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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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[000:01:00;00] is there an adviser to dole? after the emirate, he is an adviser to your service. i don't know, and i don't remember many other places. look, i've been there for years. for example , lorestan , what do i know? what do i know about the palace? what do i know? it's the palace of the golestan bagh complex. it's the barracks. you left your hand at the single building, why don't you care about the historical structures , why are you worried about the structures that the ministry of housing has announced, the so-called urban architecture , that is, it is a task for everyone, that is, you are both for the cultural border and for the municipality, mr. doctor, you should not be the guardian of the historical structures, only the ministry of heritage cultural know this the mistake of the ministry of cultural heritage in the issue of historical contexts is as much responsibility as the corresponding agencies have their responsibility, but what is the problem here
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, the problem is, first of all, the buildings that you named , we classified the buildings that you actually named in different provinces that i i don't think it is necessary to see the names of those buildings. they were never in the lists . in fact, there is no fund for people's participation. at least, if there was a request in the previous years, now the buildings belong to what we say are single buildings in the contexts. there are these buildings if that they are owned by the government. if these buildings are owned by the people themselves and through a mechanism that is transparent in the government's electronic procurement system, in fact , who owns the newspapers of many buildings? if the individual buildings that belong to the ministry of cultural heritage are in the contexts, we will hand them over. it is used as a stimulus for revitalizing the structures. we have many examples in the historical context of yazd, in
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the historical context of ardakan, in the historical context of isfahan, where the buildings that belonged to the ministry of cultural heritage have been restored through this mechanism of people's participation, now the neighbors there are several buildings in the same place the building that belonged to them, the last building we handed over in tabriz belonged to the ministry of culture and culture, and this building used to be a ruin, now it is used by the people, for the people, and for the recreational space of separation and identity of the people. can be in the same belonging to the people themselves, coming to restore, that is to say, single buildings are placed in the contexts, the stimuli for the revival and development of that context, where did we start from the buildings belonging to the government, well, thank you, we did not start until your order, a report of my colleagues in the group transportation and tourism news agency is ready let's see that report together. it is a review of
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the opinions of supporters and opponents of handing over buildings. history to the private sector zargami, minister of cultural heritage , tourism and handicraft industry, in agreeing to transfer historical monuments to the private sector for the development of tourism , believes that the cooperation of the private sector for the restoration, maintenance , management and optimal use of some historical buildings is important because the funds for the maintenance of many historical buildings are limited. it is not necessary to manage these restoration buildings. therefore, with the cooperation of the private sector, may kalantari, the secretary of the national campaign to save iran's historical tissues, opposes handing over historical monuments to the private sector said that we have some historical monuments that we consider as national treasures and these buildings cannot be handed over for the purpose of restoration or rent. therefore, if it is determined in the nafaiz council that a historical work is classified as nafaiz , it should not be handed over. talai, managing director of the
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rehabilitation and exploitation development fund. regarding historical and cultural places , in agreeing to hand over historical monuments to the private sector, he said: revitalizing historical monuments and handing them over to the private sector with appropriate use will help the flow of life in this building and their maintenance for future generations. mohajeri nejad, a member of the research institute's faculty cultural heritage and tourism by pointing out that handing over exquisite historical buildings is a clear violation and i am against handing over historical buildings because they are part of our cultural heritage. the government intended to entrust the restoration of the historical houses of the qajar period to the private sector. yavarifer, the executive vice president of iran's tourism development think tank , believes in agreeing to hand over historical monuments to the private sector. many of our historical buildings are being destroyed and there is not enough credit to restore them in the country , and the private sector can help in this field by auctioning these buildings to people for a certain period of time.
