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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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the big operation of the first of august 1401 in tehran, iran, the ministry of intelligence announced the arrest of several terrorists related to the mossad, and on the fifth day of august, in another announcement , it explained which groups these terrorists belonged to and what their plans were in iran. it was the day after this second statement that bbc farsi was canceling to its audience that such terrorists who are connected with mossad do not exist abroad. in this report, zhiar gol, a reporter related to the zionist regime and separatist groups , links several different arrests by several iranian security agencies to each other so that he may be able to get the news. to hide the original and on the same day
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we strongly denied it, except for the islamic bbc. radio farda also made a similar report. but what happened that the connection between the arrested terrorists and the mossad had to be denied. what was the story of these arrested terrorists? the story started last year. from here. summer 1...
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now he will be replaced by his deputy, david barnia. and proving his worth to the zionist ruling body requires an extraordinary operation. design this the operation is with the most important part of mossad, i.e. the iran table. during this time, an important point is selected for future operations. a sensitive industrial center in isfahan. barniad wants an explosion in this sensitive industrial center that will make its awesome sound. all
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western media can cover. the biggest psychological war against iran is going to start with a big bombing. this industrial center in isfahan has all the necessary characteristics for a mossad strike. since years ago, isfahan has become one of the important industrial centers, including iran's aviation industry. in recent years, after the american sanctions on iran, it is possible it does not include the purchase of a civilian aircraft. in this center in isfahan, iranian scientists are trying to achieve the technology of making aircraft bodies by producing a special alloy in the shape of a battle. this center is ideal for the zionists because it is civilian and does not have a hard protective cover, yet the impact on it is distinct. the zionists own the entire production cycle . this center
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is close to a large chemical plant, its blast wave can darken the sky of many areas. blasting must be done in one working day. the day when engineers and technical forces are present in the center and with maximum casualties iranian expert scientists should also be removed. but this action.
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in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to you, dear viewers , we are with you in pursuing the facilitation of issuing business licenses to improve the business environment. business and removing its obstacles. the leader of the revolution stated that the talks of the producers show that the issues mentioned last year have not been resolved yet. let's see parts of the supreme leader's speech. let's hear we will come back and we will be with you. the one i wrote down as the responsibility of my government, because it has already been discussed in detail in these areas , i would like to say today that the main issue of improving the business environment is
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that the government must remove the obstacles. last year, in the same meeting, i mentioned some things as obstacles to improving the business environment this year in this exhibition, which i think was about 40 times with the activists of the economic sector. we talked and some of them were expressing their dissatisfaction . if it has not been received, it must be done. my request
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to the government officials is to follow up . yes, the leader of the revolution said last year in the gathering of producers that the roads should be shortened and regulations should be deregulated . it is related to the improvement of the business environment, it is the intervention of regulatory and non-regulatory institutions. this should also be removed about the details of this issue and the performance of the devices in issuing business licenses, which is one there are examples of improving the business environment. i am talking to the deputy of the business environment improvement center of the ministry of economic affairs and finance, mr. haji jafari
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. greetings to you. we are at your service. thank you, mr. haji jafari . what is the business? while offering courtesy and respect to you and all dear viewers , the main problems, if we want to state briefly , are the resistances that mainly executive bodies have to ease the conditions for issuing business licenses. and their emphasis and insistence on remaining traditional structures and paper and manual procedures which, unfortunately, has been common for a long time, mr. haji jafari, now
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, in which departments are the most complaints about the offending agencies in the issuance of magus, most of these complaints, see some indicators on the national portal of licenses as an evaluation of the executive agencies and other devices that are issuing licenses, one is the delay index, the other is the complaint index, the complaint index means that out of the total number of complaints, out of the total number of requests for the licenses of that device, how many lead to complaints and dissatisfaction? . some institutions such as the ministry of culture have been popularized islamic guidance of the ministry of industry, mining , trade, unfortunately, the ministry of sports, mainly the ministry of health, treatment and medical education, these are the institutions that
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have the most dissatisfaction among the applicants for business licenses . there is nothing else for the applicant, when he goes through the application process, what he sees from the specialized portal and that ministry of that organization. the executive demanded from him , it was contrary to what was stated in the national license portal, or he had a personal summons, or other violations and crimes mentioned in note four of article 7 of the law. the implementation of the general policies of article 44 of the constitution has come . ah, well, mr. haji jafari, what will be the next step, what will you do with these offending organizations , see in the government body according to according to the order of mr. president
