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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] placing the resistance forces at the disposal of israel is a scorched earth that israel is smelling and there was no solution in cases where it does not help. in fact, keeping them was of no use , the benefit was less than freeing them. well, israel. there was a big failure here, and the israeli people saw this failure inside, and that's why the protests are continuing now, even tonight. the protests continued and are still continuing, and what is more interesting is that now , in addition to the previous request that was always raised in the last two or three weeks, the main goal is towards liberation. they have another goal, and that is to overthrow the current government, and now early elections have become the slogan of these advocates , which means that they want the army and
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israel to succeed. free asra and also that this government is no longer sufficient to continue managing israel. they see something interesting in these protests . we have pictures . reach an agreement and return these in any case, the captives, that is, the jewish community inside the occupied territories , at least it has come to the understanding that the day of war could not bring about a change. yes , if the heads of israel, especially netanyahu, were a bit wiser , they would have checked the situation from the beginning, and they would have seen that not only in this war , but in all the previous wars. israel has never been able to free captives through war , it was captured again in order to free the captives, but it has never been able to free captives through military action
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. but he repeated his mistake again. naturally, the people who are the families of these prisoners cannot witness that. their family members are victims of netanyahu's political efforts to continue his own political life , because of this, from now on, they are going to bring down netanyahu or netanyahu's government, in addition to the fact that we saw in the past that the bill of no confidence in netanyahu's government went to the knesset, even though it was not voted. and netanyahu's coalition tried not to pass it , but finally this bill passed for the first time after the start of the war, an initial breakthrough anyway , following the letter that
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passed two weeks ago. 70 israeli security officers wrote that this is a call for early elections the first political effort of the labor party was the labor party , which of course was not approved, because of this, netanyahu is desperately seeking to make an achievement, and he did not get that achievement in gaza. the news that leaks from the secret meetings of netanyahu and his team shows that probably looking for an adventure in another front. yes, and he can cover up this part, the gaza front, in a way, and follow the achievements in another place. for example, you mean lebanese, probably lebanon or syria. now, let's put the news together. images were shown in it, as if some soldiers of this regime in the north
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of the occupied territories were preparing for battle, as it was explained that they want to prepare for war with hezbollah in lebanon. at the same time, news came from onur that the zionist authorities were able to agree with the americans to take significant weapons, for example, the times of israel said 25 f -35 fighters, 25 f-15 fighters and 12 apache helicopters, and it was also mentioned that even the current reserves of the american army could be used to deliver these fighters. let's put these two together what do you think, especially considering the point we said that the situation in gaza has not been achieved , now let's do a test somewhere else, how serious is the possibility of attacking lebanon ? he actually
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had many meetings with two of his advisors regarding this matter. one of the members who can actually be said to be the liaison between netanyahu and the americans, now has such a position, and the other is the head of his office , who is involved in security discussions, and it is interesting that many of these meetings were held without gallant's presence. in those meetings held by the minister of security of israel , it was discussed that israel should reach a temporary ceasefire in gaza, but now, according to their own opinion, this has not reached the point of negotiation at all. if it is up to this point, it will definitely be broken for israel because there is no achievement. you won't be able to, but in order to make a real achievement in the lebanese front or in the syrian front, the possibility of doing something in the golan region is very high considering the movements that happened in the golan.
