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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, by the end of 1404 , 20 million special fiber coverings for homes and businesses will be established. according to the head of the regulatory organization for radio communications, the ministry of communications has granted operating licenses to 10 communication companies for the implementation of this national program. god willing , we will reach 8 million by the end of this year. right now , you can see more than 5,200,000 points on your site, and the coverage
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that has been created is definitely beyond this, because the operators are working daily and moment by moment and will register new points in the system. success specialists of academicians of the country in the design and localization of air burners. this product is used in the combustion systems of petrochemical industries and power plants, and its pollution level is lower than the standards. this monopoly of technology was in the hands of large german, french, and dutch companies, which from design to assembly and implementation were completely carried out by iranian elites and good geniuses, a limit to cover the entire needs of the country. we don't have four more of
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this product. it is ready to be sent to one of our projects. the next plan is to add hydrogen fuel to this product. it has a lot of features, mashaar has the ability to use any type of fuel, natural gas , oil gas, hydrogen, which is the mega trend in the world today, whether it is 100% pure or mixed with other fuels, as a major fuel in the market or our customers. there are petrochemical and refining units. i am very happy that we saw the result of team work , we were able to manufacture this inside and not need to import this burner. by managing the fuel and air combustion process, lonax air burners provide conditions to reduce the production of pollutants. one of the pollutants that in fact, during the combustion of the entire combustion process of all kinds of fuels , nox or nitrogen oxides are created. it has destructive effects. like the hole
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in the ozone layer, it actually produces acid rain . in fact, the pollutant level of naqash is even 30-40% lower than the maximum limit defined in iran's environmental laws. the production of each industrial burner has a 30% yield. in addition to industrial boilers, lonax burners are also used in power plant boilers. jafar asadi, sed and cima news agency.
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it should be based on clinical guidelines which prevents these expensive repetitions . how many x-rays and mris do you have? i have four or five. there are also some doctors who, as soon as you enter, they tell you to take a picture or get an mri first. when you say that you are in pain, they say go from the beginning. take an mri from the beginning, take a picture of the mri, which should be done in our own center, this is a very big problem . these guides are for insurance organizations, for university presidents, forensic medical system organization , for everyone who is actually related to the medical discussion and prescription. it has been announced that the implementation of clinical guidelines is the responsibility of doctors and the insurance is the responsibility of covering it but the insurance companies believe that the existing guidelines are insufficient. if we call it a global soft standard, perhaps it can be said that 10% of our services
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now have a service certificate. in all health policies, the goal of compiling clinical guidelines is to provide better quality services, but some of these guidelines doctors may not be bound by these guidelines. if he is not bound and prescribes , because i implement the guidelines, i will not cover the cost and the insured has to pay out of his own pocket. write at least in universities implement now the ministries of health have come to the conclusion that the correct implementation of clinical guidelines requires continuous monitoring. as a rule, we have a delay in developing clinical guidelines. the devotees of the service are still not familiar with this literature of clinical guidelines, which we request from our colleagues in our own university, we should work in the headquarters, and also the office of compilation and preparation of clinical guidelines, the statistics of insurance organizations show that the correct implementation of clinical guidelines is wasteful.
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it prevents the 40d waste of health system resources. tayyab kargar of sed and sima news agency. the next part of the hour news 2: the importance of elections in choosing a power assembly.
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no matter what we do, we are higher tomorrow , you are with the special program higher. the leader of the revolution in his recent meetings called real competition one of the important elements of the election, meaning that the field should be open for the presence of different political, cultural, and economic viewpoints, so that all people have their own diverse viewpoints. be able to flow participate in the big election race and form a real competition in this big race. one of the topics on which experts disagree, and the topic of this program has been decided from the top, and it is supposed that there are those who agree and those who disagree they have a debate on that issue , whether we
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should hand over historical monuments to the private sector or not. basically , there are two points of view that the supporters say that if this happens, we can have the development of tourism , we have had the tourism boom. let's make better use of these spaces and be able to attract more people, foreign tourists , domestic tourists and other explanations that we will get to in the program. the effects of injury and basically, we cannot assign , we have to do a long-term lease, and under special conditions, which we will also reach in the program , stay with us in the higher debate with this part.
