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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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of course, up to a certain level, clubs are allowed to spend up to one percent more than their income sources. well, this approach is actually localized and nationalized, and in accordance with the requirements of our country's football, this is the recipe that you can see. we cannot deny that some of our clubs have government subsidies and income sources.
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i mean, their club is a player, if we say the whole league, it is worth 6 thousand billion a piece. if you sell it, maybe there will be a game. now messi and that is in his place . our discussion is not that we can win our country at all. let's compare with these formats, because the indicators should match each other, they don't fit at all, they are from the following sources.
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face, but now when you say qatar, they say yes, right where the world cup was held, this means they are making history for themselves, now this is the policy of their own country, what are the europeans, which countries have a ceiling for their players , they look at the club at all, they have nothing to do with the financial turnover of each how much more it is, they will tax it, they will never assume any limit for them , why should they assume such a limit, the open space is economic, anyone who can get more fans will enter it. it will attract better money, it will make more sales . in general, the society is trying to expand its goal from an economic point of view. i am doing this . we are not at all thinking about this. it is completely closed. it is the limit of our mental capacity, our management, we do not act like this at all. now the club managers who are we ? what do all the appointments have to do with football? nothing, many of them , nothing. well, what do you expect ? can you tell me if he is in charge
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, and then, will an assembly be formed, will they change him, who will change him, who is talking about him , no one, mr. noorshe, of course, our football managers who mr. esadi, you know that not all are appointed by the board of directors of the clubs. i offer my condolences to the president of esteghlal , the board of directors is the best of them . he is the appointed . look, this is a program. ok, i think it should be like this, then let's put aside a little bit of this wordiness. in my opinion, it's like this. take it easy. all the people who are elected in the board of directors . you name all of these from top to bottom. i'll tell you from top to bottom . so similar to the football structure of our country
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does not have. i want to say that because they are not familiar with football in the clubs, they do not know the problems of football , so if they make any decision , they will not answer the costs of this football in the material, spiritual, and moral field. in the end, they will resign and it will be over. as a result of mr. asadi's comments, i think more supervision is necessary. that they agree in the opposite position
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, the issue is not me, not me, me, you have the right to one thing, you say, see, i am the circle of power. in the legal field, they have a box called supervision of the committee for monitoring the status of players and coaches you say that you are a special person, i know that you have rights , you try to work within your framework , neither for moral reasons, nor for administrative reasons. i'm not a football player, you can use it as a platform to say a series of things that people should know , of course, you shouldn't be responsible for these words. i really wanted the president of the federation to come and sit here, with
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all due respect. know that i like you, you are my friend and i am very much hazeq in the legal field, but the discussion that is being discussed here is big football and one item that you have a special sensitivity method is good . he says that we are doing our job well. you are doing a good job. the output of the football structure that you agree with me will not be a good product. thank you. if you agree, before we have mr. noursharq's order , let's go and review together. agreed by mansour ghamberzadeh, vice president of the federation football ceos of esteghlal and persplis thanked and said that if it wasn't for this ceiling and instructions , we would be on the verge of bankruptcy with this debt situation and economic conditions
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. i am against mahmoud fekri, the head coach of the fan football team. i am against the contract ceiling. we should learn how to make money, not how to stop spending money. saudi arabia and nasr brought ronaldo, who gave 100 million dollars. if we give 2 million dollars to one of our players, everyone's voice will be heard. great clubs must have great players and coaches. agreed by ehsan usoli, member of the chairman's board football federation. the issue of the contract ceiling of premier league football players has been raised by the head of the league organization. 14 premier league clubs have agreed to this issue so far. the organization of the league also consists of clubs and so far only two teams have not announced their agreement. really everything should have a middle ground or balance. we must pay attention to this issue in this field so that no one's rights are lost. morteza pouraliganji's opposition to the contract ceiling law is difficult for us as members of the national team and have to deal with these conditions
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. i do not believe in the contract ceiling and the players should get paid as much as they deserve. according to hamid sajjadi, the former minister of sports and youth. football federation. he has made decisions to control the material financial environment of football in the country. the budget ceiling of the club is set at 250 billion tomans, which is correct in our opinion. all over the world, they try hard not to create a big gap. there is a term called financial fillet , which says that the financial difference between sports clubs should not be heavy. we should not have a premier league club with a budget of 27 billion tomans and a club with nearly 500 billion tomans. against. shahrukh bayani pishoot football has been legal since the first day the budget cap is pointless and there is no way out of these rules of mine anywhere in the world . again, they make a new rule and remove another rule
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. it should be determined from his quality how much money he should get without raising the contract ceiling for any reason and without any supervision on the player's contract ceiling. not having it and increasing the price of the players with pimping and marketing . a player worth 2 billion tomans suddenly found a value of 20 billion. well, the special companion of the program you are higher, mr. nursharq, regarding the budget ceiling for the ceiling of the contracts , whether we should have a ceiling for the players' contracts or not . you see, the budget means that the so-called treasury has sometimes it is defined that he wants to pay different expenses from his place. to put a ceiling on the contracts of the players, in my opinion, this may be an unpleasant and unacceptable interference in the management of the club
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. how to spend the approved budget for the clubs is the art of managing each club , which decides according to its conditions. the problem is, at what cost will he appoint his own technical staff and at what cost? to attract players, i know later that there is such an opinion at this level. i don't think we will be faced with interference . i mean, you consider the budget line to be some kind of interference . the management of the club communicates with them how many players and technical staff they can recruit, mr. esdi , what is your opinion? now, let me enter a bit from this side and look at it from another perspective. what does a player mean?