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there is a possibility and the deception plan that the israelis have been carrying out on the border of lebanon for a long time, almost a week, and it is possible that they will completely turn the front towards the syrian front, and of course there too, because in the syrian region , it is a special target. they don't have the same situation as in gaza , which was completely besieged, and if the israelis could achieve anything there, they would have to deal a serious blow to the resistance forces. now in lebanon , these conditions are definitely more difficult, and the land and geography conditions there are completely different. the conditions of the land in gaza are different from lebanon, anyway lebanon has a tribal position, sunni christians. and the shiites live together there , there is a moderating rule, but syria has a border with iraq, and it
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is the back of the resistance front . if zionist wants to do this in syria, it would be worse for the israelis , if they want to do this in lebanon, in the same way. but when netanyahu, who has not achieved anything like a wounded wolf, when he sees himself in the corner of the ring, he may do something stupid. thank you. in the opinion of mr. seyyed mohammad hosseini , we also have sada vasima news agency reporter in lebanon . we are going to beirut to talk with him . hello, mr. hosseini. hello, i have the courtesy to serve you and have a good night. also, hello to
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the guests of the show and the viewers . thank you, mr. hosseini, considering the failure of the zionists in gaza. the state of war and staying in power wants to drag the war to lebanon. we have seen the repeated threats of political and military officials of the zionist regime that they are ready. this diet is for we attacked lebanon. this is the first time in the history of the zionist regime that this regime threatens to attack for a long time, but
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does not carry out this attack. in 1978, in 1982, the zionist army attacked lebanon in 82 ad. he reached beirut and occupied beirut. this means that it was the first arab capital to be occupied by the army of this regime . these attacks took place without prior warning. this is the first time that the war has been carried out inside the zionist home in occupied palestine. war it's psychological, but we still haven't seen the implementation of these threats. and this is the first time that within the zionist society, especially the elite society of this regime, i.e. the high security levels and the high political levels of this regime, there is a deep divide regarding
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the existential dangers of any attack on lebanon , as in the past days and weeks. voices reached even inside the cabinet of the zionist regime and got louder. we are witnessing that a large number of influential figures in the zionist society are warning that the zionist regime has failed in gaza and failed to achieve its goals. netanyahu announced that if he attacks lebanon, the situation will definitely be more difficult for this regime if the security deterrent element of israel's existence was broken on october 7, and this regime failed in the last 133 days. it
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should be held in gaza, in the event of an attack on the lebanese and a war with hezbollah, there may be a situation that will actually be remembered as the day of judgment , that is, a situation that will be detrimental to the existence of the zionist regime in occupied palestine for the past 75 years. it will be unprecedented, that's why what is important is the practical measures that we continue to take. witness this we know that the conflict on both sides of the border line of southern lebanon with northern occupied palestine in limited areas is still going on in these 112 days. the second point is that for the first time , hezbollah has created a security zone in the north of occupied palestine. it is more than 100 kilometers long , that is, about 110 kilometers, and about 20 kilometers deep , that is, more than 2 thousand square kilometers. there, the movement of the zionists is practically
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restricted, and the ground is stuck, and this is the situation that has arisen for the time being, if israel starts a large-scale war, there is no clear scenario for the zionists. there is no such thing as a guarantee , that's why we can say that all the threats that we are witnessing up to this moment and in the virtual space, in the media space and in the psychological warfare space are increasing day by day , none of these can be a sign of a let it be a real, serious and decisive decision. yes, then you agree
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and mr. hossein , mr. hossein. if he stops it, this cabinet will definitely be overthrown netanyahu will be brought to trial, but beyond netanyahu's personal argument, i believe that the deep government of the zionist regime, which is a collection of security political figures and rabbis of the zionist regime. they are in a very difficult situation . if they cannot resolve the threat of hezbollah in the north of occupied palestine , they are in a much, much more difficult situation than hamas in the south of occupied palestine , as they themselves say. the second point is this. that any attack on lebanon or a large-scale war with hezbollah has no guarantee that this war will lead to victory for this regime
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because of this, in these two difficult ways , they still haven't reached the stage and in fact , they haven't reached a clear decision-making perspective. you see, hezbollah is not hamas, lebanon is not gaza, and a large-scale war will definitely not be limited to lebanon. at all, the way of a large-scale war with lebanon is not the way it may be traditionally imagined for many, that we should have two sides of the border, for example, at the zero line. stay and fight together in
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a situation where hezbollah has advanced drone weapons and it has a missile even in the areas of omar in lebanon, it can turn it into the front line of the conflict with the zionist regime . it will not be contained in lebanon. there is no guarantee that this war will be contained in lebanon. it is possible that missile attacks will be carried out from syria itself. for example, in the last two weeks, we have witnessed an operation of a sensitive center in the port city of haifa. therefore, if this attack
