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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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gilna publications in the name of allah rahman raheem. look at the smiling sun , say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun , the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza, peace be upon him, the end of
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our independence, the character of iraq, these pipelines are the beginning of an endless path of research in the beautiful region of the last city of the century. news in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello, good morning , welcome to today's reporter, god willing , i invite you to join us in today's program , where we will take a look at some of today's events. come tell me from the dawn of tomorrow, a window opens from
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tamasha, come and tell me about the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha to majdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not there, sing a happy dream in the name of the homeland, to sing to the feet of iran, to be patient with its people, of hope. saying , show a kiss to its flag, iran, the heartbeat of my soul , iran, your pure name is on my tongue!
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come, tell me from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha to majdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not, the dream of the dawn, it will come again to the light of our hope, a bright dawn from the loving breaths of our martyr, a dawn from duty. bright from the distant horizons, its light is bright from the rain of hope and its life is from the joy of you to me, iran , the heartbeat of my soul, iran, the name of my envelope, iran, the heartbeat i love you good morning, dear viewers
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, the 7th international climate change conference is scheduled to be held today. mr. mahdia rahnama , the head of the research institute of meteorology and atmospheric sciences , is our guest. hello all viewers , good morning.
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a lecture will be presented by domestic and foreign guests, and 10 educational workshops will be held during these two days. after the international conference , which one will you see? considering that it has an international title, we are supported by the organization. we have the support and cooperation of world meteorology in holding this conference, we have the support of the ipcc for holding this conference , we have the undra, and also guests from the neighboring countries of turkey, pakistan, i request your presence , the presence of the ambassadors of germany, italy, switzerland, i request your presence iraq, saudi arabia, these will be held. has it been held in iran before or not? is there a cycle in each cycle that is held in one country ? you can almost say that the climate change conference has been held in iran once every four years for the past 30 years. we had the last cycle in 2018 and this year with considering that the government
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had a resolution to hold the so-called conference and obliged the meteorological organization to hold the seventh edition of sham baz this year, we will hold it in tehran. yes, you see, today we have news that we don't have water behind our surfaces, our water reserves have reached the end, we have had a severe drought in the last four years , our snow reserves have continuously decreased , the number of storms and dust storms have occurred in at least the last decade. in a way it has increased strangely. the number of extreme events in our temperature, such as heat, heat outside of our normal range, or cold that happens in the so-called obvious way, these are all the effects of the phenomenon called climate change, the increase in greenhouse gases
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has caused us to face these phenomena more and more day by day. in the past years, in the so-called international upstream documents, it was tried to increase. keep the earth's temperature constant at half a degree celsius, which we are seeing now that we are breaking this record year after year. last year , the earth warmed above half a degree celsius. these are the complications that we are facing now as a result of the phenomenon called climate change. our country is also involved in this phenomenon whether we like it or not . normal or snow deposits. which we have now in the country, the level has decreased significantly compared to the previous years, so this affects the so-called water, which was usually supplied after hours in the summer due to the melting of these snows , for next year, probably due to reduction of
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snow reserves and less water behind the surfaces in summer we will have these are all the effects of this climate change phenomenon, which is involved in the climate change convention every day, yes. some are obliged to help other countries financially and underdeveloped or developing countries in order to raise their economic base and reduce their dependence on, for example, the export of hydrocarbons
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. see what these are in the form of a program, for example, in some countries , the dependence of their economy on oil, in general , oil and these hydrocarbons are known as one of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. when we help these countries by reducing the consumption of these hydrocarbon reserves , we unconsciously contributed to the emission of greenhouse gases , reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. these conventions are tried to be noticed in the whole world. this convention. mr. dr. rahimi, the center of the so-called bin al-dashham board is located in the meteorological organization of our country, and according to its membership, what
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responsibilities do you specify for our country, or what obligations has the islamic republic given in this field? you see, in this case, we tried to reduce gas emissions along with other countries. we have not committed ourselves quantitatively yet, but qualitatively, we have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by how much.
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but according to the commitments that are placed on the country based on this approved document, it requires that we move forward with care and patience so that these commitments do not harm the country's economy and foundations . the fact that the environmental organization is doing this is the clear responsibility is there an organization or a group of meteorological organizations that should follow this process? it has this responsibility. no, the responsibility is clearly with the country's environmental protection organization, according to our own law or convention, not according to the upper documents of our country. what is the responsibility of the meteorological organization? si is at the meteorological organization's national office and we are following up on cases related to ip reports.
