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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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why should there be a salary cap ? we don't want to remove women from football stadiums . one word or cheap sales will not lead to productivity. above the debate of trends on the eve of the elections, every day at 15:00 and 193 on khabar network. to be
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where 12% of world trade passes through this red sea when the zionists closed gaza to the palestinians and the yemenis. they
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blocked the energy artery towards the occupied territories . with these boats, ansarullah stopped the giants who were supposed to deliver fuel for the zionist regime's war machine. when according to deputy political yemen, america, the guardian of the zionists could not make this sea safe for them, they took war tactics. 12 o'clock
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biden refused to answer whether america will declare the ansarullah movement as a terrorist organization or not because he did not have a sufficient answer about the failure of the naval coalition that he wanted to form with the presence of 40 countries, nor did the strength of the yemenis decrease. these cruel aggressions will not deter yemen from its position in supporting the oppressed palestinian nation . immediately, ansarullah targeted an american cruise ship as a message to america. reach the red sea whether with or without intervention there is no escape for the zionists. from that day until now , ships destined for the occupied territories have diverted their way from the red sea. the passage of chinese, russian and other countries' ships through the red sea continues naturally, except for america and england. they installed very large boards on the ships and wrote on them.
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a senior official here said: deterrence is not an easy task and people who fear nothing but god. american airstrikes such as spraying. for a person is thirsty. i swear that these actions will neither frighten us nor put fear in our hearts. many experts they listened to the experience of saudi arabia's 9-year war against yemen. our conflict with the yemenis is not related to today and it started in 2016. since then, the khosis have been engaged in war with saudi arabia and al-qaeda for survival. yemenis are not going to surrender. i hope we don't send our soldiers to the harsh mountains of yemen because. the place will become a swamp for us, and john bolton also announced that america no longer has the power to deter. we currently do not have any deterrent power in the region, even against the houthis . and now the experts
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they say they love talking about yemen's strategy . god, i love talking about yemen. the current yemen is such that the united states has failed in this field.
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we had started the first phase of iraq's talks with america to end the presence of american troops last year, and now we have reached the initial result. we told the americans officially. we have said that after the defeat of isis , we no longer need your forces and iraqi forces are capable of providing internal security. therefore, we are trying to have all the foreign forces present in iraq in the form of an international coalition in this round of negotiations let's end it is expected that the first stage
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of negotiations between iraq and the united states for the withdrawal of american troops will begin next week. this round of talks will be held while the axis of the islamic resistance in iraq, the presence of more than 16 foreign forces in the last 3 months and the presence of american bases in iraq is no longer accepted by the majority of the people of this country. one of the factors of insecurity in iraq is the presence of foreign forces who do everything without the government's knowledge. america has more than 2,500 military forces in iraq, and this number of forces in more than ten. there are military bases. observers believe that the withdrawal of american troops from iraq is not only it ensures the internal security of this country, but it will also be effective for the peace of the region. jalal khalidi of radio and television news agency. baghdad.
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dear viewers. now we are on the ruins of omar bin abdulaziz mosque in the east of rifa. this mosque the heads of the people inside were destroyed. a number of children who were playing near the mosque were also martyred. many houses were damaged in the attack on this mosque. the huge amount of the ruins of this multi-story mosque can be clearly seen. the zionists targeted the residents of the houses around this mosque without prior warning. regime from the beginning of the war, the zionists adopted the strategy of attacking without prior notice, and in the same way the worshipers and non-regimes. the ministry of awqaf and religious affairs announced that more than 1,000 mosques out of 1,200 mosques in the gaza strip were targeted, which shows that this war is not only against the resistance but also against islam
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. allah naam al -wakil was the imam of the congregation at the time of the attack, and he was martyred when he was attacked there. the amount of destruction can be seen better. the amount of destruction caused in this area as a result of three planes hitting the missiles of american fighters with zionist pilots were very widespread. american weapons are used to demolish mosques and houses of palestinian citizens. in the attacks, not only one mosque or house is targeted, but all the surrounding houses are targeted. all the houses around this mosque have been destroyed and are no longer habitable. the people here say that the silence of arab and islamic countries regarding the crimes against muslim civilians and mosques is like participating in this crime. amjad nusra
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bought 25 kilos of wheat seven days ago to prepare bread for his family. he went to one of the many mills that operate in gaza he went to grind the wheat. i have been waiting for my turn for a week, my children are hungry. most of the mills were destroyed by the zionist regime and this mill too. the sun panels are working, but they are also damaged. nawal ajram, displaced from northern gaza, has the same problem. the activity of the central silo in gaza was stopped two months ago during the attacks of the zionist regime. this is the largest warehouse and wheat mill in gaza, which was targeted by military aircraft and israeli tank bullets yesterday. from the first day of the invasion of gaza, the tanks of the army of love. but we were able to repair the damaged equipment. we
