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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning. stay tuned with the news of the market. capital, the terms and conditions of buying capra cars were announced in the commodity exchange. according to the announcement of the commodity exchange, the deadline for placing orders to buy capra cars is at 8:00 am on monday, 9th of bahman. the prepayment rate for product purchase is 10%. each natural person can only place an order for one car, and each legal person can place an order for a maximum of three cars. persons who succeeded in buying in previous offers. they are also able to place orders
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. 50 white capra vans will be offered on the 9th of bahman in the car hall of the commodity exchange. value stock exchange transactions ended in the first week of bahman with an average of more than 4 thousand billion tomans. according to experts, with the positive trend of the market at the end of trading on wednesday, the total index is ready to return to the support range of dillion and. 150 thousand units. in the first trading week of bahman, tehran's iraq bahadur stock exchange witnessed the withdrawal of 3088 billion tomans of liquidity by real investors. during the week , the total index ended with a decrease of 2.8 percent . the general index of the stock exchange met a slight support and this showed a positive market on the last day of the week. indicator. the total weight is also representative of shares
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small capital market decreased by 4.51 and reached the range of 727 units. both the index and the position have reached the technical support of 728 vaheid after meeting its own resistance and the downward trend it followed. in the first week of bahman , there was also a cash outflow from fixed income funds. billion tomans and the average transaction value reached 45 billion tomans. the fluctuating trend of the capital market was a result of some economic decisions. a series of approvals have been announced by the government for the petrochemical industry and recently for the refining industry. risk
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systematically, the market goes up and up and makes the investors wait and its effects are completely clear in the financial statements of these companies. maryam fadaei, sed and sima news agency, more than 382,900 types of industrial and petrochemical goods and products in the export hall of the commodity exchange every week. it was sold until the 6th of bahman. the value of these transactions was more than 300 billion tomans. during this period, 16,000 tens of 2170 billion tomans were traded. also, 50,000 tons of sponge iron briquettes worth 477 billion tomans were sold. 10 thousand tons of iron ore concentrate worth 360 billion tomans and 50 thousand tons of stone pellets iron worth 237 billion 500 million tomans was traded in this hall. kish hall also witnessed a transaction
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in the price of zinc in recent weeks, the fluctuation of the interest rate of the federal reserve and the instability of economic conditions have been among the factors affecting the price of this metal in recent weeks. zinc metal in the past one month is a figure that has been affected by the excess supply of this global metal. the recession that prevails in the automotive industry has reduced the demand for zinc in recent months and has resulted in a feverish decrease in its price, so that the price of this metal recorded an average of 250 the dollar per ton has maintained its downward trend from last year london metal exchange or heme. let's mention
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that the current demand from the largest consumer, which is china, is one of the most important factors affecting the current demand of this product. the global price of zinc metal is the increase in reserves and the closure of mines are among the factors affecting the price of zinc metal. fluctuation of the interest rate of the federal reserve to the united states and the instability of the world economy are other factors affecting the decrease in the price of zinc metal. currently, the price of zinc is stabilizing around $20,500, around $2,400 support and 20% decrease in demand and excess supply of zinc per year. 2024 will continue, which
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will not change much in the price of this metal not only in the short term but also in the medium term. more than 100,000 products were traded in the commodity exchange in the week ending on the 6th of bahman. the value of these transactions was 2990 billion tomans. the value of transactions of the top 10 companies reached more than 1000 billion tomans. according to the announcement of the national industrial commodity exchange, meth iran mineral and industrial chadormello and khuzestan steel were the top three companies based on product sales value. during this period, 399 companies participated in the halls and bazaar. commodity exchange offered their products, some web 3 contracts and websites crypto fell victim to a coordinated campaign. hackers
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send naiman links to users using the signs of these companies. users of several web contracts. they have encountered a massive phishing campaign from fraudsters. in these attacks , more than 580 thousand dollars of digital bandwidth have been lost so far. in this method, hackers used the official addresses of volt connect, token terminal, and cointelegraph companies to send infected links to victims. 10:30 am , 23 january 3rd of bahman, volt connect. announced that its users are receiving malicious emails from they want to open a link, while the company insists that neither the parent company nor its subsidiaries are sending the message, and the link appears to lead to a malicious website
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. voltconnect quickly raised the matter with a blockchain security firm. an hour later, several other companies encountered the same problem. one reported the issue to their email service provider to block all malicious links. finally, zack expati , a blockchain detective, confirmed the phishing attack and disclosed the issue on his cyberspace page. finally, the blockchain security company hartson declared malware on a computer belonging to one of the employees. the company has identified an email service provider that may have allowed access to the company's servers, which is still under investigation. security companies are still looking to discover the address of the hacker or hackers and prevent the theft of more cryptocurrency funds. saeed,
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the head of the sed and sima news agency. end of capital market news, god guard. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament. the key to this is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram channel and plays with the whole country . it is interesting that you are the manager of the football player . we do not agree with any kind of treatment
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. we are better tomorrow. in the name of god, greetings, courtesy, respect, and service to each and every one of you, dear and respected viewers, especially for the higher program. in their recent meetings, the leader of the revolution called real competition one of the important pillars of the elections. this means that the field should be open for the presence of different intellectual, economic, cultural and political viewpoints and currents, so that all these various viewpoints can form a real competition and an active presence in the big election contest. to have one of the issues on which different experts have different opinions and the discussion of this program
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is the subject of our debate, the debate is whether or not governments should have a specific say in the capital market and intervene in order to support the market or not. don't make this work, as you know, the government has established various institutions in different years to support the capital market. if you remember, in the last one or two years, we have, for example, the stabilization fund, and in the previous years, the development fund. we wanted to present a development and stabilization fund to you now we have decided that the national development fund will provide part of its resources to the stock exchange organization through these funds. now one of these funds is doing market management with other resources that it has, one of these funds is using the national development resources. the national development fund comes and provides support in the market. some experts are concerned with the government's entry, either for market management or to provide support. from the market in the places where the capital market needs government support
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, we are witnessing a decline now anyway, and the government should step in to compensate. some of the experts are against this, basically they are against any government intervention in the financial market and its impact on the financial markets . we have two groups of experts here today on our program. why are they against the intervention and intervention of the government, even to support it, and what are the other groups who are in favor of the presence and support of the government doing ? follow the debate of this episode from above. well , here in our studio, mr. masoumi, the manager of the capital market expansion fund, and mr. durvari, the capital market expert, are present. and we will talk. allow me to start with mr. durvari and the question why mr. durvari entered.
