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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the current conditions of the government should have full supervision and not abandon the prices mr. amir hossein kakai , an expert in the automobile industry, the mandatory pricing of automobiles leads to the damage of domestic production, its loss , the reduction of product quality, and also the lowering of value creation in the country, mr. hassan karimi senjari , an expert in the automotive industry , is such a task in the world. mr. morteza zamanian, an economic expert , prices have been set for the automobile industry, but the free market price is not controlled, and practically every person who succeeds in buying a government car will receive a rent . we saw the report of mohammad elhari together
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. sir , do this to me, they will cut it tomorrow morning, we have a law, paragraph 90 of principle 44, it says that if the government comes somewhere and sets a price, it causes losses , then damages must be paid, and that amount is equal to the difference in order to give profit. this is paragraph 90. principle 44, even one of our godly managers came and made this claim, and even in my account he meant and said, mr. government, you now owe me so much according to this paragraph, what was the result of cutting the model, why is it the government, that's why we say that if the government is on the side and the private sector is on the side, it can speak. what has happened now
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is that the so-called self-repairing companies cover their losses with the revaluation method and withdraw themselves from article 141 twice . i can't do my work on time, that's why my friends are pointing out the fact. that this mandatory pricing except losses and losses for production for the consumer. let us remember that our production is our national identity. we should not lose sight of this national identity, and if there are losses and losses here, it is interesting. the minister of industry himself says this, the government spokesman says it, the minister of economy says it all. they are saying that the supreme leader himself has said several times, sir, it is the work of the people.
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in the hands of the people, mr. raisi, a good point was made in that clause 8, clause 8, that it should be done, so why don't we do it, as a demand of yours, as a voice and voice of the people , let's do this demand, at least i say sir. 6 the trial month of the government, even if it owns it , let it manage it, if it gets good results , continue, if it doesn't get results, go back to the first place. the ministry of industry, mines , and trade interferes unnecessarily in the field of automobile manufacturing, i agree , and we must get out of this vicious cycle. god , this task must be determined . they don't want to give up, at least announce. who declare that the numbers
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are not real, the real shares will be determined after the task of managing the car manufacturers and their shares is determined the task has been determined, their assets, their debts, later , it is the last link of this pricing chain. first of all, this issue is that the car dealer wants to ask khodros . my question, citizen, is the same when he asked me, 6 months ago , a year ago, the money, a part of the car money, the price of the car. you got. so where did this money go? if i lost money to the manufacturer that you don't pay, it's increasing every day. so where did this money go? it's a loss . we took an asset from the people. the air didn't work. it didn't work . we sold a car to the people. 100 millions of tomans have been used up for us, when did you use up 150 million tomans? you produced this, we got it now.
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we didn't produce it, we will deliver it in another year . today, there is no inflation. today, inflation will happen in another year. you bought it today at today's price, which means you got the money and go buy the part. if it is like this, the truth must be that it is not . well, the violations that exist should be checked, so the pricing is not a problem. you calculated the money with me at today's price, you got half of me . pay it, do all these things , after 6 months, after a year, another part of you will receive the money and deliver it to me after 3 months . at least the objective example is my own servant, who after the completion of the purification period , khodros gave me the car only three months later. well, that means he took the money , that means he took all the money, if he is an assembler and you are all these things. let's assume that the contractor took the money from me, you didn't get involved with your own capital. here's the story. the price is 100 tomans
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. i sold it to you for 50 tomans. why did i sell it for 50 tomans because of the government's force? if it wasn't for the government's force, i wouldn't have sold 50 tomans from the first time it was sold. the losses have started , even i remember talking to some managers, sir he said that the more we produce , the more we produce, the more our losses will be. you see, they are connected to each other in a loop. your losses in some cars are 10% more expensive, which is not the case. the available production statistics also have their losses, reported in saipa automobile company. 10% of the set price below 10%. 50% loss for each car, which was not, means that the price is high , the difference should be checked that the performance of khodorus caused this . see, you have added a point . manpower. % means anything
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you are an extra and a pillow, when you want to pay, i know that you will get the increase, he says that it has an effect when you want , we have no objection at all to the increase of bananas , besides this year, we saw that these things that were increased did not work, we did most of them ourselves. without the government, the one that is there now , the government of the workers
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, the employers , they will be talking about bananas, the employer has no objection, our dear people should know this from now on , that it is not our responsibility. we have, not that we want to sell grams. the reason is that the volume our liquidity in our society is increasing. i will say three numbers quickly. our total liquidity during the first government of mr. ahmadinejad was 63 thousand billion tomans in the whole society. they say that now i have a thousand billion tomans, but now it is easier to have a thousand billion tomans. 63 the first effort of mr. rouhani's government was 450, please help me. the first government of mr. president was 4,000. now that i am talking to you, it has exceeded 750.
