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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] see the restrictions on the supply of bread to the people on the news network. you are watching a special news talk. a report related to the topic of the program, we are ready to see , we will come back and we will serve you with the guests of the program . a few days ago, pictures were published showing the restriction of bread supply in a bakery. with each card, i gave four breads. while it was said that this restriction was created based on a circular. officials denied the restriction in the supply of bread.
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there are no restrictions on buying bread in the country. the baker was also fined. one billion the average number of customers for each bag
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in the city is 21, although they do not have 40 kg bags in supply. dear people, they think that this number included in their records is the amount they are allowed to sell, and if they sell more than that , they will actually earn from their quota. we will condense this right there . this number, which is recorded in the records of nonova
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, is only the average sales of bread in that area . it has no effect on the flour quota of the nonovais. in any case, even if there was a shortage of flour , it was not because of this issue, it was because of other violations. it's done. if someone wants more bread than this , they can sell it to them. there is no limit . we have all of them. we refer to our friends. there is no law, proportionality of the amount of share received with the number of bread sales is based on the action of the bakers, who can determine the amount of the share, so the number of bread sales is not limited in any way. give him a limit you have no right to do this and this is the last circular of the governors of different provinces to the districts
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. it is hereby announced that there is no limit on the number of name purchases for respected citizens. yes, we have seen the report. in the last few days , both the minister of economic affairs and finance and the minister of the interior commented on this matter and said that there is no limit in the supply of bread to the people, but let's go and serve mr. kermello . this position is actually limited in the supply of people's names. there is an expression of courtesy and respect to the noble nation of iran and khadim's colleagues my hard work all over iran , who are really working very hard to provide the bread of this country, i would like to tell you, mr. azaribaga, we have not officially announced the restriction to any of our units, unfortunately
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, many of them are now in jairil. can let's take a different view, we are talking about the encouragement and punishment of the baker, and the clarification of this discussion of encouragement and punishment, which is being named, is not, well, it is in the report now. you actually mentioned that there are numbers in the record of bakers that limit the supply of bread to the people. you see, mr. azaribagha, when my colleagues' flour quota is reduced in a month and in a decade, and they go to nanino's service places, what my colleagues justify there is more than the conventional and unconventional sales of our bread when it comes to these calculations. based on the lack of information and the lack of training that
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was carried out from the beginning by the nanino executive company , he is not included . the issue is that really , why is this clear at once they don't want to state the ceiling at the level of the whole of iran, this ceiling, now you first tell me how we are calculating it now, after you see that conventional and unconventional debate , explain to namor once and for all, sir, what do you want now? you are saying that there is a restriction in offering the name to the people. see, this is the reason. mr. azaribaga, i would like to tell you a very small thing . they called me today about my itikaf from the local mosque . in the locality, if we give to these friends from our own unit, will it continue in three days? is this conventional or
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unconventional, gentlemen, our friends, the presenters , please explain to me, mr. alihari, please explain in this regard. well , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . an understanding has been created for the dear nunawas , now in tehran province and now, as we found out, unfortunately the same thing has happened in the country, that this performance of the namesakes makes friends think that this is the criterion for deducting the quota or the problems that are created for the nunawas, especially now, let's talk about the number that is in the baker's record their cooking rate is compared to the average of the region . if you allow me, i would like to give a very clear explanation of this issue, because the questions we hear are because it is not very clear. yes, of course, we have this problem in tehran province. we haven't had any until now, that is, no bakery has announced that we have a limit for our sales, but it means that we had meetings with friends from different bakeries
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. we had a four-hour meeting to serve our friends . we did this separately for we have explained our dear noma, but i will say this once so that it may be clear, i will also give you an example. for example, suppose that the 6th district of tehran, the shish district of tehran, is systemized based on all the nomoai in the 6th district of tehran, and it takes an average , for example, in non sengak. the average sale of sangak bread in the bakeries of region 6 is, for example, 4. their average sale is 4. compare this average in the record book with the average number of that specific bakery . this does not mean that actually considering that now you said the average is 4, which means that other names can also say up to 4. no, this is the same. the misunderstanding is thinking that since the average of the region is 4 , they should
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not sell more than 4. it may be that the average sales of nonovai is 10, but it has nothing to do with the deduction of its quota. at that meeting, when we were serving our friends at the governor's office , our friends were there and we told them the examples one by one, and we entered the system. this is their contribution to this issue we entered it into one. now the examples are probably given by mr. mr. dr. bringing those examples. yes , mr. alihari, please tell me that this discussion of the report card and the discussion of the reason for the decrease in bakers' flour, of course , i asked this question from mr. nazafti, i have to ask who is the project manager and the people involved, of course. they came tonight to answer us . is it really not possible to officially present this record to nunova after every decade? do not these 30% of the friends whose quotas have been reduced have the right