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what is cc's responsibility regarding the increase in temperature, decrease in temperature, etc. and the research institute that you are the head of, in this direction? we have several research institutes in our research institute. one of the most important is our climate change research center, which is located in mashhad. in this research center, we provide weekly, seasonal, annual and long-term climate forecasts regarding various parameters, such as precipitation, temperature , wind speed, and so on. . we agree that this helps to make more correct decisions in the field of, for example, the management of water resources in this issue of climate change, what are the conditions we are facing in the country , what are the challenges facing us , do we have a written plan for the country in this area. see, we challenge you in the climate change issue at the beginning of my speech , i mentioned that we are dealing with it concretely now, for example, the number of dust storms that happened in the past years and affected most of our people almost
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caused a national dust seal in zil by the environmental protection organization. the country's environment should be formed and this headquarters should be assigned the role of coordinator between the organizations that are involved in some way, and do the dust according to the current resolutions, and it is in the first stage of going to the dust centers in the meteorological research institute according to the current resolutions. which we identified at the disposal of the organization. hazrat mohit zaiz we decided that in the next phase, the discussion of dust and dust forecasting came up, that we now have a dust and dust forecast for our own country and 25 neighboring countries , and we are producing dust and dust forecasts in iran. land use in the ministry of agricultural jihad is being discussed in the famous saying of land use in the agricultural sector, they are following up and determining alternative crops for it, and every organization in one way or another now. he is implementing his plans based on those above documents. in the short
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term of activity in this field, what should be done and for in the short term , the first thing that i think we should do is to have media information and increase public awareness. . reduce energy. if you reduce gas consumption now, we will reward you. if you reduce electricity consumption, all of these are somehow connected to the consumption of fossil fuels and the unconscious emission of greenhouse gases . with a series of very simple tasks such as changing doors and windows buildings and isolating them , reducing our energy consumption will all help to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. in the long term, with the planning that should be done, we should
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reduce our dependence on fossil fuels as much as possible and move towards thank you very much for your energy. it's an example , sir. thank you for coming to srankhar . be with us. let's continue the program and go to his hall. hello, good morning, mr. hosseini, hello to you and the viewers of khabar network. good morning. an overview of today's news and events with you. here are the news and events that my colleagues in the specialized groups in the sada and sima news agency are obliged to cover in the media. changing the lifestyle, especially eating habits , is one of the most effective ways to prevent non- communicable diseases. the purpose of informing for healthy eating is carried out from 1st to
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7th of bahman, the topic of using less salt in food was emphasized, and from 8th to 15th of bahman , the topic of using dairy products in food is emphasized. to get more information about this project i am talking to ms. fazeli, the reporter of the health group , ms. fazeli. hello, good morning. i greet you and the esteemed viewers of the khabar channel . currently, universities of medical sciences all over the country are implementing this project and they inform about the correct use of iodized refined salt instead of unrefined salt and the use of a maximum of 3 grams of salt per day so that our citizens know that they should
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the amount of salt consumption should not be more than 3 grams per day, and at the same time, it should be from the pictured salts. have it is recommended that children over two years of age consume at least 2 to 3 glasses of milk daily and adults consume at least one glass of milk daily, or other dairy products such as 30 grams of cheese or replace a glass of yogurt with this diet, god willing. may their bodies be healthy and may allah prevent non-communicable diseases. thank you for your explanation. mr. hosseini , we are with you. thank you very much mrs. azarfam for you and our reporter colleague from the health desk of mrs. fazeli for giving explanations. but
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a special workshop for family judges for children and adolescents is scheduled to be held today. mr. seyyed ali kazemi, the deputy minister of justice and the secretary of the national children's rights authority , are our guests. hello , good morning , welcome . let's talk about the workshop . what does the national authority for children's rights mean ? it is a national institution that has the task of coordinating the institutions responsible for children's rights. the custodian bodies are members of the national authority and together they make policies regarding issues related to children, i.e. what to do, what to do, all the issues related to child development go towards rights and food, all issues related to children, which are somehow rights-oriented every right that
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is related to children, well, we have joined international documents related to children and laws. we are very good in the field of children. all these matters are discussed within this group, which actually has a coordination council, and then the improvement of this situation in the country is discussed, for example, suppose the right to education, the right to food, the right health, the right to access appropriate information, the right to support against various problems that exist for children , all these are actually planned and implemented, so let's go to the workshop, god willing , we will come back to a point related to the same national people and continue the discussion. what is going to happen in today's workshop? well, one of the rights that we pursue is the promotion and education of children's rights, and the education of children's rights is usually done in two formal and informal ways. fortunately , good things have happened in our country. children's rights and
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juvenile criminal rights for lawyers in the master's level, we have been working for a few years now in the university of judicial sciences, tehran university, allameh university, shahid beheshti university in the prestigious universities of our country and have been training specialized lawyers in the field of children's law for many years . in addition to this, this year, the field of child care for adolescents was also launched at the university of welfare and social health sciences at the master's level, and several of our good care workers are receiving special training for children there. in addition to this, as far as i know, there is a special course for teaching children's rights in police university therefore, the activists see these trainings in academic and university form. but in addition to this, when they go to work, there is a need for them to receive special training and to sit together to find the right solutions for us with the special cases they face
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. it turns out that this is exactly an important issue, because those trainings are usually during the student period, but when they enter work, they face various problems that find a solution for them is a difficult task. police. in the same way, helpers make them unable to find the right solutions in the work environment. in the executive law of the law on the protection of children and adolescents , efforts to increase the knowledge and skills of various categories related to children, from judges, prosecutors , counselors, teachers' assistants, and to your service , the police forces, have been entrusted to the national authority, which, in cooperation with the institutions in charge of holding this workshop, which will be held today, is the sixth workshop that we have this year for the training of foodstuff since the beginning of the year
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. yes, we had five more workshops, of course. if we add the five workshops we had to the workshops organized by the judiciary itself , there were about five or six, that is, about 10 to 12 workshops were held this year. . yes , yes, it is a combination of family court judges and children's court judges , and managers of child and juvenile protection offices in the judiciary, so that those inter-departmental problems can be investigated there, and the problems we have in the form of cases can be managed, god willing. another feature of this workshop is that the model of this workshop is completely it is different. the methods of holding this workshop should be such that the large audience does not feel tired with the enthusiasm of attending. he should find and be able to show his knowledge and experience . this is not a class where the default is the ignorance of the person who is there. on the contrary, the people who are there
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are experts themselves and should bring their knowledge and experience to the field. therefore, special methods are used. it seems that in this workshop we are witnessing a very good method, we used internal techniques and in fact we were able to reach a new method. i hope that this experience will be a good one we can use this. the importance of educational methods should not be underestimated in any way to create a good learning environment and everyone can use it. what feedback did you receive from the previous five workshops? well, you see , we now have a very good space to talk about children, we are getting very good votes . we have very good cases that show children's growth and statistics. it shows that the condition of children has improved in some areas , so the feedback we are getting shows that this workshop has made an impact.
