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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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congratulations, you are now a mahrisi star. this gold star is your gift. on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of mahrisi carpet factory. on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of mahrisi carpet factory. and get a gold star. we are 30 years old , and we are going to buy something from anywhere. it is better to pay attention to these points . what does the consumer price of the remaining cash mean? let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now let's calculate the remaining cash together. if 20 percent we can give an advance payment of 4 million tomans, now we have to subtract this four million from the consumer price , that is, 20 minus
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four, so our debt will be 16 million tomans , so the installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. finally, 1 percent is the city of household appliances. we have come to fight. war is one day defender , one day is patience, one day is resistance, one day is perseverance , and one day is passion for victory. if we depend on the passion for victory , it will be clear that we are fighting for the world , we are not fighting for the accounts that god has placed for us. hassan bagheri owes no one
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he doesn't do it himself, he settles everyone's accounts and he is a great person and worked so sincerely for god that god is working for him with all his gods. get lost here or this way or this way and get it.
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this hosseinieh was started on the day of the martyrdom of hazrat zahra hosseinieh , and with this intention we named this place hosseinieh hazrat.
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we will all see hassan bagheri's grace and care in our lives, god willing. i hope that everyone's wishes will come, god willing , the prayers of each one of you that you said will be answered by god, amen.
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this environment should be like this, with the same clear intention, with the same clean energy, mr. tawakal, if i am not mistaken , mr. baghai, these should be asked with the same energy. may they be preserved after thirty years . i thank god that as the first guest of ghulam hossein
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afshardi, they can act on behalf of their mother. when i was coming, i called their mother and said that i am going on behalf of you. the broken baghz was 30 years old, he really wanted to come, but his physical condition does not allow us to remember the martyr hassan bagheri , to clear an area of ​​about 1,000 meters by 1,000 meters so that they can go. during your visit here, don't worry about the 1,000-pound bomb that
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was found in jamondeh during the preliminary wal-fajr operation. air bombs this is the heaviest bomb that iraq has used against us . we want to destroy them today, god willing, so that they do not pose a danger to the pilgrims of noor . at the time of dissection, the blockage will increase. it's better to explode.
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today, 9/12/95, is the first day of the start of mural painting in memory of shaheed hassan bagheri. and this is the first banner and the first text of hassan bagheri's speech that was installed in the memory of martyr bagheri.
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we are digging a hole for the flag . look at the day we put the flags. my name is mohammad amin dehghan azad , we used to fly flags to collect the flag in the parking lot here in north feka area and we remember martyr hassan and the last one, god willing , in the years to come, students, students, commanders of
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the country's army, we are all here. come here be successful with the presence of martyr bagheri's mother, we were tired of this hardship that the children go through. on the surface, we may be serving the pilgrims
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, but in the first instance, we are trying to protect ourselves. mehr fell into our hearts. i did not come with a feeling. god made us tired when we work, but we are tired only when we play it's tiring, we're tired, we're very happy, i'm just saying , whoever hasn't come here, come here for a year, experience it for a year , last year when i came, i fell in love, it was great , it's hard to leave here, start here
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. it is another thing that the children are doing like hassan himself. it is a miracle that they were able to change the texture of this area to the texture of this memory in about four or five days .
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they tell us what and why, but they don't tell us how. how did hassan bagheri become a martyr for us? hasan bagheri and others like him are an example of a rational look at war , an intellectual look at war, a mature look at war, no heat, no passion other than passion, what can you say about war to me and you, is war all passion and passion? it is possible that a body that has been cooked will not be raw anymore. our holy defense is full
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of maturity, intelligence and rationality. when hassan bagheri was martyred, the news reached the imam . but it was not so much that it was in your eyes, which means what the imam says , god is that martyr. may god bless us, night you are alive only in the evening prayer, every eye that is awake for god and works hard is alive at night, and hassan bagheri says brother bagheri, come and participate in the prayer of kamil in the camp, we don't talk to you, miyarna says, first of all , if iraq comes and takes your land, kamil will not be left for you to pray, secondly, until at the end of your life, you have so much time to read kamil and you don't read it. thirdly, kamil , i wrap a blanket behind my toyota in the middle of the night
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in the cold . because i can't believe that they asked me to be here and maybe it's a blessing for me. 18 times i am coming, but it was the first time here, i do n't know what we had done when this martyr invited us here, we are among the first groups that are coming here. but hassan bagheri and others like him, on the night of the fatah al-mobin operation, his voice is saying , oh god, we did everything we could, we identified the injured , we gave martyrs, we gave a night of vigil, but victory is with you , and then with that voice, he says, mahdi, mullah , mahdi, mullah, sign tonight, our victory. hasan bagheri knows the ground
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, he knows the insider, he knows my enemy, because of this , he can analyze and design, dominate. information to your power of analysis gives you the power of analysis, my power of analysis allows you to predict the movement of the opposing side. hassan bagheri entered the war , he did not know arabic. for god 's sake, he read arabic to do his duty and to fulfill the words of the imam of his time. iraqis speak arabic , hassan bagheri said, "you have to dare yourself , this kind of fighting is not useful, the war strategy must be changed, so he accepted under the table, but what was his plan? we have learned, we just attack." no, we're just saying, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, so then if you don't have any more, it's useless it's just a slogan
