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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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of course, there will be a move in the 7th program, god willing, it will be more mature. this is another discussion that makes this weakness more serious, and i myself accept the fact that we have more than 20 lawyers' associations. for example, if you take my name and search in shiraz lawyers , my name does not appear. now, the point is, yes, it means that there is no single database, basically, you have to come to kan and search for my name. or search on google and my name will come up. if yes , i am searching right now. in terms of authority, they do not have a lawyer's institution, we come to the website of the lawyers' association , which, as mentioned by the other associations, this site starts from the beginning, so i said that my news is basically before mr. nakiyan's order that we reach
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whether the case will come or not. i really want to see how many lawyers the bar association has . i will say that farshid farhanakian will come and then i will go let me tell you, it was farhanakian, then i'll go, you 're here at all. there is no way for you to find an entry in the list and then check that list to see how valid his attorney's license is or not , because he may have said this on his website. ok, or many other topics, first of all, i would like to say that this is an interesting thing. obviously , i will tell you something interesting. in order to correct your words, we ourselves will find a lawyer when we want to search for example.
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who is our opponent in the case and what is he doing? it is possible that you are not the center, because we cannot search on the internet, it is possible that you are not very active in the virtual space, so we go to the site of the support fund , that is, the pension fund of the lawyers' associations there, because all the lawyers are generally correct, it means that the sun has come because of the sun and it is very interesting that there, for example, an ordinary person does not know that he should go to the open box. until 20, these numbers are not to run away, etc., then they say, well, this is 21. they are, now what will happen to them
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, etc. i say that you say that your first question is access to legal services, which is a disaster, that is , basically, that you should put the list at all. then now, according to your words, we will say, in the next step, you know what to do, and i will interrupt you, that each of these lawyers are independent lawyers ' associations. both. the song is especially more serious than the one you mentioned that we became too busy with ourselves, i mean, mr. farhanakian , we will probably get to your questions, which is actually what we call unemployment now, or whether the case is basically final or not, some people say that there is some people say that god does not exist people don't hire lawyers now. you say that culture should be created first of all. i say, sir , you basically introduced yourself to the people, and then we actually say that people don't hire lawyers.
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it's true that you became a lawyer, you worked hard, you studied, you have a university resume, etc., and now the only problem is that , sir, why don't they know me, the gap that i mentioned, look, we have a minority that does not need to advertise its description and definition. because he has his own long-standing clients and is being advertised, he doesn't need this site, who does? more than 80% of those who the party has just entered this arena with all the hardships and hardships. it has reached a stage. now it feels like, dad, why doesn't anyone use my service? those who come to mr. farhanakian will definitely confirm, saying that i can't pay the rent for my office. or did i remain a priority in life and many other issues because we
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did not connect this for the person who needs it on the other side, so to speak, we say in economics that the cost of exchange has not decreased, the incommensurable information has not disappeared, so that these two find each other. it is a pardon for the judiciary, if only the judiciary these offices. the judicial electronic services, which track the code number, do this with a system that the judicial system itself can handle first, then it can even be handed over to the public. you should know that this is needed every day, because people go to file petitions , file complaints, and so on. let him tell the people that you are coming to complain , you are coming to file a lawsuit, if you want someone over there to offer you a proposal for my representation , i will make this offer. come on the site , go, choose, at all, go and negotiate, if the person himself wants to be the subject of the case with privacy protection without detailed information , it should be posted on this site, that is, current lawyers, current trainees , see a daily list that these are at the level of tehran, the city
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, etc., with these issues , cases are added daily in this way . the area of ​​job creation mr. farhanakian mr. ghorbanzadeh is to mention. in the sense that there are actually people there who decide that young lawyers do not take cases, for example, young lawyers do not enter in this sense. the year of the election system.
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i think it is based on this issue, but i have not observed the conflict of interests on the basis that, for example, they do not read, they stop reading, they stand in the way of improvement, or they actually have a conflict of interest. that the result of their work gives this result , there is no intention for this work, i did not verify it in different guilds. this appears in the orders of the board of directors meetings , it is no longer an agenda for the meeting.