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have this, a formula from 1911, 14 years ago , economists said the amount of goods. multiplied by the price of goods. not the budget that the honorable representatives have these words are not necessarily true, and there are at least 56 factors to increase liquidity, and for various cases, this question is here. the loss of car manufacturers is announced at about 10%, not 10%, for
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each car, the price of the car, for example, what the statistics announced on the website now, look at the sites, 10% of iran is below 10% of the month of statistics that was announced . the losses incurred in these 9 months have been recently announced. then i agree with saipa. saips are lower, iran khodro is more, well, 10% more, saipa 10% when you say it. 6 months ago, the car manufacturer took money from me 6 months ago , then before delivery, 3 months before delivery it ends again, where did the money get, where did it go, when you have 10%, this is the pricing factor or inflation or whatever. the same loss, the same loss, look at the price of one toman , you sell for 5 thousand, the price is one toman and not 5 thousand
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, sir, 10 tomans, sir, 10 percent, you sell 10 tomans and 9 tomans, you lose one toman, so who should compensate for this one toman loss? where is he going to get all this, it will be accumulated , there will be no justification for the car manufacturer not fulfilling this, for example, a commitment that he is making, but i am ready to sell a large number of them, if your commitment is, if you have to give your commitment on the car, then sell
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it again, see, now the car is the so-called saipa commitment of 148,000, so how much is this 148,000 produced? now, it is producing 200 a day. calculate how many months it will take, it will be two or three months , it is not a number at all. the one that they told us to sell now is because i was a parts maker and the worker was hungry on eid night . we worked hard. this is the issue of holding production and workers hostage in some of our industries there are those who say that whatever happens, our worker has not been paid, and...
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we also have the worker's fee, which is in the car, which we do. let's go to the parliament , let's reach out to all the gentlemen, why should we go home empty-handed on the night of eid? my worker has been busy for a year. exactly, the worker should ask you why when you say 8% now it became 88, 20 he says, "brimiya, your score is low." midma 8% khodros, 20 different parts manufacturers, my work in my factory has 300 employees, the work is not done automatically. and it is reasonable it also exists, that is, what i have , i buy with the soft world, the one that the car manufacturer has
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, gets power for itself and does the work, because more than 70-75% of the price of the car is its parts, it is coming for itself, maybe 25% more than the sample, which is a certain amount . it's the personnel cost and the rest is the assembly cost, i 'm sorry, so i won't pay back the hundred for these 20 minutes. first, i'll keep them for 5 months , so that later i can write a letter to the officials to come and help. why do we want the raw materials, mr. doctor? you didn't say it was five months, no , i said five or six months, you are not paying attention, mr. doctor in general, i have to give you a low score. i say that they are delaying my money for 5-6 months. what should i do ? i will go to the bank to get a loan. i'm going to buy my steel as a pledge. i kept myself like this. now, you said that in your orders, the need
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for liquidity is high. when liquidity is high, the need for working capital is high. well, we have the central bank's bonds that do not need liquidity at all. these formulas are calculated for the last 100 years may be used for the last 100 years, now newer bonds or financing tools have been defined and needed in that case, it doesn't exist. you can do your settlement with paper money without the effects of inflation and strong liquidity growth that other methods have. you can do the same thing and the worker's rights , so there is no reason to keep the worker's rights , let's use the eid night as an excuse for not being paid, and now other subjects and the grade, boldly, the grades that are given , first of all, the honorable people of iran are judging what they are touching the workers of industry and automobile industry
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, they are listening to all the people. in short, we should not think that we have data. we have materials and we know that the people don't know more than we do they know that we are people, they are more than us because they are touching the bottom of the society every day and living in these conditions, the worker now knows what his employer is saying to increase his salary during eid . there are many , mr. najafi, do you think that if there is no car pricing, there will be 0 to 100 pricing in the hands of khudros. what positive thing will happen to khudros? this happened in 70, which means the price of the car that is assumed now let it be 960 tomans, 700 tomans, the price
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will come down for the people, the car maker will not lose . and you can develop your work , complete your plan, and you have a share section in particular, we have now made a large part of these shares of god and equity bonds, we have made equity shares, and we are doing nothing in the hands of the people , and we will do it so that the people have this thing. they start working and invest, they can reap their profits, and you don't believe that the market, because now the sales volume of our private car manufacturers is 54% of the market volume, and this is no longer a thing, now we have to go to the time when they say that 90% 95% of the self-monopoly
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was in the hands of these two self-builders, but now that it is not, it is the competition that determines the work while entering. and in this monopoly market , they don't allow new actors to enter, but if something like this doesn't happen in the car industry, i have to remember that if we assume that we don't produce cars at all , sir, they talk a lot about this, we should not sell any oil. in the hands of the people, we are offering 30 billion dollars. do you think that if the government's pricing is not removed from the pricing, what will be the harm to the people or the production how long do you think this pricing should continue? see, the first damage happens here , which means that the pricing is not carried out, which means that
