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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key, it is in the hands of the people, the iranian coach, sharaf iran , has a telegram playing with the whole country, why don't you set prices this month? your question is an interesting question . in their recent meetings, the leader of the revolution named real competition as one of the pillars of the election , which means that it is a field for the presence of different economic views. political and cultural should be open so that everyone with
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their different views can have a real competition in this big square in this big contest and actively participate in the election arena together. bring them one of the issues on which the experts disagree, as i told you, is whether these prohibitions of these sanitary distances, which are called necessity, or one of the obstacles to business , we saw today in the meeting of the producers with the leader of the revolution that they are not allowed to issue business licenses. the leader of the revolution had some criticisms regarding the facilitation and the conditions of how licenses are being issued now, which experts and activists in the business field say that this is one of the issues that can hinder business, on the other hand, just like your service i said that the activists of the field of medicine are the activists of the field health experts say that these distances and rituals are necessary to prevent the spread of the disease and some problems that may arise . very
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well , i am here in the upper studio of mr. mehdi safari, an expert in monitoring and improving the business environment , as a person who believes that these distances should be adjusted. we also have the doctor mr. nasser sadat, who is one of the producers in the field of agriculture and is present in other studios of the higher program and will be added to our group. while greeting all the guests, i want permission to start a journey with mr. mahdi, and this question, basically, why do i oppose your presence, who are at such a distance ? at your service, at the service of mr. dr. akhtarzadeh and all the viewers, i would like to thank you for your presence . for example, there should be and
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everyone accepts that there are sanitary distances , the main issue is how long these distances should be and between which units they should be, the main issue is that we in the business center, which have now started studying we did research on this matter. at first , it was with people's reports and complaints, that is, people were calling, sending letters, even saying that we want to leave. we should get a license, but the medical trap is blocking our license, saying that you did not respect privacy . we said, for example, how serious is this, let's go and do a research, and we made a series of statistics from the rejected licenses. strangely, we have received 4400 work permits over the past 5 years, of course 97 , for example, until 41, at the beginning of our study , 4400 business applicants were rejected due to lack of hygiene.
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coming to work in the agricultural space requires a business in the agricultural space, which i mean, we mean livestock , poultry, aquatics and related industries, related to these, i.e. , you are thinking about, for example, horticulture and agriculture, and these are not aquatic and related industries, and coming with motivation , but we saw it at the closed door. people's reports are coming and we have started. now what was the legal basis for the instructions? where did it start? we have reached the point that on 6/15/41 we sent the first letter to the ministry of home affairs and the ministry of jihad on behalf of the center. this is the recipe, let's have a meeting together let's sit down and talk. send your documents . what was the reason for these and these? well , unfortunately, no answer was received. the next letter was received on the 25th
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. again , unfortunately, no answer was received . what was the letter and your letter? obstacle to start businesses, people go to eat behind closed doors as an obstacle known as an obstacle according to the education law , this obstacle should be checked . ok , it's ok to present between these units, that is this was the meaning of all the letters. now, in some letters, my problems were mentioned . again, we wrote to mr. dr. nikbakht. this year , that is, on november 7th, this year, it was the result
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. now, we finally sat down for a meeting. we talked, and in that meeting we discussed some things, now we promised to correct them, and these talks were in that meeting , this is a summary of the events of mr. abhithadzadeh . basically, you know these distances as a necessity, or in the words of business people, you see this as an obstacle, in the name of allah, the most merciful. greetings, i am polite to you , mr. dr. safari, and dear viewers of my program before i answer you, i would like to review the corona disease, which everyone knows well, and the radio and television itself has been the most active on people's awareness. if you pay attention to the corona disease, the basis of the work that the ministry of health and sedavasima itself was working on
