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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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it causes the zionists to consider thousands of issues about the war with lebanon. they know that the lebanese resistance has a lot of capability and military equipment, which is devastating for the occupying regime and will cause heavy losses and casualties in the depths of the zionist regime and its army and its sensitive and strategic facilities. this issue has been known to the occupiers since the beginning of al-aqsa storm operation, more than 3 and a half months have passed. the ceiling limit that the resistance
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has specified and in its aggressions, except for a few limited cases, should not exceed the general lines of this confrontation, because any crossing of these lines will lead to the resistance should respond to it with operations deep within the zionist regime. there is no doubt that the war of the zionist regime in lebanon will be annoying for the lebanese, but it is also destructive and annoying for the zionists. this is a sensitive issue. and zionist politicians and officials talked about the consequences of this war in some of their statements . they know very well that hezbollah has prepared itself well for this confrontation and is ready for a broad and decisive response to the enemy's aggression without any rules or ceilings. as seyyed hassan nasrallah, secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon, said: there is no indication that the occupiers can be. but
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it does not necessarily mean that war is imminent and the invaders will take this action. we do not trust the zionists and they may do this at any time, but the resistance is ready and can prevent them and cause them a lot of damage and casualties . the power of resistance is the most important guarantee. it is for deterrence and can prevent zionists from attacking lebanon and preventing them from violating the existing rules on the border with lebanon.
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ukraine's intelligence and security organization of the embezzlement of 40 million dollars by military officials and business leaders of this country in the framework of the purchase of weapons for the war with russia, he announced . this embezzlement was done 6 months after the start of the war in ukraine to buy 100,000 blood-splitting bullets, which were never delivered. taiwan announced the detection of 33 military aircraft and 7 chinese ships around the island. some media have considered sending these military equipment near taiwan as china's show of power in response to the visit of two members of the us congress to this island and meeting with taiwanese officials. south korea has announced that the north has conducted a missile test and fired several cruise missiles towards the east coast of this country. officials and media north korea has been silent so far. north korea about two months ago. nizami
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discussed with south korea about reducing tensions. china and singapore signed a visa waiver agreement. the ministry of foreign affairs of china announced that from two weeks, citizens of the two countries will be able to travel to the other country without a visa and stay there for up to 30 days. 182 million trips were recorded on the first day of spring break in china. more than 70 million of these trips were by road, 10 million by rail, air and sea. spring eid is one of the most important occasions in china, and the chinese visit their relatives on this occasion acquaintance goes. the meteorological organization of argentina announced the unprecedented heat of more than 40 degrees in the patagonia region of this country. the heat in some areas of argentina is so hot that regional areas have warned about the possibility of forest fires. and now the second case of the world today
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was exactly a week ago when iran sent a vertical satellite into the 70-50 km orbit for the first time. today, for the first time, 3 satellites were sent into space simultaneously by one satellite. before starting our conversation , let's see the report of the reactions to the sending of these satellites. simorgh, lamp the launch of mehda, kihan 2 and hatefeh 1 satellites lit up the space. mafarber simorgh for the first time simultaneously. managed to bring these three satellites to a 100 km orbit. last week , the successful launch of soraya satellite caused the reaction of western countries and users wrote about it: european countries condemned iran's satellite launch. what was iran's reaction?