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takes place, there are two scenarios. the first scenario is that there will be a heavy firefight between hezbollah and the regime. you are not sure, well, in this attack, we will see high destruction on both sides of this war that is, inside lebanon , there are areas of occupied lebanon and palestine, but the point is that in this missile attack or heavy fire attack, the majority of the gathering and in fact the zionist concentration is in talabi. and the areas around talabib, or the great talabib , are home to more than 4 million zionists out of a total of 6,800,000 zionists living in occupied palestine, and hezbollah can target these areas with the power of its missiles and even
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target power . there is also the anti-missile missile system of the zionist regime, which has seen the broadcast of pictures of the pahavad in gaza compared to the limited force in gaza. with lebanon, there is an earthquake there, we must imagine that if this large-scale ground collision is to take place, it is possible, maybe. the entry of hezbollah's combat forces into occupied palestine , in which case the air power of this regime will be completely different and the technological power of this regime will be completely different, and in this case we will witness an unprecedented scenario in the history of the battle with the zionist regime. and there is something that i said at the very beginning of the conversation, that which the zionists
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refer to as the day of judgment and that the essence of the existence of this regime is possible, which is entirely in this i mean, thank you very much, mr. hosseini , for your kindness. i'll say goodbye to you, mr. kathrynjad . do you have a point about lebanon, as well as pointing out the scenarios that israel can have in the war with lebanon, which is very different from what is in gaza, for example, based on doctorate the security that israel has against al-qaeda should start with initial airstrikes and then. ask the ground forces to take them in the situation that, well, it is not a desert like gaza, to ask them to move their tanks freely. due to its geographical location, lebanon has a high plateau, a forested valley, and it is completely
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mountainous and forested in that area, and they cannot move their tanks from any axis , while many facilities are in fact. the surveillance that the israelis have and the radars and all kinds of security facilities that they have on the border have been hit in these 16 weeks, and this causes the ability of israel's close air support to be severely reduced, and there is a possibility of mistakes and targeting of israeli soldiers. it is greatly increased by israeli helicopters. this door meanwhile, the resistance forces
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will carry out their attacks by ground and rockets, and before the program, we had a conversation with mrs. randla jalbower, a lebanese political expert , and we will see if their opinion about the possibility of the zionist regime's attack on lebanon is correct. some political officials are right that some military political officials of the israeli regime want this tension to escalate and possibly start a war against lebanon. but there are considerations that cause us the occurrence of such a war or the expansion of the scope of this war. including these considerations as an example problem
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first, the position of the united states is that it is still not interested in israel's war against lebanon because its interests are threatened, and that is why the americans warn about the expansion of the israeli war to the south of lebanon, so we see that the western american and european envoys from the commanders of lebanon. they want to ask hezbollah to reduce its attacks and ask the resistance not to intensify its attacks because they do not want this war, and of course, if there was no such atmosphere and so many emissaries did not go to beirut , israel would have gone to war. the second issue of force the confrontation is the enemy of israel. the enemy of israel knows very well that lebanon is no longer weak and of its strength of resistance. it has become stronger than before. it has more advanced weapons and
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therefore considering the power that lebanon has today , israel should think about it a thousand times before committing any foolishness. the third issue is the israeli internal disputes and even within netanyahu's war cabinet. in such a way that there are differences between those who want war and those who do not want war and between several species. there is no next step. another issue is israel's internal defeat palestine and inside gaza, it is also in a small and narrow area that has not even been able to get a victorious face. therefore, about a difficult and
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complicated front like the lebanese front. yes, it can almost be said that three plans are being seriously pursued now, one plan is being pursued by the united states through brett mccork, the special envoy of the united states to the region, although the details of this plan have not been determined yet, but apparently this plan is related to a month-long ceasefire should be established and prisoners should be exchanged with hamas. da refused and said that he will not accept any plan that talks about a temporary ceasefire and that's all
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a permanent ceasefire must be included in the plan . the next point is that hamas has set a precondition for any negotiation plan. my precondition is that first of all , israel's military operations in gaza must be stopped completely, and they must make two withdrawals, that is, they must completely evacuate the food supply, and then, in relation to the quality of this negotiation will take place. the next point is related to the plan that egypt and qatar are working on. a division of labor has happened between them, egypt is working more in relation to the plan for the future of gaza and what models can govern the future of gaza, and qatar is working in relation to they are trying to exchange prisoners.
