you are a special person . i know your rights. i have a footballer.
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i have a management sweat, i also have another sweat because i am not in the football federation now, as a platform, you can say a series of words that people should know. of course, you shouldn't be the answer to these words. i really wanted the president of the federation to come and sit here with all due respect. you, of course , do not lose your values , my dear, you are growing up. you know that i like you. it is important here, big football and an item that you have a special method of sensitivity. it is fine
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. he says that we are doing our job well. there is no action. with this state of debt and economic conditions, you will reach the border of bankruptcy . i am against mahmoud fakhri, the head coach of the fan football team . i am against the contract cap. teams should hire players and coaches according to their needs. let's say saudi arabia and nasr brought ronaldo, who gave 100 million dollars. if we give 2 million dollars to one of our players, everyone's voice will be heard. great clubs must have great players and coaches . according to ehsan usoli, a member of the board of the president of the football federation. the subject of the contract ceiling of premier league football players by the head of the league organization brought up 14 premier league clubs have agreed to this issue so far. the organization of the league also consists of
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clubs and so far only two teams have not announced their agreement. really everything should have a middle ground or balance. we must pay attention to this issue in this area. according to hamid sajjadi, the former minister of sports and youth of the football federation, the conditions are difficult for us as members of the national team and we have to deal with these conditions. decisions to control the material financial space football has taken the country. the budget limit of the club is set at 2050 billion tomans, which is also correct in our opinion. all over the world, they try hard not to create a big gap. there is a term called "financial philopoly" which says that the financial difference between sports clubs should not be heavy. we should not
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have a premier league club with a budget of 27 billion tomans and a club with nearly 500 billion tomans. opposite of shahrukh bayani pishot football. from the first day , the law on the budget ceiling has been useless and there is no derivation from these laws anywhere. from the beginning, i was against the rules of the contract ceiling and the budget ceiling, and i believed that the player should be determined by his quality, how much money he should get, without any reason to raise the contract ceiling and no supervision on the contract ceiling. not having a player and increasing the price of the players with pimping and greedy market , the player found a value of 20 billion tomans at once, well , you are with the higher program, mr. noursharq, regarding the budget ceiling for the ceiling of the contracts , should we have a ceiling for the contracts of the players or not? see your opinion
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what half of the budget means is to define the so-called treasury of the club from where it wants to make various expenses. putting a cap on the players' contracts is another unacceptable interference in the management of the club . how to spend the approved budget for the clubs is the art of managing each club, which decides according to its conditions at what cost the staff. he should choose his own technique and at what cost to attract players. i know later that there is such an opinion that we face interference at this level, i don't think so i mean , you consider the budget ceiling to be a kind of intervention. no, i said that
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the budget ceiling means the ceiling of the club 's expenses in various fields. . in other words , how many players and technical staff should be recruited, mr. esadi , what do you think? what does the player mean by things? what does the player mean for the club? if i define the player you have, you would pay money you buy, you bring, it is considered as the capital of the club , this capital of your club is a capital , the added value should be created by this player for our club in the football of our country, when he is produced. we don't have the resources. how can this player create added value for the club
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? i will buy a player who is very good, very very good, for 200 billion, no club in tehran in iran can buy him, and i can't sell him at all. to have another product of our football, and our same product is that of us and our team in the field of branding to be a hero and why do we have to spend so much for a player because we are having a problem at the end of the story in the discussion of resources, we don't see, we are just doing a process like this, only football. it is the weakness of the club's management that acts as you said. in the words and
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conversations that you have broadcasted from various previous and current football players, well, i saw some pointing out where in the world this is happening . i think it is part of this kind of thing. commenting is due to the fact that friends' information may not be complete , but this is happening in many places that's what he said. but maybe the main approach in the world is that there should be a ratio between your academic resources and eaton's expenditure resources, and for example , you should be allowed to spend 20% more than your academic resources. sorry, if we want to implement the same rule in the country's football. let's say that we don't have a fixed budget ceiling, but it is only virtual for you
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to spend more than your expected income sources within a certain financial discipline, and we monitor what is going to be used for our football now, except for except for a few limited clubs, we can really see reliable and defined sources of income for others. i don't care about the conditions under which we can have an idea . we are talking about the real conditions and on the table . the government does it and is not accountable if i come to monitor and control. this is better for the owner of the capital, i have no say, i say it is good, but i say, why does the owner of the capital, which is
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the government, allow it to spend money on a club at all? at the same time , it should not be read that another supervisor of the federation feels so responsible that he comes to control it for someone else. are these resources not the people's? is the ceo not the representative of that structure for the people ? instead of the approved budget limit for the clubs , let's make another rule mandatory , yes, like what is happening in uefa, you should be close to the rule that you have income sources , you can spend a maximum of 20 more than your income sources . now, if your sources of income are 10 billion tumane, for example, you can
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spend up to 12 billion tomans and we will not have a ceiling. in your opinion, is this rule applicable in our country's football according to your experiences? our players and coaches should not witness the side effects of differences. the difference between me and you is that i am looking at the result, and you are looking at this goal. if we don't do it now, it will get worse . i say let's do this. we have already done it. yes, it will get worse later. this will happen later . it will get worse. but it will get worse. it is better than the current situation , the first thing we should do is how the club managers come to monitor that this did not happen. the club managers should