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be rented to keep them restored. mehdi hojjat, an expert in the tourism industry, opposed the transfer of historical monuments to the private sector, saying that based on article 8 and 3 of the constitution, the transfer of historical monuments to the private sector. it is prohibited except with the approval of the islamic council , even if it is not of a noble nature, that is, historical buildings, even if they are of a noble nature, they cannot be handed over, even with the approval of the parliament. you see, my feeling is that there is a so-called confusion of the topic, so-called, in the continuation of this so-called there is a trend. i don't have a problem with the principle of the so-called fund, i am not saying that the fund is not a document, do we want to hand over the historical monuments to us or not, sir, why do you say this should not happen? see, dear brother, we are doing a series of things. look, we are there in the name of sources that
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it is available to us instead of using it in its place, we don't do this, that's right, then we start doing things that have so-called legal reasons, i mean the tissues that are exposed to the so-called damage, the tissues that have not been studied yet. some tissues that have been studied we have been notified, we have a sovereign duty , we cannot enter them, it is not a question of the people anymore , but a series of tasks due to the lack of so-called financial resources, our problem is like, i have three children, i have four children , he says that he can't be taken care of or should be. get married soon, whether it's a girl or a boy, or you have to marry or you have to get married, it's not true, it 's totally wrong, i'm coming from another side , what am i doing? i am exactly the analogy of the so-called related term, i come from the other side, sources that i have at my disposal , i will use those resources in a different way. see, i am coming to prepare an education , in general, in the field of tourism for ahadas
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. in general, this discussion is more of a discussion created by us. when it comes to the so-called private sector , we have no objection to the private sector. let me raise a discussion . look, the honorable minister of culture, mirz farhani, comes and shouts. well, i will take mr. talai's answer again , we are coming again, what are we going to do, let's say again, sir , let's come, for example, sir, i don't know about health services, and so it is my fault that the so-called
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correct understanding of the so-called main sources of the so-called sources i don't have the duty of a trustee after your service and other things. with the principle of handing over all these historical structures, all these single buildings that are related to your people, don't you want to strengthen the so-called society, don't you want to make the people strong. we say your incentive packages in the historical context, life is going on, maybe there are more than 200 houses in district 12 , what are the proposed and incentive packages for you people, mr. doctor, what packages did you offer, mr. former mayor of tehran, for example , he goes to paris to see the historical context, how much reconstructed, revived, some symbolic people come he buys a house here, for example, if he wants two days, then he leaves here . all the buildings in the 12th district. look at the worst situation, without study , without use, getting four municipal officials to sit there in the buildings, or those who, for example
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, may be inherited from kazemia's house, then i don't know, many, many other people, the whole region 12, so you see, our problem is that there are many things. we want the so-called work that is easier let's do the things ourselves, and the most interesting thing is that i came, for example , i was consulted as a trustee, when the trustee says it means cultural, i got counseling, i studied, i did everything, it was announced that i can't go, so to speak, what should i do ? well, give it so-called , i will ask one more time. to what quality and
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how is it supposed to be and for what purpose do you hand over the historical shelters to the private sector? let me just say one thing. we, mr. doctor, know that it is very interesting. we have all these landmark buildings. i'm in a hurry, we don't know where else, we 're in a hurry. thank you for actually giving a part of the answer to the question in your order. the issue is that, well, tehran municipality or my municipality do not refer to the name of municipality when we talk about context, mr. doctor. to restore a fabric, we only refer to the ministry of cultural heritage in the matter of fabric restoration. if we consider the sole guardian of fabric revival, in my opinion
