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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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it will be placed from different directions of the satellites that have been built . well, the review of the achievements of the space industry experts in sending 3 satellites to simorgh is the topic of tonight's special news discussion. guests , i would like to introduce you tonight. iran space, mr. hosseini, thank you very much, please explain the characteristics of this launch, it is wrong in 1900, when the simorgh satellite
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was being tested, you announced in your interview that we are preparing to launch several satellites into space with the simorgh satellite. it creates for our country , can you explain about it, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful? you know the country's space program in the form of a program organized and purified under the guidance of the supreme space council of the country, it is being followed and in this series of programs, the ministry of defense and armed forces support group has its own special role in charge of the development
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of heavy satellite launchers. there are several classes of satellite launchers in the aerospace industry organization of the ministry of defense. there is development in the field of satellite carriers, the source of the safir satellite. previously , four satellite launches were successfully carried out by this satellite, and in fact , the new bermon satellite platform, which is simorgh, was defined in parallel with this zul-janah combined satellite platform. it includes two stages of solid fuel and one stage of liquid fuel. it is actually evolving and doing research tests, but i would like to specifically explain to you about simorgh. this satellite has had several research launches so far . it has gone through sub-orbital launches. research launches. and
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for the past two years, as you said , according to the trend of space technology in the world, which is moving towards more satellites in one launch and cheaper launches and heavier satellite carriers , today more than 90% of satellites are launched by satellites . heavy loads are placed in orbit and it should move in this direction according to the plan and the first step in this multiple launch of satellites was defined on simorgh with 3 satellites at the same time, and now the satellites are being developed in the set of satellites of our organization in the ministry of communications of the space organization and the space research institute of the country. .
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small satellites and satellites are being developed. in this launch, one satellite was a main satellite from the space research institute of the ministry of communications and two satellites from the ministry of defense's sayiran collection were included in the launch program. done it was during the last two years and the optimizations that had been done, both in the field of propulsion and in other fields, we were able to put these three satellites into orbit simultaneously in the launch that was carried out this morning, the orbit that was defined as one orbit ellipse with a radius of about 45 km and a peak of 110 km, and for the first time we were able
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to reach a height of over a thousand kilometers at the peak of our orbit, except for the multiple launch, where 3 satellites were placed in orbit at the same time. this satellite is defined. this satellite itself can carry many launches in the future, whether in the format single-satellite launches of satellites weighing up to 250 kg can be placed in the leo orbit by the satellite for simorgh, or several small satellites can be placed in the orbit at the same time, and the next upgrades that are defined as fuel for our heavy satellite carriers. in the next steps, after simorgh, a satellite is defined for serir, which actually adds one
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stage to simorgh. it will have a leo orbit and it will be a step for us to be able to side. to move to higher orbits and up to 36,000 kilometers , therefore, in the ministry of defense , a set of technologies has been defined in the field of launch, which is a kind of bottleneck or the key point of access to space, and is being vigorously pursued in the field of satellites. different classes of satellites in the ministry of sairan company and in the field of ground stations of the geographical organization of the ministry of defense in the field of scientific fields of maleke esher university, which have made a significant contribution to the development of satellites. this chain is evolving and we hope that with the ability in
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it is currently being developed so that we can meet all the requirements of the satellite makers, which have been compiled by the respected space organization of the country in the form of a program and the requirements have been announced to our collection . bumi, god willing , let's take action. god willing, you also explained about the sarir satellite, which we will discuss more about in the next section. mr. dr. salari, regarding the satellites that were sent today , can you explain the missions that are assigned to them? well, you announced the mehdah satellite today. which is like a satellite sarayya, which was launched 8 days ago last week, and it is one of the successes for space industry experts , there is a research satellite about the mehda satellite , the mission that the satellite has, the other satellites that have been carried out, the other two satellites, please explain
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what their missions are. regarding the sending of data to the earth from morning until now , you also explain whether the data has arrived or not . i would like to say hello and congratulate this great success in the space industry of iran . it works in the frequency band it works by sending and receiving data in the s-band and technologies such as using actually dosimeter sensors to measure radiation in space. and also the effect of the life of the radiation on the life of the sectors and equipment. anyway, this satellite is used as a research satellite . their main mission is after actually testing and testing the correct performance of the launcher in the orbit with those coordinates that
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are defined as testing the performance of the subsystems of the equipment and systems developed by the department. our private or research institutes are actually among their serious tasks, which is the mehda satellite in the space research institute in fact, iran's research and development work is also of the same type, such as the soraya satellite , well, different technologies, such as the technologies of charging and discharging batteries by solar cells, power management , data management, flight computer, discussions related to telecommunications and sending and receiving. and many other sub-systems, small and large, that are used inside a satellite, for the first time, in addition to the tests that are done on the ground , they must be tested in orbit by the space organization, the space research institute and other