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in fact, it has become a cliché and a handkerchief . i mean, what do i know, for example, synergy and consensus with social security to see , for example, how we can actually provide services to them, or with some companies or businesses or the chamber of commerce. or hundreds of different areas that he thinks, in fact, a person who has just become a lawyer and needs someone to open the way for him in this area , no one sees this, but the person who is sitting and holding the position of the board of directors can go to negotiate . let him open up the potential job opportunity and turn it into a fertile land turn it into a space that can bear fruit. this is the point we are talking about . this is the reason why i believe that basically the board members should resign their license
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. farhanakian, i know that very serious cases are now involved in the preliminary and appeal stages, he is involved in billion cases , he is constantly having meetings with serious clients in the two offices they have in tehran . how many hours do you have in a day for a meeting, professor? there is also a university, there is also teaching in the university, now some of them have other jobs, for example , i think dr. habibzadei, who is the current head of the central bar association, and he is also the head of the table tennis federation. in fact, having a job in a federation, at the same time representing myself in a case, teaching at the university at the same time, and at the same time being able
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to address the concerns of the field, in fact, the public interest and the issue of trade interest , you cannot pick up 100 watermelons with one hand. curse any number of these. if they come to get votes, they should donate because this area in its full dimensions, which benefits the people , it also reaches the members of the guild, because they are also looking at who wants this, for example, in the tax field, in the field, in fact, attorney's fees are in the field of income generation, which means that a continuous income in terms of a consultation should be established, negotiations should be made with different people from real estate, where it is possible that a person with a law degree could settle there , real estate agencies that could even be consulted . i believe that the current law cannot add anything more for the time being. on the authority that
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exists now for the employment that can be created it means that there are job opportunities as many as there are people, it is enough for us to look around us, see this legal need , and find entry based on them. first of all, our platform, our site , digital relations and interaction relations and space, in fact, the judicial system, the electronic service office. let's move the judiciary, the association of lawyers and individuals in a way that the first sentence is profitable. i will continue to look for mr. farhanakian in this way, until mr. farhanakian takes this path in a promotional series that convinces someone to come to the bar. this game should be reversed. the key is the hand the trustees of the agency mean negligence. for many years, mr. doctor came recently, but i dare to say that i have no compliments with all these friends
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, sometimes i was in meetings and different, i believe that friends because of this personal concern, personal benefit , personal files, university teaching, various issues that have political fights, see mr. i don't know about my analysis, whether you agree or not , there are two groups, for example, in the central lawyers association , they have a competition with each other. he paid it it is not enough for us to say to an order that will come and create employment, then you. when you put those personal issues together with the issue of electoral disputes, so that everyone seeks
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to sit in this position again, what actually happens is that there are some people who are waiting for the path to be paved for them in an environment where they go to study and get a license. those who are up there are involved in an election atmosphere or a personal atmosphere that is less of a concern for them, masha allah, thank you for accepting this, masha allah. however, i have to answer yes, please, masha allah, masha allah, i am on my way when i was coming, i was talking to the taxi driver , the taxi was loud, finally, i was coming here , he was causing pain and suffering, and i said that now i am in the position of defending the system, and i said that , of course, whatever i say is right with the people, mr. gurbanzadeh now. whatever he says here, he is right , as this person who is a part of the people, a part of the system in which i am not the manager, and i accept the responsibility, i am not asking for your own personal gain
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, nor am i saying that as a critical window , the people are right, that is, they should do whatever they want. to be right with the people means that we were never flawless, we are definitely trying we are trying to become better, so for this reason , the people are always right, here mr. gurbanzadeh is definitely right as a part of the people of the language. people in this program, because i came here now as a manager , that is, in fact, although i am now expressing my personal position , but as a manager, the second point is that since i am a member of the board of directors, not based on legal standards and regulations, but on an ethical basis. at this moment, i have not yet received a case file, which means that we have been a manager for 2 years, which is more than a year, and 7 months will end .
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we make sure that they don't actually have economic activity as an attorney during the period , a solution should be found for this. you can't say that you were a manager for two years and you lived a healthy life before , then you didn't have any income during these two years. yes, there is another discussion. the third point of the discussion that they raise about the agenda of the board of directors meetings of mr. gurbanzadeh goes back to this point, that lawyers' associations , especially the center's lawyers ' association, have the lowest level of corruption.
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there is an administration, which means that we at the center's lawyers do not say that there is no corruption. and i'm not saying it's not a golden signature, but at least because everything has to come inside that board of directors and those 12 people make a decision, this causes our board of directors to get involved in a daily life, that's what bothers you, so i should remove this from the authority of the board of directors. i will leave it to my manager or to make a decision within the board of directors, that's why this repetition of shima is bothering you, this is necessary. there is a law, because all these things have been passed down, which must come to the board of directors, that is, i can't even tell the sedo commission to issue a license. everything that has already been done, we will check again in the board of directors and then we will decide that this will cause us to die . what did we predict to solve this problem
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? out of 20 attorneys and lawyers are members there , for these policies, the big affairs , in fact, this criticism that you make should go back to the performance of that institution, and we should deal with the meetings there and the way it is run and moved. which he has been doing for a long time is another program and in fact it goes to the field competence there, we don't really have the opportunity anymore, that with two days a week, the board of directors from minor. in general, and in fact, later on, we will decide that there will be no legal action, because the law of independent lawyers is only legitimate for us, so it must be checked in skoda. well, just me, because we have about 10 minutes , i will ask you a question. you can answer it yourself first. pointing out that the situation is not favorable, your opinion and now our personal opinion or our expert's opinion to make this situation
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favorable for people's access to judicial and legal services, especially the lawyer we are talking about today. and what do people think? find your own solution, we must do a series of activities in our supply side, we must do a series of activities in our demand side, and in order for this supply and demand to find each other, a market must be formed. we have to put all our focus in order for this market to be formed. now, in order for this market to be formed, we are a bit complicated, because in fact, we don't have to follow orders because it doesn't work. therefore, i believe that i believe that it should be for the supply system, because now
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there is no time for us to enter into that discussion for the new admissions that we have, and there are many of them . and i don't have a problem with the large number of them, but i believe that they should be graded, and then after we are graded , we will make it mandatory to step up and represent you. we will come to the group that may raise that dispute. and in fact , let's move the lawyer to become mandatory in business cases for example, the point is that i would like to object to one of the resolutions of the current parliament, in this case, it went in the direction of acting against this situation, that is, we are coming
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somewhere, we want to shape the supply, concentrate it , and fix it. it happens once , for example , in the provision plan, because the guardian council has not yet approved it as a law . expanding the work of attorneys , this is interesting now, it has been approved by the guardian council confirmed and returned. see, i have a problem with the original. the main problem is that it is the opposite. well, on the other hand, you are increasing the supply , then you are strengthening the tax system
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. let me know who is doing what , then we are opening a way, some people just because it is very interesting , this is already a plan of yours. this plan has become a provision in article 20 of the provision plan, which means it is clear at all this is not an employee at the moment, he must be an employee there, he must have a contract before and after , there must be a file, that is, i just need to sign a work contract , the text of the law is as simple as this, and i really request that in the current parliament or in the future parliament , if you do not agree that this the paragraph should be deleted, which i believe should be deleted, because unlike the relations of inspection that mr.