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i have been holding this workshop for almost 20 years, and i am aware that sometimes we wanted to hold a workshop at that time , there was no law, there was no expert staff for training , and also when we were training , we faced all kinds of resistance. but today this is not the space, today is the space of cooperation, empathy , legal infrastructure is provided , we have several national child rights teams, they can actually teach in different fields, and when we see different people among us, they not only do not resist. rather , they themselves are part of a current atmosphere of child protection therefore, we now have a very good environment , but we must say that because we still do not have a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system for children , evaluating the results of this workshop is still a difficult task and is mainly done perceptually rather than based on data-based studies. we are doing that as well. god willing, next year, a
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basic value system will be established in the country . why is it taking so long? well, now you said that you were involved in this work since 20 years ago. yes, i was in the judiciary as a i was working as a judge as a side job discussing children's rights i was following up, but yes, since a year ago. this system should be consolidated and indexed so that, god willing, we will be able to find it. now, i think that working in a scattered manner has caused the system to not be formed in one piece, but you hope that coming soon. with the help of a national system, so far 5 of the main systems have standardized their statistics and dear ones who are experts.
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according to our plan, by the end of the year, the first version of the statistical items in the field of children's rights will be released, and then indexing and birth certificates will be done. for those , it will probably last until september, and god willing, we should witness this system of statistical society in september , god willing, do you have anything else to say about the workshop ? inshallah, inshallah, we will take workshops related to this area of ​​question. what programs are followed in the judicial system, especially in the family court, for the issue of strengthening family relationships and how effective have they been? well, in the discussion of our family court, various things have happened, one of them is in the judicial transformation document of this part has been seriously considered. amended family court regulations . mehr centers, family counseling centers, visiting centers for children and teenagers, these are of interest.
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the issue of family mediation is now on the agenda, and in fact, families should first work to strengthen the family , but if, god forbid , they move towards separation and separation in such a way that the child is not harmed, their relationships are based on a separation should be good , not that they will have problems with each other and become tense, because couples have this capacity and potential. for the former relationships that are about to turn from love to hate , their relationships and the most complicated cases in our courts are usually family cases that require a special court. therefore , there are various programs in the judiciary that these events form let our families experience a better situation in terms of how effective these programs have been. look, there are many factors . we have a force field that the family
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is influenced by, economic issues. social issues, media, all these issues go hand in hand until the family sees that it works does it have its own purpose or does cache work? what we are witnessing is that, unfortunately, the figures related to separation are increasing, and the family court has a lot of work . there are many issues related to children, and the society's expectations regarding the support of families and children. day by day due to the increase in awareness, fortunately, it is contradicting , so in such a situation, it is natural to do more work in the family court . he does and we hope that with him the new version of the open law should create a better environment for supporting families. it means that in these 10 years, you have made a good progress in this field with this law
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. some of the new facilities that were included in that law, such as counseling centers, mehr centers , etc., are being evaluated, based on those evaluations, they are being amended, and the fact that the law is being amended in our country is a good sign, it means that previous law evaluated studies. if we have a growing trend in amending the laws and if the law is not amended, it is a cause for concern. this shows that we are reforming the structures related to the family . god willing, when will the new amendment arrive? according to what i know, the initial draft has been prepared and i hope that now with something what the dear ones are doing in the legal department of the judiciary until next year, god willing, it will also be voted by the parliament for about 30 seconds
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. i hope, god willing, with the measures that are being taken by all the institutions and specialists, our children will experience better days every day, and god willing, the future of the country will be with his presence. it should be made better. thank you very much, mr. kazami, for being with us. dear viewers , i will be with you after the news segment at 7 o'clock with the continuation of the program. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salam , please accompany us with the news segment at 7:00 am. for the first time , the simorgh satellite successfully placed three satellites in an orbit of 100 km from the earth's surface. the indigenous satellite that was created with the efforts of space experts in the ministry of defence.


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