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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] let's look at it. there is a structural deliberateness of the government in this case, that the government does not clarify its position. i have this criticism. the lack of transparency of the government's position is really a fact that must be seen. it means that the government knows that if the central bank directly says that crypto transactions are prohibited, what it is doing now. the vice president of crime prevention of the judiciary, this autumn, it is the official position that any activity in the field of razza , of course, with the condition that it be organized , will be taken as a membership. we have to pay attention to the fact that the nature of this field based on the blockchain platform is unmanageable . governments all over the world are facing a phenomenon.
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it has a golden point. the way the government deals with any part of the code of land can turn its opportunity into a threat or its threat into an opportunity, that is, as soon as a government starts limiting it and limiting its people, china's experience is the experience of nigeria and many other countries. of course, for example, china is much stronger than us in this field, the restriction had the opposite result, that is, it led to the strengthening of the underground market or the migration of people to platforms outside their country, and therefore today we have reached a maturity and an understanding that this field should not be promoted and prescribed, not to limit the unrestrained method our country has reached an eco-system of regulation in the world today, but there was an irreparable lag and delay that i hope this delay will not continue any longer
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. all my dear guests and respected viewers, the reality regarding the discussion of legislation and regulation of crypto-values ​​is more in agreement with mr.'s opinion, and of course we may have a small difference of opinion, but it seems to me that this point that we in the field of digital assets law in the islamic council needs active legislation and to in other words, we are changing a series of existing laws, and
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this in other words has caused the lack of legislation in this area, causing the country to slow down or in other words lag behind . in the layer of regulations, it means sometimes the law. it is not necessary in the sense of the law approved by the parliament, but in the sense of the regulations or the directives that the cabinet of ministers or the ministries, in line with their own executive directives , have put a series of rules and regulations on the regulations. i we need a serious move here
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as well. the point that was brought up that the government is currently pursuing a policy, now a roof and roof, or in other words, one by nailing and one by nailing . 95 this policy was adopted by the previous and subsequent governments. it continued in this government. in my opinion , it was probably the right policy in those years because it wanted to identify this phenomenon and control its risks. this area seems like this policy really
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it's a policy that hurts the country and... in my opinion, we should clearly state which of your policies will be legalized in two layers, the policy that is not the policy that we announced, that is, it was announced in the... that the exchange risk of this area is the responsibility of the customers and the government does not accept any risk or risk in the event that the central bank is currently providing banking services to these platforms or exchange platforms and people are seeing these banking services. and through this service , they buy asset code or value code and from that side again to the people it is said that if you buy, the risk is with
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you, no action will be taken , there will be no proper legislation, no by-laws or in other words regulatory regulations will be written. this policy is a wrong policy, in my opinion, thank you. and i think i want to sum up in two layers. let me come back to you, mr. ashtian, mr. sadrabadi , mr. kanani. there is a point that they say that if it becomes legal, it will lead to the outflow of currency from the country, the outflow of capital from the country. what do you think, if allowed? give respect to the listener who might expect to hear the answer to the question that is being asked i will ask the previous question because the answer to the previous question was better and considering that it is a personal habit. i don't have the habit of talking to the audience, and as people say , they are silent in the three statements in the question before me, but your previous question was unanswered, which needs to be answered, whether we really consider passwords to have an economic function