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al-alamiya research institute of cultural heritage and tourism , i am present here as an opponent of the transfer of historical monuments , and also mr. talai, the head of the fund for the development and restoration of historical monuments, who is present here as a supporter of the transfer of historical monuments, first of all , i would like to start with mr. mohajerinejad and that what is your reason for opposing this issue ? basically, where is the point of your opposition ? hello , we are polite to you and all the viewers and listeners . look, our opposition is only about the method of handing over. 80. the law of the fourth development plan approved in 1984 was also implemented in order to participate in the arch section and the restoration of historical buildings. well, from 1984 until now , if i am not mistaken, i think from 1984 to
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now, 100 to 100 and approximately 20 buildings have been handed over . approximately 7 to 8 buildings per year are typical that there have been a series of irregularities in terms of form and nature in the way of transfer, the most important thing is that there is no very clear mechanism regarding the so-called transfer method or complete studies have not been done on the so-called methods of the whole so-called people and activists in the so-called field it is the field of cultural heritage , and probably the so-called rents that exist, now how to restore, who will restore , basically, there are competent companies in the country that can manage these buildings technically and financially, or not. there is a so-called correction of the discussion, but it is the main point of the matter you see, all the funds have the same nature. the nature
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of the fund is mostly economic. there is no doubt that the funds are mostly economic. the parliament came in 2083 to define the nature of the fund. my government did not specify the nature of the fund. cash desk. reviving and exploiting historical places is your service, so historically , it is not completely clear in terms of legal nature in the so-called 7th plan, unfortunately , it has not been completed, but if it exists , it is one of the weaknesses in the parliamentary and legal vice-chancellor. it was, and unfortunately, the problem is not being addressed. instead of giving a series of so-called effective programs, we did not do this . now this is the issue. regarding the issue of handing over the powers of the fund itself, with this rise given by the so-called ministry of home affairs, regarding the issue
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of the so-called legal and legal obstacles that exist, well, we said that the fund is a non-profit organization, but it is true that the so-called non-governmental, non-governmental for-profit or non-governmental, that is another discussion. if it is so-called non-governmental, then it is a separate discussion. if it is non-governmental, then the employees the set of rights that they get , why should they take it from this fund again? this is in terms of the so-called structure of the so-called fund, but we have to go a step higher, which means what is the duty of the fund, what should it do to insure tourism institutions , the so-called important sectors. handicrafts, workshops, artists and so-called restoration workshops and the so-called activity area that exists in the area of ​​cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts , so i believe that until now the ministry of home affairs has not fulfilled its duty. . they can leave this so to speak in terms of the so-called form, there is a problem
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, but there are a series of other problems . in the following, i will discuss the problems that the so-called activists in the field of cultural heritage are based on the so-called restoration method, the type of exquisite restoration, and that the so-called discussions in the field the term cultural and environmental heritage is related to the society, so whether we like it or not , there are a series of concerns, which is a number of rials. our so-called benefit and loss, when the so-called auction is discussed, it is tendered based on a standard that will be mentioned in the discussion. thank you, mr. talai, why do you agree with mr. mohajeri nejadam's statement , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and courtesy to you and all the dear viewers, the subject of my assignment , i would like to say one thing to you and all the dear viewers first, and that is to build it belongs
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to the government, but it is for the government, that is, in the issue of handing over, there is no question of sale, it is a question of renting, which is a way of attracting people's participation for its own heritage , because a space has been created in the fund. acceptance of the people for revival, which i think is a more correct word i know that the participation of the people for the restoration of historical monuments is more correct. why is this done? the reason is that the protection of cultural heritage is not just a matter of registering a work. protection has a cycle , that cycle includes. identification and registration of restoration and revitalization when life happens in a building
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and it is restored, the building's stability will actually increase and it will be better protected . a lot of people. importantly, and in the past years, the issue of protecting one-dimensional cultural heritage is actually considered taken and the interests of the people. the people and the local community where this building exists in the neighborhood of that building in that place are not considered at all. in any case , a building has been the place of residence of one of the neighbors for many years and one of the people of that place. the issue of protection is just a matter of actually recording this, we understood how the people of the same
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place, the people of the same local community, the people of the same province , can participate in the revival of the heritage that belongs to them, and sometimes this heritage has the aspect of the identity of that region and it is wanted through the people themselves. let it be done, well, when we do it through ourselves people do, in a way, so to speak , involving people in the issue of cultural heritage protection , that is, the issue of establishing a fund is not a one-time and obvious issue, the result of political experience. the country's investment in the matter of revitalization well, before and after the islamic revolution , we had various plans for the protection of cultural heritage, especially historical buildings, the output and result of the process and the methods used for restoration led to the creation and establishment of the fund in in
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fact, article 114 of the fourth development plan law states that a fund should come and be in charge of the restoration of historical monuments. in fact, this fund could not. in recent years, from the time of its establishment until before this government , it has been able to fulfill some of its tasks due to the missed opportunities that happened in the past, that is, the fund, which was basically born from the field of cultural heritage. it was done by experts and sympathizers in the field of cultural heritage in its own time, but because it was not accepted by different departments of the ministry in previous years , we missed opportunities .
