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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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we will deal with this issue if the zionists completely withdraw from the gaza strip and witness a permanent ceasefire, and the resistance has said from the first day in asram that all prisoners must be exchanged . a day or two ago , a conference was held in the occupied territories, and the special minister of the zionist cabinet, bengoir, also gave a speech there. we selected some parts of this conference to see and talk about it later.
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"the aim of this assembly is to bring together the people to claim that we have to return to the gaza strip and establish jewish communities right away in the gush katif area, in the city of gaza itself and all over the street. the arabs will not stay in gaza, not the hamas, not the supporters of
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hamas . haddad, we are with you, mr. haddad, this is another kind of crazy story that i say we should go back and build settlements in gaza , the zionist regime, how does he want to deal with this
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bayad wants onur to release my captive. yes, well, the internal differences of the zionist regime, especially in the zionist society, are more visible than before , especially in the new generation. well , there are extremist people like bangweer, there are other people whose opinions are completely different from bangweer's. right now, these differences are not included in these big mistakes in the society. let's not get into the same events that are happening in the political field . look at the ministers who are not in the security cabinet, so-called small cabinet. they protest against netanyahu's behavior, they protest against the events that are happening, they protest against the presence of these people in the cabinet, someone like bengavir samutresh , who is another minister .
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that we exist, the existence of the whole regime is in danger, most of it goes back to the behavior of these people, well, netanyahu is also using the behavior of these people for his own benefit, in order to stay, because this war is the continuation of this war, as we mentioned in the previous question , the end of this war means the end of netanyahu . netanyahu showed that he has a dictatorial personality he wants to continue his existence there in any way . and the existence of netanyahu 's continued existence goes back to these aggressive behaviors that some of these aggressive behaviors have reached the point where they want to return the situation of the gaza strip to before 2005 and revive those settlements. you know, the resistance is in a good situation, that is, the zionists were not able to enter new areas, they were stuck in the areas they are in. in some areas, the battalions
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of the occupying zionist army are retreating or leaving the gaza strip, even though they are behind the front in the areas inside the occupied territories, they are faced with many problems, especially the economic debate, the discussion of security problems, many debates, that is, many debates , political debates have caused these issues to affect the front as well, that is why we are witnessing that the resistance is present in this battle with strength. and every day, apart from the human casualties it causes to the zionist regime , it has caused millions of dollars in damage to the tanks and military equipment of the zionist regime, as well as to the economic situation of the zionist regime. thank you. yesterday, i think the resistance forces fired rockets towards tel aviv. yes, and from some areas they are also firing rockets, the zionists claim that we
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cleared that area, we were able to be present in that area, and we prevented the resistance from continuing its activities, and exactly the resistance was targeting from the same areas. they operate by placing the center of existence of the zionist occupiers, which is tel aviv, and rain rockets there. we had some whispers, especially last week, that the zionists are preparing to invade lebanon. in the past few days , it has become a little more intense and subsided. how likely is it that the zionist regime wants to attack lebanon? ok the next issue seems to be in my opinion, most of these talks are on the part of the zionists themselves . we can put this in the framework of a psychological operation , because if you see the occupied northern area of ​​palestine now, then it is empty , 80,000 settlers will leave, and they will suffer. numerous economic problems, i.e.
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displacement to other areas, on the other hand, the islamic resistance in lebanon, almost all the targets that have been targeted, the operations have been successful. there were 12 to 13 to 14 operations per day, even we witnessed 15 operations per day, weapons that used and these are part of hezbollah's military power, that is, we must point out that lebanon's hezbollah did not enter with all its military power, that is , these suicide or dive drones, which are very accurate , cause them many casualties. powerful missiles like electricity. barkan and falak that we see, for example, one of these missiles carries 500 kilos of explosives and also recently unveiled a missile, the resistance of the camera was showing until the last moment that it hit the target
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exactly. guided and weapon current for we see that the islamic resistance is present with power and in 2006 they made the same claim and entered as limited. and it is limited at all that they could not enter more areas because the resistance was able to deal with them in a ground war, and other than that , there is the experience of 2000 and the operations before that, which we can see now. in the end, we saw how the zionists escaped from southern lebanon , but what happened here was that the islamic resistance was able to target very strategic areas, these very spy bases. the zionist regime on the border of these are bases that carry out spying operations against lebanon and the countries of the region and even lead security operations . now it has caused a loss of about 5 billion dollars for the facilities of the third regime.