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what does a player mean for a club? if i define it, a player that you have paid money to buy is considered as the capital of the club . a player for our club in our country's football, when we don't have production resources , how can this player create added value for the club ? i will buy a player who is very good, very good, for 200 billion, no club in tehran in iran can buy him, for example then i can't sell it, the end result is that the product. let's have another one of our football and that product of ours is
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to make our team a champion in the field of branding. football is what you want. no championship and why should we pay so much for a player so that we can discuss the end of the story. we have a problem with the resources, we don't see it, we are only doing some processes in the same atmosphere , we only have football, so what next , who is this weakness, is it the weakness of the club management that what you said is working. in the words and conversations that you broadcasted from various former and current football players, well, i saw some pointing out where in the world this is happening . i think part of this type of comment is due to the fact that friends, their information may not be complete, it really happens in many places
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, but they say the same, but maybe the main approach in the world is that you should have a ratio between your sources of income and sources of expenses, and for example, a maximum of 20% more than your sources of income is allowed. we have to spend money instead of coming for example, let's put a roof, but i have a question for mr. asadi ba. i'm sorry, if we want to implement the same rule in the country's football, let's say that we don't have a fixed budget ceiling, but it's only virtual that you spend more than your expected income sources in a certain financial discipline, and we monitor how much for our football. it seems to him now , except for a few limited clubs, really
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, if the owner of the main capital that owns the club is not paying attention and is doing this to the government and is not accountable. if i come to monitor and control , it will be better for that capital owner i don't have it, i say it's good. but i say why the owner of the capital and the government? it allows not to compare the expenses and income of a club with each other so that another observer from the federation feels so responsible. for someone else to come and control it, don't these resources belong to the people
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, aren't the managing director the representative of that structure for the people, mr. esadi, this was not my point, my point was that if instead of the budget limit of musob and ameer, we have another rule for the clubs. yes, let's make it mandatory, like what is happening in uefa, we should come close to the rule that you have sources of income from sources. you can spend up to 20% more in your income . now, if your revenue sources are 10 billion tomans, for example, you can reach 12. you can spend billions of tomans and we won't have a ceiling anymore . in your opinion, is this rule applicable in football in our country according to your experience? do our clubs have sources of income that we see in this so-called competition to recruit players and coaches? let's not be side effects, the difference between my opinion and yours is that
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i look at the result and that goal is yours. in this period of time, if you don't do it now, it will get worse . i say let's do this at all yes, it will get worse later . it will get worse later, but it will get worse. i will change my question . what should we do? it is better than the current situation. the first thing we should do is, the club managers, how do we come ? the managers of the clubs should have indicators that the resources they are spending in football should produce the right product in order to get the resources. one of their products is to activate their academies to produce players until now we are one of the the assets we have are found in abundance humanity, no one pays attention to it, why
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the politics of the league organization and the football federation don't care about the foundations, all the big clubs do not invest anything on the foundations, yes , by the way, in those financial fair play regulations of uefa, part of the expenses are approved by me. i have your orders , i would like to say that part of the expenses that are spent on infrastructure in the clubs or the expenses that are spent in the academy are part of the so-called ceiling of their so-called budget or the amount that is considered for them as a package. it is not considered an incentive and this is really good, clubs we are like this, we are definitely like this , but we have to get better. for example, if a club comes and says that i want a much lower figure, for example, 10 billion, 20 billion , 50 billion, i will spend 100 billion on the academy. yes, i believe in
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this. i wrote the program for myself from traditional to industrial football, and it is this. may god forgive parviz dehdari, who was a decent and great person. he used to say that the distance between the third division team and the national team is 6 months to one year of camp . the meaning is that you have so much talent . investment should be investment method the spiritual, scientific, and cultural aspect must come . in our club, our attitude and my federation are not in this direction at all. when we have resources, the radio and television are not available. our audience is limited to go to the stadium. from that side, we cannot sell good tickets . we do not sponsor our women's football . we are not seen, these resources are limited, let's not
