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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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the ability of scientists to meet the needs of the industry on the occasion of holding an exhibition of capabilities in the presence of the supreme leader of the revolution, where the achievements of scientists were presented tonight, we are investigating this issue , we are at the service of mr. the second time that this exhibition will be held, remember that the same exhibition was held last year and tomorrow there will be a meeting of the collections this year with a different approach to the exhibition with the group's planning and effort. the economy of the supreme leader's office was held. this year's approach compared to last year there was a serious difference. and that was that last year the achievements were presented systematically. this year, in various areas of the economy, including energy, water and environment, health and medical equipment, food, including agriculture, fisheries and livestock and poultry, technology areas. information on mines and other areas of transportation
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, the exhibition was held in the form of economic areas, and its main goal was to show the place of knowledge bases in completing the value chain of large industries of the country's economy, as well as the gaps in the country's large value chains. let's discuss it so that, god willing, it will be a follow-up and effort in meeting the needs of the country's industry and the country's economic sectors, hazrat agha also spent an extended time of four hours and it was a blessing to visit and see many of the collections and we hope that tomorrow, god willing, when we use his statements, it will be a road map. in order to complete this good flow in the next year, you said that it was checked in this chain that there are empty places and these empty places will be filled with the capacity of knowledge bases. the story is that when
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the gentleman talks about the knowledge-based economy as a fundamental way of transformation and progress in the country it is necessary for us to pay attention to the various economic fields in which the country has capabilities. in our country, we have special capabilities in several economic fields, for example, the energy field is one of our special strengths, the health field. and medical equipment is our special area. other areas are also areas of our serious needs, such as the issue of water, environment and electricity, which are among the serious needs of the country. when the economy is based on knowledge, with the concept that mr. himself said many times, that is, an economy that is productive , an economy that uses modern technologies and can produce quality products with offer a low price. what we are talking about is that
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you will see the impact of innovative technology in all these areas of the economy. these value chains that exist in every economic field have serious problems. one of them is the completion of that value chain. i will give you an example in the petrochemical industry, we are producing the product, but somewhere in the value chain , the conversion of crude oil or gas into a petrochemical product is somewhere. it is an empty strategy that there is a technological product, this is a discussion of the needs of these collections, one look is enough to meet the needs of our value chain, another look is to complete our value chain, some examples are given. in the discussion of methanol, our value chain ends with methanol. it starts with gas and ends with methanol . there is a continuation of this whole chain of valuable products that the economy is showing itself, so we have to take another look at the future opportunities
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to complete the chain. the value of this exhibition was to show, firstly, what is our capability , secondly, where do we have empty opportunities , do we have needs that we need to jump, thirdly , where can we complete our value chains in order to obtain higher added value regarding this exhibition? which was held today prepared report. let's see the report together . we will come back and be at your service. the visit of the leader of the revolution to the capabilities of knowledge-based companies in imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh. in fact , large knowledge-based companies and manufacturing companies that have in-depth production in 8 industries were identified and evaluated in two stages. we want to be able to connect startups and small student companies to large industrial companies according to this model that we actually designed, the hybrid concept model , and god willing , we will do great things in this. knowledge exhibition
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the foundations showcased their latest achievements in sectors such as energy, automotive industry, communications and information technology, satellite manufacturing, food and agriculture industries, and medical equipment. you can expect that in any case, the serious challenge we will face in the future is the issue of gasoline and environmental pollution. one of the issues that must be followed in the path of this transfer is the issue of replacing old engines with new engines , which were the same engine with low fuel consumption. as we promised you , it has been designed and, god willing , it will go into the production line next year it is an engine that has been gassed. at the beginning of the government, we predicted a significant program for development in two parts to resolve the dissatisfaction that we saw in the development, one is in consumption management and optimization. the supply of products of knowledge-based companies in the design and manufacture of catalysts and products required by petrochemical industries was also one of the other parts of this exhibition.