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have indicators that they spend the resources they have on football. . produce the right product to get resources. one of their products is to activate their academies and produce players. until now, one of the assets we have in abundance is human power. no one pays attention to it. why the politics of the league organization and the football federation it does not care about the bases. all major clubs, no investment. yes , by the way, according to uefa's financial fair play regulations, part of the expenses, i have confirmed your order, i would like to say that part of the expenses that are spent on infrastructure in the clubs or the expenses that are spent on the academy are so-called included the so-called ceiling of their budget or the limit that
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is considered for them is not considered as an incentive package. and this is very good, our clubs are really like this, we must be like this, but we have to get better, doesn't it mean, for example, if a club let's say, for example, that we want a very low figure , for example, 10 billion, 20 billion, 50 billion, i spend on the academy , 100 billion , i was in three clubs. mirror. god forgive parviz dehdari, who was a decent and great person, he used to say that the gap between the division team and the national team is 6 months to a year of camp, the meaning is that you have so much talent, you just have to invest in a way , spiritual, scientific, cultural investment should be done with this
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has never happened in our club we and my federation are looking in this direction. no , when we don't have the resources in our city , radio and television are limited , our audience is limited to go to the stadium, we can't sell good tickets from that side. why don't these things work? my criticism is like this, but this is what i mean in the story. if the federation looks in this direction , it will look in this direction like this supervision. the ceo who does not work on this issue at all, so why the supervision method? i can't draw a conclusion from my story. at the end of a season, a field, a performance from all the clubs happens, we have to see
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how much product you get from these products, the product means a quality player , a quality referee. this is a high-quality teacher. look, now mr. asadi has said frankly that when he does not have this source, when he does not have this income, and what does this mean , we cannot implement what is in the so-called european financial fair play package here, because of the sources of income . so-called continuous clubs cannot be established over time.
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chapter after comments, suggestions and status that in it is happening in other places, we are using it and moving towards improvement , i will emphasize again. i know if someone disagrees with the basis of financial supervision and financial discipline, the question is that you yourself mentioned that
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you do not interfere in the club's budget, but for example, if a club wanted to buy a player, i would like to have your presence, for example, the amount was 100 billion or the player was so good that he was worth 200 billion with the rest of shajuri, for example , can you tell me the rest of the players or is it a good cost? it's a very good question. assume that the so-called budget of the club is 325. assume that there are 3 players in a club if you get a hundred billion, this club has filled its budget limit to a great extent, no more contracts are registered in the current situation, well, our club in the previous season, except for a few cases that led to the cases that were dealt with by the respected disciplinary and appeal committees. to comply with this issue, i would like to remind you that before the directive on the budget ceiling was approved and announced, a meeting was held with the majority of the club's ceos and from among the outsiders
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, they agreed that a budget ceiling should be set and supervision to have an efficient and effective finance from the football federation, so i am open i also emphasize that, god willing, we will move towards improvement in the future and you will see better results from this issue. now, look at an important part of football, the fan community is financial turmoil when it happens in the club, when the club's transfer window closes. who will bear the effects of his mental disorder in the first place, the fan community? well, we should also look at that part, the successive changes in the management that mr. asadi mentioned, for what reason? it is because a manager comes and says everything that happened before and the financial situation is bad. the club belongs to the previous managers and i will make a masterpiece, but because
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the term now has many reasons , i don't want to get into it, it may continue the same system and with a result-oriented situation , we will do whatever the cost . they invest in their players for the sake of the game, and they do not consider the budget as part of this cost. you also included this . one of the serious suggestions in the so-called recipe can be the same issue that is being discussed in the working group meetings. which is going to be spent on the infrastructure or the issue of cultivation players and talent search can be seen in another way, we have one minute, you have 30 seconds . at the beginning of my discussion, i said that if any activity wants to have a national aspect, then in this country it must become the wealth of every
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activity, so that we can scientifically bring this to mind with the number of digits , we raise a question that in what was the contribution of football in our gdp in these 45 years? i will tell you , i will tell you now. it is better for us to be monitored like this. i agree that we will die later why do we have to die at all ? thank you, mr. nursher, for 30 seconds . let's implement it. the professional licensing committee of the football federation. other departments are pursuing the same goal. we wish everyone success
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. thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment. hold or higher today anywhere. we are working, tomorrow will be higher. with a poem by mehdi rahimi, abdolreza helali sang this music video for fathers. aine roy's father the father's ledge is upside down. baghche father to narrate the roles that are common among most iranian fathers, the father of the small name of the mountain, which is a
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ship of light in itself.
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wasil, my father has changed a lot, he is like a mountain behind me . it means a mountain for his children. this children's interpretation of their father is now sitting on the biggest sign in the city. the strongest mountain in the world is the father. but alas, among all this encouragement some people said about the presence of my father, but because of the longing for his empty place, it's a pity that i don't have it. it's a pity that i don't have it. i really don't have any regrets. it's been 40 years, by god's mercy, but he remembers me every moment. and let's hold hands and let's go to the shrine on father's day and let's go to visit our father and visit our father
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