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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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hello ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to be with you today's world . in the first episode of tonight's program, we are going to paris to talk with mr. jean-michel bernouchet, a french writer and analyst, about the unstoppable genocide in gaza. we will be in the united states to
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analyze the limitations of the us foreign policy in the face of developments in the region. we will start the program with palestine as described in the picture.
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self and all over the street, the arabs will not stay in gaza, not the hamas, not the supporters of hamas, and those who do not support hamas don't want to stay anyway. i think it's a little bit strange to say that jews can't live in certain places in our own country, why should we be restricted that we can only live in certain parts of our own country? binyamin netanyahu, it's a shame, it's a shame to wait another 19 years to understand that it is necessary to return the corner of ketif and north samaria, the leadership of mitza, the role of which is to make decisions.
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these days, we are also carrying out the process of search and rescue, as long as we have tattoos in this area, we have no moral right to stop looking for the women, the children, the soldiers who are there, we have to go to the end, the search and the action, it doesn't necessarily bring only the operational result, it also brings the one who is willing to talk to us at the end.
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as i said at the beginning of the program, we want to talk with mr. jean-michel bernochet , a french writer and analyst in paris, mr. vernochet. hello , good evening. thank you and everyone . good night. 115 days have passed since this war, a war in which more than 100,000 people were killed and wounded. has been missing and the majority of the people of gaza have become displaced. according to the number of statistics more than 26 thousand palestinian martyrs. in less than four months, this number of people were killed in front of the eyes of the world, most of them women and children. 11,000
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children were killed, and 25,000 children were orphaned . these numbers in this short period of time compared to other extraordinary wars. for example, in the war in ukraine, which has been around for 2 years and has drawn all the attention of the world, especially in europe and the west, the number of children who unfortunately lost their lives in this war was around 600. is it possible in the world? yes.
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these statistics were confirmed, of course, and we are talking about the dead it is possible that there are missing people, there are also injured people, so many dead, unfortunately, because the aggressor army, in fact, israel does not value human beings, especially the lives of palestinians.
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do we see that the authorities and governments like the united states , who are in the security council with their side, such as issuing a resolution for a cease-fire or giving weapons to israel, who are accused of genocide
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, will be held accountable for these crimes? yes indeed.
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from a military point of view, it is strong, it places weapons, and in fact, you direct the sending of weapons to israel . we see israel in front of the palestinian people and in gaza in terms of international values ​​and values
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this genocide is human. you see, the palestinians are actually facing an army that does not consider itself moral in the struggle of israel . of course, this is the judgment of the international court of justice
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. i must also add that america is actually the conductor of the orchestra at the moment, and unfortunately we are that thing. what we should expect is the continuation of this rape and genocide, unfortunately. currently, i don't think we can expect a miracle, and i hope that america, which is indirectly raining down on gaza, will one day be held accountable. mr. vernoushe, you mentioned the international court of justice, as we know, it is friday judges the court decided that israel should take measures to prevent killing in gaza. and to prevent the siege and starvation of the people of this region
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, what is your assessment of the action of the hague court, where do you think south africa's complaint against the zionist regime for the genocide in gaza will ultimately lead? yes, at the moment, anyway, this is a declaration, a declaration of the court of the international court of justice. you see, if we leave the media discussion aside, i must say that the west is actually the main supporter of israel on the one hand, anyway, the world has more than five billion people, more than one billion. they are muslims and cannot do this.
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in fact, what can be expected is that for the first time israel was judged and condemned by an international authority.