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or not. no, if we agree, we should accept it, and if we have to accept it, how should we regulate it, so to speak? neither servant nor those who may be critical of the entry of many technological products into the country, in various fields , i have carried this criticism with me for years, in the controversy we had with foreign social networks , our controversy was not with the fact that, sir, our social network does not need us. we say that a controllable social network is accessible to a network that respects the legal system of the islamic republic of iran. if the attorney general of the islamic republic of iran wants to pursue a case and see the text messages sent to him , he will be held accountable from their center. trustees , therefore, enter into this discussion with that logic i said that we accept technology if it really works economically. if a think tank is formed, he said , sir, this is functional for the system of the islamic republic of iran in the framework of our goals , the policy of our words
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. we don't discuss its functions because my work life is not that kind. i respect the economic society of the country , i don't step in their shoes and i will let an economist explain this more, doesn't he have the secret of widths and... the world behind him? there is no think tank that prices today, you will see the highest it is not bad to mention one of the shortcomings of cryptocurrency fans , which is related to your recent question. one of their main shortcomings is that the inflation rate is close to zero or not . they talk about the inflation rate being unobservable in cryptocurrency , while you can see the currency overnight , so some people call it added value , some say it is an increase in quality and value , while it shows that they still don't know the definition of inflation. the use of a
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payment instrument does not count as a double asset now, we will not enter into this discussion because this is a discussion that requires, for example , tax experts to be with us and we use their words, so i respect it. we will go through this issue, but for now, see, we need to clarify the place of cryptocurrencies in the legal system of our country in the form of a macroeconomic legal policy before we think about this. let's think about what approach the central bank should take, what the government should do, we need our legislative apparatus in a macro dialogue. i say that in a big legal dialogue , if the code is implemented within the framework of a certain law or with a certain function or for a certain purpose, then it will be used. their presence and use are prescribed and legally valid. we no longer need to come up with an independent law about masadi , for example about bitcoin. in
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addition, i would like to point this out and pay attention to it. it is necessary to really discuss the problems of governments at the global level with cheap code. i don't know. how much was in your discussion, but the government and the sensitivities of crypto-currency activities at the global level will help us a lot in overcoming these issues, mr. ashanani, how successful you are, the fact is that now the point that mr. dr. talking about the observability and the fact that it can have the ability to apply the recipe , today we have a sense of regulation that has been done to some extent in the world and in iran, and this ecosystem that has been formed, by the way, provides this ability. this was one of the most important points that the activists of the cryptographic exchange field always having them in front of them, well, there are a lot of cases, a lot of inquiries, and a lot of other issues that were caused by the judicial order
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, from the point of view of fraud or iranian involvement, could be implemented due to the transparent nature of this area. one of the most important features of blockchain and crypto assets is the transparent nature of the blockchain technology they are on. i mean, this is almost the reason why according to the statistics that i want to say from 2017 , i know exactly 997%. of the crimes related to the financial field through the traditional banking system it used to be 30%, and today , as we are talking, this number is still very, very small and can be ignored. the reason is that this area is transparent , and the criminal does not use this area so easily, because somewhere, eventually, this will change. and when he becomes a criminal , the judicial order can actually be applied to him . the second thing i wanted to say about the situation.
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currently, since five or six years ago, in our country, in my opinion , i have made this area the addressee of the central bank's regulatory and regulatory authorities . the food was that mr. central bank, why doesn't the central bank regulate this area , leaving the central bank alone, it has an inherent duty and natural concerns, and it has concerns in the field of inflation. melimon and many of the subtle issues that were mentioned in the question of his highness, but on the other hand , addressing the central bank and waiting and leaving it alone is the same thing that mr. sadrabadi also pointed out. in my opinion , this was not intentional. it has been a mistake until today that the ministry of economy and financial affairs is against us the rest of the countries of the world have not yet entered this field.
