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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the border has been created and both sides have set limits for themselves. something special is not going to happen in relation to hezbollah. in relation to yemen , the saudis believe that due to their incompetence , not being able to close the yemeni case is a problem that saudi arabia created and in the end, in that case , the american belief was that when ansarullah is in power, nothing special will happen there, and this is looking for a solution. the islamic republic may be overthrown, now it is sooner or later, but in the end it will come true. their imaginations are there. at that time, time magazine had devoted one issue to one cover.
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however, after the hamas operation, it turned out that all these estimates were wrong, and it was an intelligence failure, a military failure, which you said now , 15 days to none of the goals that they said, we did not say, and the americans also have a chance. having them correct means that when they realize that they have made a mistake regarding this area , they will correct their statements and policies, and not doing this means that their information was wrong.
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the expectations of some of their fellow travelers in this region have not been met , so mr. blinken's trip was not successful. and they don't want or can't reform their foreign policy now, they may have an excuse, or maybe the americans say, well, we failed in ukraine , russia is advancing now, it is advancing in ukraine. the entire west could not come to russia and calm down, and russia is now moving forward in the borders that exist there. the words of some american officials are that, well, we did not reach a conclusion in ukraine , so we left afghanistan with this situation, and in relation to gaza and israel. if we experience another failure, this means the end of the domination that we are looking for, the end of american hegemony because. the whole world knows that
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america's closest ally is israel, and if the americans cannot defend israel, they cannot support israel , they certainly cannot support anyone else in the world, and all these allies of america who care about america and support america , you are reconsidering your own foreign policy, just as the zionist authorities see this war as a war of identity for themselves, for the americans, it is also a war of dignity. more than the israelis , the concern in america now is that mr. netanyahu for personal reasons and personal interests. it might take israel in a direction that is not in israel's interest, that is, the concern that americans have about israel now is that the american authorities are more than the israeli authorities. tell me more clearly what you mean. see, the americans know israel as their own , they know it as their own, it is a part of their identity. they know that it is part of their own plan in the world
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, they know that apart from the region, israel is facing a very serious challenge, and for this reason, the government's full support policy for israel is understandable. the problem here is that the americans they cannot see their own capabilities and the conditions of the region create a balance, which means low capability. why is it low? because they can't be in gaza now after all these days. the area of ​​gaza is half of tehran. this is not a big environment. as many as 13 or 14 atomic bombs have been dropped in that area of ​​half of tehran in these hundred days. 2,000-ton bombs were dropped, and apart from dishonoring themselves, they also showed the nature of genocide.
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in practice, they could not offer anything else in the world , they dishonored their own bodies, of course, they killed many women and children , but this is more than dishonoring them.
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war in the north of the occupied territories, for example , they do not have a problem with the koran, not with the american, see how they feel this is the mistakes, this policy is wrong, but their feeling is that iran and our iranian friends thought they were managed, but they are not, so we have to do other things , do other activities, do more activities , the wrong policy will fail, but like this. they are thinking that they are following america from here. they are expanding the war, but with their own management, at the time they want to set their own goals based on their own plans, so that we can imagine what this spokesman said, the
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us national security council is saying that we are seeking to expand the war. we do not believe this, we definitely made a mistake if the americans were not looking for the expansion of these attacks. the iraqi government is taking them, they are a part of the iraqi military complex, that's why you saw it in iraq , you yourself said in your report that they are looking for dismissal, because just as sardar soleimani is a commander in the iranian armed forces, what they are doing now in iraq, the commanders of the iraqi armed forces have this. targeting that you are not looking for the spread of war , you understand the cost of these things, why are you doing these things, not that they are looking for the spread of war, but with their own plans and the plan that they have is a debate that is very hot. it is the attack that