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, it is neither scientific nor practical at all now, mr. minister, they actually raise the concerns of the people on various issues and they themselves get to work and, thank god, they are spending time on various issues. it makes a difference if we bring the issue of historical monuments to other issues that the ministry of home affairs has. with all the strength in other parts that are now the subject of discussion. not just because of the economy or the statistics that mr. dr. did
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, we put 10 buildings in lorestan province into disrepair. in fact, for people's participation in the restoration of all the buildings , the cost of 50 million was actually the rent that they wanted to pay to the government. there was no kenan, so we have no discussion at all receipt of rent or income or the budget of the ministry is not the fund's issue, the fund's approach is the fund's view and the fund's priority is on rehabilitation. regarding the restoration of historical buildings and the fact that it is the result and the fruit of the path taken, that when we involved the people, the life of that building became more long-term , it became more stable. the people's participation is taken, this person, as long as this building is in his possession, like in fact , this building is his own child. he takes care of every corner
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while i serve you this is really in addition to the fact that after the revival of the restoration , they will find a place in the income, mr. doctor. look , you mentioned a technical issue in the issue of handovers. is it possible for the country not to have a restoration plan by the construction fund and start the restoration operation? these events that happened in the mosque of mr. doctor, i have the issue of assignment based on the issue of participation. regarding the duration of the building that people have, they say that a building costs 10 billion, 20 billion , and sometimes buildings have up to 100 billion in restoration costs, when a building costs 100 billion . it is based on whether we can actually in the short term, well, that servant of god who has invested
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it has been restored and restored , well, it should be able to benefit from the benefits of that restoration . this is only my issue, sir. in the issue of historical monuments, in the issue of preserving and revitalizing the country's cultural heritage, we must take into account the interests of all aspects of it , the local people and the local community. let's give them a role as the main actors of preservation and revival , and only from the government's point of view, from the government's resources , from the public resources, from the resources, in fact, the development fund. or other sources, in fact, i will restore the buildings , i will take possession of the buildings, this is the view of your famous and prestigious buildings, mr. doctor, just as we are in the subject yes, i told you that all
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the buildings in the country are exquisite buildings, but the ministry of cultural heritage has a committee on this matter, and that committee, if it recognizes a building, the government should manage it by itself. like the buildings that i mentioned, you are looking for a long term. first of all, this process seems wrong. if there is a nafais committee that exists in appearance, i agree . it doesn't matter who is a member and who isn't, so first you have to go to the nafais committee and then come here. it's right, but exactly here. on the contrary, we will prepare the work and send it to the committee nafaiz and the vice-president of heritage says, sir, this is the case or not. now, the difference is whether the queen's case , the nafaiza committee, will decide that it is nafaiz, or you say that
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it is the government's duty to see . no one has a say at all, i say that those things that are related to the people themselves are related to the private sector. why? he does not support them there. this is what i am talking about. see, you say that i don't know that the honorable minister's ministry has done this before. the texture of a single building, a movable work, an immovable work, everything that is so-called in this country as intangible cultural heritage
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, it is true that it is a cultural heritage. in the name of the amor organization of mosques, how much coordination do we have to do ? they don't have credibility, they don't have money, how much has the so-called ministry of cultural heritage come to coordinate, as the custodian of at least these mosques? with the device like the times, one of the most buildings of ours belongs to endowments
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are. the main principle is that i am talking about the so-called coordination . what was the output of this? look at the buildings. i say , you, a gentleman, show me one mosque . what do i know about the mosques affairs organization ? it is true that one of these mosques from the middle ages until the qajar period has been completed . my preference is for that person to come with accurate statistics. it was discussed that in the topic of the building, the topic of the mosque is not a building, but the mosque is a historic building.