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we had all the expectations from the central bank, which was under a lot of pressure, and it was natural that it would react and behave according to the nature and essence of its operation . it was intentional, i don't agree with it, and of course i know that a working group consisting of several correctional institutions was formed in the country following the notification of the supreme council of cyberspace. they are holding meetings to take over the regulation of this field, definitely in terms of definitions they are following the law. this working group is working under the title of working group for organizing the exchange of cryptographic assets. among its members , we can mention the ministry of economy, police, fata, and the ministry of the central bank, and they are working on the regulation of this area to a very good extent. brand , but the situation of delay that has been created until today
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is not desirable and the damages, including iranian companies that are having problems to receive bank notes and bank accounts due to the sanctions , can be done by spending a few minutes and having an electronic wallet. their funds are safe receive therefore for economies like. our country's economy is under sanctions and we are under pressure. cryptocurrencies create a great game environment to strengthen the country's economy. masoud sharifi, economic expert. if the peshwa government creates the use of crypto-currencies in small financial transactions, it can be possible with the entry of capital and especially its equivalent money even on a small scale and international exchanges due to the boom in production, especially with
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neighboring countries. create good for the country in the conditions of sanctions, therefore, this economic activity cannot be treated negatively and filtered. filtering domestic collections active in the field of crypto-currency increases the number of users of foreign sites , which in addition to leaving the country, also brings challenges regarding the security of people's assets. hossein mahmoudi, the main economic expert of the market. cryptocurrency is more than a market for circumventing sanctions, it is a platform for exiting the country, because through this market, rials are easily converted into dollars. mohammadreza maani yekta, deputy of central bank's payment systems department, the risk of the crypto market is not only in the price fluctuation, but due to iran's sanctions, it is possible that the wallet in which the cryptocurrency is we have set it to be blocked and there is no place to complain about scams in this area. cryptocurrency owners believe that the government and banks
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should not interfere in the creation of money and transactions, and in this area, the details of the account holder and the destination account are unclear, which is possible. it is not acceptable , economic expert salman kanani, with the legalization of the crypto-currency market , we are placed in a very wide range of international interactions, and it is not possible to confine it to the geography of iran, because it is a fully interactive technology at the global level. in my opinion, writing and code of widths for iran today, they are a non-existent thing, and they consider writing laws in this field to be absurd. well, we saw the report together, i had one opinion from you
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, the legislation was interesting. it is true that i said these words completely, but it was in this context that we believe? cryptocurrencies as an active market and cryptocurrencies as an exchange process that can be used, for example, for business purposes are we going to propose it to our society or not ? i am against this issue, and i still believe that it is not yet found. how beautiful and correct it was mentioned in the talk before me in the program in the report that was broadcast that the code of widths are the same two. if we can solve their words, i will vote for the legitimacy of these, and i will use them myself. in the interpretation, if we consider that if they can clarify this issue, in my opinion, the answer is clear
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. therefore, i personally have an opposing position regarding the code of land. i'm not saying philosophy. and what is introduced under the name of "currency" in iran today, at least , has obvious contradictions with the legislative system and the values ​​that should be in our legislative system. until we solve this, we cannot even think of dual legislation. please, mr. ashtiani. then i will go to mr. sadroudi, see the reality is that the matter is very complicated and we don't see the secrets of the iranian people anymore . and maintaining the capital value of facing them and it has nothing to do with the philosophy behind it and the technology behind it. this was an asset class that people are moving towards . we need to regulate this area . yes , there should be regulation. what is the purpose of that regulation? the fraud environment should be 3 opportunities
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to get opportunities in the field of web shooting in the field of international markets, this kind of property is our property. we are faced with the fact that anyone who says that he does not have an international function is surprising to me. by the way , we should appreciate these opportunities. we and the government should also appreciate these opportunities. we are a kind of property. we agree without limits that this cannot be sanctioned . now, what i am saying is that among these 26,000 cryptocurrencies, for example, there are some whose smart contracts and smart contracts are such that they can be blocked. yes , let's go and look at the other 200. we know certainly, this transaction cannot be prevented in the international arena, we have no doubt about it. technically , our country has some of this wealth . on the day of purification, we gave them the equivalent of riyals
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this trust has been burned. now in the field of cryptocurrency, when we have this type of international wealth, which i have definitely mentioned in international payment, international payment for funds for micro and small needs, such as student loans , medical loans, this can take the burden and pressure off the shoulders of official providers. the need of the country's foreign exchange has been taken to some extent. this is not something that can be hidden . our country should know this. people saw this as an asset class and prepared it in case of a problem. the mistake in this field of confrontation is that i am not saying that i agree with the prescription . the regulation of this space can be attributed to some extent to the foreign economic cycle of our country. dear, i have a very important point for 30 seconds. please
