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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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the 2023 africa cup of nations football final will be played tonight in sahel aj, senegal will meet with the host of the tournament. last night, guinea also eliminated guinea-bissau with a goal , and the nest team's match with the democratic congress after a draw in penalty kicks with the 8-week advantage of congo to the end came, egypt withdrew from the competition. thank you for your company. today is monday , the 9th of bahman, the 17th month of rajab, january 29. i would like to inform you that the sunset in tehran will be at 17:28 minutes from maghrib at 17:00 minutes and the islamic midnight will be at 23:34 minutes. we have reached the end of this news series. thank you very much for your attention my companions are with you now especially for the higher election program and my colleagues in this group, mr. big nasib, thank you in the name of god, peace be upon you. i respect
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all the viewers of the above program. today we are having a debate with supporters and opponents of car pricing . there is an old dispute between the experts on pricing. obviously, today we want to talk about car pricing , something that has been happening for years. be higher program than the news network. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people there is an iranian coach, sharaf iran, who has a telegram and is playing across the country. why are you setting prices this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager . we do not want to treat any kind of person .
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in their recent meetings, the leader of the revolution called the real competition one of the important elements of the election , which means that the field should be open for the presence of different political, economic, and cultural viewpoints, as well as all different intellectual currents. with their different views , they can have an active presence in the big election race and a competition in this big race form the real one, as i told you, one of the issues on which the experts disagree is the issue of car pricing, which means that the government will come at different times at different times and set prices on the car industry. the opponents of this work will cause losses. i know my industry and what
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we are witnessing today under the name of the gap between the car price and the factory price of the car and the market , or the accumulated losses that obviously exist for the two biggest car manufacturers in our country, and other issues that we will deal with in the future. do you agree with the government's intervention in car pricing? they say that if the government considers this market to be a monopoly market, then it will hurt them. if the government does not intervene, the final consumer will suffer the most. please join the special program and debate more with the guests of the program about this issue. let's talk. well, in this part of the higher program, mr. mohammad reza najafi menesh, the head of the component manufacturers' association , and mr. mohsen mohammadavi , an economic expert, an economic expert, who are in favor of pricing, as well as mr. najafi menesh, who are opposed to pricing, are present. with
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mr. najafi menesh, let me start and this question, mr. najafi menesh, is basically why you are against the government's involvement in car pricing. now, cars are being produced all over the world, not in iran . give an example of a country whose government has interfered in pricing. are we the second or not? now let's assume that we are very innovative. we started this work . give an example of a country that came from us. he regretted saying that what was done in iran is a good thing, we should do it too , there is no example in the world, that is, it is something that goes against all the economic principles and until 2019 we didn't have it, that is, the automobile industry started to grow until the 1990s, and there was no mention of mandatory pricing in the 1970s, because the price difference between the factory and the market had increased. at that time, the economic council
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made a very wise decision and said, sir , the government would take the price of the car 5% below the market price, the difference. that is, if i remember at that time, for example, the factory price was 200,000 tomans, for example , the market was 600,000 tomans, the government would take the difference from the car manufacturer until the price gradually came closer, and the difference stopped until the 1390s. the market price of the price my business was lower since yeh entrusted this work to the competition council and to our pricing , we have now applied more than 20 thousand
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billion tomans of losses to this industry. and this has made us in fact of opinion. from an economic and technical point of view, let's work to the detriment of this industry and at this age, it is only true that the government has a share in it, but there are also a large part of the people who are shareholders there, and they have no use for these shares. thank you, mr. mohammadi, please tell me why you agree. you want the government to enter in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and respect for the noble nation. dear iranians present in the studio , i would like to tell you that pricing is good, of course , that it has been corrected . the term mandatory pricing
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used to have a negative meaning. and the demand for a product is offered , it is priced, the supply and demand price. now, if the factory can make profit and operate at this price, it will continue its operation if it fails, it will go bankrupt , it will be removed from the competition cycle. now there are different models for pricing. it is finished or we will pay a fixed amount now.