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it is very important that the decisions that are made reach the implementation stage, mr. bernashe, thank you for being with us in this conversation. tierras robadas, estado terroristas y vosotros, you can hide, you serve meals for genocide, you serve meals for genocide, you're supporting genocide, you're supporting genocide, mcdonald's you can't die,
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mcdonald's you can hide, you' re supporting genocide, palestine et tous ceux qu'on assassine, même si macron ne veut pas, nous, on est là, on est là, on est là, on est là, on est là, même si macron ne veut pas, nous on est là, vergogna,
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al-jalal and jamal and sanaa and jihad. mené par les forces armées israéliennes plongeant disproportionnées. these unprecedented, barbaric and cynical bombardments threaten the very existence of the
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palestinian people and the world, where 10,000 children have died. également et les femmes, un hôpital de gaza et plusieurs, les services médicaux la ville de gaza sont dans ce silence assourdissant de la communaut. and we start the second case about the limitations of the us foreign policy with two pieces of news. the wall street journal reported that in the drone attack on the american military base on the border of jordan and syria , the us air defense system mistook the attacking drone for an internal plane. this american newspaper, citing american officials, reported that
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the forces of this country detected the drone attack in they failed near the borders of jordan, syria and iraq, because at the time of the accident, an american drone was returning to its base, and the american forces thought that it was a domestic drone. enter the base, avoid targeting the attacking drone. following an air attack on a military base on the border of syria and iraq, 3 american soldiers were killed and at least 30 people were injured. but the spokesman of the us national security council. he said that we are not looking for a war with iran and we do not want to expand the scope of the conflict in west asia. john kirby referring to biden's comments about the response to the killing. american military on the border of syria and jordan said: we are still considering the options to respond to this attack. an american official said last night that the
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drone attack on this country's base in jordan was not necessary it does not mean american intervention. iran is not involved in the drone strike. 3 american soldiers were killed and 35 of its military personnel were injured in a drone attack on an american base on the jordan-syria border. and now, as i said at the beginning of the program , we are dr. fouad eizdi, a professor of american studies , mr. doctor, hello, welcome to the world today, peace be upon you and may god have mercy on the viewers. hello , thank you. obviously, in the last month , blinken's trip to we had a change in conditions in the region we have also seen the discussion of the joint attack of the united states and britain on yemen, which can even be said
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to have increased after this incident . the government of this country started and maybe it will fail more than all these 15. let's consider the 10 days of joint war between america and israel , where they could not free a prisoner or destroy hamas, what happened, the american policy in the region has gone to the direction that they were once the main actors in the equations, but today they seem to be more of a spectator. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the americans had an estimate of the region before the hamas operation. the american and israeli estimate of hamas was that hamas is managed and
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is interested in ruling gaza and does not want to have a serious conflict with israel. the question of the freedom of the palestinian territories, just as it was forgotten in the self-governing government , has become more or less the same in the hamas group. there are also evidences, for example, in this one or two years before the islamic jihad operation, it was involved , hamas did not involve itself much, and according to the american estimate israel was that they spoke english now we may have to hit the grass sometimes, that is, if an accident happens, for example, a missile comes from the gaza side, we will go to a rainy place. and we manage it, and it is not a special issue. for this reason , netanyahu, who is now interested in continuing this conflict in gaza, according to the reports
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of the israeli intelligence agencies, some of which apparently told the new york times about the operation of hamas , were informed or predicted. doing or having an analysis was not paying attention to these, that's why i want it. let the war be prolonged, because the day the war stops , then he must be accountable for his actions there was the same opinion regarding hezbollah, that after the 33-day war, a balance has been established on the border and both sides have set limits for themselves . the incompetence of not being able to close the yemeni case is a problem created by the saudis, and in the end, the american belief in that case was that when ansarullah is in power
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, nothing special will happen there, and they seek to solve the problems of yemen and discussions like this. in relation to iran, their feeling was that iran too in a way it has been managed, the nuclear case has been managed in a way, and let me say this is the opinion of some people in america. the idea that the islamic republic can be overthrown is now too late, but in the end , their imaginations will come true. i remember that at that time , time magazine devoted an issue to a cover of revolution over the revolution. their idea of ​​iran at that time was this. yes, their view was that iran is somehow managed, and mr. rouhani's government, which was coming anyway , is very different from mr. raisi's government that came to the americans. do not see anything special about iran's foreign policy i am sharing the analysis from that side, but after the hamas operation, it turned out that all these
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estimates are wrong. it was the shah and it was also an intelligence failure, the military failure that you said now, 15 days to achieve none of the goals that we did not say, and the americans also have a chance to correct it, that is, when they realize that they made a mistake in relation to this region should correct their expression and policies and not doing this is a mistake.
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the film is moving forward and the entire west could not stop before russia and russia is now moving forward within the borders that exist there, according to some authorities. the american is that, well, we did not reach a result in ukraine , we left afghanistan with this situation, and in relation to gaza and israel, if we experience another failure, this means the end of the domination we are looking for. the end of american hegemony , because the whole world knows that the closest ally of america is israel, and if the americans cannot defend israel, they cannot support israel , they certainly cannot support anyone else in the world, and all these allies of the united states, who are in their hearts you are telling america and america's support that they are revising their own foreign policy just as the zionist authorities consider this war a war over identity for themselves
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, israel has faced a very serious challenge and they know their own plan in the world, apart from the region , for this policy, the biden government should fully support israel. understandably, the problem that exists here is that the americans cannot
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create a balance between their capabilities and the conditions of the region. it means that the capability is low, why is it low , because now they can't in gaza, after all these days , you know that gaza's area is half of tehran, it's not a big area , the size of 13 or 14 atomic bombs in that area is half tehran has dropped 2,000-ton bombs in this dam for several days, and other than dishonoring themselves, they show the moon.
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americans are seeking to create that order and have this idea that they somehow manage this order, now it is clear that no, these thoughts were wrong, the policies were wrong , what is the right policy, they could not reach that right policy, this is also the point that the spokesman the american national security council says that we are not seeking to expand the war. you should hear this, but don't take it as propaganda. now i see that some places are taking this seriously. this is a mistake. these americans are looking for the expansion of the war, that is , now it seems that with the opening of the war front in the north of the occupied territories, for example , they do not have a problem.


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