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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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until today, apart from the limited days of withdrawal of money from the market, where is this money? no, as market activists, we say, sir, leave this market alone , let the market find its own direction, the market itself finds its own way, the market itself dedicates itself to economic conditions, environmental and political conditions , it is our capital market. regarding the economic situation
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, there is a very famous saying, "i'm sorry to be the economy now , considering the events that have happened in it , there is no discussion at all that it will enter the capital market . it seems that some people are trying to give directions and others are bothering them to leave the market." well, now the question this is why you think that the market stabilization fund has been negative for a few days now.
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the friends of tasbit fund have also conducted a research, sir, how much the presence of tasbit fund has helped in gathering the sales queues . there is no problem in conducting a scientific research. above me, as the manager of my fund, my opinion is drawn to buy. my friends in the market do this. i am an investor and it is an alarm. i said that in the capital market , sales pages increased by 50, and i will cash out my share i'm going to leave another one, he left 75 pages, and 75 pages were sold. he's going to go out, one of the 100 pages, anyway, someone must be there to help. maybe some of the shares that were sold pages, i really want to see if it happens from one of the companies he makes the cutlet as if he is making it . i don't remember the name of the symbol.
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manipulating our sales chart, why should it be a negative hundred sales, see the psychological effect of the psychological effect that in the market where we have not reached a block in the investment, the existence of the market stabilization fund is not at all to change the market trend. in fact, it should create a negative adjustment in the process so that the party comes to its senses and says no, sir , the refinement has become negative . the stock exchange organization, as a trustee , should educate the investors , inform them, test them before they enter the market , do this, bring transparency , there is no need to inject money, leave it to the market , the market itself knows what to do. is it possible to have a series of shares in part no. it is not a series of shares by any means. we went to that part and told them 13 billion dollars. overdue resources have overdue facilities
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the inver national development fund has given 400 million dollars. for now, after the 400 million dollars that became a share, the supreme leader of the revolution said that the resources of the national development fund are intergenerational and should be protected. i think the best place to protect it is the capital market. for example , fesba has come to your service, it has been subscribed to the national birch fund, you could easily come and buy 2000 billion tomans, so that my money does not go out of the market. it is a company. it is very good with a very good future, it can produce clean fuel, it can come and buy half of it and make a fortune. there is also a generation, these companies will work for years, let him buy steel , let him buy our automobile company, become a capitalist , become a major investor, become a major shareholder there and be able to raise the company, why shouldn't he do this , the benefits will also reach me. it seems that the fund is gambling. it's not about the tesbit fund
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, it's about the national ashtray fund, whose resources are coming to this fund. now, he can give a donation to the tesbith fund, he can do this from other institutions, but the presence of the national ashtray fund is in the market.
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it is not possible to be attracted, our discussion is speculation that the game of buying and selling is tough, and the support is just as you
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say, don't inject money with the tools you have , come to clarify, come to educate, come to restore trust in the market, trust in the year 99, when such an incident happened once, and there were many investors from the market. the departure of those who remain in the 14th
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is also our heart, i said, i am saying the same thing , let the market be the way of fear, they are all ok , but now the arrival of the development fund has been seen many times by the mps and the minister of economy regarding productivity and the market. talking about capital , funding from the capital market is also a cost it is less, it is done very transparently , i have no problem at all with investing in our capital market , i am talking about the support and injection of money that took place
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in parentheses, you do not have a problem with the entry of financial squares , do you mean government or non-government? there is no problem in your opinion, injection as investment or not injection as support, which is the injection as investment , the contract with the development fund, the contract that the national development fund with the development fund, the contract with the stabilization fund , the partnership and investment contract. the best it is possible, sir, for the rosary fund. this year
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, we sold about 412 hemts . we also sold 32 hemts of blocks. yes , we bought 49 and 48 blocks from your market. i also bought the grandmother, i say in farsi that it is a big order, and in fact , i bought the stock in a situation where it was necessary to buy . the market watcher also got stuck to these orders, yes , it showed that something is happening, what is happening, he placed a support order.
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i am an investor, i sell, i go to the gold market , i sell cryptocurrency, i take it out of the country , let's not beat ourselves up. 10 hemats compared to 26 hemats that are reduced from profit and 120 hemts that are reduced from value is not a number . day can open the market. it's over from that secret state that he went and brought it out, it went to a 3 -day crisis, what a week-long crisis, it should be you , it should adjust itself, there is no need to let go of the bazaar, the bazaar , at all, so much so that the leverage has become mental. development and stabilization fund for investors believe it shouldn't be. there is a term in the united states that i use to support and stabilize the fund. to discuss the interest rate increase and decrease, they say that it should be in a way to have
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a soft landing. we are at the same level. and there are 800 symbols, how many of them do you want to support , mr. darvari, please see that the discussion should not be confused with the middle east region, the economic conditions of our country, the conditions of our capital market, i have said the limitations of the nous domain, i have said it all, and it will be repeated again. the repeated repetition of this has caused us to need such a tool for the time being . it is really needed. i would say that the president of a country is a lens. tell him that you don't need to sell your shares because of this president. everything is ok, i mean, this is the economic conditions of our region. i would like to tell you one thing. 6, 10
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, every money that comes to the stabilization fund is to help the people of the equity market. and it has been closed for half a year. the government should create a working mechanism . the organization should create a working mechanism. no, there is no confusion. see , the issue is that of support, sir. they are not aliens, making a revolution, becoming a martyr, being behind their revolution , being active, doing economic activity , and putting their money in a market that accepts economic governance , so why should they be punished like this. if money is needed, money should come. if we need to do anything else, we have to do it because this person put his money in the market exactly like mr. masoumi. i
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had a question. you said that we are coming for investment and we are coming for support. how much response have you received so far from these supports ? look at the inflows of any new fund, whether it is the tasbih fund or the development fund . because frankly, we are in our constitution. it is stated that market management is based on a support approach, but the stabilization fund is clearly a support fund for the days when the market is in danger or a big risk happens, this is the service.