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institutions . who are in charge of the space field and the satellite field, are looking to reach the satellites it is operational. an operational satellite must be able to operate and provide services in orbit for a long period of time without any problems . if they have technical problems , they do not function properly in the orbit , there is a design flaw, then the life of the satellite will decrease drastically, and these types of satellites, which are usually light weight and relatively cheap satellites, will become much less systematic and he actually tested the developed equipment on two satellites, kahan and hatef they are the same rule, and both components of the class of telecommunications satellites are of course
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defined with specific research goals, each of them is used in the field of navigation assistance and increasing the accuracy of determining the position or navigation of space satellites . it is one of the new research technologies in our country. we need such satellites as well as hataf satellites, which are the first iot or internet of things or telecommunication technologies. the narrow band is tested in this satellite. with the placement of these satellites in orbit and the daily communications with these satellites, the situation the health of each sub-system is evaluated. if there are problems in the way of communication, the way of interacting with the satellite, the performance of the satellite, a weak point against radiation, against heat, against performance and that efficiency, naturally , it will be checked by our experts with simulations that perform
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the defects . the design is coming and with the research launches that we will have in the future, in the same way , god willing, these defects will be removed and they will be tested and evaluated again. i think you have given explanations in different news. well, if this system itself, as an operational system, these tests are necessary for it, it means that any of the technologies that are developed must first be verified by an affordable satellite, and its defects can be fixed, sometimes it may be once or twice or three times. the tests are repeated, and this is completely normal, as we know, for example, the or ghaem 100 satellite, which was successfully tested last week , is their third research test. we say the research test of simorgh satellite versions of different versions of simorgh satellite
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research has been done that today we can get a successful and positive performance from it. the same thing is happening with the satellite industry and now our satellites that are placed in orbit are actually in a way their birthday for the correct functioning of the signal that you said. anyway , the most important thing is actually how to communicate with the satellite and test the performance and health of the sub-systems . there are different types of tests that must be done well, we usually
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extract this signal when this data reaches the surface of the earth, and based on it , new decisions are made for the satellite, and again this process is repeated so much until the end of the satellite's life that our relevant knowledge is in the oven. check it now, this data transmission has been done for these three satellites, we received the data about the satellite in fact first thing in the morning, about satellite d we are following up on the other satellites in the same way, god willing, in the future tracking, because these satellites are long the duration of shaban day from the surface of iran region is limited to 2 3 4 within a few minutes. we are in the process of establishing communication , god willing, as soon
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as the communication is established, it will be sent back to you. it is related that another report has been prepared , there is another story of today's success . let's see this report. we will come back and be at your service. simultaneous sending of three satellites with a satellite on simorgh for the first time in this launch simorgh was able to send mehdav satellite and two nano satellites keihan do hatef 1. successfully put into orbit from imam khomeini's space base. the simorgh satellite is actually an upgrade of the safir family and uses four clustered safir engines . in fact, it is a bed and a platform in
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the future of our big satellite carriers like sarir. which can carry up to the weight of one body, based on the technologies that are being developed in simorgh , they can actually be developed. this success provides a new possibility for space industry experts in the field of sending satellites in other orbits. first injection several were registered in the field of space technology of the country. and the satellite went to mad. with a peak height of 110 km, it means that for the first time we were able to exceed the height of 1000 km. with the launch of the seventh satellite on simorgh, new technology in the field of sending various satellites was provided to the space industry . the offense
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they can carry is very strategic for us, and we must move on this path to reach the top, and anyway, this incident will stabilize this success to this position for the country. it became iran. this time, the sound of simorgh's horn echoed in the sky of my country and in the space of finite light while it is going to carry 3 satellites mehda, hatef one and kihan and place them in the earth's orbit . abbas rasouli. i would like to thank my colleague, mr. rasouli, for preparing this report. mr. hosseini , you gave an explanation about the simorgh satellite . you mentioned about the new generation
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of simorgh. it is with the efforts of experts who are now being trained in the industry, and i think it is training manpower should be one of the desired goals of the ministry of defense. yes, yes. first of all, i would like to make a few points about the satellite on simorgh and the development process in continuation of my previous applications. well, in fact, the version that was launched today is nominally capable of placing 250 kg. it has the payload at an altitude of 500 km, and these altitudes can be changed depending on the needs of the satellite maker and the definition of the mission to be carried out. however, today it was defined in the definition of the elliptic orbit, but actually the satellite has this capability in the optimized version of the simorgh satellite. this ability from 250 to 400
