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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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brady has been produced at half the price of its foreign counterpart and is now on its way to the market. samia nasser, sed and sima news agency. 5 o'clock, according to the notification to the tax affairs organization. 4 billion 300 million tomans have been assessed as final taxes for entrance examination institutions , according to the budget rules since 1400 , the tax exemption of these institutions has been canceled. consulting 5 is 23 million 735. calculate it. his clients
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are behind the entrance examinations and his businessmen are the entrance examination institutions . this number that is being announced now is a number that is clearly revealed. the hidden number is much more than this. institutions were exempt from paying taxes from the beginning of their establishment until the year 1400, of course , governments want to establish tax justice by adjusting these exemptions. many of these exemptions have not been successful in realizing their goal, which is to strengthen production capacity. therefore, we intend to organize these exemptions, god willing. we will check their sources and tax them according to the margin of the side that i have. finally, about two years ago, parliamentarians obliged 1,400 entrance exam institutions to pay taxes in the budget bill. in the budget law of 1400 and
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1401 the entire country, entrance exam institutions and those who actually make the textbooks and publications of the entrance exams are subject to tax . tomans of definite tax for these institutions have been recognized by us, but the amount of tax that we feel should be taken has not been taken. in the last two years, 75 educational institutions were identified as taxable, and they paid an average of 57 million tomans in taxes, which means less than six jobs each. fatemeh khan ahmadi of sada news agency
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sima al-arabi reported that with the continued attack on the gaza strip, the value of the israeli currency has fallen and the economy of this regime is in a difficult situation. was forced. he made changes in his budget . bloomberg news agency says: israel's war budget reveals the economic gaps of this regime and has put the markets on the edge of the abyss. meanwhile, the central bank of israel warned about the dangers that threaten the economy of this regime. bloomberg announced this year, the form has had one of the worst performances among the widths. the value of each us dollar reached 38 figures. in the first two weeks of january, the value
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of the rupee decreased by another 44 against the dollar. israeli reports suggest that part of the devaluation is due to data related to inflation and the ongoing war in gaza. in addition , unanswered questions about israel's budget have worried the markets and there is speculation about a downgrade of israel's economy. israel's stock fell to its lowest level in more than two months. low inflation is expected it will be an incentive to raise the bank interest rate again to create economic prosperity. with the beginning of the hostilities against the gaza strip last october, the value of the figure experienced the largest continuous decline in the past four decades . since the beginning of the invasion against gaza, the value, shape and price of israeli treasury bonds have been a reflection of the developments of the war and the economic indicators of this regime, and the central bank of israel to deal with space crises. the future was forced to intervene in the markets, and
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uncertainty about israel's economic future conditions continues. according to the announcement of the headquarters. combating the smuggling of goods and currency, the amount of smuggled clothing available in the market is estimated at one billion dollars. this is the latest news about mehrez's collection of smuggled clothes at the supply level. it was planned from the beginning of december and action was taken in the whole country in tehran since last week in a special way. it was followed up, close to 13 to 15 points were hit and operated, which is close to 40 billion tomans in tehran, the estimated amount of smuggled clothing that has been reported in the country, i think this amount is close to 60 to 70 billion, for example, it will continue
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for us. the reason is very important is that clothes in any case, if the movement does not continue, the return to acceptability at the supply level will happen quickly . the provinces will continue, god willing , and the loved ones who are identified will be dealt with, unless the behavior of the plan is changed, which is actually aimed at preventing the supply of smuggled clothes at all, but the follow-up of the plan to identify the clothing product group, which started at the beginning of january. the next stage of non-special goods is also using the exchange of information that exists between the system of the trade community, systematist ekala, the tax affairs organization and store terminals , we can also enter the last link of the sale and
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do this more precisely. commodity, note 4, article 18, which in some way guarantees the implementation of the steps to implement the product id, we said in detail that it must be approved as soon as the meeting of the staff members is held, god willing, one of the topics that will be discussed, i will know later that in two weeks or so. kill in three weeks, based on what you said diqanya, this has been approved, it has been notified, then what will happen to the plan ahead of time, according to the planning presented in the note, we will implement it according to it , and there will be no more smuggled clothes in the market at that time. on the condition that the honorable officers cooperate with us , god willing, it will not happen
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. we are studying in the field of ceramic tiles, then because of our work process kashieh factory is in trouble for us . we are studying at islamic azadeh university, torbat heydarieh branch, and we are studying design and sewing, and now we are taking a traditional needlework class . we are studying sewing design in this university . even if we enter the job market , we will be friends for three days. in the workshop and in my 3 days at the university, they learn both scientific material and practical material in the workshop. here is also an industrial unit for the production of ceramic tiles in torbat heydari, which provides employment opportunities for young people with the scholarship of tile and ceramic students.