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i already have a point about the transfer, which is also caused by the actual challenges of this topic. both i would like to ask you to speak german. in this section , in the matter of people's participation in the restoration of historical monuments, when we look at the cultural heritage , we see that a fund has been created to fill a gap in the country in the field of restoration and protection of cultural heritage. and there is an independent legal entity attached to the ministry of cultural heritage that we actually see the challenge that, sir, the legal entity of the fund is not clear, nor is the fund that has an account, the fund that is based on the inquiry made by the court of accounts, in fact, the nature of this fund the government declares the fund that belongs to the ministry of heritage cultural in the paragraph in article 2 of the statute
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defines this fund as an institution affiliated to the ministry of cultural heritage of the legislature, so the fund is specific in nature and has a lot of legal fitness for the restoration and restoration of historical monuments . the nature of the fund is inherently problematic. you just said that the fund is a completely different issue. let 's leave it to the discussion or not. it is correct to disagree or agree. i say that the nature of the fund is not clear. do you now consider the fund to be a non-governmental institution or not? state fund based on this i say that a government is a non-profit, a government. look
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, you are now saying, for example, that our schools are non-profit , a lawmaker. the fund and the law of adding new duties in 1396 with the subject. when the fund has not entered the issue of what form and image the fund should be, and this has been given to the executive branch, the executive branch has based on the rules. in fact, the statute , approved by the board of ministers, provides an interface that can help the fund with its duties in the matter of rehabilitation and reparation. the interface
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of the legal institution is actually independent and as a high-level institution affiliated to the virtual ministry, which we must as an institution other than non-government term profitable, knowing this point is that we have this account, well, when our inquiry from maha sabbat court, well, it declares that you are a government institution, that's right, when we handed over the buildings that we handed over in previous years, my point is that mr. majenran the subject of the fund is not only government buildings , article 6 of the statute of the fund considers all the historical buildings of the country, when this title is given to the executive power as a title that can work for the fund. he chooses this title. this title is not actually due to ignorance, but rather due to the understanding of the legislator and the executive branch
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this happened. our problem is that what we are doing in practice to restore historical monuments is not a legal problem. no, the problem of the law is not the problem of the nature of the fund. see the problem now, for example, let me tell you to serve me. doctor, i don't have the nature of a labor fund. i say that there is a legal gap in terms of nature. actually, now we have to be a non-profit government institution. when the rights are paid, we will go later. now it's a question, and now i do n't have a job. it was mentioned in the so-called seventh plan, now we don't have anything to do with the original the term ma'it, but now the fund , with its current nature , does not see any obstacle to the restoration of the country's historical monuments, the legal capacity and the title in article 2 of the statute of this fund has all the capacity to
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be effective for the restoration and restoration of the historical monuments. the main point of the handover discussion is that we don't have any problem at all , although it should be the private sector, it is true that the compensation sector should be the public sector according to the constitution. which we had again in our fourth program, other than the so-called note the executive code of clause d, note 36 of the budget law of 1379, approved 18279, what did the government come and do. it is very interesting, that is, the ministry of cultural heritage came and what did the organization of cultural heritage do at that time . it came and bought many buildings that were valuable. if it is the duty of the government, it is a duty. in general, governance means that as a so-called trustee of a building that is so-called valuable, take it, maintain it, restore it, and give it a use after restoration, that is, before