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half of the total price of the product should be the selling price of the car, while this is not the case, we calculated the total price of the car. the name or something you made in our country is not only in different products in different countries. pricing only happens in a country like the united states in a product. pricing happens like peanuts
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. we define it. well, the product is different in each country, the market is different in each country, and the competition is different in a country like iran , where there is no market , which means it is exclusive. there are a limited number of manufacturers, there are no conditions for the entry of foreign cars and they are not allowed. let no car maker, no industry, no producer be broken and left out of the cycle. we know it is a bad thing in our economic literature that a producer closes down his factory because he cannot compete . we are getting ready for this. that we see the current situation after pricing happens in different goods in different conditions, for example, in the conditions of the war in ukraine and russia, we saw that different products came into the world, supporting policies, applying
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definitions, manipulating different countries that claim free market and market they are competitive, so we don't have a competitive market. they sell expensive cars to the market . these two big car manufacturers of ours
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have 48 market prices. there is no discussion of anything here anymore , there is no discussion of monopoly anymore, while the import of cars is free now. our parliament was new at that time because the minister of the time was not criticized, he also took a layer , so that mr. azad himself was 10 thirds. that means there is no prohibition now. the only prohibition that exists for importing now is the lack of currency, that is, if there was an offer , 2030 thousand tomans must have been imported by the central bank, you can ask questions. the only main opposition is that he says that i do not have an offer. well, first of all, no import has been done. the order and the work done, everyone is trying, but i have to say that this is our car manufacturer, which is given to the government. we have 6 big ones, so far they are small private ones, the value of these is more than these two big ones
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so now we can't say that the market is competitive , according to the data that you said, i say that the market is monopolistic, because the same numbers that you said, 48 cars have a value and 6 cars are 50 percent. has in his possession, so this is the same monopoly, which means the competition of 8. mr. doctor, we have a lot. look, we have a lot. look at your countries . in europe , america, japan, korea, i don't have more than two or three . we have much more than them. interference on the contrary, it means that we are interfering, which will be a loss to the producer. one point you mentioned , sir, is that we calculate the price. yes, the competition council calculates the price, but on what basis, based
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on last year's information, that is , it takes last year's information and gives the price for the next year. well , it is clear that in a country where we have inflation of 456 and we have all this, it is clear that last year's price cannot be a criterion . next year, yes, if we had inflation of 1% or 2%, this order. it was right, we should look into the future so that the work can be done, what happened now, our car maker has money no, give it to our component maker, now he owes more than 85 thousand billion tomans. our component maker wants to borrow money , he can't borrow any more.
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the existing cars in our country are about 29 million . in the last 29 million years, 7 million car transactions have been done. this car has been done in the country. now, the number of transactions is also recorded by the police. the exact statistics are from the police. in these 7 million , 6 million transactions were done without the intervention of anyone, any organization, any institution. for the 1 million cars that our car manufacturer produces domestically, 23 institutions, or in other words, 29 institutions, are involved in this matter. and now i sometimes jokingly say that the only thing left is for the united nations to intervene in
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this case, all the judiciary, we got involved in this , mr. hasanlui, please tell me, fortunately, the things that i wanted to mention, mr. engineer, we mentioned in the same market. we are 7 million market size, the size of the market is 6 million, the market is not in the hands of the car manufacturer, that is , the market demand is very high, how much can we supply , even most of us can supply 1 million, so the supply is less. in other words, one of the competitive conditions has been incompletely violated, so that 23 institutions oversee
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it. during the past years, lataif al-haili was asked to take a seat on the board of directors in the automobile manufacturer . we say that there is an accumulated loss, we want the high number of labor force that these russian companies hired and in a way they took the labor force hostage , we want the people to pay this compensation, why the price. an announcement by the government and the price of the competition council or the support organization is not cost-effective, why should people pay for 100 companies that are a subsidiary of one of these automobile companies ? why should he establish 100 companies at all? we will establish a company that will supply our parts , then another company will come, then another company, then the next company , in the investment field, the automobile
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company has a subsidiary company . as far as the company comes from the heart of a company , they buy each other's shares . the government you say is not a shareholder, or are they private? the government may appear to be a small percentage shareholder of the car maker in the first stage , but these companies are like each other's shares. buying and so-called shares have a value above 30-35. belongs to the government we do not want to correct these. look, there are 100 companies. there are 100 companies. each of these has a board of directors. which one of these is not the king of the board of directors? which of these companies' board members and ceos do not get paid because they are unprofitable, except for the foreign companies you mentioned.