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and the activists and investors of this market according to the evaluations that are done to analyze the level of awareness. i heard that they buy and sell and put capital into this market. this capital helps companies to grow production and economic growth. there are various factors that influence the capital market and this system is the width of the demand and this information that investors have makes the applicant for purchase , or someone wants to supply this, any external factor outside of this supply system will demand for this if the system comes in and applies pressure, this
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system will definitely be out of balance. it seems that the government has disrupted this cycle a bit with the stabilization fund and the support fund that it is doing. the reason for this is that it has eaten into the investors' portfolios , usually clearly. in zayane, it seems that there is this support of its branch, which may support certain shares of a certain industry . it should not interfere in this field , the government can direct its energy
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towards other matters, towards transparency, towards building the confidence of investors, towards the economy should be predictable and the investors should have a logical and accurate evaluation of their investments, generally with both opposing funds, generally with the support and influence of market intervention. in the market, the reason is the capital market, because there are many influencing factors, it may fluctuate and this fluctuation. this volatility is an inevitable part of the market , even its reduction may be useful and bring the prices to an attractive range and encourage investors to enter this market . thank you, mr. masoumi. the input, whether for support or marketing , does not have capital in the market in general. well, i would also
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like to offer my greetings and courtesy to your honorable colleagues to all dear viewers. you see, from one point of view, mr. durvari's comments are correct because the structure of the capital market consists of supply and demand , the estimates that are made from the stock price are the future outlook that analysts have on this stock and they see the price, they buy it, so to speak, they see the price above, you can see that this is the general rule for selling it. i agree with this part of their statement , but we must structure our own capital market and shape it in fact , let's see the presentation of supply and demand in the market, anyway, because of the issue of the limit, in fact , the range of fluctuation that we have in the capital market
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and other issues of the base volume that is defined for stocks.
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to enter the market again and help to prevent this extreme fluctuation that occurs in the market, a little of this fluctuation can actually be managed and controlled to reduce it . i agree, but the conditions of our country's economy, the conditions of countries similar to ours, and the conditions of our region must be taken into account let's see if sometimes it is necessary for us to provide support and who should this support come from. well, if yes, our market had fully matured, our market actually had the same functionality as the japanese, european and american markets. in that case, we would we said, sir
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, do we have a support fund at all in countries like this, so the stabilization fund has no meaning, if we reach that stage and we actually call it the level of efficiency, the market stabilization fund, your mission is over, please come up with another solution from tomorrow. let's talk about managing fluctuations please, how much do we agree with the fact that the government should support the poison market until we reach a stable economic situation, at least at some point , they are mentioning it or not, do you think it shouldn't be at all? i have a problem with this story , let me tell you. in our stock market , we have many financial institutions, investment funds , sabatgaran companies, investment consulting, providing funds, the assets under the management of these institutions are something around 760 thousand, 76 peers, and this figure is not less . they definitely have analysts, they have an investment manager, a board of
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directors . they are deciding for this fund it seems that if support is going to be done. yes, these analysts will definitely come to the conclusion that this point is a very attractive point for the price and they can enter this share, for example , the fund will buy the mubarake steel company in the range of 600 tomans and the source of the layer of money that these friends do not have. it seems like the government should take the solution elsewhere , as the market activists are aware and you are aware of it. in 1402, the capital market was hit twice by the government. there was a discussion about the feed of petrochemicals, and this resolution is not a problem for him it was approved and it was published at the end of june
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, and it was implemented as required. the stock exchange organization as the trustee and the government could have done much better . the industry that was harmed by this resolution was invited in the budget. the food ceiling was not bad when this happened. the organization invited the activists of that area to come and arrange the work for this story and prepare themselves, but unfortunately, the reason for the lack of transparency is that a series of institutions started to sale and later it became clear that asking dear friends from. there was an organization that said what happened and that friends in sudan are identifying the investment in sudan and they are profiting. in khordad , it became clear that the story was something else and
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this will definitely hurt. the damage is that the trust of investors is taken away and market making could not be combined with market management with support. now my dear friend mr. masoumi is in the news of those days. the government may have been able to inject resources into the stabilization fund for one day, two days, one week, but they could not prevent that amount of money from going out, and i think that is another matter. what they are doing and what is happening now seems to be index building, why did i say that your service has a 5% to 10% decline index, but the portfolio of investors is 50% dozian, how can this be justified, this money is transferred from one industry to another industry is it possible now, according to the big companies and the index makers, it seems that