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say the structure of football managers. football players and those who are in football, why don't these things work? my criticism is something like this, but this is what i mean in the story. the ceo who does not work on this matter at all , so why can't monitoring be done ? i can draw a conclusion from my story. at the end of a season, a performance from all clubs happens in one field. now, mr. esadi has clearly said that when he doesn't have this source, when he doesn't have this income, and what does this mean , we cannot
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implement what we do in the so-called european financial fair play here, because the clubs' sources of income are so-called. continuous and predictable over time not established what is the solution the solution is to come to the ceiling of the contract. i confirm that maybe the ideal is that we go to the direction where these are sources of income. sources of income that can be realized, and let's say sir , let's implement the same method here as it is happening in the rest of the world, let's say you. from the level of your income resources, you can spend up to a percentage more , remove that budget ceiling, but now when those income resources are not available, we will face a financial turmoil in the club.
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we are using it and we are moving towards getting better. i will emphasize again if someone disagrees with the basis of financial supervision and financial allocation , the question is that you yourself mentioned that you do not interfere in the club's budget, but for example, if a club wanted to buy a player , i would be willing to meet with you. the rest of shajuri, for example, the rest of the players. it is a very good question. it is a very good question. assume that the so-called budget of the club is 325 billion tomans for a fast, so suppose that a club
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gets 100 billion tomans for 3 players, this club has largely filled its budget limit. it cannot be registered in the current situation, well, our club in the previous season. except for a few cases that led to the cases that were dealt with by the respected disciplinary and appeal committees, i would like to remind you that before the budget ceiling directive was approved and communicated, a meeting was held with the ceos. the majority of the club and among those in their majority agreed that the budget ceiling should be set and efficient and effective financial supervision by the federal government. let's have football, so i emphasize again that, god willing, we will move towards getting better in the future and you will get better works
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you will see from this topic, now you will see that an important part of football is the fan community, when the financial turmoil happens in the club, when the club's transfer window closes, who will bear the psychological effects of it in the first place. the fan community , well, we have to see that part as well, the successive management changes that mr. esadi mentioned, for what reason is it because a manager comes and says that everything that happened before and the bad financial condition of the club belongs to the previous managers and i will do a masterpiece, but because , so to speak, now there are many reasons , i don't want to get into it, he may continue the same system give and go with a result -oriented attitude
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. you have also included this , one of the serious suggestions in the so-called recipe could be the same issue that is being discussed in the working group meetings , whether what is going to be spent on the infrastructure or the discussion of player training and talent search. let's face it, we have one minute and 30 seconds if i want to sum up the beginning of my discussion and the end of my discussion, it was that at the beginning of my discussion, i said that if any activity wants to have a national aspect , then in this country it should definitely become the wealth of every activity, because we have a scientific figure with numbers. to be able to bring this to our mind , we ask a question that in these 45 years. what was the share of football in our gross national product? i will tell you from now on. it is negative. we had 45 years and we still have time to
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correct this path . this is the difference between me and them. i'm better i agree that we will die later, why do we have to die at all? thank you, mr. nursher , for 30 seconds with us, with the notification from afc. we have to implement these regulations in a more serious, effective and transparent way. the professional licensing committee of the football federation and other departments are pursuing the same goal . we wish success to everyone. thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, for accompanying us until this moment , god. wherever we are today, we will be with tomorrow.
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2:00 am
at 2:00 p.m. with confirmation of qualification of more than 650 volunteers. the number of parliamentary representation candidates reached 1271. the spokesperson of shura gardhani said that the names of these people have been sent to the ministry of interior. more than 650 candidates for parliament, whose qualifications were not confirmed or secured in the previous stages , were also confirmed.


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