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it is sold 5% below the market price, which means the current price. there should be government supervision until the market is completely out of monopoly. the competition should be in such a way that we can talk about competition and non-exclusivity, that the imports are carried out . actually, people don't see the result, that it is imported , which means that the same car is made by itself. even these two are going to import it themselves. the car manufacturer should be banned from importing it, why should he import it himself when which has production should be banned, which means that it has no benefits , and it has actually happened, the import of our
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cheap cars has not been imported, the order has not been registered . he will also have a hint about 10 years, see 10 years from 72 to 84, 12 years the pricing was the same, both people benefited, god, this is not what we say in theory, it is in practice. we did it here, we saw the result, so we have 4 minutes, two minutes for your summary because with you i have started, please give me your summary. yes, look, first of all, i would like to thank you for the good program
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that you made, and it was a challenge, but it was very good in the atmosphere of the conversation, and if i went too fast at one point , i apologize to mr. the benefit of iran is because of our national identity. see, the automobile document was the first document that mr. obama and then trump came to sanction. why do they sanction this industry? it is a fundamental industry for the country, and we should not get there. we should try to privatize it. by removing government oversight of quality improvement in the case reducing emissions, reducing fuel consumption, and god willing, we will be able to move. we have a lot of good things ahead of us and we are capable. we are doing this right now in the case of electric cars
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. to be clear about the issues, my advice to the future representatives of the next parliament is to spend their time writing the law. whatever you call the document and name, we are not against production , we are not against the unemployment of workers if we don't produce it , it will be cut , even now it is cut. we used to say that we have 96 domestic productions, which is the depth of domestic production , but we actually saw that this did not happen. let's focus on the price for now. let's start the prerequisites for it, i.e. reforming the automobile industry, and at least remove these things that have been repeated a lot, such as government shareholding and government entrepreneurship
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, and then let's go to the next steps. i thank you for the execution of this program today , i would like to say something about the width, saying that the average is two thousand dollars now , which means that their number is a low number in your opinion. 1 million dollars, 2 billion dollars, half a billion dollars. the mobile phone money that enters the country, that is, for the import, the width that we wanted is almost the same number, not there. if we don't import
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, if we don't produce, we have to spend 30 billion dollars a year for import. 10 if we enter a thousand dollars with zero commercial profit rate , you can't see these numbers , it gives zero commercial profit, we can't do much with this income of our government, we have no say, but the government has income. to all the good viewers who have accompanied us until this moment, may god bless you and protect you . yam is higher than both or higher today, no matter where we are, we will be tomorrow.
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dear omar bin moshahidina , we are now on the ruins of abdul aziz mosque in the east of rifa. the heads of the people inside were destroyed. a number of children who were playing near the mosque were also martyred. in the attack on this mosque, there were many losses he entered the houses. the huge amount of the ruins of this multi-story mosque can be clearly seen. the zionists targeted the residents of the houses around this mosque without prior warning. from the beginning of the war, the zionist regime adopted the strategy of attacking without prior notice, and in the same way , worshipers and civilians. the ministry of awqaf and religious affairs announced that more than 1,000 of the 1,200 mosques in the gaza strip were targeted, which shows that this war
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is not only against the resistance but also against islam . thank god and yes lawyer the imam of the congregation was in the mosque at the time of the attack, and he was martyred when he was hit there. from this angle , the amount of destruction can be seen better. the amount of destruction caused in this area, which is the result of three rockets of american fighters with zionist pilots, was very extensive . american weapons are used to destroy mosques and houses of palestinian citizens. in the attacks, not only one mosque or house is targeted, but all the surrounding houses are targeted. all the houses around this mosque have been destroyed and are no longer habitable. the people here say: the silence of arab and islamic countries to commit crimes against muslim civilians and mosques is to participate in this crime.
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special sale of televisions on the occasion of the asian nations cup with amazing conditions in the iranian grand sera , partial sale without advance payment, without guarantor in the iranian grand sera, one tv for every iranian in the
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iranian grand sera ranchers' cheese, milk, cocoa, ranchers ' yogurt, khashmzeh ranchers, fresh sarshir ranchers, ranchers from bamdan to including ranchers. sir, i'm sorry, do you know where you are, the city of paresh and the city of household appliances? yes you go straight, km 5 of a special road. this man wants to mislead you. if you want to buy a bloody hollow carpet, go straight to the right. you start again , and you go straight to km 5 of a special road . you arrive in front of tehran, on a big sign that says faraj city and home appliance city. i say, "i'm unemployed. i'll stand here
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and take the board . what are you doing? we'll find the address. you don't accept the words of a living person . you trust the words of a living person . why do you give the wrong address here, when the city of farsh was not the city of household appliances?" pay attention to the city of carpets and the city of home appliances next from azadi square in front of tehran, when your choice is single, it means the quality of the piece, the combination of the pieces, the taste of the pieces, you will taste such an experience.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers , we present the zionist regime at noon today. the kurdish suburbs of damascus were attacked. it is said that the presence of resistance and anti-isis forces in seyed zainab area was targeted. syrian media reported that the country's air defense countered the aggression of the zionist regime in the suburbs of damascus. unconfirmed reports indicate the martyrdom of at least two people. no further details have been released.


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