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, as far as possible, we will solve the issues with the institutions with the institutions themselves, that is, in an interaction between the institutions, but taking into account that article 72 of the code of criminal procedure and the letter sent by the honorable attorney general of the country a few months ago shout out to the chairman of the regulation board. in that letter of the respected attorney general of the country to the head of the hit , you were convicted based on article 72 of the law of procedure you are criminally obligated to report to the attorney general if there is a violation in the field of issuing licenses, if a crime occurs, and if you do not report this to the national licensing board , you are a criminal . the executive follow -ups that we have from the institutions do not lead to results, we have
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to inform the general prosecutor's office or other regulatory bodies, including the general inspection organization and the competition council, according to the order, so that we ourselves are not found guilty. for these, you consider that to every now, for example, now the ministry has more than 100,000 positions . in fact, there are violations that you can see in note 1 of article 7. delay is an issue. delay is also one of the general policies implementation law, article 44. according to note 1, if an institution delays in issuing a license . now, apart from the fact that we have to follow up that
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the competition council should deal with the issue of delay , the legislator has generally held the competition council responsible for dealing with other violations and crimes mentioned in the law, such as issuing licenses outside the national license portal. for example , the ministry of cultural heritage and tourism has many permits. it issues permits outside the national portal . our request to the ministry of heritage is to remind all departments of the law as soon as possible. this is a crime punishable by 6 months to 2 years in prison . finally, it was reported that such an order was issued to the prosecutor's office. now, i will not tell the agency which agency it was, but our request from the agencies is that to all the provincial administrations
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of their headquarters, all the places that are finally under their influence, this is a crime under article 7 of the law on the implementation of policies . remind everyone that both the attorney general's office is serious about him and so are we in order not to be found guilty ourselves , we are actually following up. the license outside of the national permits portal , if it does not have the unique recognition of the national permits portal , this is a crime based on interpretation 4 of article 7 and the number is reported, the number is being tracked , god willing, these procedures will be corrected as soon as possible. thank you for being with us . well , we are trying to deal with the devices that are having problems in this field, and now there were many complaints or delays in issuing permits
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. one of these groups is the ministry of roads and urban development. issuing some permits of the ministry of roads and urban development through the national permits portal is still facing a problem. in the year ending on january 1 this year, the ministry has delayed two tenths of the program , which is part of these permits. it is related to the road organization. i am talking about this with the strategic advisor of the head of the highway and road transport organization. well, if we are in contact , let's talk to mr. ghorbani, very well , mr. ghorbani , we will be in touch with you and we will communicate with you , if it is not established, we will take an opportunity, we will come back and you would fit it in. this is the part of
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he is pushing this almost daily . and here you could hide and hide approximately 10 or 12 desired memories here. regarding this perfume, it looks like a perfume , but it is a hiding place for a memory card on the head of the perfume itself . you can twist it and open it. when you open it, here are five you can see that each of these boxes is a card memory.
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terrorists were specially trained to work with advanced face-changing kits, so that they could completely change their heads and faces with unusual equipment, so that even if their faces were recorded on camera, they could not be recognized in any way. they were not identified. specialized shooting training in different situations was another training that was given in the initial period. their main weapon is a handgun. it was a delek that was made in austria and was considered one of the weapons used by the security forces of more than 48 countries in the world. the standard glock magazine holds 17 9mm rounds, and larger magazines with 24 or 33 groups were also provided, which were obviously used for multiple shooting. the tactical version of this weapon
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is equipped with infrared and laser aiming equipment and is one of the most efficient the weapons of the world. this period that you are seeing now in this one month is just so that you can easily enter the soil of iran , shop there, see there and walk with it. after this period of one month, all four people returned to kurdistan region. during all this time, these four terrorists were forbidden from any conversation even with their dearest people. the zionists had threatened that any leak of information to the family would even lead to the death of their family members. then these four people went to a training camp in africa for the specialized course. this time in the country of rwanda.
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it's like the factory where we were supposed to do the bombing method , i wanted to open the door, he said it's too early now, we can't explain what this is, this is a photo, this is a film, and this is a night production, in the morning they will take us inside the factory. to see what's inside that factory so that we can get to know it. the devices inside were made exactly like that, the toilets were the same size, the guard place
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, everything was made like that, the size of the street, for example, how wide was the road there , the size of the workshop there was also the same. the size of the factory is similar to that of iran's factories to be. these four terrorists practiced the main operation many times every day and in total more than 70 times in this replica. they told us that you practice so much in this workshop that it is very comfortable for you. first, the terrorists had to control the alarm of the factory, then they completely controlled the entrances and exits to the factory . part of this step. he needed electronic equipment that could control the siren and automatic doors. i was trained that when we reach the first stage , there is a system in front of the factory door.
