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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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hello and good time, dear fellow countrymen , we present economic and market news. more than 3 million tons of goods and products were traded in the commodity exchange in the week ending on the 6th of february. the value of these transactions was 2990 billion tomans. the value of transactions of the top 10 companies also reached more than 100 billion tomans. according to the announcement of the commodity exchange of the copper industry of iran mine. and chaadermelo industrial and
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khuzestan steel were the top three companies based on product sales value. during this period, 399 companies presented their products in the halls and the secondary market of the commodity exchange. several web 3 contracts and victim cryptographic websites the campaign was coordinated. hackers have encountered a massive phishing campaign by fraudsters using the addresses of these companies, the links of users of several contracts. in these attacks, more than 580 thousand dollars of digital bandwidth have been lost so far. hackers use this method to send infected links to victims from the official addresses of volt connect token terminal and coin. announced that
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its users were receiving malicious emails asking them to open a link, while the company insisted that neither the parent company nor its subsidiaries were sending the messages, and it appeared if the link leads to a malicious website , contact a security company immediately. an hour later, several other companies faced the same problem, china said. one such company , cointelegraph, which owns a blockchain news site , reported the issue to its email service provider to block all malicious links. finally, zack expati, a blockchain detective, confirmed the phishing attack and publicized the issue on his cyberspace page. finally , block security company. china announced in the name of hartson that
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the software was installed on a computer belonging to one of the employees of the email service provider identified may have provided access to the company's servers. a matter that is still under investigation. security companies are still looking to discover the address of the hacker or hacker and prevent the theft of more cryptocurrency funds. saeed, head of sada waslam news agency. al-arabi network reported that with the continued attack on the gaza strip, the value of israel's currency has fallen and the economy of this regime is in a difficult situation. the devaluation of israel's official currency indicates the economic crisis of this regime and the intensification of uncertainty in it. to especially since israel recently had to make changes in its budget. bloomberg news agency
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says: israel's war budget reveals the economic gaps of this regime and has put the markets on the edge of the abyss. meanwhile, the central bank of israel warned about the dangers that threaten the economy of this regime. bloomberg announced that this year the figure had one of the worst performances among the broads. the value of each us dollar has reached 3.m. in the first two weeks of their month. the value of the currency against the dollar decreased by another 4 percent. israeli reports indicate that part of this devaluation is due to data related to inflation and the ongoing war in gaza. in addition , unanswered questions about israel's budget have worried the markets and there is speculation about a downgrade of israel's economy. israel's stock fell to its lowest level in more than two months. low inflation is expected
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to be an incentive to increase the bank interest rate again to create economic prosperity. with the beginning of the offensive against the gaza strip last october, the value of the form of the largest continuous decrease. experienced in the last four decades. from the beginning of the offensive against gaza, the value of the figure and the price of israeli treasury bonds has been a reflection of the developments of the war and the economic indicators of this regime , and the central bank of israel was forced to intervene in the markets to deal with the emerging crises . ambiguity and doubt about israel's economic future conditions continue. thank you very much for your attention and have a good time.
