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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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what will the court do next regarding this second part? i agree with you completely because one of the requests that the court made in its ruling is that israel immediately refrain from continuing to kill palestinians and stop it. this is very clear. it is explicitly stated and binding. the second point is that even though at this stage the court said that these measures are temporary measures to determine what the next measures are, the issue of legal issues still needs to be examined. it is now clear that israel. one has faced a very serious case
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and he must answer to that charge of genocide , and israel cannot run away from it so easily, so this charge is facing israel in the hague court, and israel must come forward, and if it has a defense, it must come and present that defense. and in my opinion, israel is a very weak position. it has weakened against this case and this court, especially this position when the verdict was issued today, so we are very happy for this reason and we know that the majority of our request has been fulfilled and accepted in the court. thank you very much. my next question is about there is a reaction that first israel's regime minister after the meeting today . binyamin netanyahu
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once again said that we are not committing genocide and that we are defending ourselves. in the past, we have seen many cases of the zionist regime even acting against the regulations of the united nations and the resolutions of the united nations, and in fact, this international order that how optimistic we are that it has not accepted its existence and has not come under the burden of international regulations. in the future, the hague court will be able to hold this regime accountable despite the support it receives from some powers. i don't think that we, of course, show the reaction of prime minister netanyahu we are not at all surprised that he and his cabinet always commit this issue.
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they can no longer raise the issue of self-defense . this is mentioned in article 51 of the un charter. when you occupy a nation and occupy a land, it means the same thing that israel is doing in palestine and when it took people. people are trapped, they agree , they resist, you can't do it with power. attack them appropriately and in fact with strong force, and then express it in such a way that you defend yourself. netanyahu is saying exactly the same thing he says that we are defending ourselves in a situation where they are not in a position to defend themselves . that is, you say that when an occupying power is considered a defense. legitimacy and self-defense is a
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paradoxical concept, no occupier has the right to defend himself.
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it is not included, and this is actually clearly stated in international laws, and another important question is that south africa has taken the lead in the hague court to defend the palestinian people in the current situation , after today's meeting , what are your expectations and requests from other countries? they can help now then they will do it to you. what is important in the current situation is that the genocide that is taking place in gaza must be stopped. this is very important and vital. humanitarian aid should be sent and
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provided. medicine, food, electricity and energy carriers, these are urgent services that must be provided .
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we must make sure that humanitarian aid goes to gaza during this period, it is properly explained , food and medicine are sent there, there is hunger and poverty. it is very important that all these measures are taken to ensure that the people of gaza and palestinians can go back to their homes and resume their normal lives. in particular , israel's partners must put a lot of pressure on netanyahu to make sure and ensure that netanyahu's cabinet will adhere to this court order. this effort and pressure should be pursued at the international level in the united nations in the human rights forum so that israel is forced and
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put under pressure to stop these crimes and we can start a process to return the palestinian people to their previous life. now the rest of the countries. they should see what they can do in order to force israel to stop the genocide, the countries that provide weapons to israel should stop this process , maybe some of these countries will even consider closing the israeli embassies in their own country , consider it diplomatic relations.
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pressure to ensure the pressure on israel to stop the massacre, these actions must be taken. i thank you. in the end, if we want to sum up, today the court has thought out measures and made specific requests from the zionist regime, stating that the people's basic human rights are respected. gaza should be respected and witness more killings if it is not there, now the ball is in the court of the zionist regime, these are the performance of a month. their future will be under the microscope and they will have to answer in court in a month, what did they do during this time?
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as you said, the ball is in israel's court because they now have the responsibility to adhere to this vote to make sure that assassinations are prevented and in fact israel should be punished in addition to all this. mr. safir, thank you for accepting our invitation
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and giving very good explanations about today's meeting. we wish you success you, south african lawyers, and at least me as an individual, thank you for all the actions that south africa is taking and has stepped forward. thank you very much. i was very happy to participate in this program. thank you, now we have a chance to see a report and review what happened in the court itself before the result is announced today, 15 judges came here to the headquarters of the international court of justice to hear the 80-page petition of south african lawyers about the elevation of the zionist regime to genocide. i would like to check from the court. hold this meeting as soon as possible
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thank you for the time possible to process south africa's request. south africa's request refers to the continuous suffering of the palestinian people due to the occupation of israel since 1948. israel's request to evacuate hospitals starvation of 97 % of gaza residents violence against women and girls and premature babies is part of genocide. gaza has become a cemetery and furnace of despair because of the crimes committed by israel. there are obvious reasons that show that there was a decision to commit genocide in gaza. the gaza strip has become a closed prison where the crime of genocide is committed. the reading of the petition that brought the supporters of the oppressed to court behind the door.