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, as long as there is this call to god almighty, this is a struggle, as long as there is oppression, as long as there is blasphemy, this is a struggle. many commanders played a role in the holy defense and all of them grew. aziz jafari is one of them. gholampur is one of them. safavi mohsen rezaei is one of them. safavi mohsen rezaei is one of them. they appear and grow, but the gem is all good don't tell us this concept of war, now it's hot here, you 're sitting here and you're annoying , ca n't you come and fight only with poems that are sung by expensive songs? two days and a week, why did we
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separate the narration of spirituality from the narration of rationality? is it possible for someone to not have spirituality, to not have sincerity and to have courage in operations, a spirituality that does not have action in it, and a spirituality that is only a so-called prayer and does not have action behind it, this spirituality it's not that these are just a few states and these issues are fundamentally different from hasan bagheri the other commanders, the authors of the command in one person, the good point is that he understood where the sentence of mr. who says that whoever is in the islamic republic, wherever he is , should know the center of the world, and if he knows, everything will return to him. hassan shahid bagheri before he said this sentence listen , act on it, understand where it is in history. hassan bagheri says , "we are not fighting for our land , we are not fighting for the joy of victory. of course, since we are fighting for islam , we are happy to win, but we are not fighting for victory either. we are only fighting for duty . i did not think that a one day i will come to see here, well, i myself
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i have a lot of devotion to this martyr, i am very happy , alhamdulillah, i also thank those who created this space. they are still making war movies for you and me. these movies are iraqi. the people who print are not in their heads. they are listening to songs. then a wise person does not ask. you fought with this iraqi for 8 years. hassan bagheri's confusion is 3 words. it has not been more than a few days since hasan's presence in the war that he writes a report about the war . he writes that i saw the war carefully . the reason is not because we don't fight well. and then he gives an example of a city. he says that in the morning they say it has rained. at noon they say they captured it and at night they deny it. is it possible to fight with this information? we want information for operations. these few lines that i read to you are the introduction
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to the presence and creation of operation information in janga and hassan bagheri is the founder of this. the moment when a person enters, it means a feeling , i don't know how to describe it, it's like saying, sir, for example, what does a daffodil smell like, it really can't be described . it is very manipulated the first one, when we entered here, the comrades said that the feeling and situation here is the question of the time of the war . he talked about hassan bahri, agha hossein, and said that when hassan was martyred. i was walking like a person who was walking with a limp, i feel like i lost my back. and then he said, "who did you replace hasan bagheri?" he said, "hassan's time , after witnessing it, rashid came to give it to me
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. i gave it to rashid. i gave it to someone else. then i said, "what did you do for hassan in the design of the operations?" he said that until the end of the war, hassan's place was not filled. . 61st birthday of martyr hosniyeh, my god, a service from birth the mastermind of pockets. that from tomorrow in life , we should dare to stand up against oppression and oppression. together with the martyrs, we
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celebrated hassan bagheri's birthday tonight . congratulations on this birthday to all the commanders of islam, the commander of the hearts of hyde bagheri . in god's way, this perseverance in the spiritual front is now spirituality is a kind of prayer, a kind of perseverance, a kind of accuracy in the mustahabah, accuracy in the obligations, accuracy in the forbidden.
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the imam went to shahid bagheri and some of his friends did not go, now the martyr himself. bagheri, who said that what should we tell the imam , how many months did we keep the basiji children, we trained them, but we don't know.
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where do we want to operate, i am not coming, we came here on the 9th of bahman, our friends had checked information that from this point of view in this area, we can see the opposite area, well, we had the aerial photo of the area, we had the map of the area, we came here with 2 jeeps and we put the jeeps below. these two mortars of the 81st army were down here, and this was their view, the mortars of the ground forces army, we coordinated with them, they were in their trenches, we came up here and opened the aerial photo of the map and started discussing and seeing the area. it was around 9:00 in the morning it was morning and the sun was from the east. our feeling was that the iraqis do not see well because of the sun in their eyes and do not recognize us, of course , they recognize that 8 people
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are now with a number of up and down scouting and reconnaissance and they are firing mortars around here. well , we also naturally heard these mortars , if it was too close, we washed, otherwise we were doing our work. because here is a picture of the map , i understand that those who were inside this quarry were martyred, almost every five of them, now you can tell me something, for example the coordinates ask exactly here so that we don't mistake the map. where else are you? i followed it and from here. i went down, maybe 5 meters, 6 meters in this canal, and it was hit by a mortar here. a mortar, for example, 81, almost hit here.
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those who were very close were very injured . one or two people who were further back were less injured , but the martyrdom of mr. palash was cut short . god willing, may the souls of all the martyrs be united with imam hussain (peace be upon him). give us success that way. let's continue, gentlemen. may god, god willing , give patience to all our veterans, reward them, and grant success to all the noble nation to continue this path . god bless ali muhammad.
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we have 3 characteristics in this memory, and we have mentioned three characteristics below, and we will not deviate from it, and we will stick to it firmly . the most important thing is the narrative package that we have here for those who appear here, here in feke vajai di , all those who identify with this phenomenon there are those who are trying hard for god's pleasure and hassem waq, martyr hassan vagheri, he is a very high-ranking commander, he is a
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strategic commander. special sale of carpets with an attractive design of replacing old carpets with new carpets in a large iranian mansion
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, wholesale sale without. advance payment without guarantor in a large iranian house , a new carpet for every iranian in a large iranian house . check kenyon and check the grand lottery of the country is being held.
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for a limited time in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari. sweep up the presents. home musician city. in the evening, dear compatriots, we have arrived at 17:00 and we present the news of this hour . the iranian ambassador in syria said that in the attack of the zionist regime on all of damascus today at noon, no iranian advisory center was targeted. mr. akbari added that iranian nationals were harmed in this attack. the zionist regime did not arrive at noon today by firing three ground-to -ground missiles


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