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we are still with you with a special program regarding the appointment issued by the hague court, ms. dr. zadeh, this thing that was read today by the judge of the court and after i think the end was also published . the points that were read today in the courtroom i would like to present the most important points of the international court of justice . the smallest and most detailed points that exist in israel's attacks against the oppressed people of gaza have been tried to be
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pointed out. we have killed and forced the people of gaza to move . displacing one's own people is one of the manifestations of genocide , that is, they want to take over those lands . it was mentioned once that the security council's attempts for a cease-fire were vetoed by the united states, and this was an interesting point that the court mentioned in relation to the evidence. many that divan was in his hands he announced that the collective punishment was done . in gaza and that the so-called zionist regime had declared that it had no right to the so-called south africa in any way , it had no dispute with the zionist regime at all, here the international court of justice declared that every member state
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of the convention on the prohibition of deportation has this right in relation to the obligations of the agents. it is not possible for these general obligations to be violated anywhere in the world. he has the right to file a complaint against the government that is a member of the convention and has not fulfilled its obligations according to article 41 of the constitution and these precautionary measures. the president of the international court of justice has made it very clear to adopt the situation of the people that death and desperation are death and desperation for those who are currently walking and living life. it is in all of gaza in these 100 days, and they have quoted a number of times, which means yes , they quoted a case that was very interesting, and it was stated that the intention of killing was with the officials of the zionist regime
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. it was mr. galat who announced that i ordered to cut off all water. i got the food and the so-called medical equipment procedures because we are dealing with humane animals and it is really bad that in in the 20th century and this last century, we are witnessing such expressions. i think one of the coordinates and details of genocide is the dehumanization of that victim, and this interpretation that these are not human beings is a clear and obvious example of such a thing, if the same countries that are our western countries we see that you see even for animals. they don't allow organizations to come between their institutions, but really, about the people who are actually the peak of your human civilization, how many historical places do we have there , how many cultural discussions do we have in the gaza region, and anyway,
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the court declared that this is an inalienable right for the people. palestine, the refugees must return, i just want to announce here that the court ordered that the basic necessities of life must be given to me immediately. the people of gaza should be sent the violation of the convention on nasdaq. as i told you, there were 15 votes, 15 judges, and two judges from south africa and the zionist regime. well, here you can see 17 of them, 16 to one. it is absolutely alone. we had 16 to 1 positive votes for for israel to stop its attacks, 16 to one vote, measures should be taken to completely prevent genocide, to avoid these disputes. yes, he said that opposing this decision of the court
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is actually an extension of the disputes. 16 judges believe that the destruction of the gaza region should be stopped. yes, only 15 judges voted that israel should take measures to stop various groups from cooperating in the genocide. this was almost the summary of the vote that we witnessed today. there have been some reactions in the last hour. i think you have brought some of these reactions. yes, i agree i will start with the reaction of the president of the african national congress party , who congratulated him for this action, in fact , it was an initiative that south africa started, and finally it was welcomed by cyril rama fez, as we have seen, some parts of his speech, the president south africa. well, he appreciated the efforts made by the lawyers of this country to advance this case, and
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of course they expected more, to expect the court to order to stop the operation, but this did not happen, the foreign minister of south africa had the same reaction. that is, he hoped to express he hoped that the court would vote to stop israeli military operations here from the doctor. these interpretations used today by the court implicitly say that the zionists must stop those actions that lead to the killing of people, but they did not say stop the war. the bombing that took place freely during this period has a question mark from now on, and the human casualties are much more significant than before, as well as the siege that took place. i think that in what the diwan
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announced today, the siege of gaza is supposed to be lifted. yes , the diwan clearly says that we have a verb and a passive verb , which is bombing. in fact, it is a direct shot. the verb passive is also where you have to allow these trucks of food and supplies. water and fuel enter the food , this is his verb that doesn't allow it, so after this . after whatever action the zionist regime takes or not, he should stand up and say thank you for the other reactions. well, the reaction of the prime minister of the zionist regime, which was not far from expected , said that israel continues to defend itself , that is, he still believes that what israel has to do he is defending himself and does not believe that killings are happening. well, this is completely natural . the us has not yet shown a clear reaction . in fact, there has been no official reaction, but the situation is difficult.