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the board of directors and the ceo refuse to reward themselves with this order of production and loss and accumulated losses. we didn't fix it here , but we want people to pay the same price, mr. doctor, there are a few points here, see them first. as you said, why did the cut maker come and want to take over the car maker, the private sector left, a government car maker group bought it and fixed it, if it is in the hands of a private manager, the cut maker will be an auto maker. we are in a very different situation, the government cannot force it to do this or not to do this. let me give you an example. i am not an example. it is a historical story . iran khodro, which used to be called iran nasinal, was the creation of the khayami brothers before the revolution of 1950. south korea had come to iran
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, they wished to have a factory like this , like iran, what did we do? we came from the revolution , we nationalized all of these automobile manufacturers, we appointed them government managers who change regularly, they change frequently with different ministers , we are changing rome. where were we now? i mean, we were ahead of korea. we came. the government came at that time. at that time , i asked the supreme leader to confirm. in one of his speakers , he said, "we were a little radical in this matter at the beginning of the revolution. sir , let the one that was brought about by the private sector the government must plan and lead he should do it and have control, not that he should be in charge. i told all the ministers without exception. i said
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, sir, this tradition of god that you are following is dragging you down, come and stop it. let the car do what you said. why do they have a company? it's not bad to know. we just returned last wednesday on saturday . we had a delegation go to uzbekistan to visit the factory and so-called technical negotiations so that we can exchange. in uzbekistan, we went to the complex that had the car manufacturing. there was a mother company with 85 companies. subcategories that provide these parts they provide its services and its engineering, i mean, i want to say that you are saying why is this all over the world now , whether it is private or government. it is known that a large company has its own sub-categories and it is part of the case that it does the work, so my point
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is that if the government does not interfere, people will benefit, because as i just said, 6 million transactions were done in the market with it is the market price that many people do not accept, but people trade with each other. my suggestion is that if this pricing is not done and the price is done in the same way as we suggest, the price will be for that consumption. the final buyer will be 6 million lower, why is it high now because the currency and other things are not available, and you who said 6 million transactions are not wrong, we have a new market requirement of 1 million, 1 million, 200 thousand .
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they should refer to the after-sales service. they don't want to sell it with the intention of what to do with this difference. if we eliminate this difference, the real needs of the market will be reasonable, then 6 million people for 10,000 cars. what are the duties of a government? are the duties of the government other than supervision?
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but why is there so much desire to sell a car in khodros for 200 million tomans in the market of 40?
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this historical memory of the iranian nation exists in 1991, people were ordered to set the price for the khedros themselves. it didn't take a few months for the words and promises of khedros to be fulfilled in the vegetable garden. a few months later, the president was forced again. order to stop it. you said that this demand of 6 million is due to the fact that people buy and sell between 1 million in the market to make a profit for those 6 million. second-hand car demand and its prices are a function of the price they are not new cars, they are different from you . cars with kilometers of travel
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are also bought and sold in the market, and cars that have been working for 10 years are also bought and sold, so there is not necessarily a rigid demand. it doesn't exist, people, why look at the supply now, it means the supply of new cars if it is more than 1 million 200 thousand. and if the government doesn't value the interference , they will have problems selling it, because it is the year 2014 because of your blessings , our khodo maker had problems selling khodo until then, mr. nematzadeh was the minister. bringing money as a loan so that people can buy cars, you say, mr. government, stop , the government system should come, what should the government do, there are 5 duties that it has no more, internal security, security. the foreign standards and the government's monitoring are for the purpose of taking care, say, "god, i ask you to drive your car so that its pollution will be so
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low." i ask you for a reduction in fuel consumption. i want you to drive a car that has these conditions, it should work for the benefit of the people , and we will not underperform, if peugeot pars car has been announced that its production standard should be stopped. be it the ceo of iran himself says that we are consulting that if you increase the production permission , why do you insist on producing this car? if you want to work for the benefit of the people, why the 85 standards until forced.
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look, if the government has nothing to do with us , let us be free, we will move forward at the same time as the world, you order it. let's see a report , let's go back. now, mr. engineer's order was that the private sector parts maker should come and become a shareholder of khodros to fix it, and you also gave an example, but the same private sector part maker, at some point in time , came to buy a part of the car under the name of it is embargoed, it has been deposited in the customs and we have witnessed the storage of half-finished cars in the warehouse.
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we were for a part and that foreign supplier of this part announced the condition of working with our country that you should only work with the mentioned company , we only have to sign a contract with one company . we have stopped the production of the cars because of a part that could not be cleared, we are not supposed to be here.
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if you allow us to see a report, let's come back together and continue the discussion, review the comments other supporters and opponents , let's see it together. let's go back and continue the debate. mr. seyed mustafa safari, an economic expert, if the import of cars was completely free, the mandated price would not make sense, but when there is a monopoly and 98 markets are in the hands of iran khodro and saipa, the government should control the prices. . mr. amir ahmad zulfiqari, an economic expert, due to the monopoly of the market , there is a possibility of abuse by the producer. the production rate is low and there is a closed import and a mismatch between supply and demand. in the current situation, a price ceiling should be set. mr. hassan hassan khavani, economic expert: the prices should not be controlled by the car manufacturer, because there is a possibility of collusion between the car manufacturers and in
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the market. currently, the government should have full supervision and not abandon the prices, mr. amir hossein kakaei , an expert in the automobile industry, the mandatory pricing of automobiles leads to the damage of domestic production, its loss , the reduction of product quality, and also the lowering of value creation in the country, mr. hassan karimi sengari , an expert in the automotive industry , has used command pricing in the world. it doesn't exist, and in our country , it has caused accumulated losses in automobile manufacturers. mr. morteza zamanian, an economic expert, has the auto industry is priced, but the free market price is not controlled, and practically everyone who manages to buy a government car receives a rent.


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