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we thought the bombing was pointless. but yesterday's attacks showed that the zionists wanted to close this complex. of course, the zionist regime used the weapon of starvation against the people of gaza a long time ago. the palestinian human rights center in gaza announced that the planes of the zionist regime before the al-aqsa storm operation regularly in different areas. he sprayed gaza with all kinds of poisons in a noticeable and invisible way . we lived near the hail wall. our products were completely destroyed. we do not know what the zionists did to our lands. their poisons were so strong that they were like earth our agriculture had a fire. abu obeid also says: the mission of destroying our agricultural lands has been left to the occupying army. procedures they looked at which direction the wind was blowing, if the wind was towards gaza, spraying
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was done from the border areas by plane. more than 10 hectares of my agricultural land was destroyed. the occupying regime purposefully and intentionally intended to harm civilians by spraying palestinian areas. this action is a war crime. the palestinian statistics center announced in the 2020 report that farmers in northern gaza faced severe poverty due to the destruction of their lands. they do not have the ability to provide food for their families. supporters of palestine at the same time as announcing the decision of the international court of justice regarding the zionist regime committing genocide in the gaza strip. they brought themselves from different parts of europe to the hague, netherlands. those who came by train
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sat down at the same railway station to hear the verdict of the court. a few kilometers away , the verdict will be announced in the courtroom of the hague. israel must commit to refraining from anything related to killing, attacking and destroying the residents of gaza. the supreme court of the united nations, by issuing a ruling , obliged the zionist regime to take measures leading to the installation stop the killing in gaza. the palestinian people are protected by the convention on non-genocide. israel must comply with the requirements of the non-aggression convention . however, it may take several years to prove the crime of rape in the hague court. we welcome the temporary measures and measures imposed by the international court of justice against israel. this ruling
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is a decisive victory for the rule of law. we hoped that the court would issue a ruling to stop the war in gaza. because the orders of the international court of justice do not come to fruition without stopping the war. that's why at the same time to announce this first vote the minister of the zionist regime emphasizes the continuation of his crime . rather, it is a disgrace, and the court's willingness to discuss it is a sign of a scandal that will not be washed away for generations . although the hague did not vote to stop the aggression against gaza, the implicit acknowledgment of the danger of genocide in gaza limits the allies of the zionist regime, such as the united states, in sending military aid . a point that jurists predicted
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. if the court decides that it is really dangerous. there is a genocide in gaza, so continue it will be much more difficult for other countries to support israel, which is what the lawyers in the hague have focused on. soon , we will take immediate and unexpected actions and measures against the countries that provide weapons to israel. the difference between this complaint is that it is submitted to an independent judge." the united states is planning the withdrawal of its military forces from syria. the american media that reported this news
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say that in the shadow of complex regional crises, the white house is trying to to revise his military priorities, but in damascus, observers of this the announcement of the united states has been attributed to the high costs of the presence of its military forces in syria. after the al-aqsa storm, since the start of the zionist regime's attack on gaza on october 7th, the bases of the american occupation in syria and iraq have been targeted by rocket and missile attacks by the resistance fighters on a daily basis . they have to leave the area sooner or later. to the opinion it seems that america is trying to change its strategy in syria. for this reason , he advised the qasd organization in the northeast of syria to cooperate with the central government in damascus in the war against isis. damascus has repeatedly asked parties to distance themselves from america and the government syria should be coordinated. history has proven that america
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only sees its own interests and abandons its allies halfway. according to observers in damascus. by leaking this kind of news, the american government is trying to justify its public opinion to accept this defeat and retreat from syria to iraq at the same time. allahu akbar. according to the observers, if american forces withdraw from syria, it will be a big blow to the groups that distanced themselves from the people during this crisis and have trusted america. assam helali news. as the requests for food in gaza are increasing every day, a video has gone viral it was published saying that the israeli army
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was dropping canister bombs on the people of gaza. now hundreds if not thousands of posts like this share that video. we can see someone explaining in arabic and showing us these metal goths that are very similar to food goths . two children killed a man and a woman, and the person speaking in the video shows us these small metal discs inside, as well as a closer look at the powers themselves. there are too many claims these food-like forces
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are being dropped over gaza to explode in the hands of hungry people . especially if we look at the current situation in gaza , of course unrwa continues to demand an increase in aid in the gaza strip while the people are facing catastrophic hunger and this is painful . a piece with a value of more than 3 billion tomans, which plays the most important role in the dangerous tongues. the main shell consists of a gypsy, which is made of hard incanel material. it is very high, around 60 rockefles it is difficult, and for the machining and manufacturing of this part, it must go through many advanced stages