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there is no sign of intentional genocide . the palestinian foreign minister expressed his satisfaction with what happened, but considered this a partial support and expressed the hope that more countries will join this initiative in france. now, i had a further investigation. the indomitable french parliamentarian and leader of this party, jean-luc mélenchon, says. from the very beginning of the gaza war, emphasizing that genocide is happening and the zionist regime must stop its attacks, expressing satisfaction with this decision , considering it a historic decision, and saying that they hope that netanyahu will commit to ending this violence , the foreign minister of our country, mr. amir abdullahian reacted to this by congratulating the people and government of south africa and stressing that iran supports this south african initiative , yes
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, it should stick to the oaths it has taken and a some people said that this is related to the decision of the court, which previously found uganda guilty of attacking its neighboring country and the fine. thank you, madam doctor, we had a reaction from the ministry of foreign affairs, in fact , they had supported and thanked south africa for the initiative, but the question that may still be raised is the expectation from us . anyway, since the beginning of the revolution, in every field
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we have supported the palestinians, so maybe this is the expectation. is it possible to take action in the legal field ? we could not file a complaint like in south africa. regarding any legal action that the islamic republic of iran wants to take, it could have been in the convention based on the genocide convention instead of south africa . yes, but since the beginning of the so-called islamic revolution, there has always been a discussion that every step taken in foreign policy should not lead to the recognition of the zionist regime . well, this is almost two opinions among lawyers and friends who are in the field of diplomacy. some believe that any legal action we take if
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let's do it because it leads to identification, don't do it in front of people. they are going to believe that we can take legal action, but announce a statement that this action of ours, this complaint of ours, is now, for example, a third party entry in this case , which means that countries can enter as a third party in the case of the international court of justice against the zionist regime. a number of countries have entered as well , just as for the zionist regime, some countries, germany and canada, i think, have announced that they are ready to apply. many of the measures that the islamic republic of iran has finally implemented in this convention are in the organization the united nations is in the resolutions of the general assembly
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that are voted against the zionist regime , the islamic republic is voting, all this without identifying how it happens, these are structures that can affect us as a third party. let's enter and now i say that this is a difference of opinion, but i am happy that the ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement in support of south africa's action, mr. honorable minister of foreign affairs in new york openly supporting south africa. i think it's good to call recently , there was a phone call between the president and the president of south africa. yes. these supports are very good, but in the end, there should be a determination to enter seriously and legally without realizing that we are stuck on the idea that if we file a complaint, the meaning and interpretation of this complaint is that we recognize the zionist regime
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, so don't complain. yes, if in 1945. the san francisco conference where we wrote the united nations charter was one of our very good professors , one of the necessary professors, and now the professors of shahid beshti university announced that it was announced there that any country that becomes a member of the united nations charter does not in any way mean the recognition of another country. if we can extend such a ruling in the legal fields and legal entries, it can be announced that our entry as a third party , as we are in the charter and in the statutes, where it does not mean recognition, will not mean recognition here either. these are arguments that lawyers should pay some attention to.
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i think that this incident that happened today has provided an opportunity to discuss this matter once more think about it in my country now. the cunning apparatuses , those who are responsible, should sit down again and check whether this interpretation that if we take legal action against the zionists , they will be recognized by us, should be revised, because it will close the country's hands, and for legal actions, yes , 100%, but it seems that lawyers will finally find or create a way, and this is a practical initiative that iranians should use, thank you . more data to follow what is going to happen? rand, what will happen now? this is the temporary order . the judges are going to report their body every month on the nastaki case. regardless of this
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temporary order, south africa believes that the nastaki took place . the court itself announced today that the evidence has been presented. it is enough to investigate this matter and how it will be followed up in the hague court . there is a series of actions for several parties. first of all , the zionist regime from now on, from this very moment, that is , after the issuance of the temporary order that the order given by the international court of justice must be completed. he should stop his actions, all the crossings should be opened, people should return to a normal life now below zero, they really don't have a normal life, this is actually what the zionist regime should do, and in addition, other countries should help us based on that. the first protocol of 1977 added to the four geneva conventions of 1949, all the countries of the world are obliged
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to help the victims where humanitarian rights have been violated. now, perhaps one of the countries that has helped a lot is yemen. it has really followed the instructions of protocol 77, exactly this country that every now, this zionist regime does not allow more than this putty means even if the legal bases and documents. let's use the international as a standard, the action of the yemenis according to the protocol, in fact, articles 1 and 3 of the geneva quadrilateral convention are happening repeatedly because all countries are committed to help the victims of the war, and now which country has actually taken action like yemen. the next thing that will happen is that the international court of justice will confirm its jurisdiction, which is confirmed today. he begins to investigate, but in the international court of justice, we are not facing the punishment of individuals, we are facing the international responsibility of an institution, a regime.