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naz breaks during the trip, see an incident that will happen when the market of harj marj and the state of the education system and acceptance of the legal profession in iran will be widespread, and these events that we are talking about. finally, this will come out from somewhere 20 12 2016, in the islamic council of the islamic council, the project of the community of education and acceptance of lawyering. it was announced that there were classifications and specializations and cases that were in favor of existing lawyers. no one could
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become a lawyer in the first step. he must have spent years taking tests . in fact, the system of accepting amendments in test materials had been formed. who were previously sitting in the position of your excellency, came and opposed him in the legal commission , and with the cooperation of the head of the legal committee of the islamic parliament, who was with friends who were in the delegation at that time, the director of the bar association of the center was teaching together in the faculty of the center of azad university, and being a faculty member, and then the period of this was the peak of the conflict of interest
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. naturally, it was also in the interest of the people, so once the parliament tried to make a compromise, but this never happened. finally, a representative, based on the pressure of a proposal, makes a comment in a law , which may not even exist in that connection, but the product of this process of lack of companionship has existed we are talking about an issue that is related to life, according to friends, people's lives, property, and honor, and no matter how well this space is laid out from the beginning, i believe that we do not basically train lawyers, we train lawyers at all.
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outside, everyone says that this is another ball, they hit it with their hands, yes, but where and where in basketball , can that person go to handball and actually play the best game , or can a handball player go to the basketball field and actually hit the ball? put that figure in the basket, they have the same cover, the ball and the hand. in fact, nobles to the details of the rules and in fact the regulations today, all of this is a process that we need to train people first, gradually , not in a 120-minute test with 120 questions, which is only the way to save them and the way to actually fall . please just tell me about being forced and your solution, i believe.
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mandatory should happen when this step is honest , come to us, if it doesn't work for you, then complain , this is a step that the law firm should first put the list of lawyers, then gradually tell them what they specialize in, then gradually, in fact, the history. this field is the basis is, in fact, their own discretion should gradually be recognized. after that market , i am really happy. they hit us with the doshiks and exhort us, what do you mean, sir , that you shouldn't say this at all, i am very happy that mr. farhanakian is here, they are talking logically , that in the whole world, the legal services market is a market for legal services, and i am the same. i know a great progress and i believe that with this
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cooperation and with this approach the future will be bright inshallah, thank you very much to both the guests of the program , all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who have accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you, higher than any dream, higher today , wherever we are tomorrow it is very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral is required, no blocking of the guarantor's deposit, up to 50 million , my guarantor does not want repayment for up to 5 years. no
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, i said the real thing, wait, let me ask about rome's legal fees. excuse me. you also mention the terms and conditions for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer them to your employees. have you heard of nikan milli's plan for a loan of up to 3 billion rials for individuals? real and 7 billion and 500 million rials for legal entities, repayment up to 5 years short-term deposit. the long-term repayment of the nikan mills project of the mills credit institution, our refrigerator broke down today, all the food was like water, buy us an installment , mr. rahima, the repairman, of course , aftabeh, spend lahime, go buy an installment, that means you are saying i will go home , i don't have a check in hand.
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i don't want time. bafish doesn't want this type of mirage for retirees, selling installments for social security retirees without check and guarantor, without advance payment, without going to the bank in sarai bozor irani in the cities of qom and isfahan and soon in tehran, there is an alyoze floor covering in the al
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-kof price target and guarantees a valid price guarantee along with a written guarantee, so if you find a lower price, bring an invoice and get a 20% price difference as well. the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers . welcome to the atba news section at 20:30 . the commemoration ceremony of the martyrs who defended the shrine from the zainbyoun army and martyrs aghazadeh and karimi in the shrine.


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