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see this. i am asking a question to all the honorable people of iran and all the dear marketers because i wish i spoke very elementary , let's assume right now that we accept this statement that yes , the cryptocurrency philosophy is that the government does not monitor. according to our direct taxes law, people have the right to pay tax on their personal property. please tell me how the owners of the passwords can pay taxes, do they avoid taxes and so on right now, from the tax evasion system in the field of crypto-currency, thousands of tomans have gone to space. activists in this field cannot claim that they pay taxes. is it legitimate ? what is the legitimacy of this asset that does not pay taxes to the country? send me to the doctor if you have any questions for the people. ask them later, in fact, i am accusing them of tax evasion . dear friend, see, let me politely not enter into your conversation and i was not used to it. please don't jump into the conversation. see, i am talking to the people of iran, yes, we are talking to the people of iran, not only. we will not
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kill the people of iran if 5% of the ordinary people of iran if you are in the parliament, the legislation of the parliament is better than now, this is what i have seen as a lawyer, so my argument was about something else, cryptocurrency holders cannot be fashionable , they are paying taxes, they are not paying taxes, they are also tax evaders . that's why i say i would like to ask your presence that what has been up until now, in terms of legitimacy and regulation, in my opinion, the process it has followed in this field has been correct. regarding the issue of taxation, i would also like to inform you that businesses in the field of cryptocurrency are more than 3 they have been dealing with inta legally for years in fact
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, they pay their own taxes. the issue of tax in the field of cryptocurrency mining has also been determined, it has been mentioned, micro capitals, capital outflow , capital outflow, see first of all capital outflow, now let me point out one thing , i'm fine, iran financial information center, the field of people active in the field of cryptocurrency exchange and eligible persons and those in fact , they are busy complying with the requirements of combating money laundering in this area, and thank god, i can boldly announce that the provision of crime and money laundering in this area is as minimal as possible. it is supposed to be now and this part of the legislation, if we call it regulation regarding capital flight, i have to tell you that capital flight has a definition, it means that
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wealth leaves the country and its profit does not return to the country. when our people are currently buying crypto assets, first of all , we need to know that the source it necessarily means that in the last 24 months , we have witnessed a balance in the supply and demand of broadband in our country. this is a very important point from the beginning of 1400, almost from the beginning of june 1400 onwards, with the balance of supply and demand in cryptocurrency platforms for the buyer or seller, it actually exists to a large extent. so you reject this. one point i wanted to say is ten very important points, that what may cause the flight of horizontal crypto capital from inside the country to foreign platforms should be limited. it is the activity of the foreign platform inside our country or the creation of restrictions that will make people move from our domestic market
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to the foreign market . simorgh lit the launch light of mehda, kihan 2 and hatef 1 satellites in space. simorgh satellite for the first time has been able to simultaneously these three bring the satellite to a 100 km orbit. last week, the successful launch of the soraya satellite caused the reaction of western countries, and users wrote about it: european countries launched the moon. condemning iran's reaction, what was iran 's reaction? we launched three more satellites and they were placed in orbit
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. france 24 channel wrote on its virtual page that iran will increase the tension with the west by launching 3 satellites and into orbit. the english language was encountered. why should it be a source of tension for the west, when if the west did the same thing, it would be considered an achievement. some users too they write that the zionist regime and the united states have failed iran, and some others congratulated iran . now iran has a bird in the sky. farsi-speaking users also say that iran is one of the 10 countries with strong iran hashtag. the launch of a satellite into space and the statements of western countries are against iran's position because they do not want a strong iran. fatemeh sharifi
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of sedav and cima news agency. it's very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral , no guarantor deposit draft, up to 50 million , my guarantor doesn't want to repay within 5 years, no , i said the truth, wait, i'll ask about rome's rights, sorry, the terms of the loan
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for legal entities, you can pay up to 750 million tomans under the same conditions, you can even transfer to your employees
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. i would like it to be handmade, the price is more interesting , which is a quarter of the price of hand-woven, and it has a guarantee. i have never seen a machine-made carpet that looks so much like a hand-woven, shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-woven capital carpet . excuse me. can you buy a capital carpet? yes, you can buy it. farsh capital only in mr. farsh branches. flowers in your hands, the scent of flowers with you, safflower toilet liquid with a unique scent for every 35 million tomans purchase in cash or cash
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, give a person a free electric medicine with a reputable brand at the same moment. limited in all branches of tehran, isfahan and sarieh sweep the gifts. home music city! rahman al rahim, hello, dear viewers , welcome to the medical news section at 20:00. director general of medical affairs for foreign immigrants, khorasan razavi , announced the acceptance of the project of management of embalming and attracting funds from foreign immigrants. mr. shrafati said that those who have census and re-enumeration sheets can participate in this plan and benefit from it.


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