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we are saying that he should come to compensate for the damages, that is, all the expenses, all the infrastructures, reconstruction and compensation for each and every 26 thousand people and their families , he has to pay them, that is, in a way , this is a legal court, not a criminal court, now this is destruction. also, zionization from a legal point of view, if things go well, instead of asking other countries to help, they themselves are responsible for returning it to the original situation . yes, i even heard that south africa is one of the two countries that helped the zionist regime against england and america are fighting now in the future, helpers to this regime , those who gave them weapons, go well. yes, as a deputy contributor to another german partner , especially from today onwards, from today onwards, from today onwards, and here the financial issue is raised, but
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if we want to, the people who should be punished are amirs, stewards, and the deputies of this in the court. it is an international criminal case, and this is a prelude to go to the court of the international criminal court , where some of the palestinian judges, lawyers and lawyers of the sinai and lebanon have put forward cases for some countries to file cases against people. i thank you for directly ordering this genocide in gaza. you are very kind to be present. if there is anything left at the end , we have one minute, please. to clarify what is happening in the world. especially in the fields of international law , if we make some effort to be active and present in the field of legal diplomacy
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, whatever field or diplomacy , we can move there very well. special ending we have arrived at our program. after the 21st news , we will be hosting francis molloy, the ambassador of the republic of south africa , in the special discussion of the news and the world program today.
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this country filed a complaint against israel for killing the people of gaza. all the heads of the israeli regime in the past few decades have been accused of genocide and declared that the october 7 attack by hamas is not a good excuse for genocide and violence against palestinian women, men and children in gaza. south african action has many fans especially among justice seekers and pacifists in england. it is a very good action, in addition to dealing with the israeli genocide, this work draws the attention of the people of the world to the oppression of the palestinians. south africa has done a great job. on the 8th of january of this year, south africa submitted an 84 -page complaint to the international court of justice in the hague in the netherlands , accusing israel of genocide, and requested an immediate hearing by the international court of justice. mr.
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south hopes that with the hague court ruling in favor of the palestinians, he will be able to prevent the continuation of israeli air and ground attacks on the gaza strip and the killing of palestinians. to be i am very proud of the action that south africa has taken. south africa has done what the whole world wanted, i.e. the immediate implementation of the ceasefire in gaza and the handling of the israeli massacre case. messen, who is the vice president of the supreme court. south africa, who is the senior representative of his country at the meeting of the hague tribunal, emphasized: south africa recognizes the palestinian state and therefore believes that israel has committed genocide for decades. roland lamola, the minister of justice of south africa, also said in the hague: no attack, no matter how severe, can stop the violence that israel
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against the palestinian civilians on such a large scale has been imposed to justify. israel's violence and aggression did not start on october 7th, but it has a history of 76 years. i think south africa's effort to end israel's war against gaza is very good. south african freedom fighters of at least 50 years who support palestine. and south african activists cooperated with the palestinians even when they were exiled. both nations call for free life in their country. the people of south africa are freed from the grip of apartheid. but forget the palestinians not doing. i am proud of south africa's action . issuing a decision to stop military operations in the international court of justice requires the positive vote of at least 9 of the 17 judges of this institution. dozens of countries.
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the world, while announcing its support for south africa's action in investigating israel's crimes in the highest international court, has expressed hope that this court will be able to document and reveal the depth of the palestinian genocide in order to prepare the ground for the punishment of the perpetrators of the palestinian genocide. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting agency.
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mother of god, we will take away the enemies of all, we will take ahan pigha to the line of my leadership, we will also take laila from all leaders. laila laila la la la la la la andna andna andna nafla la shahrid la shahrid la shahridna ant tola and the publication of adra.


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