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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am IRST

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the information center of gaza city management has announced that only one of the seven water storage centers in the jebbalia camp is active, two water storages have been directly bombed, and the activity of the other four storages has stopped due to lack of fuel . they have said that drinking water has not entered this area for some time. the drinking water of the people of gaza is provided through underground water. israel collects large amounts of this water by digging deep wells on the border of gaza. due to the weakness of the foundations of the construction of gaza due to the 17-year sanctions of the zionist regime against this region bombardment of all critical facilities in gaza since the beginning of the invasion of gaza , it is extremely difficult to exploit the remaining water. the gaza ministry of health has also announced that the people of gaza do not have access to safe water and have to use untreated sea water. gaza
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is not able to purify water. a large number of people got sick due to drinking contaminated water. the gaza environmental organization announced that more than half a million residents of gaza are suffering from the spread of diseases such as cholera, chronic diarrhea and intestinal diseases due to the lack of safe drinking water and the closure of desalination stations. they suffer quds battalions, branch hamas soldiers destroyed three military vehicles of the zionist regime in the west of khan yunus in the south of the gaza strip. a number of people were killed and injured in this attack. palestinian resistance fighters also targeted the gathering of zionist vehicles and soldiers in east jabali in northern gaza with blood-splitting bullets. resistance fighters in the conflict. in the gaza strip
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, the invaders killed a number of its occupants by destroying two merkava tanks and a personnel carrier. the resistance fighters also fired rockets at the positions of the occupying forces in the south of the gaza strip. at the same time , the zionist army announced the number of wounded since the beginning of the attacks on gaza, the regime has reached 2,765 soldiers. 397 people are still in hospitals. 39 of them are reported to be in serious condition. mps in order to obtain the opinion of the guardian council on the bill of the seventh program with a reduction of three months.
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according to this decree, military service was agreed to, including a 14-month training period. the parliament also introduced those who are over 35 years of age and have two or more children from public service . in another resolution, the representatives prohibited receiving compound interest and penalty for delay in bank contracts. with the approval of the parliament of the previous paper checks and after the law of the program comes into force. the seventh is valid until full consumption in the following years. the amendment of the organization plan of the government employees was also approved by the members of the parliament, and based on that, the government was obliged to conclude a one-year contract with the employees of the company who are working in the executive branch in 1402. also, in order to obtain the opinion of the guardian council, the parliament made reforms in the transparency plan of the three powers of the executive bodies and other institutions.
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based on this, the subjects of the transparency law were obliged to send the law enforcement performance report to the parliament. resolutions of the parliament if approved by the council the guardian will be in force. representatives of the islamic council. in the past few days, they reviewed and approved the government's income and expenditure document for the next year, agreeing to increase the salaries of retired employees and pensioners, and approving loan facilities for marriage, having children, and housing deposits for families with three or more children , the most important approvals of the parliament. it was in the budget bill. after days of discussions in the consolidation commission. then, the
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baharestan floor of the budget bill for the year 143, the representatives of the review of the first part of the budget bill for the year 1403 about the country's income and expenses in the next year, ended. delivered you have been among the many approvals in the parliament , but the eyes were mostly tied to the results of the representatives' votes on issues related to people's income and expenditure and livelihood. minimum salary of continuous benefits. one of the important issues was the amount of salary increase , which finally, with the approval of the parliaments , the minimum salary of continuous benefits of the employees will be increased by 20% next year. minimum salary. the salaries of different salary groups were set at 10 million tomans, in addition to the fact that salaries up to 12 million tomans are tax-exempt, and after this amount, the tax is applied. pensioners' salaries in the next year increases by 20%. the minimum pension
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was set at 9 million tomans, in addition to the fact that resources have been set aside to adjust the salaries of military and country pensioners. government. he was also obliged to pay his debt of 170 thousand billion tomans to the social security organization in order to equalize the pensioners' rights of the couples whose marriage date after the marriage loan facility became 300 million tomans for each couple in the next year. couples under the age of 25 will be paid 350 million tomans as a marriage fee, as well as for having children over 40 up to 200 million tomans of facilities are considered. parents whose children were born from 1402 onwards 40 million tomans for the first child, 80 million tomans for the second child, 120 million tomans for the third, 150 million tomans for the fourth and
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200 million tomans for the fifth child and more they receive. both subsidy accounts, equity shares, or one of their own. one of their first-degree relatives and a guarantor with a promissory note can be the guarantors here . the customs duty for the import of powdered milk for babies , their raw materials, was reduced to 1% in 1403, for basic goods such as corn and medicine, and these are already hard customs. parliamentary decisions that play an important role in people's livelihood, approvals that , of course, need the approval of the guardian council to be implemented .