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no, no, if i want to increase the index equivalent or decrease the index equivalent, i have to make the index portfolio i have to do exactly the same thing. i did this. i am an investor. i don't have this money. i am an investor. i choose four to five poisons with knowledge and awareness . i come with knowledge and awareness. he didn't eat, why did a news come, he went to the fund to support and he was in his place. keeping the rest of the index negative next week , polishing the rest of the index, keeping the rest negative for two months, three months , this happens. my opinion is i also mentioned the experiences of other countries
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that are doing this. our capital market conditions , our economic conditions, our geographical conditions are different from many other countries in the world , the capital market is also different. he said that i am a chicken and lay an egg. he said that i am a camel. it is not possible for us to say that it is for our own benefit and not compare with other countries .
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giving tax exemptions to companies and industries sir, we give this subsidy to the companies, no one injected money into their market, but we came to do this business. germany formed a fund to support the producer, the producer and the market fund , america, did you even charge your credit card? don't compare with them, you either compare with america, germany in a good state, in a bad state , you can't compare with borko and zimbabwe. i am totally against the support in the capital market with the injection of money. in my opinion, the government and the stock exchange organization as trustees should put their energies elsewhere, as i said, the issue of transparency. confidence-building is the issue of mandatory pricing , which is damaging the capital market
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. the stock exchange organization should clarify the issuance of licenses, and we should clearly monitor the people who are involved . there are very few women in this field, but in any case , it should be controlled, transparency is a good thing, comparing the markets is a good thing, but fair and logical , thank you very much to both guests of the program, all
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the good viewers, especially the higher program, for accompanying us until this moment. god bless you the head of the security council said about the middle east region: israel's occupation must be a great threat
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to world peace and security. it can also aggravate the divide and encourage extremists. the security council has always supported the two-state solution. with the escalation of the war in gaza , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said last week: israel needs security control of all areas west of the jordan river. netanyahu's words met with strong opposition even from men and women . he requested the zionist regime to carry out its own military operation in the land stop the occupation of palestine. this was the issue
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that all the world audiences were waiting to hear. we want to go directly to laha, holland and see the continuation of the announcement of the court's initial decision. and approximately 1.7 million persons have been internally displaced. the court takes note in this regard of the statement by the united nations under secretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator mr. martin griffis on january 5 , 2024. i quote: gaza has become a place of death and this court regarding
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south africa's complaint against the zionist regime regarding the violation of the convention genocide of the court has so far announced that it has rejected the request of the zionist regime that this court does not have jurisdiction, which means that the court considers itself to have jurisdiction and jurisdiction as well.
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sont devenus le foyer de plus de de 1.4 million de personnes qui sont privées de tout, de nourriture comme de produit d'hygiene et de toute intimité, les gens vivent dans des conditions. towards fame. the plight of
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children in gaza is especially heartbreaking. an entire generation of children is traumatized and will take years to heal. thousands have been killed, maimed and orphaned, hundreds of thousands. moments ago, in a historic decision, the judge of the hague court announced that this court recognized the jurisdiction of the zionist regime's accusations and will enter into the investigation of this case . and there then
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that there would be no electricity, no food, no fuel, and that everything was closed. on the following day, minister gallant stated, speaking to israeli troops on the gaza border, i quote, i have released all restraints, you saw what we are fighting against, we are fighting human animals, this is the isis of gaza, this is what we are fighting against, gaza won't return to what it was before, there will be no hamas.
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cut off food supply. this was part of the documents submitted by south africa against the zionist regime to the court, that the authorities of this regime had openly announced their intention to punish the entire people of gaza . .
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release of 16 november 2023, issued by 37 special rapporteurs, independent experts and members of working groups part of the special procedures of the united nations human rights council, in which they voiced alarm over, i quote, discernibly genocidal and dehumanizing rhetoric coming from senior israeli government officials, end of quote. in addition, on october 27, 2023, the united nations committee
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agreed that measures should be taken to prevent the execution of murders. we are trying to monitor these measures and how they are applied. these actions are based on the framework of article ii of the genocide convention , which israel has committed before avoid these actions.


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