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to try and improve themselves? after your encouragements, sir , let me get the answer from mr. naza patti. yes , i am talking a little bit behind the times . it has been almost 21 months since the installation of smart card reader devices all over the country, and about 10 it has been a month since the change in the subsidy flour allocation system in these 10 months , we have considered new processes that have been brought to the notice of the dear people who are facing your presence . as a rule, because the allocation of quota happens every month every decade well, where can they see the report card clearly, or where can they see the reason for their work and the increase in their share clearly. in the topic that mr. kermanu
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said at the beginning of his remarks , he gave an example of saying that the local mosque needs bread for the days of itikaf . we can use the example of the local mosque as a local restaurant. any other large-scale need for bread that exists in the country, we have provided the infrastructure, can register in the system. they will do whatever amount they intend to prepare for me you register in that system, after approval , you can make your purchases from the relevant menu from the purchase menu of businesses and institutions, and therefore there are processes and we say that there are no restrictions, in fact it is the same , that is, we i apologize for the limitation of my presence to you, mr. nazafti's sellers. for example, for example, a lady in the neighborhood
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has a rozha, she should go to the governorate and submit her request for 100 breads and register , and if this is approved, then she should come and be placed in the bakery. then i have another question. i would like to ask you what percentage of restaurants and businesses i have registered in this nanine system . please tell me the percentage figures so that god willing we can use these figures in the future. in the presence of you , we have provided an infrastructure to respond to the specific needs for large volume purchases, so that even before the registration process, in order to be able to meet his needs at the moment , he can make the purchase from the business menu in one game and nothing. we don't have any restrictions in this field, i.e. how can it be used for specific needs in the registration menu before the registration process. what happened, what should a woman do, that is , what should she do now? in the business menu , buy any number you want to make the purchase
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and swipe the card. this should be approved by your colleagues in the governorate so that i can meet the needs of the case . there is no need to confirm the issue itself . you are on the topic of displaying the bakers' report cards regularly in 10-day intervals, that is, after the history is formed. data in the application program of the baker, which is the same program that you showed in the report you said in the same bakery application program , they gave their performance records, details of their records, the number of breads sold, the amount of allowances they received, and they can understand why their share has decreased, why it has increased. "khabbaz" is happening. why
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, in my presence , we have told our previous reports to our dear people that people's opinions, inspection records , baker's performance records and field opinions of ardonan working groups of the province are effective in the matter of khabazi's quota allocation , and therefore in our decision to say the reason for the decrease or increase. what exactly is a share? yes , we show this in the system in bulk, for example, the reasons for reducing the quota, but if we want to show the definitive reason in the application program, because of this multiplicity of reasons for the allocation of the quota , it is a general rule that we need to know what to do in the next decade for in order to be able to keep our business and to be able to continue our business , we should follow your example and use it. your statement is correct. what
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should we do, for example, actually reduce the hair quota ? it will be the same as the figures that the professor said. you you said that our nomba will go to him and do the accounting, mr. mr. mr. nazafti nan, please allow me to say one word . no, let's solve this issue first , whether there is a responsibility in the supply of bread to the people or not . now we will talk about the price and that. the index that you cited in that report
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is an index that shows your situation in relation to the surrounding bakeries. it is not a standard, they say. you sold bread to this number of customers because of a decrease in the quota, mr. ezz, you also broadcast at the beginning of your report about the quotas of baking units in the country , currently about 70% of baking units have increased their flour quotas. or fixed, which means that nearly 30% of khabazi units suffer from another indicator. almost 5% of our mining units in the country are classified as high-risk or very high-risk mining units.
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if the violation of the bakery, the bakery unit insistently emphasizes on an unusual activity, in the next periods , we will see a share. one of the cases that is considered to be a non-standard unit, and because of this, someone has informed us. let 's check together that we have done this work in different provinces and things like restrictions on the supply of bread cannot be inferred from these things . yes, mr. ali, i had an explanation in this regard . the fact that the number of quotas is less than 10%
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of our bakeries, including the number of quotas , is not the reason for selling bread, so what is the reason? the main reason for overselling and underselling is our system. yes, the examples that our friends told us in the same meeting, maybe we entered more than 30 items into the system, one by one, we entered the names of our readers. for example, let's assume that there was an oven. it was a stone oven. the quota was about 10 tons, but about 30 tons, maybe 25 tons. he had registered it , that is, he had sold 25 tons of bread in the same system , that is, it was clear that this bread was drawn for two, yes, one bread, two cards were drawn. in fact, this means that the common violation that caused the reduction of the quota is generally this, that is, you this is generally the case in tehran, and we have the same case now. he said, for example, suppose a baker wants to give 150 loaves of bread for 3 days of itikaf. it was a real example that he said that he would not earn at all for this quota, that is, for three days in a row, at all
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, through earning and if you don't do this, do it three times a day , that is, once every day for 3 days. generally , it is due to low sales and high sales, unfortunately, after that , there are less than 10% of midwives in tehran province. 70% has either increased or remained the same . well, in this 70%, how much can you actually say that their quota has increased above 60%