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hello, good evening . welcome to sports news. first of all, let's go to the asian nations cup . tajikistan continued to surprise in the asian nations cup. australia also reached the quarterfinals. tajikistan went the distance, and this match ended with a draw at the end of 120 minutes, and the penalty shootout did not go to the winning team. tajikistan is on its way to the quarter finals. at this stage, tajikistan will face the winner of the match between iraq and jordan.
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but in the other game of this stage, australia beat andon with four goals and made its way to the quarter finals. the definition of australia will be the winner of the quarter against the teams of saudi arabia and south korea. but the final stage of the asian nations cup will be followed today with two games, which will be played between iraq and jordan, and qatar and palestine, according to the schedule. i agree in the 18th week of the 18th week of the premier volleyball league, the women's volleyball club giti pasand defeated the leader of sirjan's trip and
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won the first place with 46 points. second in the table, saut kordo won the championship title of nian electronics to yazd and in the third place. the table remained the same, but in other games , gonbet municipality, urmia chadormeloi municipality, ardakan and tabayet won against the rivals. according to a report , iran's oldest guru passed away at the age of 12. azizullah toloui was born in 1300, from the very childhood of sports he chose a power house. in january 2018, he was also honored as the oldest mentor in iran. in the ceremony. in the presence of mentors and pioneers of zorkhaneh sport, during a ceremony
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, he was introduced and honored as the oldest mentor of the islamic republic of iran. the late toloi worked for more than half a century in tabali, which is one of the old traditions of the holy month of ramadan. they cooperated with us to spread the fever of the holy month of ramadan. 60 years they have the history of this tablabzani program and the seasoning they use called tetelkoya, and today, after many years, his students, who are mentors in the guise of tabez, remember him as a mentor. they put a lot of effort into wrestling in the city.
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let's review together what happened in the world caratavan league of france and in the minus 61 kg weight , atusa golshad nejad won the second place in the world ranking from ukraine against anita serugina and won the gold medal. in the continuation of the 17th week of the premier league
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of basketball, tabayet won 72-60 against misr rafsanjan . in the preparatory matches, sepan club beat qatar with three goals and persepolis football team beat al-ahly emirates 5-0 in tanbash. failure and our last news from tennis competitions in the final match of the australian open tennis competition , daniel medved feros defeated the italian yannick sinner in two sets, and in this way sinner became the winner of this competition. thank you very much for our close companion with sports news. good night and god bless you.
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i am extremely grateful to you dear compatriots who have been with this news section until this moment . we wish you good moments. take a look at these photos, let the sleep in the eyes of someone
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remind you of waking up, but standing is only our job , we are not the same as the story of sleep, come and feel the sea , don't doubt that this day is the end of august. in the name of allah, rahman raheem , in those days, he hosted a debate in the elections of the first term of the parliament with various candidates, even the candidate of the tudeh party, even
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the candidate of the mojahedin of the people's organization, and other political groups, including the candidate of the islamic republic party, etc., were present in that conversation. having one of the faces of that parliament debate was a cleric who taught at the highest levels of emaduddin karimi . to qom and he went to mashhad in the same days and returned to his hometown in alameda. he fasted for 15 years. he even said that 15 years ago he did not talk once with this life. all
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new talks are very eloquent. when he came to qom, he attended the class of ayatollah boroujerdi, but there was a professor who changed the atmosphere of his class. the kurd of the revolution was commuting between his hometown and qom. in many cities of mazandaran province, fereydoun kanaar went to the pulpit. he used to go to the pulpit, chalus went to the pulpit until the day when the elders of the city satisfied him to represent the islamic council
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and represent themselves. going and being the first representative of the people of this region in the islamic council. this was one of his first jobs. trying to remove the deprivation of nou shahr. he worked hard to develop the port so that people could have a job in the port. the concern of this was to bring the electricity network to the area. bring the piped water network and it was successful. they should bring the late shahid rajaee to nowshahr to solve the people's problems. when he returned to nowshahr , he would criticize the people's work in his own house . his office was the people's house . he said that we should go to the people. i did it again, or i was in the commission , i must
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bring these to the lunch house, those who came or the representatives of khuzestan province, because the people were at war. give me lunch and treat me so that i can reach them and the work will be done. martyr madeh karimi did not use the car from the parliament. he tried not to use it in the parliament . during his representation in the parliament, his family says that we did not see him bring the rights of the parliament to the children's table. normally , we distributed this among the deprived and the needy . it protects humans and every living creature from death, but islam and this school has brought us a death that has no real life in its heart . parking the car in the parking lot, coming to the hall , i did not take two steps. there was such an explosion that god witnessed the ground shaking under my feet 12 hours before
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his martyrdom on the way to the city. the people of tehran said that i am indebted to several people if something happens to me what do you want to do with this, so that a religion on my neck is an example of death in the shadow of martyrdom ? god, we loved that death . everyone is waiting to see where you are on the road. we love the heart.