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it could create an explosion several times the normal limit and wipe out the entire factory and the surrounding environment in the blink of an eye. the training
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was to bomb the factory machines to destroy all the machines. we had a bomb there that was inside the battery, we called it the terminal , we connected all three cables from this, and we had a cable that was approximately 50 meters from the fuse and connected to this terminal, and they all went together like this, on the side of the fuse with two pins. had you would pull two pianos , put a wheel on top, two green lights would light up and flash, then they would be completely twisted , you would open them all until finally they would open and when you took off these two pimo , they were armed bombs, some small magnetic bombs were also used to destroy electronic devices and equipment before the escape stage. of course, after the operation , he would destroy the remaining equipment with a special spray. which was sprayed on the documents and tools and turned these devices into a shapeless and paste-like mass so that no trace of the technology used in
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this operation would be left behind. we poured and poured foam, we used to throw it, and wafa had given him a gallon, and he would tear it with a knife. he used to put all the tools in it and put foam on them and put them in a nylon bag. we used to throw garbage nylon and a point marked on the maps to the point we reached . finally, this phase of the training ended after a month. four terrorists return to kurdistan region to wait for new news. it is during this time that david barnia officially replaces yusikohn in the mossad. barnia joined mossad in 1996 and was the commander of operational units inside. and abroad . it is said that he is currently one of the most experienced the most senior officials of mossad and specialist in the fight against groups supporting the iranian government, especially the lebanese hezbollah.
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in the first step, barnia removes farshad, the direct manager of the operation team, and makes behrat, an intelligence officer close to him, the direct leader of this operation. after a year and a half, almost more people said that. hello, good time. regarding the facilitation of business licenses, we will go to the institutions that either respond late to people's requests for business licenses, or do not respond at all, or have other problems. we will go to the ministry of sports and youth, according to the center's report. improvement of the business environment of the ministry of economy still some licenses of the ministry sports is accompanied by problems. i am talking about this with mrs. famil zarare, the head of the information technology center of the ministry of sports and youth
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. greetings to you. salam alaikum. i congratulate you on the occasion of the coming of the days of allah. i am at your service and dear viewers. thank you, madam. famizara, please tell me why some of your licenses are still delayed, anyway, the licenses related to regarding the issue of the license of the ministry of sports and youth , there are five electronic licenses of the national portal of business wizards based on the report that i received today from the management board and the ministry of economy and finance. in 1401, the ministry of sports and youth issued 4,189 licenses in a period of 81 days . the year 401 was 81 days, and according to the same report, in the same period, of course, in 10 months and 10 days of this year, the number of magicians issued 7 licenses
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, the average waiting time for issuing licenses was 19 days, which means, in fact, we have an increase of 74 in the number of licenses issued, and a decrease in the average time we expected a decrease of 76, which is a good trend, but right now there are a thousand people on the licensing page, about a thousand of whom you have a delay in reviewing them. in the current month of february, we have no delays, in fact, in the last three or four months we don't have a delay in issuing licenses. now , i happen to be monitoring the national center for business licenses. in principle approval licenses , the average time for issuing licenses is 23 days, and in the field of establishment and activity of barzashi club, the average time for issuing licenses is 24 days. that our license issuance limit
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is 30 days. yes, in fact, we have a simple license from our ceiling in a shorter period of time. now this is the statistic that some sports federations are still not connected to the national portal of licenses . licensing authority executive and the federations only issue coaching and refereeing certificates, which are discussed in the board. respected deregulation , it was decided that the joint general office of the ministry of sports and youth has an idea about the mechanism.
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mr. rahima's work, of course, aftabah spends for lahima , go buy sarara in installments, you say i will go sarara, i don't have a check , sara doesn't ask for a check from us retirees, she doesn't want an advance , she doesn't want a guarantor, this is how saraa works for retirees. sale of installments for social security retirees without check or guarantor, without advance payment, without going to the bank, in a large iranian house in the cities of
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qom, wesfahan and tehran. the colors are the same. like! soft skin like flowers. the best
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello to the news section at 17:00. we offer your presence. registration of candidates for tv ads for the election debate started today. the election headquarters of radio and television has announced. candidates who are registered in the seda and cima election headquarters system at the address am can refer to this system to participate in the debates. register for elections. according to the announcement of the
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election headquarters of seda and cima,


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