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took place last night on the american military base in jordan. 3 americans were killed and i think that 34 of them were injured , 8 of 9 of them are in critical condition. the interesting thing is that the american authorities themselves have been saying since yesterday in different literature and by many personalities that what we are saying is not from iran, that is , it is from them. they are proxies of iran, but there is a problem here. if you are talking about iran they should be very persistent considering that they killed 3 people , there are some people in america now, the republicans often say why don't you attack iran itself, so if they do this, the cost is very high, this
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has an electoral aspect. look at this republican's words, the political and bipolar fights that exist in america are always there, and my election is in november of next year, that means anything can happen. which happens in america , we should not see in the field of analysis, for example, election contests, they have fights, they always have good choices of the government during different years. biden is not here, my reason is that the policy that is promoting this policy is wrong, that is , the americans should not be in this style of a person like netanyahu, when the american authorities are towards nathan, considering that they do not have to give any support because of the election. it is necessary to ask the government of israel. now, mr. biden, the democrats should go to this vote. we
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had that harvard university survey where 52 % of the 18-24 year olds asked this question in the survey: is hamas right to ask this question ? he asked about harvard university, and in the survey, they say that this is a scientific survey you can ask this question in some university environments in tehran. i don't know. for example, we are the university of tehran. i don't know what percentage you will get . that israel has created for the palestinians, and
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now not because, for example, some republican figures are encouraging the biden government to take serious measures, show a serious reaction , it is not for them to say in the future that they are weak, when they are saying they are weak now in general , in the field of foreign policy of republicans and democrats they say you are weak , you can't push your cartoon forward, look at trump's words, in the last 24 hours, the democrats are telling the other party that you also have many weaknesses in foreign policy , for example, what trump
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did towards russia, biden's policy against russia now this mr. biden, whose picture we see, wants to manage the scene, for example, how to manage the scene. well, now, 24 hours have almost passed. in my opinion, he should wait to see if the americans, after this slap from the iraqi people, have anything to do with america does not have us. leaving iraq to occupy it 100 children a day are being killed in gaza, then when they get slapped, they say, "why did you hit me? well, for what ? well, you occupied there. you are committing genocide here . this is an opportunity for the biden government to amend the previous policies. sometimes a person who kills iraqis it is good for him to understand that the main solution is to stop the violence in gaza. no, let him understand that this policy is wrong, that it has different parts, a pardon, full support for netanyahu
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, this should be corrected, this ceasefire, which the whole world has 15 votes in the united nations, 152 countries talking about iran, what did iran say about the ceasefire, that's it. now ani, we must have a ceasefire , repeating iran's words, 152 countries have confirmed america's words, one of which is israel, and how many of these small countries have been hit by this test. now, tomorrow, they want to speak at the united nations according to the icj vote, and this issue should be brought up again, in order to understand the issue that america's policies in the region are wrong, it must happen at some point if the americans can achieve their own interests and think whether we have to wait and see if this american slap has reached this stage or not, thank you. i want i would also like to ask you about yemen, but my colleagues prepared a report about the situation in yemen and
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the actions that the yemenis have taken to defend the palestinian people during this period. first , we saw this report . english to come down, the oil tanker that had set off from india.
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supporting the palestinian nation is against supporting the crimes of the zionist regime. the us attack on yemen is not based on the united nations or the security council. the us attack on yemen does not have the united nations. but the pressure of the yemenis to not get the fuel to the zionists it is backed by a law. responsibility for upholding un resolutions. when there is a war in some part of the world that leads to genocide, the rest of the countries are responsible for stopping the war through political and economic means
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. the yemenis chose the economic blow and as they show the intention. obviously, i remember it was a month ago when the attack took place , guardian. he wrote an article and said that the fact that america was forced to carry out such attacks means that all the tools of its power did not work and this was the peak of america's failure. iran is not the main power in the middle east
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. what do they think about yemen that launched such attacks, but not only the actions of the yemenis are few. the duty to support or defend this was approved in 2005 in the un general assembly. the un's tributaries take on the aspect of international law , that is, what did you leave ? genocide is happening somewhere, all the countries of the world, not only yemen, all the countries of the world are obliged to do everything they can to stop the genocide, look at the map now.