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we presented this complaint on behalf of the palestinians who were subjected to genocide , we presented a strong legal case, and the matter is now in the hands of the court to make a decision. it should support the south african legal team and this unique global unity in support of palestine. to win this case if south africa's bill condemning israel is completely worthless, fruitless and baseless. mohammad.
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at the beginning of the program, i had announced that the host would be mr. mohammad hadi zakir hossein, professor of international criminal law we are university of tehran, dr. hello, welcome to our program . we were at your service about two weeks ago when the first two sessions of this court were held on thursday and friday of the last two weeks . we had waited for the conditions to see what would happen on a day like this. at that time , were you optimistic about today's conditions ? what was your opinion about how many of those demands that may have been reasonable were fulfilled? were you satisfied with the decision that was issued today? i am at the service of his highness and all the dear viewers and watchers, i say hello and good night, as you said, well, two weeks ago, in the conversation that we had together in this hall, an optimistic future could
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actually be predicted, considering the abundance of evidence that the south african government. against the israeli regime in the international court of justice much earlier than expected. the court actually issued its decision regarding the request for a temporary injunction. what was actually issued today exceeded expectations to a large extent. in my opinion , it satisfied, of course, there are some people who may not be as satisfied with this vote as they should be , but overall, i think it was an event and a victory. however, the voting situation could have been better than this. and make more achievements, but in its own right, i think it is a good achievement and it can be the beginning of another path to achieve more achievements . he said, but in my opinion
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, it was in the best interest of the south african government and to the detriment of the israeli regime. now i want to explain further. of course, what came in the temporary order can be interpreted, but i think it can be interpreted in a way that actually he even stated that all the demands of south africa have been met with other literature. yes, by the way , ambassador molloy was also referring to the same literature. he said that with another literature, the same demands of ours have come in this text. i want to start together about the treatment that the court mentioned it today. let's talk about the nature of this temporary order, but before that, there is one aspect that i think has been locked up until now, and maybe it is very meaningful . there was a consensus in the court's opinions , that is, if we want to explain, i think the court has 15 permanent judges, if in the case o of the countries who are parties to the case
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, if there is no representative among these 15 judges, each of them will add one judge, like south africa. and the zionist regime represented not having this 15, it became 17. until today, whenever i heard the verdict, the judge was announcing that it was 16 to one or above, 15 to two, which means that in all these cases, the main judges of the court were of the same opinion and there was no difference between them. in your opinion, what is the conceptual meaning, see, in my opinion , as i mentioned, the narrator is the abundance of evidence that south africa actually presented to request the issuance of a temporary order, and this well, there was almost no consensus among the judges , but the majority of the judges came to the conclusion that they can actually issue the temporary order based on the demands of south africa, as you mentioned, almost a judge who was also a strange judge from uganda was the country that actually opposed this temporary order, but in some cases even
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the israeli regime's ad hoc judge agreed with two of the temporary orders that were issued and actually approved them. thank you. well, do you want to get into the nature of this temporary order, basically, what is the legal point of view in the hague court does it mean anything? look, as you mentioned, south africa came some time ago and actually started a legal war against israel using the mechanism of the international court of justice. stated that in fact the israeli regime as a member of the genocide convention. he did not comply with the positive and negative obligations of this convention, such as the obligation not to commit narcissism, not to provoke and narcissism , as well as the positive obligations to prevent the occurrence of narcissism, as well as the trial of the accused and perpetrators of narcissism. the international court of justice requested that
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if he were to verify the actions of international criminals , he naturally knew that the process would be a time-consuming process. the substantive decision of diva may take years, maybe at least four years, we have to wait for the final decision to be issued. after knowing about this, the background came and requested that the court issue a temporary order. the temporary order is issued when in fact those rights are protected based on the convention that is the subject of dispute, which here we mean the same convention. with genocide and prevention of genocide, it is subject to thesis. are at risk indeed irreparable impairment is an irreparable violation, therefore, one of the parties to this lawsuit requests to issue a temporary order until the issuance of our judgment and the final judgment of the court, in fact, to prevent those actions that may cause this irreparable damage to those rights. in particular, here , the convention on genocide is about the right to collective life
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, and the non-genocide of national and religious groups means, here, in a particular way, the palestinian nation, which the court recognized as a group protected by the genocide convention today in its provisional decision. recognized recognition of this right he is defending. therefore, on this basis , south africa requested that the risk of damage to this right and the risk of the palestinian nation be verified and based on that , a temporary order be issued. he did not announce whether the installation of the fence has taken place or not, but he has announced that there is a definite risk of a collision and if this collision occurs , it will cause irreparable damage. there is death in gaza or the number of victims. i think that mentioning the current situation