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the most important pillar of technical knowledge is the catalyst. hazrat agha, one gram of this is cathartic because of the nano compounds and the surface of the vulva. and it creates the equivalent of a football field inside itself, the most important feature of this domestic production exhibition centered on the company knowledge-based and production supply chain, and the plans made for knowledge-based large industrial companies, as well as the activities of knowledge-based companies in different sectors, were explained . in the past years, we have witnessed that the leadership has repeatedly pointed out that the needs of industry b should be met according to the capacity of the knowledge bases. in their statements , they also pointed to the knowledge base of the big industry, which in the same explanation you gave means meeting the needs and completing that chain was also now based on knowledge
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where do we stand in our big industry ? look, i emphasized this several times before. we believe that today, with nearly 100 student companies , there is enough technological power to solve any problem in the country, so that these companies can develop together. let them do a great job. direct support without a goal is no longer an answer. the biggest support that we can give to these companies is to help their own market to place their heels on their playing field in big industries. this is the serious policy of the academic assistantship in the fourth term, which we call it the policy of the assistantship scientific in the fourth generation, which is the realization of the scientific economy , that is
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, in the fourth generation, we are moving more towards market creation. we in the fourth generation of the scientific assistant believe that in the previous period, in the previous periods, the ecosystem was formed, almost components like funds, centers. innovation, innovation factories, companies of scientists were created, now we need to develop these, to make them qualitative and to create a playing field for them in the real issues of the country , now what kind of development is this ? i was working to serve you, so this is the main goal to create a market for our companies. we believe very seriously that scientific companies will be successful when they establish their communication in different devices instead of being directly connected to the scientific vice-chancellor. in the position of the vice president, i believe that i am the assistant scientific assistant and vice president in order to be able
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to help in the field of science and technology in all different fields . the government's view, with the emphasis of mr. president , is that all institutions should help the ecosystem of scientific companies to develop, and that help is nothing but trusting and entrusting the work. wanting to meet the needs of these companies in this direction is what we are doing so that there is a general index inside it, one is to identify the opportunities and needs that exist in the major industries of the country with the help of our officials, various expert experts and companies' records. the big industry of the big complexes in the country together with the agents of the field to share the technology of the managers in the scientific vice-chancellor, effective opportunities and big projects are
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identified in different devices. the device in cooperation with the knowledge base in the field of exploration, in the field of exploitation , in the field of petrochemicals, in the field of gas exploration, in the field of drilling and various other issues, various meetings are held to estimate the needs in a precise manner, and the result of this assessment of the needs is a series of agreements that contain it is completely clear what issues can be used at what cost, with what commitment, and when, like the contract for advanced drilling equipment , for example, i will open it at the end of this set of agreements, which, for example, last year with the oil group for a period of 5 years with an approximate volume of 2 or some time ago, three weeks ago in the company complex a billion dollars was signed in seven special
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national gas product groups in the amount of 500 million euros for 4 years in 12 special product groups. these are the opportunities to influence and the serious and big issues of the country's major industries, which are accounted for by the calls that almost every in a few weeks , it will be unveiled in the scientific offices. almost every week, we have 2 to 3 big calls for big projects in the fields of agriculture , food, fisheries and other fields . a connection another way between this company and other industries is that the industries themselves are encouraged and encouraged to come to this belief. who can communicate directly . they organize events, they have programs to introduce their needs, where
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the whole communication is formed and the market for the companies is developed. the product of all these meetings, the product of these talks are contracts that lead to exactly meeting the real needs of the country. we believe that we have a technology supply stream in the country that should continue to work. one stream should be active more prominently and that stream needs to be met it comes from the market side, it comes from the demand side, the product of this set of contracts has been made. many of the products that were presented today in the exhibition are in different areas . the field of water networks , power networks optimizer. it has been prioritized or it has been checked which areas
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should be prioritized, for example, agriculture , petrochemical, water, see all the issues of the country, if they are to be realized, it will open up many economic areas. we do not have disadvantages in economic areas. our view is that our main attention should be on two sides, to those economic areas in which there are disadvantages. we have a special focus, such as the oil sector, the health sector, and the second medical equipment, towards the areas that we need the most, such as the water , electricity and environment sectors, that is, you went towards the bottlenecks. looking at the places where the country may have bottlenecks and special issues, with this look , we felt that we have a special focus on 10 areas. his product was presented in the exhibition
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they are on the line with us now, mr. taqvai, an active scholar. hello , good night. greetings and courtesy to all our respected viewers and our dear presenter, mr. dr. dehghani . may god bless you with products. first, they explain what the product is, where it is used, it has been developed in the industry, yes , in the name of god, the company's product is in the infrastructure areas of water, electricity, gas, oil networks. this product can be exploited using artificial intelligence. your voice is not clear, sir.