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has done. just as we study practical lessons, we also come here to work in a practical way . in general, a good platform has been prepared here for young people, we can study and work. after two years, we hope to god, we will be able to come and get employed here because we were able to accept the same number of 15 students with a scholarship and they are working here at the same time as studying here in this place in a practical way. according to the officials, creating skill fields is one of the new goals of the universities to connect the industry with the university. we launched a skill in the units of islamic azad university and with the connection we establish with various industries and businesses , we actually provide the opportunity for students to see skill courses in industries and businesses in addition to training. one of
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the most important features of creating skill fields in universities is guaranteeing its employment . with the implementation of this project at the level of the universities that
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we are with you with a special news interview, before i start my conversation with mr. francis molloy, the honorable ambassador of south africa in iran , i would like to draw your attention to parts of the announcement of the order. the international court of justice believes that israel must take measures within its power to punish and prevent direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian community in gaza. the court also orders that israel must take immediate and effective measures to provide humanitarian aid and basic services that are in dire need of the difficult living conditions. that the palestinians are facing in the gaza strip. israel must also
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prevent the destruction of evidence related to the allegations regarding actions against members of the palestinian community in the gaza strip, which are related to the second and third clauses of the genocide convention, and to take effective measures to protect this evidence. regarding the measures requested by south africa that israel should report to this institution regarding all the measures taken to implement the court order, the court reminds that according to article 78 of the court rules, the court has the power to ask the parties regarding any matter related to provide information on the implementation of any temporary measures referred to. the court has decided on these special measures that israel must
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submit a report to the court within one month from the issuance of this judgment regarding all the measures it has taken to implement this judgment. the submitted report will then be communicated to south africa, and this country will have the opportunity to present its views in this regard to the court. the court reminds that the rulings of this body regarding temporary measures according to article 41 of the statute. the court has a binding aspect and therefore will create international legal obligations for each party to whom these measures are addressed. the court confirms that the decision announced in the present proceedings do not in any way prejudge the question of the court's jurisdiction to hear the complaint or the questions of admissibility of the petition or the pleadings themselves. this decision is due to the south african government. also, israel will not be able to provide justice regarding these issues.
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the court considers it necessary to emphasize that all parties involved in the gaza strip are obliged to comply with international humanitarian law. well , before i start the conversation with mr. safir , let me tell you that after talking with mr. francis maulvi, mr. dr. zakir hossein ustad. university of tehran , we will also have mr. mojtaba ferdosipour, a diplomat and expert on west asian issues, and we will go to london in a video interview with mr. mojtaba and mr. masoud shajare from the islamic human rights center in london . mr. ambassador, welcome to our program for a few days. we were talking before and we made an appointment that if the decision of the court was positive , you would accept our invitation again
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. thank you . thank you for inviting me again you did. i think that the verdict and the verdict that covered all the actions that we requested.
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it is huge and the work that is actually the requests that and the versions that the court complicated is very important. first, the tone and literature are very important. although not asking for a ceasefire. but if we look at the statements of the court, we see that the court said that israel is obliged to ensure that it does not continue to commit genocide and that it must stop actions that violate the genocide convention, including physical harm . ensure that israel it does not create conditions that will lead to the damage and destruction of the palestinian nation. now that we are talking, israel is obliged to ensure
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and do something that the israeli army does not take any action. it doesn't do sharpening. the court clearly stated this and it is very important. this initial ruling obliges israel not to destroy evidence and evidence that could lead to the prosecution of people who may have committed genocide. so this is a very important development. therefore, despite the fact that the cessation of war was not explicitly mentioned. but because of the other things that came in this vote your opinion is positive. we are very satisfied, in fact, because if we look at that court ruling, for example, where the israeli army must immediately stop killing palestinians
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, secondly, israel must ensure that human aid. there is and they have to comply with these demands . the court should have considered one fact , and of course, since it has now included other cases, now directly and openly, the fact that it did not raise the ceasefire does not cause much damage to the whole story.