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of course, at the same time, we have a report about hamas in the northern areas of gaza , completely rebuilding its political structure, assigning city managers, and all the administrative tribes only listen to hamas, and this shows that a part of that plan for the future of gaza is israel at all. it hasn't been played yet and the performance is about to start. for them, gaza is more like yesterday or gaza's past. we saw the conditions at the beginning of the 2000s , when, for example, they ruled or wanted to be self-governing organizations, when the self-governing organizations were pushed out of gaza. how are they doing now? it is strange to go back and change the history , in fact, what will happen in the next day is something like before the war 7. it will not make a difference , perhaps it will change the situation in favor of hamas and the resistance forces. the next point
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is a third plan that is apparently mentioned more in the media because. this plan has not been officially reached by the resistance forces , but it has been proposed by the israelis in their media that a cease-fire should be held, the leaders of hamas, especially yahya sanwar, should leave gaza, and then the exchange of prisoners should be carried out. something like this is suggested the resistance forces have not arrived and it is interesting that even the mediators did not accept this plan . every aspect of psychological war has its own aspects, which was mentioned in the media, yes, only in the israeli media, that is, this issue did not appear anywhere else, and naturally it can be said that we are still far from a ceasefire agreement . thank you mr. kasrinejad for your presence in
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today, i am asking the ministry of defense of the united states to prevent the injury of several soldiers of this country. he announced the attack on his bases in syria. islamic resistance of iraq this morning two kaniko and al-khadra bases made syria the target of drone strikes and emphasized that it will continue these strikes until washington stops supporting tel aviv's crimes in gaza. the iraqi parliament once again emphasized the need to dismantle american bases and the complete withdrawal of american soldiers from this country. a member of the iraqi parliament said: there is a way to end the occupation of the american forces. there is nothing but to expel them. the iraqi parliament voted to withdraw american forces from this country 4 years ago. french farmers blocked the main roads around paris following a nationwide protest against low food prices and excessive bureaucracy in the government apparatus. wave after germany and romania, the discontent of farmers has gripped france as well, and macron's government, which
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remembers the unfortunate experience of the jalig yellow movement, is worried about the flare-up of these protests against the movement. there has been another protest, preventing the authorities of the prison in america from transferring a prisoner to the hospital , he took his life. they do, but the prison authorities do not help him. only in 2020, 682 prisoners died in american prisons. this number is compared to 46 increase in the previous year. it is said that the natives of australia demonstrated on the anniversary of the arrival of the british colonists in their country. the british entered australia with 11 ships in 1788. this day has been called the national day of australia, but the natives demanded the removal of this river from the calendar in their demonstrations. by carrying the palestinian flag, australian natives
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considered the behavior of the israeli regime in palestine to be similar to the events in their land. they emphasized: australia day is the beginning of the destruction of their land and discrimination against the natives, and instead of happiness, one should mourn. the colombian government declared a state of emergency he asked for international help to control forest fires in this country. according to the colombian authorities , there have been 31 fires in the forests of this country, of which only 9 have been contained. the occurrence of these fires has been declared due to el lino phenomenon and it is expected that the situation
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will worsen in the coming days. therefore. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the minimum salary of the employees will increase by 20% next year . with the consent of the delegates at least. the salary of government employees next year is 10 million tomans and for pensioners 9 million tomans was also approved next year 3 thousand points under the above title. super special applies to employees. the representatives also


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