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kilo will be upgraded or a lighter satellite will be launched. in fact, the simorgh platform that you saw, i said, can such a mission be carried out, or with the simorgh, it can carry about 400 kg of cargo, which can include several small satellites, in orbits close to the earth . the optimal simorgh is different from the sarir. and the appearance is similar to the simorghi that
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you saw flying, but in terms of burning time and in fact the energy provided by the first and second stage propellants is a different amount and has been improved, but the satellite is still on two stages, but the head is one. the satellite is on 3 stages, which means one stage will be added. in simorgh, the length of our satellite is about 27 meters, and our propulsion force of 144 people will increase to about 35 meters, and it will be a new class of satellites, which will be the relevant contract. it has been closed with the space agency and is undergoing its final stages of design and development in the ministry of defense, and god willing , we will enter into the construction of its sub-assemblies in the near future, and we hope to witness its research flights
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in the not too distant future, god willing. the next steps of the satellite are for us moving towards super-heavy satellites, which in the world are now placing tens of tons of cargo in near-earth orbits, we must move in this direction for self-sufficiency and reduction. the cost of the road map has been defined. in the first step, a satellite carrier with a capacity of 5 to 6 tons in near-earth orbit is defined in the form of sorush one and our final step, sorush two, which will increase this capability to 15 tons. it is the stage of technology development and the development of the subset and extensive cooperation or the set of the ministry of education and the country's universities is now being done. a few dozen knowledge-based companies
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they are cooperating with us in the process of developing space technologies. it's true and what you said about the manpower. well, alhamdulillah, currently in the ministry of defense, whether in the field of satellites or in the field of satellites and other links of the space chain. after more than 15 years have passed since the first launch, an expert and efficient human force is carrying out this space technology development process in a completely local way, and we have no dependence, except that all these steps are done by the same scientists. internally and anonymously, we have done it in the following, god willing, a significant number some of our elites will be involved in this process and a larger number will actually be involved in this process in various forms of cooperation
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, god willing, the necessary support and resources will be allocated by the honorable government. relying a lot on our own internal power and internal knowledge of this path.
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all the space researchers realized that we have a launcher that can now place up to 20-205 kg in the leo orbit, which, to be precise , is part of the country's space program and a program that is being followed in the world, perhaps a major part of the needs. this is actually solved by the launchers, but we have to go to higher objects, what we say is the stabilization of the leo orbit, which means that i have the potential to put a load in the leo orbit with a very high payload, with a payload of more than several tens of tons, 5 tons, and 10 tons.
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because usually in leo orbits, we use system building, whether in the matter of satellite communication or in the matter of remote sensing measurement, usually one satellite alone according to that period or that period of time when the earth's period rotates alone. in order to be able to use several satellites that are usually not used at different hours and days of the day, they must be able to pass through different points, and this means building a system. of course, we also have heavier satellites with far more capabilities. go up because it is necessary that we have cover at a certain point . then we go to the height of 360 km . here again, heavy-weight rockets that can put high objects in leo can be found again. but
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the difference is that the objects you can lower it let's raise the height. now we are in a situation where we have reached a very good situation in sweet objects around 100-200 kg . to have the launches again and again with the same research satellites or light operational satellites connected to reach full confidence that we can even provide economic services and international sales for our launch services. this is actually an analogy in this regard. as i said, in general, every satellite which is placed in the orbit for us, now it remains like a laboratory , we cannot simulate all the spatial features in the laboratory environment under ground conditions, even the tests
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we put in the cycle and different periods of hot and cold in open space. there is a limited number, for example, suppose one night, two nights, seven days , it may perform various tests, but if a satellite is placed in space and for us it will be in space for months, and the various harsh conditions of space will affect the individual elements of the satellite's equipment. whether temperature conditions or radiation conditions and regularly through we can actually operate and change the communications with which we can use control algorithms and data analysis algorithms . let's see the satellite and the performance of the satellite on the computer. this actually means that a laboratory or another simulator is really placed in orbit
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. we have a lot of time for simulation that we can use the satellite, and each of our satellites has this feature. every throw for us, a laboratory, any satellite that is placed in orbit, for us , we have less than two minutes more time, mr. doctor, until we can reach the service and provide the service in the economic space industry, god willing.
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the first test launch, i am grateful for the presence of the precious servers in this program . i would like to congratulate you again. inshallah , we will hear good news from you and the space industry again . i also thank you for being with the special news talk program . in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to
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the world today in barna: tonight's program in review the latest developments in palestine . in the first case, we have a conversation with our lebanese experts. also , in the second case , we will host mr. dr. fethullah al-gami, professor of aerospace, to examine the international dimensions of the simultaneous launch of three iranian satellites . we start.


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