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means accepting the truth what is going on in gaza, in its human condition , it came in this vote. now, before we get into the components of this agreement, what is the second story, what is this genocide that south africa is claiming happened during this time, what is going to happen to it, now falaq. from this temporary order, see the temporary order that has been issued. well, after a while, the court will enter into the substantive review. the parties must again raise their hearts against the claim of south africa. it is likely that the israeli regime will raise a jurisdictional objection again, and i said that a process it will be a long time until the next step what exactly? well, for the day we were waiting for, that is , they were supposed to express their opinion about this temporary order, which was done. the rest of the story is one month. next month
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, the zionist regime should come again regarding the implementation of this temporary order. explain the rest of the story. do we have a date for it or which side will the court itself set a time for it? see, africa actually has a month for the israeli regime to come and report on the implementation of the measures and orders that have been issued and it is required to comply with them when it gives this report. well , naturally, south africa also has this right he should comment on that, criticize and modify them, and we should point out that there is a possibility that the international court of justice may not be satisfied with the israeli regime's report. order the example and even new measures at that time, when the measures will be more severe, when this process is actually improved, we don't have a specific time frame, but in any case,
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we have to wait until in in fact, the court should request the parties to present their own evidence the process of dealing with the substance should also be started, but i said , because the activities of the court are very busy these days, and various lawsuits are placed on its agenda, this has probably reached the substance, i should thank you, we have a report about the reaction we will continue to be with you if we see some of these reactions to south africa's complaint in court. we want peace. we
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thank the south african government that spoke on behalf of the palestinian people. this was a message to the western world, the arab governments and the united nations. what the zionists are doing is a crime in the literal sense of the word. we call on human rights organizations to hold the israeli occupation accountable and punish them for the crimes they committed in the gaza strip. everything is documented with evidence and pictures. these pictures were published not only in arab newspapers or newspapers that support the resistance, but also in zionist newspapers. in these pictures, how to attack children and women, blow up the house. and men stripping in cold weather have been recorded. all this with human rights it is a contradiction. we ask international organizations, especially amnesty international, to hold the zionist regime
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accountable for war crimes.
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they condemn the zionists for 70 years and more . zionists always commit these crimes under the pretext of self-defense. this is an occupation, and it is an occupation created by the british in the land of palestine in the first place. and they are not satisfied with the two-state solution or any other solution. the whole world is watching the gaza strip and it is the people of gaza who have been displaced for the second time. this was part of the reactions of the people of gaza to south africa's complaint against the zionist regime in the hague now, mr. mojtaba ferdowsipour, a diplomat and senior expert on west asian issues, has also come to our studio . mr. pedospor, hello, welcome. what do you think about today's vote, in the name of allah, the rahman, the rahim, i am also at the service of his excellency, dear guest of the program, as well as the viewer of
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the program, respected, respected news network, respect and good night. i have a good day, and with respect in the name of allah , the most merciful . every as it is you have a teacher. an international institution was established to deal with war crimes, genocide war crimes in the process of international organizations. basically , we are based on the type of institutionalism after the 30 -year european wars. based on the agreement of westfalia in 16 488 international institutions, international organizations
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were formed from the heart of this. the situation of the international community in 1948, the process of forming the icj and the international court of justice was keyed, which became almost the cause in 1951, and many countries became members of this organization, and basically dealing with the war crimes of genocide and genocide and war crimes are among the main tasks of international investigation. there are many different processes in ic. based on the historical process, if we look carefully, these processes were formed based on the conventions after the first hague conference, where we had almost three conventions, the first convention was related to the acceptance of countries to establish an international arbitration body, the second type or the second convention was related to the conditions and rules of land warfare. the third form
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and the third approach were related to it was the convention on the war of the seas, and of course there were supplementary statements to these conventions based on the process of military actions that were formed and recommendations. it was also formed in the completion of the convention process that in the second hague conference, these conventions were increased to 13 conventions, that air wars are the type of actions that took place at the end of the first world war, when the planes were placed in the war zone and the shelters were attacked and attacked by themselves. in reality, the space has changed a bit and the process of dealing with war crimes and genocide has changed based on the type of courts that were created in the past from versailles and nuremberg.


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