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you see, one of my charms and really happiness in the government is that i am the scientific deputy for many the devices of the country. according to the emphasis of hazrat agha, which was emphasized last year in coordination with each other for the development of the academic market, the fact that they recognize the vice-chancellor as a reference point for them to refer to in order to meet their needs, many of the issues that i raised today, many of the achievements the ones that were unveiled and opened just today , for example, i want to give you an example . we have a series of wells in the oil field, which are closed and have no oil production
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. last year, i think it was in december that a request was made. a request was received from an oil group in the country. from it came that sir, we have such a problem , we need to be able to have multi-phase pumps to increase the harvest or sometimes to revive the dead wells, a contract worth 9 million dollars , approximately 9 million dollars, was awarded for the construction, design and installation of 4 of these. pumps in talombe khanah , ahvaz, the first pump was built almost a few months ago, it was installed at a cost of approximately 2 million dollars , and it is working. he has returned his week and has more than 100 million
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the dollar brought to the country causes 18 million cubic meters of gas to be wasted. it also prevents . well, this achievement is very special. i sometimes say that technological fields have very big effects . it's like you have a big system, how many 10,000 units did you spend on it? in order for this whole system to start working, you have to see that well drilling costs a lot of well equipment inside. shahi chaha is sleeping with a 2 million dollar multi-phase pump to create 100 million dollars a year value for the country. what is this product? the result is that our industry, especially some of the ones who are the leaders in this story, realized that the scientific vice-chancellor and the collections of knowledge-based companies can
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be a place to meet their real needs. fortunately, a part. many of the issues that are being taken into consideration by maawat today are the issues that are taken up by the institutions and entrusted to solve those issues. pointing to the right point, mr. doctor, there was a time when the knowledge bases had to prove themselves , now they have to pass that stage to reach maturity and the industries that request that the need be met, and we have gone one step further and we are now working on export. in the past year, we have seen various export contracts. the trips that you had, the knowledge-based products in the exhibitions that were held there, were very much in favor of finding that surgical bandage that we had or that agricultural drone that we had. that the issue of trust should really be thanked , first of all, he praised hazrat agha himself, who in
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the last two or three decades, especially in the last two decades , emphasized in a special and focused way on the knowledge-based economy of the country they used to talk about supporting companies , talk about supporting the production of science and technology, until now, when the issue of economy is discussed, as well as the managers who have been working hard in the country for these years, and now we are witnessing such a national honor. it has worked in the country for years , it has proven its product, it is known in the country, it has reached a stage of growth that has almost stopped , it has found its market in the country, it is now known and it is doing its job, science and technology today is just a fancy and fancy product. science and technology today is not one of the most important components and elements
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power creation is in the world, now the power equations of countries are determined on science and technology. fortunately, the diplomacy of the people's government is very serious about being able to place one of the pillars of its dialogue with the world in the field of science and technology . can you help us to develop our cooperation? i am happy to give you the news that according to the customs statistics of 1400, we had approximately 600 million dollars in danish exports. in 401, this number was 850 million dollars and in 402 by the end of tower 7, it was 1 billion and 340 million dollars. if we continue with this process, our prediction is that this year
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we will have more than 2 billion dollars, which is three times the amount of last year. mr. dr. mr. taqvai is on the line with us now, will you allow us to continue talking with them, mr. taqvai, i say hello to you again. hello , could you please explain about your activity and the use of your product? yes. i would like to tell you that we are working in the field of intelligentization of water, electricity, gas and oil networks. our product function using artificial intelligence field of interest we convert traditional operations into modern operations, and it causes the productivity in this industry to increase significantly. for example, we reduce the water consumption by 30% up to 1005.