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the index is being supported, if this did not happen, our index might be in the range of 700 to 1.800 million, so it seems that the government should not do this, the branch will interfere , and i said that this system is at your service demand these things happen , thank you, mr. masoumi, capital market, and now you , for example, in the development fund or your colleague in the stabilization fund, basically accept these things, that now indexing is done, support for special stocks is done, indexing stocks are done. do you agree or not? now, as the manager of the market development fund, no , no, i do not agree . i have said this many times. neither we nor the stock exchange organization accepts it the market stabilization fund is the same as the capital market . i think there is a bit of confusion here
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. we wanted to discuss the existence philosophy of the stabilization fund . now we went into the discussion. in fact , how is the performance stabilization fund, what does it do regarding indexing ? i would like to say clearly that we prepared a report in my analysis unit on the date of september of this year. price increase , price decrease, and which shares are highly traded, which shares have the highest market value, what we did not discuss directly about indexing, but what we concluded was that 30 to 50 our big companies grow less when the emotional market goes up. the average we got for 30 big companies was 94, and this is 25% on average when the market falls. i had lost between 20 and 25%, i think the average was around 20%, so instead, the shares you mentioned
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are in the extremes of some friends and loved ones . the fall is much more. we sold these roads with a hard price in march and with a floor price in september. pars. we took the year, this shows that the shares that grew from 7th of november last year to 16th of may 1402 have decreased in proportion to their growth. now, our 30 largest companies, when the average growth is 94%, those high turnover companies have a 20% drop. and the companies that have the highest efficiency grow by an average of 300,400 , so that it is a more popular category and with more growth, we checked in the 30 categories. there is a report on our channel, friends can refer and study.
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investor if appropriate. with market portfolio once i have arranged the portfolio, i will take the index. if the weight of my valuable shares is more, i will get more than the index. if the weight of highly traded shares and those shares that are strongly correlated with the market, their beta is strongly positive with the market and the breakeven is more than the market , i used a specialized term that they are affected by the market, which means that the performance of the market has a greater effect when the average market 100 d.
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in fact, the process should be clear somewhere . i completely agree with that part of your statement that the government sometimes harms the market with the decisions it takes , and neither the development fund nor the market stabilization fund can solve this issue. in those policies, we should pay more attention to the way they make decisions, the way they are communicated, and even the process of their implementation, and why should i, in fact, rate. for the refinery feed that i want to change , don't consider a breathing period for it and don't go up a ladder . now the refineries are coming on saturday this week . the refinery companies will be notified to publish it . now, the date letter was 7 days ago. he graduated last month. i want to know that he is preparing for the bachelor's degree.
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they have information. it should be disclosed , they should be monitored, like the publisher, who is part of the information, is actually one of those who have access to confidential information, they should be monitored and the most important thing is not to spoil it in advance, that is, not from the first of 162, say from the first of 143, these two months it's up to you to do your calculations and step by step every quarter we will grow a percentage for you and the company can be a shareholder , he can behave himself . 26 hemte 26 hemte from the profit of the company according to this notification, palashgahs have decreased, this was their profit, and now we will get a lump sum from them, a strange amount will come out of the shareholders' pockets. i will say it again , so as not to confuse the issue, let's go back to the philosophy of the fixed fund, and the main point of the discussion is that the government do you support
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sir? there should be an intervention, for example, if the index comes down, the government should come in and provide financial support or not. you say that it should be done temporarily . that's right, you don't have a problem with it being temporary , no, i have a problem with support at all. the government can show its support elsewhere stock he can specify his support elsewhere in the same letter that came for gas and oil products on the same date. the stock exchange organization , as the guardian of the market, could have stopped the refining symbols and companies that are greatly affected by this issue and required these friends to clarify and disclose the impact cases, but this did not happen, the letter came to the market and said something happened. it is new, considering that it has a history since may and that feed rate started
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to be sold, and this effect is still there. untrustworthy no other way to support. this is supposed to be happened dear capital market activists. this is going to happen. there should be such a resolution. on the other hand, it should be able to predict that suddenly, as mr. masoumi said , you sleep at night and get up in the morning, a resolution has come and the entire capital market. so, if you agree, let's see a report together, my colleague in the media news agency's stock exchange group. it is a review of the opinions of supporters and opponents and the topic we are talking about. the capital market is to support the market the continuation of such an event will move the market trading process in a direction that


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