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south africa is very far from palestine, it is south africa. i have been to africa three or four times. it is a very long distance, what could he do? he was able to present 88 pages of evidence to the hague tribunal that israel is committing genocide. the court's response clearly confirmed south africa's opinion that such a situation may exist and cannot make a final decision now. but the head of the court judges, you covered the news , and he announced that israel must stop killing people, must stop injuring people. the palestinians should be allowed to enter these trucks, and
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this judicial blockade should be stopped. he confirmed south africa's opinion, now we had a problem inside the country, and this is external propaganda, which is now opening its back inside the country, saying that this court did not say that, for example, genocide , genocide must be stopped. well, when you say that a person should not be killed. a person should not be injured , what does this mean, the war should stop. however, the judges of the hague court are lawyers anyway, and when you have israel there and south africa israel and south africa are not the two sides of the war. israel is one side of the war. on the other side are the palestinian groups that are not present in the court . when you call a ceasefire to israel
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, you can call a ceasefire to that side as well. after all, it is not a government at all. a group he used to be the lawyer of the us state department and his job was to support the crimes of the us in different parts of the world and to justify them. maybe the westerners have influence there, but from the legal point of view, they have something to say. you have this attitude that yemen is doing something, this was the work of south africa, what is yemen doing? he said that yemen is the place where israeli ships depart from. he said that we do not allow these ships. and you saw that before the start of the war , the same western media said that 80% of the ships' traffic is being carried out normally. now
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, of course, it is different . the words that the americans used to say in relation to yemen are different, because israeli ships cannot pass by, so we are starting a war here , which is why i said that when the spokesperson of the american national security council says that we are not looking to expand the war, don't believe that we are looking for an expansion. the war, however, is under their own management, with their own design , and this is a disaster, that is, the american word is that we are trying to achieve a certain goal that we have without the permission of the united nations. you know that when you want to attack a country, the only way to get this permission is the only way to attack is to get a resolution from the united nations security council . we don't have a resolution to attack yemen from here. what the yemenis are doing is against the un resolutions , what the americans are doing is against international laws and against the un charter
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, and this is the story that the americans are telling that we rules 20 international order we want an international law-based order, america is now the number one violator of international laws in the world, and if anyone wants to count, this is it. we are really ahead of america, we don't have anyone in the world , we don't have a country, for this reason, this is a point in my opinion, and the place that yemen has found in the islamic world, it has found in the arab world, and it is really admirable that a collection that this you know that they themselves are under pressure, under bombardment in this style, supporting the cause of palestine under international laws , and then the weakness of america. show that yemen has been bombarded for several weeks now, the yemenis are doing the things they are going to do without any problems, thank you and the final question
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, what do you think is america's idea to end this war? the end of the war was all the voting in the united nations, now you have the icj vote, you have the lahore court, which says. we shouldn't have another ship. you saw that day when the decision of the court was published . 168 people in that 24-hour israeli game. you didn't see any change in their crimes in gaza . americans are not looking to stop the war. the mistake of the americans is to side with netanyahu . netanyahu does not want the war to stop. they either don't have an alternative to this wrong policy or they can't or don't want to find an alternative
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and it seems that there is a confusion and there is a difference. well, we have people inside the zionist regime who say that we should put so much pressure on these 2,300,000 palestinians. they themselves are interested in going out. shen from gaza held a conference in jerusalem yesterday. we are the beginning of today's world we broadcast the program, well, i wasn't there, i was on the way, i didn't see that it would be empty of palestinians, let's go there, judea , go there, sahanista , go there. if they can find the leader of hamas, one or two, for example
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, if they stop the war now, it will be a big failure. if they continue, it will be a bigger failure, because the nature of america and israel can be seen more than before, and the world in the world and after this judgment of the hague court. . in practice, the people who are in charge in america now are similar to the people who are in charge in the zionist regime they should be held accountable for the crimes they are committing. thank you. thank you for being in the world today. due to the low acceptance of american youth to join the american army, the authorities of this country have made it possible to recruit people with low performance. new york interrogator. according to the new decision, people who have not finished high school and even illiterate people can apply to join the navy. american police
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shot and killed two citizens of this country. in this shooting that happened in florida, two other people were injured. last year, the american police it killed 1,243 people, 62 of whom were female victims. more than 1,240 american citizens have been killed in police shootings in the past decade. 226 million tons of products. related to the forest , the value of 310 billion dollars was produced in china last year. in this country , there are more than 227 million hectares of forests and 8,000 species of plants, whose flowers and fruits are used. 124 million chinese are employed in forest-related industries . with the identification of another victim of the american aerial fire, the number of victims of this accident
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reached 100 people. this fire happened last summer and it was called one of the deadliest forest fires of the century in this country. the failure of the fire alarm system to act on time caused criticism from the people of this region. the snowfall after a long time of good year in kashmir valley has attracted tourists to this region. the kashmir valley was facing a relatively good year this year, but the snowfall brought back the winter face to kashmir. the thai government switched to islamic banking by allocating loan facilities. thailand has allocated funds to the islamic associations of the muslim-majority province of phra nang to grant loans. these loans are supposed to be for economic development and business prosperity work will be assigned. the government in accordance with the
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islamic banking principles of the mosque as. the center, which has the financial discipline of the elite society, has taken help to provide a platform for the growth and development of small businesses through this reliable route for the citizens by allocating special credits. now we see the world according to the picture.
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four, three, two, one, ignition, engine's full power and list off, go falcon and go starling. vehicles pitching down range, ignition and lift off of falcon 9, go starling, have a good night, god bless you.
3:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the national housing movement plan the central province in the city


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