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we launched three more satellites and they were placed in orbit. france 24 channel wrote on its virtual page: iran increases the tension with the west by launching 3 satellites into orbit, which with these answers from encountered by english speaking users. why should it be a source of tension for the west, when if the west did the same thing, it would be considered an achievement. some users also wrote that the zionist regime and the united states did not manage iran, and others congratulated iran. now iran has a bird in the sky. farsi-speaking users also say with the hashtag strong iran that iran is one of the 10 countries that have the ability to launch a satellite into space, and the statements of western countries against iran are because they do not want a strong iran . more inspection
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we are the host of dr. fethullah ami, a professor of all fields of aerospace and the former head of the space research institute. mr. dr., welcome to the world program today. thank you for your service, janabali. hello and my viewers, we wish you good health, mr. doctor, two events took place this week , both of which were the first time that we were able to send a satellite into a 750 km orbit, as well as the first time that we put three satellites into orbit in one launch, and we are a country. we know that both the satellites we send are of our own making and that satellite. a user that takes satellites into space with several built-ins countries in the world have such capabilities . where is our position in the world now? it is your service that the issue of space technology is an important issue in the world today, and basically, in
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terms of strategy, this is limited to limited countries, maybe now. if we consider the european union, which is centered on france, as one country, perhaps less than 10 countries have the technology to both build and launch satellites. no they have and this technology is not easily available to countries of course, today's humanity is in dire need of this it technology, at least it is the mobile phones that establish the communication that we
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see that there is no one without a mobile phone, and in terms of the location system , there is a great need for space technology today. and we have to go on this path with more speed . i am capable. of course, we currently have nearly 16 universities with aerospace majors , and a significant number of us now have students in universities who study in this field, and a significant number. our capability is more than what i dare to tell you after 30 i have several years of experience in this field at the university. if we invest, the efficiency in this
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technology will increase a lot. now i can say that we are working with 10% guides. the successes that have been achieved, especially this week , when we also succeeded in launching a solid satellite. let's do the series to an orbit of 750 km, of course, the orbital radius is 750 km, because according to kepler's law, the orbit is now elliptical. we launched 3 satellites together to an orbit of 450 km, the height is 1100 km, and the launch of the isham chain was a great success. a living organism that will eventually reach humans, we
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have taken great steps, recently we had another launch, of course, all this is in our document , we sent a living organism into space 10-12 years ago, yes, we started to launch a living organism in the 80s. first, we went about 20 kilometers up to now. we recently launched a living thing up to a height of 140 km and our need for this technology is very high and we have to speed up. likewise as you are probably aware, last week after sending the vertical satellite, we saw the statement of three european countries, germany, england and france, which
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, based on security council resolution 22-31, believed that iran had violated the resolution and condemned such sending. of course, the interesting thing that exists in this middle is that the restrictions that were foreseen in that resolution had expired in the month of october 2023, and even such a handshake and justification. practically, it is no longer available to limit iran's power, but there is a fundamental question here, when will that limitation stop the enmity of these and what is their sensitivity towards our space issue , what is the root of it
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? it is dollars, but if you connect the space technology, it is 400 dollars per kilogram , which means 100 times. why is there any danger because it uses very complex scientific technologies, for example, for these three european countries that iran has such capabilities, see the root. all this is an economic issue, you should calculate now this same radio station of ours pays about 250 million dollars a year to rent a satellite to broadcast its images and sound. so , when we want to do this independently which we desperately need, what is the discussion to which countries? . our mass communication system section, what about
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positioning now, whether on the ground, in the air, in the space , or in the sea, we are in dire need of location systems . they came to create a locator system you see now in the city. if someone wants to go from a place a to a place b, he definitely needs a location system, or now we have gps, so if the us stops gps , what should we use? yes, people, see our planes now. both landing and take-off are done by the location system, and the ports that anchor are all with the location system. they can't be cut off . our ports were cut off for a while. the ships couldn't anchor
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. they couldn't define the port . it also has a security effect, which means that, for example, we use the gps system. we use america, the information is in their possession, it is natural that this is actually the server there, i will record all the information there , some time ago, china is using its own system, you can see that we are launching satellites . the success of the satellite's entry into orbit is announced by other countries because they completely monitor our air space systems. we also know that it is very easy for them to locate people's trackers from their mobile numbers , where they are located, and that humanity is in great need of ai technology in the future. yes, i want it, in other words, now people say it is more obligatory than noon, and i am sorry that our governments now
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, not this government, but also that government. i do not invest because of this resolution and such things that are issued. yes, it is natural. it is true that in one period, in order not to arouse the sensibilities of these countries , we reduced our space activities a bit, and now it is less. i said that now i dare to you say, as an expert , our efficiency in space technology is less than 10% with the forces we have, with the equipment we have, with the brain software we have, much earlier than this. we can make progress, while the space system, what kind of satellites, what kind of space transportation systems are strategic in that they prevent attacks, that is, it creates security for your country
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. look now, the wars that are happening now are easily occupied. they kill people easily, and someone in the united nations shouts everything that someone in this court has condemned, so what's the use? now, nearly 25,000 people have been killed there in this period, so if they are the deterrent, having a security system having security, well , no one would have dared to take us to that place during the war the first world where we had no involvement in the war at all. in iran and iran killed the most people in