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this is a recording of an english ship. the ship was targeted by yemeni missiles. this is marilyn levanda. we are being hit by a missile. we hit a rocket. yemen vs england.
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where 12% of world trade passes through this red sea when the zionists gaza they narrowed it for the palestinians, the yemenis also blocked the energy artery towards the occupied territories. with these boats, ansarullah stopped the giants who were supposed to deliver fuel for the zionist regime's war machine. when, according to the political vice president of yemen, the us guard of the zionists could not secure this sea for them, they resorted to war tactics. at 12 midnight, american and british fighters launched an attack in the name of the coalition. but with the dawn of tomorrow , the countries around this sea will announce that they are not part of this coalition, and even the europeans will fail. france decided not to join a coalition
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who wanted to carry out a preventive attack against the houthis in their territory. a naval coalition was formed against yemen. in response to whether america will declare the ansarullah movement as a terrorist organization or not? these cruel aggressions will not deter yemen from its position in supporting the oppressed palestinian nation. immediately, ansarullah targeted an american cruise ship to send a message to america that the red sea is not safe for the zionists, with or without intervention. from that day until now, the ships destined for the occupied territories have diverted their way through the red sea. ship crossing chinese, russian and other countries, except america and
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england, continue naturally from the red sea. the rest put very large signs on the ships and wrote that they have nothing to do with israel. 64 ships have installed these big signs. or targets the ships that are on the way to the ports of this regime, 10 days after the british foreign secretary david cameron said that for these reasons, since the last time we took action 10 days ago, more than 12 attacks on ships by the hussites in the red sea . but despite the second attack of the english newspaper the guardian wrote in a note that yemen's ansarullah group cannot be eradicated by bombing, and
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america's abc news says that these attacks are not a deterrent. these retaliatory attacks did not work to stop them. one of the senior officials here said: deterrence is not an easy task, and people who do not care about anything except god. they are not afraid that american airstrikes are like sprinkling water for a thirsty person. i swear that these actions will neither frighten us nor put fear in our hearts. many experts listened to the experience of saudi arabia's 9-year war against yemen. our conflict with the yemenis is not related to today and it started in 2016. since then, the khosis have been engaged in war with saudi arabia and al-qaeda for survival. yemenis are not going to surrender. i hope we don't send our soldiers to the difficult mountains of yemen , because it will become a swamp for us, and john bolton also announced that america no longer
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has the power to deter. they are talking about the strategy of yemen. god , i love talking about yemen. the current situation in yemen is such that america has admitted its failure in this field , they bombarded yemen, but seeing that there is no benefit in this there is no work. it means that the situation got worse and america and europe in terms of.
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radio and television of different political and economic tendencies compete with each other in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key to this is in the hands of the people. it does not lead to productivity, the debate of trends on the eve of elections every day at 15:00 on
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1:00 am
hello again, dear viewers , welcome to this news section. it is the first time that the satellite is on simorgh three satellites successfully put into orbit. it was made by the efforts of space experts in the ministry of defense. kabir central iran, imam khomeini space base. february 8, 1402. satellite on simorgh simultaneously three research satellites mehda, kayhan d.


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