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was the issue of observing distances. and health measures are now taken from the use of masks. to observe the distance of one to two meters even in the subway, leave a distance between the seats. in government offices, it is limited to tell the employees , there should not be more than one to two people in each room , other employees who are in that space work remotely there are many cases like this that became a method of activity , and to be fair, the radio and television gave a very good maneuver to be able to reduce the complications of the disease and the number of sick cases in the population of our country , which is worthy of praise and thanks. viruses are able to be transmitted through breathing air, but in the matter of health problems in livestock farms, i would like to tell you that according to the law of 135 of the year 1955
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, article 19 of this law requires that animal husbandry prohibitions in order to preserve. livestock funds should be created and after that in 1351 a regulation is approved by the cabinet of ministers at that time, and the animal husbandry system is formulated in it, and it is announced that the sanitary distances between animal husbandry and the various animal husbandry industries, which i am referring to include cattle breeding, sheep breeding, poultry and aquaculture, after that, this is also approved, and in 1357, even the official procedure of this matter will be continued and with the signature of the minister of agriculture and rural development, this will be communicated to the animal medicine organization for implementation. after that, in
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2008, the law on the animal husbandry society of the country will be approved, and in article 6 of it, it will be announced that the ministry of agriculture it is mandatory that within 6 months the regulations related to do this article which is in the discussion of health prohibitions to preserve the country's livestock capital, and in article 2, it declares that the so-called health prohibitions of livestock are caused by the law of the country's veterinary medicine organization, which is article 19, and article 6 of the same so-called it is the law of the country's animal husbandry society system that must be done. this is due to the legality of the work, but the issue of observing sanitary distances between livestock farms
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is something that has been proven both scientifically and experimentally . you are working with bacterial viruses, which are viruses. and bacteria in different ways between farms. are removable eg the wind can move these things, even the air in a normal state can move the virus with the flow of water, with the flow of sewage, with the flow of cars, proximity to the road and traffic on the roads, humans, animals are all capable of to transfer pathogenic objects, therefore, in the first years when this law was approved, an expert team was formed and distances were determined as sanitary protection between units. they say that, of course , at that time, we did not have such intensive animal husbandry
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and the density was lower . the existing rules and regulations of these intervals have been determined. well , first of all, mr. doctor, talking about corona is an almost up-to-date and new issue. now we have almost passed two or three years . after all, collective safety means two or three years of restrictions, but after that we all sat next to each other in the subway without a mask, and those restrictions were removed, but this time , my doctor, you are referring to the year 51-52, when the regulations were written in 57 they say that there are intervals , now it may be a little bit too much, but there are intervals under the same article 6, jame damori said that the ministry of agriculture, after the promulgation of this law, is obliged to write the instructions within 6 months and
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get the approval of the cabinet . the action that was written in 2019-2019 has not yet been approved by the board of ministers, and in the various rulings of the administrative court of justice, the statement that this action has not been approved by the honorable board of ministers is also found in the letter that i have here. also mr. dr. khawazi to mr. dr. mr. dr. nowrozi to mr. dr. khawazi in history 14 9 402 i think it was after the meeting that we had together, mr. dr. nowrozi pointed out that due to the fact that this regulation was subject to time and such things, it was not approved by the council of ministers , sending the draft again means that they were supposed to send another draft. sending the draft actually in the past 10 years, now let's count 92 that these mirrors have finally come, their signature
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was that these distances between different units, why and how, how did we reach this number, a relationship, a cause, something, especially the disease, until here is the same question that you raised, let us ask mr. aftihzadeh these numbers from mr. dr pointing out that after editing, the numbers have increased and decreased, and mostly i want to say that the numbers have always been decreasing, not increasing. we have 1000 meters of this in order for us to be able
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to as one of the main sources that in fact the animals that go there with different health conditions go there with different health conditions and then the processing that is done and the scarf that is done is the product. in the end, it should come out of the slaughterhouse cleanly, naturally, when that there is a slaughterhouse in a place, the traffic of cars increases, the traffic of people increases, and this itself