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, their quota has increased. only to complain on behalf of our dear colleagues. in the past few days and in this new decade , we have been talking about obtaining quotas. now this percentage has been set by mr. khab, 300 to 350 of the number of subsidized units operating in tehran, from around 300 to 500. there have been 3,000 to 300 complaints, mr. azaribaga, i am speaking for one day , today is the seventh day, the fifth day, artha has been sharded, the sixth day, and today is the complaint in hand. union i have reached this topic, i have a question , which means that there are many questions here from our friends in the nanino unit, the implementers of the smart plan. really, if this plan is smart
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, can it be corrected manually the night before uploading the quota information of namawayan, and if you allow me, mr. if these friends are really punished, why are our grandchildren 70 to 50 to what is in tehran , egypt, mr. nazafti, to answer your question? see my process in the issue of share allocation let me tell you that after the baker's performance in the matter of bread sales, that is, the bread sales transactions that are recorded in the system , are entered in the baker's performance records, before the opening of the system, the performance data of bakers for one month , because there are finally days off, the sales drop. have or because for example, the weather conditions have a decrease in sales, and since there are no significant effects on the allocation of bakers
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' quotas, we considered a period of one month, and after checking the performance and discarding unrealistic transactions , the allocated quotas were found as smart it is placed at the disposal of the working groups of the governors of the province, so that the working groups, based on the knowledge of the field and the needs that they consider in their own provincial considerations , make revisions in the issue of sustainable supply of bread in the province, within the framework of the rules and regulations that have been communicated to them. after these revisions, it will happen to the system, and these revisions are usually taking place in a framework and regulations , in the framework of the approvals of the working groups of ardonan and the provinces, and therefore there are no
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arbitrary allocations. the quota is fine. finally, if namowa objects to the quota it receives, it can be edited again . yes
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, this happens. now, the process we have had for the past few months has happened since july. well, the quotas were uploaded two days before it was at the province's discretion, the governors of the province had permission to edit , according to the views of our governors and the ordonan working group, these edits were made , a part of the deduction of the quotas is also due to the problems that we are having now, especially in some of our cities. take because of attendance and the fact that they can't buy with a bank card , a series of errors happened in the system, which was known as the sahmiya account, we can edit the acquisition of quotas, yes, it will take a few days for this anonymous request to be answered. we used to do this for two days . it has been scheduled since this month, which, god willing, was a month ago. the information should be made available to the province. we will have one month to edit this information. mr. nezafati, since the project started, an
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amount has been mentioned for the savings that have been made regarding the supply of art. yes, we have implemented data-based governance from the beginning in the intelligentization, and the opportunities are very few , very short. if you please, we can present a model that will go to methods such as freeing the price of efficient bread, which are often analyzed. half a million tons of flour were sifted more precisely and
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in the same period of time, that is one and a half years. wastage or diversion of subsidized flour has reached zero . how much is this 5,000 now? well , the number i told you is the total of 5,000 . this means that we can do a multiplication and division in your presence, and we will reach this number. arrived but we never claimed that the deviation rate of subsidized flour has reached zero, but it has decreased . in the past, the reports that we received
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had several hundred tons of subsidized flour deviation, but now we have reached a few grains of bread, which is the benchmark. narratives that are close to the end, you say, no , we are moving towards it and we cannot give an absolute number. yes, mr. karam, let's hear your final speech . it will take a minute. the end is that i am in this studio right now, and sometimes i can't participate in your discussion. your company is yet another example of unparalleled oppression, but you can come to the discussion wherever you want yes, we participated and spoke, we spoke equally , we have one minute, please finish mr. azariga friends say that the discussion of intelligentization means that the system should manage and allocate this system in an intelligent way from the beginning . now , intelligentize what these friends are saying. can their flour be added or will it return to this system or not, will rent
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be created in this field or not, this is a matter sir. mr. azaribaga, if he has something that is a violation according to his friends it is considered and the card will be drawn twice , that is the limit and the price of the order, which is considered by the same officials for numwa, and now nunwa is doing this to compensate for its own expenses and to be in the economic cycle and to stand on its feet. he does the work, these friends consider it a violation, and his flour quota after the unit, which has three or four bags a day , is baked, there is no justification. this current procedure, the existence of this procedure does not exist as a current procedure, that is, the bakeries , their actual quota performance, the level of access to their subsidies, is the same as what exists in the system, and these powers
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which has been assigned to the provinces in the framework of the management of the space of ardonan, it means that the issue of supply does not reach us. in fact , we will pay for price violations. from the very beginning of the installation of smart card machines in the country, a subsidy was paid to the bakery, which in at the beginning, it increased by around 15%, and now it is around 40% . at night, we pay subsidies to their performance. this number is the total. the costs of buying yaran flour, the final sentence of the dough, the supply of yeast and the energy costs of the game units and the amount they have for the price of bread is received from the people, the units of baking are used to cover the rent, and i have one point. mr. nazafti, if there is only one sentence, please let me know about the issue of leaven. reducing the costs of the khabazi unit, a series of prayers
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from my dear viewers who accompanied us . i would like to thank our guests for appearing in the program, god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan, i am with you today


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