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so that it can be designed according to the plan that is given now by our design team. the final exit happens from this side. at this point, we have the ability to control from 600 degrees to 3700 degrees. this plasma waste incinerator torch can decompose all waste into primary elements and return it to the economic cycle by using high heat. if this torch is in the distance, for example a piece of 10 cm actually, because of the heat that is created , the molecules are broken, they become gas , we call it gas, it combines with oxygen of that substance, it turns into water and we have water or not , we can combine it and turn
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it into hydrogen gas. let 's bring the toiler or whatever temperature it is to hot water and use it as hot water, a process suitable for hospital wastes that do not have the right to separate them, whether they are cloth, metal, plastic , or syringes. whatever happens must happen together. this torch of ours is called a tab no other hospital will leave you the output material that it gives you. you can now use asphalt , use something as sand in cement, something that can be returned exactly, the construction material is considered a part that we had to use before the sanctions. the idea was to buy the entire waste incinerator in such a way that they could not use the technology. pars
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. consider a million dollars for one device . now this plasma burner is placed in waste incinerators with lower cost and higher efficiency . normal plasma advice is 200 working hours. regarding the mobility of the machines that we have installed , it is designed for a unit that can process around 150 tons per day on a good day and can actually turn it into other wastes. on the other hand, according to the statistics of the working group of tehran city council, 15 to 20% of tehran's air pollution is caused by garbage burning, which is done with incinerators.
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the plasma level of this statistic can reach zero. vahid zakre rad of sed and sima news agency. talented schools, which are known as sampat among the cultural community of the society. talented schools are under the supervision of the national organization for the development of talented talents, which aims to improve the academic level of students in now it is an activity, an activity that has supporters and opponents. ilham yari, the head of sampat schools , the exact concept of justice is to open the way for children who have more ability and merit to reach more valuable academic seats , and these children are the ones we in an attempt we are sympathetic to their selection and admission in schools. our selection for admission to sampath schools is as accurate as humanly possible. mohammad hosni
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, education researcher. the main mission of education is to create equal learning opportunities, and paying special attention to special children is contrary to this mission. it is possible that we have many talented children in different regions who are deprived of such an environment and we have a suitable mechanism to determine. we don't have data . at least the first 9 years of education in schools should be based on different skills, not just teaching concepts . hamid rahmani, former vice president of the national education organization. brilliant talents , i generally agree with the activities of these schools, but the need for changes is evident, including the way of entry and educational matters and the education of students in sempa schools. at present , education is often spent on memorization and lessons and less on research. skill training will be provided . if the plan to identify top talents, or the meteor, reaches the full implementation stage, we can hope that these schools
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are close to their goals, dear. allah babli, head of the counseling center in tehran. schools should be places to live, have fun and play. creating schools that are purely in addition to creating tension for students' morale and putting them under pressure, this separation also takes away their ability and social skills. in these schools, students are taught concepts that they will not need. each of the school children. normally, if they are placed in such an educational environment and given such facilities , perhaps they will be more successful academically . but special students the important thing is, basically, what kind of training and skills are given to the student in this atmosphere of heavy competition and psychological pressure from home. and
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what will society bring to these children in the future? in addition, schools have found a way to identify talent and attract these talents to other countries. we find the talent but do we train him to serve the country? ali zafarshan is an expert in the field of education. according to the research conducted by the national elite foundation, which led to the presentation of the national elite document in 2019. any training. a greenhouse was considered rejected. according to this research, education should be in the natural environment with all the features and any labeling should be avoided. the lack of social skills, the desire to eliminate the competitor due to the intense competitive environment, the waste of social capital is one of the plagues of this method of education.
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special sale of televisions on the occasion of the asian nations cup with amazing conditions in the great iranian palace . no cash payment, no guarantor in a large iranian house, a tv set in a large iranian house, a two-bedroom apartment, a car , one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed salary for all iranians, a special gift for the first person, remember, you must be a winner because washland har the month has hundreds of prizes, buy washland today at the end of the month.
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tiger prize in the celebration of the city of home appliances, for every 35 million tomans purchase in cash or installments, get a free electronic drug with a reputable brand as a gift at the same moment for a limited time in all branches of tehran, isfahan and saree.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimrozi news section. on the eve of fajr decade, three research satellites, mehda kihan 2 and hatef 1 , were successfully put into orbit with simorgh satellite. mehda satellite signal was received from 110 km earth orbit. signing the 2 billion dollar deposit agreement between the national development fund and the bank
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housing to support the movement plan. national housing


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