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because there are political decisions in this , there are bad schools. and there were some considerations i am confident that the labor court , i must tell you that it does not have the absolute power to request a ceasefire, and even if it did, it would not be able to control it later, but when you see the effects and consequences of the verdict that you gave. we realize that in fact those demands in this sentence are crazy. the latter will not be applicable without a ceasefire, and considering that israel is a signatory to the genocide convention , there is an obligation for israel to actually implement this sentence, and if they are forced to do so.
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implement the ceasefire as a tool , do you think today's court order is a starting point and what actions does your government intend to take in the future? this is a very important issue. the first issue is that we are now sure that the hague court. in fact, south africa has the jurisdiction to investigate this case , that is why south africa brought this case to the hague court. in fact, we
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saw in part of israel's defense that israeli lawyers kept claiming that the hague court had the jurisdiction to investigate this case . it doesn't exist, but now with this ruling it has been confirmed that this jurisdiction exists for the hague court and the next steps can be taken now. in that report, explain what plan he has to implement the demands of the court, what plans he has, and what designs he has , this in itself is a pressure on israel, so it shows whether they want to fulfill their obligations or not. this is their homework or not. now, this court decision has actually placed a duty on all countries, because all countries have actually indicated that all
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countries must provide conditions that allow genocide. no, and now there is an opportunity for all countries to work together to find a stable and permanent solution to the palestinian problem, because now our problem is only this massacre
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, which is what south africa asked for. don't let the crimes continue. today, i think it's a remarkable part. the second part of this request has been fulfilled by the court, and the other part is related to the fact that during this period there was a breach and the leaders of the zionist regime must be accountable before the court for this second part . what will we have next? i agree with you completely because one of the requests which the court has decided. it is that israel immediately refrains from continuing to kill palestinians and stops it. this is very clearly
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stated and binding. the second point is that even though at this stage the court said that these measures are temporary measures for determine what the next steps are. the issue of legal issues still needs to be investigated. it is now clear that israel is facing a very serious case and must be held accountable . it is a charge of genocide, and israel cannot escape from it so easily. so this accusation in the hague court is facing israel and israel should. he should come forward and if he has a defense, if he is, he should come and present that defense, and in my opinion, israel has a very weak position against this
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case and this court, especially this position became weaker when the verdict was issued today, so we are very happy for that reason. we are and we know that most of our demands have been fulfilled and accepted in the court. thank you. my next question to you is about the reaction of the prime minister of the israeli regime after holding the hague meeting today . benjamin netanyahu once again said that we are the generation of we are not killing and we are defending ourselves. in the past, we have seen many cases of the zionist regime even violating un regulations and un resolutions. acted and actually did not accept the existing international order and did not come under the burden of international regulations. how optimistic
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are you in the future? the hague court can hold this regime accountable despite the support it receives from some powers. i don't think we were at all surprised by prime minister netanyahu's reaction, he and his cabinet have always and always committed this issue.
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the second issue is that we have an established principle we have international laws and when a country is an occupying power, it means that israel is in palestine.
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facing and defending oneself is a paradoxical concept. no occupier has the right to defend himself. it is the united nations charter that says self-defense is a legitimate defense in a situation where you are on an equal footing with someone, for example, two countries are fighting each other.
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there is a war. if a country attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself, but in the conditions of occupation , this paragraph has no relevance at all , as the occupying force actually has control over israel everywhere, when the occupation of israel occupying all the borders of palestine controls the sea and land borders, it controls everything that enters palestine, whether there is no electricity, whether it is cut off, so in this. in your situation, you cannot, in fact, the occupying country cannot raise the issue of self-defence because it will never be in such a weak position, and this is actually clearly stated in international laws , another important question for south africa stepped in the hague court to defend the palestinian people in the current situation after today's meeting.
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what are your expectations and requests from other countries? they how can they help you from now on? what is important in the current situation is that the genocide that is taking place in gaza must be stopped. this is very important and vital. humanitarian aid must be sent. provide food, electricity and energy carriers, these are urgent services that must be provided. therefore, in front of us , even when we move forward, we have to deal with these issues at the same time and urgently, and we hope that other countries, especially those that give weapons to israel.


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