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increases the risk of facing a hazard, but in the case of poultry, for example. because i think that mr. bozor nasib is looking for more examples. if i want to tell you, well , poultry infectious bronchitis disease as a disease caused by coronavirus means that this is also from the same family that created the problem, and these scientific sources and scientific references prove that it can 1200 meters or one kilometer and 20 meters to be moved by the wind and this displacement means that to the convenience of this virus is that it can move between chicken farms that are less far away . if you look at the regulations of other countries, you can see that in india, in the philippines, or in egypt, they officially say that a distance
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of 1000 meters is enough. 1000 meters must be enough, or in the medical field of egypt, it says , sir, ajjad farm, which you know because it is your field, what is the sensitivity and what is the importance of it, it says that it should be 5 kilometers away from other poultry farms, in fact, these distances are not like this. which only wants to be mentioned in iran and other places the world is doing this, mr. mr. doctor , i need to mention the correct word. the last letter that the business center sent to dr. khavazid 241/42, we saw that there were no proposals, the draft that was sent had no difference and we made a number of proposals , we also sent them our own proposals. since the poultry industry is very sensitive due to the type of high density breeding and racial sensitivity
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, we do not expect this correction, adjustment and reduction from the poultry industry . it is really strategic for the people's food and these are very high production density and so on the situation of our country is typical , we don't have much to do with poultry, they are right, but i told you this too , we put aside poultry and other things related to poultry for the time being. 1,500 of them were for animal breeding and 750 of them were for breeding, 500 of them were greenhouse units and 25 of them were for aquatic breeding. why should these be so far from each other? another thing that mr. doctor said, for example, the country of egypt, the philippines, and india, for example
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, are thousands of meters apart
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. how far should such a recipe be from a power plant production farm, i.e., a solar power plant, to a cattle farm ? mr. doctor , write a series of explanations in this letter at the end of this letter, considering the circumstances , the distance between the dairy cattle farm and the khurshid power plant is up to 25 megawatts. now, the megawatt written here is 200 meters . that now mr. dr. we want to talk day by day , now they are building the nation's sheds, there are companies that say that your roof is yours. now, what do you know about this iranian? we put the sun on the roof of your sheds. there are also industrial partners . it is possible that there are also livestock farms. we put this to you
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. it means that a solar panel can be placed on the roof of a dairy farm. it means that much, it means less distance. i don't know if a solar panel can be placed on the roof. let it be a solar power plant and produce some parts, but the status of this case is also mentioned in the aymanahs the first thing that the doctor said in the countries is absolutely correct. in our country, our poultry farms are sensitive, like our ancestors, our mothers, the distances must be narrated, that is, we say that you are stricter , we will check, sir, the conditions of our country are now , there is a need to add 500 meters, but with a document, with reason, with logical words, with correct words. i would like to point out that the given distances are very specific, the longitudinal position that you say is one of the most important factors. in shedding virus, now the spread of the virus is correct, mr. doctor, according to this recipe, between 500 meat chickens
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there is no difference between 500 chickens and 50000 chickens, that is, because a chicken farm must comply with, for example, 500 meters or 300 meters , this parameter, number and density, is not included in this parameter , and the climate parameter is not included in the northern provinces. if it is up to 20%, for example, it means that he is really a pioneer and a worker. i don't know why i'm saying, forgive me , it took a bit too long, it's not helpful because we calculated these active units with current mapping methods, and these are one and one-tenth million hectares, one million and 100 thousand hectares. a meter is not two meters. one million and 100 thousand hectares of the country's lands are located in the territory of livestock units . these lands are usually good lands that can be used for production, for example. i will complete my speech , that is, they have access to water, electricity, infrastructure, etc. finally, they can do agriculture if the land is an exception
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, that is, it belongs to the people, if it is national, government land, etc. , which i can't do, it means that the land fell into a state of disrepair, which can be transformed into an industry. this emphasis has been on interviewing for industrial license for some time transformation can be done, that is, we are saying that this obstacle for the growth of the country, for the growth of our country's production , we can console it, and we have a cut in the poultry industry . we need to reach the level of growth in tiver as well, so that we can hear your answer, mr. akhtarzadeh. basically, what metro standard do you use to determine these trades, because you gave an example for tiver, but one thing to say is that there is a difference between the number of animals or, for example, the size of the unit. our fisheries are not very clear, see about aquatic units mr. doctor said that the distance that