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the first world war because of this and regardless of iran's need for it, we will have it right now and in the future like any other country in the world. we need this technology in different ways. you can calculate that we are 80 million people now , almost 140 million people. sim cards and mobile phones are in the hands of people, that is, some people have 2 or 3 mobile phones and no mobile phones at all. now mobile phones are a part of human existence. if you one day, for example, your mobile phone place it at home , leave the house, you will come back and pick it up again because you cannot work without a mobile phone and we
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desperately need this technology. the revolution of 1975, the first aerospace major in major universities such as amir kabir and sharif, science and industry, and this point where we are now is the product of 27 years of work in the entire history of iran. yes, the speed of our progress in space technology was very high. our air that our courses are sending humafari this technician to america. i heard from the same students who were in america, they said that if we were talking about space, they would kick us out of the class. their time was before the revolution. there is an idea for some people that, for example, in these fields of important technologies, if we, my relationship with america, some western countries europe was suitable. they
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would have provided us with this technology or we could have bought it from them. look now, i will give you a statistic. in terms of distortion, they say that there are 24 countries in the region. in these countries, are they all at war with america or europe? they don't have it, but your progress look, in the discussion in these 24 countries, in most of them there is no space technology, that is, space technology is not given to them, because i said it is a monopoly, it is the peak of technology now, for example, because of space technology. various specializations of telecommunication sensing from the course of the projectile positioning infrastructure of the same place, location finder , discovery and capacity. ilmia and you can see that some countries are completely zero in all these dimensions, that is, now there are other countries in the region, a significant number of countries in our region are officially zero
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, there is no question about it, but every now and then we see, for example, a country like the uae sending satellites or issues like that. see how much he makes himself. let me tell you that he is now making satellites in our country. it has gone out of technology and has become an industry . universities like alamat university, like amir kabir , like sharif university, like malik asher university, like the rest of us, or the space research institute that built these recent satellites , have become industries and out of technology. i mean, i want to say that you are talking about making satellites. from the university to the final stage, even the commercialization is completely iranian. we
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did it. make technology, we are doing this ourselves , but other countries that own satellites, such as turkey, the uae, etc. , do all this by transferring our technology. we did not transfer technology at all. in the matter of satellites , now they transfer technology in the same categories, either in the form of cbu, which means they give it the complete system, or skd, cd, or parts, but in none of these, they do not give the navai, or the navai, which means they do not give the types. they are telling you how to do it, they are telling you, sir, close this screw here, but it is our own system because it was born in iran itself.
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why do you never give the system? why satellite technology was born in iran ? now why? they give subsets or sets, or they give subsets , or pareto, that is, they give them parts , they do things, but in iran, we started this technology from scratch because we were embargoed, or launch , that is, the issue of satellite launchers is a very important issue that we need to know exactly. put it in that orbit, i was involved in this case from the beginning in 13, we came and worked on the spacecraft, we were the first in 70
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we were able to perform the successful test of scotby in the shooting range of qom, which means that within 5 years , germany was the first country to develop spacecraft technology. what year did it start, 1917, what year did it end , 1944 ? let me tell you about the technologies that we have so far. an example of this is the simorgh rocket that recently took this chain of satellites . our engine was 32 tons. once we came to sinmorg 142 tons right in the first stage with taftan engine, now for us it's a series of numbers, but in fact, yes, you know that with
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great difficulties, with the cooperation of universities and industry, that is , there was a time in 1968 when they reported that in the same center, in fact, about 3 thousand professors and students were working with that center in the design and construction of spacecraft. and with this technology, our capability is very high and we can take great steps, but the government should hand over some of the projects to the private sector . i have a final question. elsewhere, a rocket is sent and a satellite is sent then the pictures are published. some may say that you can see that we have fallen behind, then when the days change , it will be our turn. now, for example, today we were able to send 3 satellites with one satellite.
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some of the same people say that what is the point of your reaction as someone who has spent years of your life for such an industry to be established in the country , what do you see in such attitudes and ideas? those who raise these questions, we can ask these questions about all sciences, why? why do we need a university to train doctors? why do we have a field of pharmacy ? why do we go to build a hospital? well, all the countries around us are here. let's do what science
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. be it technical engineering, humanities, or other sciences, basically the development of the country owes to the development of all specialties in the country, and these questions, in my opinion , are the questions of very common people who ask these questions, mr. doctor . you have found the final part tonight's jahan program according to tasveer.
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that ever did in any point in trump, by the way, have you noticed, he's a little confused these days, he apparently can't tell it nicky haley and nancy polosy.
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well, we are coming to the end of the world today. we are glad that you were with us. good night, god bless you.
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at 3 o'clock special election advertising television channels were launched in three other provinces. in esfahan 15, lorestan 7 and golestan 6 election television channels officially started to advertise the candidates of the 12th term of the islamic council. national media, in order to provide providing equal advertising opportunities for the candidates of the march elections, 200 television channels are being launched in all provinces. according to the head of the education and health promotion office of the ministry of health after an unprecedented participation


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