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the creation of the so-called fund, it is essentially the duty of the ministry, the nature of the ministry. home when we talk about the historical texture, we say that it is an organic texture. the so-called restoration is very important. now, my point is that we should cooperate with the private sector regarding the building that belongs to the people , the historical structures, but not the so-called landmark buildings, which are in the hands of the ministry of cultural heritage . what should i do with this? let me come with these numbers, so be the principle of restoration and use. there is no objection to the discussion of the so-called restoration method. see, mr. doctor, it is a problem, not me, your time. they say to mr. doctor, what is our point, mr. doctor , our point is that you are quoting. in fact , the law of 179, while the legislator has completed the process of protection and the process of mr. dr. ma
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's ownership of historical monuments, right now, the government and the collection of government agencies have more than 3 thousand historical monuments, and i emphasize that the issue of the fund is only historical monuments. historical government is not that we are at one time based on understanding, in fact executive and legislator at the same time. we came from the public resources of the country, we acquired buildings and wanted to revive the restoration. this is a failed policy this policy came from the heart of the historical buildings development fund, that is, a policy that took money from public sources to acquire buildings , and acquired buildings belonging to the people, which would have been better protected if the people themselves were in those buildings.
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in the matter of buildings, all the buildings, whether owned by the government , owned by government agencies, or owned by the people , which are registered nationally, are not precious from our point of view . can a building actually be the material values ​​or the more spiritual and identity values ​​of a society? and we come to register this building, so basically, when we talk about historical buildings we are talking about what is known as nafiz. now, should we actually have the policy of delegating people's participation for the restoration of our historical monuments, including all the buildings and all of them in one version? it is one of the national shortcomings and it is one of the gaps that the government should manage by itself
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. from the national bases of the country, such as some of the prominent buildings of the country, the government is in charge of the management of the collection, such as chia, such as the saadabad complex, such as the niavaran complex, such as the takht jamshid complex, such as the bistun complex and the buildings. the index of our index buildings, these are their management and all divisions, in fact, the government and the ministry of culture are responsible for its management, but are there single buildings that belong to the government or buildings that belong to the people? we went and registered the people 's buildings nationally. now he is involved in it and in fact he has nothing, so to speak, there is no contradiction, so to speak , there is no hypocrisy with protecting and restoring it, if it belongs to the people , it is the property of the people, it can be bought and sold
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, there is no problem. it is almost ready for delivery, that is, if if the private sector investor comes, this will be handed over. right now, the first 200 buildings should be 200 government buildings, right, so it belongs to the society . i have no problem getting a consultant for the historical context. now, regarding the historical context of tehran, for example , tehran's market is falling apart, the ministry of heritage. cultural heritage ministry is not doing the great work that is the responsibility of the government. the tehran municipality , the bazaars themselves, should give some money, it is right , give the ministry a repair plan, give a fund, come and revive it , why is this not working, why did you stop the easiest work that belongs to the society now? the market of tehran, which i am saying is because the ownership of the private sector is owned by the private sector, come and help, both quantitatively and qualitatively , and in terms of service.
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get a bank to help the private sector and the people, but this is the issue here. we want to restore the 2,000 government buildings that belong to our trustee in the whole country. no , they have a restoration plan. what happened two years ago? how many buildings did you hand over? you know what the problem is because we we don't understand the components of the so-called income, the components of national interests, why do you suppose that 200 buildings are restored, they belong to the people , but the market of tehran does not belong to all the people, except for the so-called discussion, the market of tehran is private property, but these 200 buildings which i want you to hand over belongs to the government, this one, let me speak, 2 thousand buildings, i say this, if it is restored , what is the responsibility of the national development fund, the work of governance for other infrastructures, i say , when i am in charge, when my government is in charge of the resources of your fund


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