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exists now is 100 meters, and he also said that in the coastal provinces, 30% discount means 70 meters, in the interior provinces, 20%, that is , 80 meters. that request aquatics. but in addition to this, look at the scientific documents that exist , in fact, in a study conducted by the ministry of basic industry of new zealand in international laws , it has been reported that for
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the part of australia that is tasmania , this distance is at least one kilometer to the purpose of preventing the transmission of disease and parasites and this distance in the country. scotland says that it should be at least 8 km. please note that this is also a government certificate, that is, it is not an article that you say, and then the evaluations that they do themselves say that if this distance is less than 5 km , it cannot guarantee the prevention of disease transmission. okay, so we don't give the license no matter how many times , and you check, in norway , it respects the distance of one kilometer, while we came here during different years because of different issues raised
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in the licensing commission. the ministry of jihad, in which the veterinary medicine organization is also a member the commission for issuing licenses has had many adjustments intervals, mr. doctor, because they all know this well after studying these records, but let's not forget that we have dangerous agents , we have infectious and biological agents that can cause diseases and in next to it we have a word called risk. as we reduce the distance , we increase the risk. and increasing the distance reduces the risk. a number must be accepted in the middle. and as you can see, in different countries, for example, now, just as the doctor said, there is sensitivity on the tiver. 1 a kilometer away for meat and laying farms
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. this debate is one kilometer away from the transmission of the infectious bronchitis agent of corona, which there are articles that can reach up to 1,200 meters . it is the same in my other cases. now, mr. doctor , we have a series of indications. 241 saying to hit the doctor. this was signed a few days ago by the honorable head of the organization. at the end , we gave examples of these cases of distances in the world and in other countries, despite this because we felt that maybe the center needs to have more information. my colleagues in
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related parts. they are working on other examples of distances and ways of transmission and infectious agents . i will send this to you again as a supplementary letter. thank you, mr. sadat, a producer of agricultural products . they are present in another studio above, as an example that they wanted now. get permission, mr. sadad, tell me what problem did you have? i would also like to greet you , dear viewers and guests. well, the program, before i enter, i would like to thank dr. abhitzadeh, who is responsible and who is present in this program, and this makes us happy, if there are any rome, as an operator in the livestock and agriculture sector, i would like to ask mr. doctor that, god forbid, he should not be disappointed. we are all soldiers of the same country and we want the production to flourish
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. two. i will examine one of the distances and boundaries between the units of the same class, such as light livestock with light livestock, poultry with poultry, and the other is the distances between the oral medicine units and unrelated units, like now, the same shock absorbers that i said at the beginning of my review of the units of the same class. dear mr. doctor , the mission of davan medical organization is to produce in our country should not fail because of all the reasons. the document that you said that hygiene should be observed so that our trap does not end up disappearing and you gave corona as an example is good for us, this is one of these intervals that have been determined , some of them we do not say , some of them do not have examples, reasons and scientific references, i am very firm on this i am asking you and i hope that your colleagues can
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answer us and the operators who are behind closed doors, on what basis i am asking, for example, a light trap should be separated from another light trap between 100 and 500 meters or for example , they said to come if you plant trees, 20% i want to tell you that the virus that wants to be transmitted by air can be transmitted at 100 meters, 200 meters and 500 meters , where did this distance and these numbers come from? in a part of your statement, i saw that you mentioned the names of countries, well, the names of the countries, mr. doctor, are not criteria for us from a scientific point of view. there are other countries whose entire area is maybe the size of one of our provinces. from a scientific point of view, where did these numbers come from, and i think your colleagues should review them again , and i will say it again.


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