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but mr. doctor, the point is that in the issue of coordination with the endowments, the buildings that belong to the endowments are actually in the field of participation. people like caravanserais that belong to endowments , like historical buildings that belong to endowments , the coordination that was made between us and endowment , this year, as you said , there was an average of 6 to 7 buildings, the fund has handed over this year, until now, to your service. there are 40 of us. in fact , the bidding process has been completed, not 40 people . 40 people have come to build our building for this year. doctor, when we discuss people's participation , this statistic is done. it means the revival of this statistic means employment , this statistic means the investment of the people, this statistic means the revival of historical contexts and
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all the private sector . this government, even in the previous governments, we made a series of mistakes, some strategic mistakes with the so-called resources, which were the so-called public budget resources of the government. and these mistakes are being repeated now, so to speak, in our department, for example handicraft industry in the discussion of the so-called tourism , don't these things happen, now that they are aware of themselves, we should talk about the government, i say this mistake is being repeated, what should we do instead of coming to the so-called resources, the so-called banking resources, right, provide education let's make it private, so to speak, this won't happen. now
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, how much do you have for this discussion, how much resources do you have for education and the ministry of home affairs? no, many provinces do not. even we ourselves , unfortunately, do not have an administrative building, but we are leaving this building for reform , right? we understand the difference apart from that technical issues, apart from the so-called technical discussion that exists, now i say whether it should have a restoration plan or not, what use should we give it, that itself is a matter for discussion, now apart from this, we should know the difference between capital goods and consumer goods look at what we did in the past years, unfortunately, unfortunately, all the centers of the world have been destroyed. we took it in the provinces and sold it. now we are telling ourselves. really
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, how much is the added value of this during the so-called period ? let me tell you, i will collect two minutes about the finished program, about the discussion of the so-called components that exist in the so-called economic field, in the tourism economic field , there is a discussion with the so-called economy, and so on and so on. what should be done so to speak? let's make a distinction, i completely agree with the so-called way of handing over in this way, the same thing that all the experts and members of the society disagree with, but i have no objection to the so-called principle of what the fund is doing. the so-called reconstruction of buildings no problem, mr. talai , give you a minute and a half. hello, we believe that the protection of cultural heritage should be done by the people themselves. what is done by the people is more stable if our protection is done by the people. the collection fund
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that the ministry of cultural heritage has for people's participation in restoration and restoration is a transparent and legal process, and alhamdulillah, it belongs to the government itself. the government has created this collection for the restoration and restoration of historical monuments and the important point is that the completion of the cycle of protection of historical heritage should be done with the order of restoration and restoration. it should be done by the people, the processes that are being carried out, a mechanism for the people's participation in the restoration is taking place, our duty is to spend on the issue of protection instead of looking at the government, instead of always coming from the government's resources, from the resources of the public sector. let's get people involved in the restoration and protection of cultural heritage. thank you very much to both the guests of the program and all the special viewers
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of the higher program for accompanying us until this moment. may god protect you above or above any or above wherever we are today. on the hospital bed of a young palestinian resident he was hospitalized in the city of halhol as a result of the brutal attacks of several zionist soldiers in the city of halhol. his face was severely injured in hebron. the severity of the attacks was such that he had to
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be taken to the hospital for treatment of wounds and head fractures. amro is not the only one , we were with some young palestinians near the house in halhol when the israeli army came from behind us and started beating me, they hit me in the head with a gun and pepper sprayed me in the face, and blood was pouring from my head and face. and i was on the ground , they took me to a place far from home. these attacks have increased significantly against civilians observers believe. what is happening to the palestinians has caused reactions in the west bank, especially hebron, within the framework of a natural reaction , and an unprecedented increase in these attacks will cause the situation in the west bank to explode. the resistance has increased not only in hebron but also in the west bank as a result of the pressure exerted by the occupying israel and the frequent attacks
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of the zionist settlers. these pressures. it has caused some kind of anger in all areas of the west bank. anger that may cause the situation in the region.
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various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people , it will stop your competitors, the government is ordering pricing, it is subsidizing, why should there be a salary ceiling, you are a football manager, you don't want to remove women from stadiums, it will not cure any pain. it does not lead to a higher debate on the trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on the khabar network, wherever
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we are, tomorrow we are higher. one of the important axes during this period that has given this country honor was the axis of dealing with foreigners. dealing with aliens, especially in above them, america and the zionist regime, which the imam believed that all the troubles of the islamic world are from america, is a very important point. if someone does not know the enemy well and sometimes takes the enemy instead of a friend and takes a friend instead of an enemy, this strategic error will create a deviation in the path of the nation
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. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most special order of the president the governor of mazandaran announced for the purchase of limited rice in the north, since in the last two years the rice farmers faced problems in selling rice, the president ordered this year to solve the problem of supply and demand in the market and exit from recession: 4 thousand billion tomans of credit should be allocated for the purchase of rice from mazandaran. mazandaran 42


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