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which cities? mashhad, qesht, south khorasan, and in the future, god willing , it will be carried out in several provinces of zanjan, khuzestan, and khorasan. did you have a good cooperation with the industry and were you satisfied with the performance? yes, we got different confirmation during this period. we employed more than 2,070 people, and these together are a serious knowledge-based work, which is comparable to other countries. he has a reason to be able to appear on the contrary. i thank you for your presence in the special news interview, as mr. taqvai is an active scientist in
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the field of intelligentization of the water and electricity network. mr. doctor is one of the active companies. i think he is very active and with honors. very good means that some of the products of this company, which are based on the latest artificial intelligence technologies, are about management and optimization. it does the construction of water, electricity and gas in the big cities of the country , in terms of the level of technology, it is really at the level of the top 5 countries in the world. your last sentence, before you went to mr. taqvi, you said that we predict that until let's hit 2 billion dollars by the end of the year, god willing, yes, we predict that we will be able to reject 2 billion dollars, god willing, and mr. kia's serious problem is that now we have 89 export destinations , some of them are small, some of them are big. the discussion of diplomacy, science, technology and economics is strongly followed by academics in the scientific vice-chancellor
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. in close cooperation with the ministry of foreign affairs and the economic deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs, there is news in this field almost every day. i have said many times that there is no such thing as a week either we are not the host of a foreign delegation or we are not the guest of a foreign country. this program is very it is seriously being followed, the accusation is the same, mr. doctor, its importance is enough that during the trips of the honorable president , a group of scientists and technologists follow them and hold meetings, this is one of the indicators of authority. we organize exhibitions on the pages of the president. seeing a reality on the stage gives the government authority in negotiations that cannot be obtained with anything else . in the matter of export only export is not a product. in the export of technology and development , there is also technological cooperation. let's assume that i
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can establish technological cooperation as a country with the countries that we are friends with. in strategic products, for example, medicine, health , medical equipment, food and agriculture, that means we can participate in the target countries. let's have common sites. joint cooperation will bring the interests of countries. and linking interests helps to deal with sanctions. it means that a country whose interests are linked with us is careful and careful in other political forums it accompanies the country. it is definitely one of the serious programs that should be developed in the fourth generation of the scientific vice-chancellor. it is the export of scientists that can be presented. let's have a good time. i would like to tell you that we have a lot of exports in the country, but every export
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has an import. for example, a product has 2 dollars of exports and 1 and a half dollars of imports in knowledge bases because the added value is generally obtained on the basis of technology. the ratio of export to the required import ratio is approximately 5 45. what does it mean that for each export unit that is carried out, 20 to 30 percent of the raw material import is needed, that is, whatever we can do, we can help the scientific companies to have the imports they need. we will have five times in their exports, god willing, mr. doctor , we have less than two minutes. let's just mention the law of leaping production of knowledge bases, which i think has greatly helped the activists of the ecosystem of knowledge base knowledge and technology. see when we talk about the market. we say there is a market now
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it means need. there is a customer waiting to pick up the product. the next issue is financing. fortunately, the ministry of economy has a very special cooperation with the scientific assistants, which are excellent and commendable institutions. this collaboration includes the use of mutation law tools. we were able to attract 4100 billion tomans of tax credit for research and development and investment in this recent council of the leap law. in the same way, the construction of the bank and other sources of financing the leap law, in the true sense of the word, is a progressive law in the countries of the world, and my prediction is that it will take 10 years to implement this law. it will definitely bring us to jddi of at least 10% in the field of science and technology and has been able to create a lot of capacities for academics with the various regulations that you are seeing
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. the first paragraph of the jaish law is the same as the value chain. it says that government agencies are obliged to do this . we have a provision in the 7th plan that the government is obliged to localize and internalize 10% of the strategic items it needs every year, so that means the market. very large open for scientific collections that are on it was a tax, it was said that the tax can be expressed only on the issue of tax credit. the issue of paragraph 11 of the law is paragraph 13, which allows large capital to invest a part of their tax in research and development, in the creation of technological infrastructure, etc. this tax credit tool is also attractive. it was created so that even the industries that never think about delaying and development would be interested . it was a weakness in the industry and it was a serious weakness. we predict that within the next 3 years , the country's arandi expenditure will grow very well , god willing. the same is the basis of this law of jump in production
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those those who are working can use this tax credit to develop themselves, god willing, speedy and intense. we also mention the name of the academic exchange system. this was also approved and announced. this will definitely give a serious help to academics, whose property value is generally the brain of technology. they were able to attract financial resources from the bank and other sources by using the credit of their technology. a special news interview, which was a review of the domestic production capacity exhibition, with the presence of the supreme leader of the revolution, thank you, good night, god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to be with you today with the world. in the first case of tonight's program, we are going to paris to talk with mr. jean-michel bernochet, a french writer and analyst, about the unstoppable genocide in gaza. we will be professors of american studies and the limitations of us foreign policy


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