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from this, you mean that the cost of the war is 260 million dollars a day. if we want to enter these statistics, these costs are more than this. this is from the economic area of ​​the regime. news england had a defensive one british reporters from yemeni operations against zionist ships or ships going to zionist ports. the western countries have put a lot of pressure on the government and people of yemen that this so-called operation is threatening the world economy, causing damage and causing global inflation . the reaction of this english journalist is interesting.
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because the hooties have held uh this area in the red sea um at ransom. sorry, so just let me get this straight yielder. so we are bombing the poorest, one of the poorest countries in the world. that has been under humanitarian blockade, there has been famine, these people have been decimated and we are bombing them because a couple of guys in dingies in support for the palestinians who are having a genocide committed against them, they're objecting to that and we're bombing them, come on now, i mean this is just insane world for us even think, i'm so sorry your amazon packages are delayed, i really am, like i wish mine came one time, but you know genocide guys, genocide, there are two... there's a day dying in gaza right now, it's 109 days into a conflict in which a
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humanitarian crisis has been declared to the world day in day out by the way, by the way, dr. fransois, there are many who are yemen watches who are who monitor and follow the hutis who say this is doing wonders for their branding, actually that it isn't just the palestinian cause that they're focused on, so call ce fire now and then the positive branding, if you want to stop the hoothies doing what they're doing then call us gen would would stop doing what they're doing, they have literally said that that's why they're doing what they're doing, they have not previously blocked those roots for any other reason except this one, so yes i do, and i also think the west needs to start to understand that you you cannot just go around playing cowboys in the world, there are consequences to your actions, you cannot just go around bombing people's countries, ignoring international law and expect no repercussions, for every cause there is a consequence, and just buse you don't like a couple of guys trying to resist now prescribed terrorists sure
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according to western governments according to the yemen people because the saudi back government which is essentially ours but the yemenis who live under huti rule talk about the fact that this group continues to terrorize them as well i'm no fan of the huties apart from when they're blocking in favor of a cease fire which should have been called a long time ago build. i'm just going to bring you into the conversation, we started the whole conversation an hour ago about um how are you can't afford housing and your generation and so on so forth, these people are creating a total trade blockade, which is causing inflation, which is causing all sorts of problems to everybody, 25,000 people are dead in gaza right now, there are over 60,000 people injured with no access to food, water, aid, how dare we have a conversation about it?
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today, in addition to other operations of the resistance groups, it was an operation carried out by the yemenis, that is, targeting the economy of the regime and cutting off the regime's vital religious leaders. the red sea area, which has been an important area, most of their maritime trade is conducted from there, the americans are spreading lies and westerners and claiming that they are not making the red sea unsafe in any way, only the red sea is for ships that go to occupied areas. and
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they are carrying goods for the zionist regime. they are sleeping like this ship , which i think is carrying fuel. yes, other countries are moving easily, crossing and reaching the areas they need to reach, but the americans are also against it during this time. yemen is doing military actions . well, the yemenis have declared many of these areas that the americans have been targeting the areas that were previously in the war between yemen and saudi arabia. it was targeted, it was not active, and the americans did not actually succeed, because the day they operated , the day after that, we saw a ship carrying goods and fuel for the zionists being targeted, so it seems that until at this moment, the yemenis will continue this success in this operation and will be successful in the future, and the americans will not reach a result, but the americans, because they are the partners of the zionists. there are people who want to save the regime in any way possible, and me i emphasize this again because the entire existence
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of the regime is in danger today, that's why we see that the us foreign minister comes to the zionist regime many times and meets with the officials of the regime because the regime's existence is now in danger. last night, 3 american soldiers were killed and nearly 40 wounded in jordan. about eight or nine of them are in serious condition, they are still in a state of confusion . the last thing we heard from the americans is that they say that we still don't know where this drone came from. the americans have, yes, the drone that targeted the americans was really a unique operation, and you can see that the americans themselves admit that we do not know how we got hit, of course , the americans were killed again in the recent operation. giving wounded giving, well, we are witnessing after the rocket attack
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on ain al-aswad base, after the martyrdom of hajj qassem soleimani, martyr abu mahdi al-muhandis and their companions. the americans came to claim that we had concussions, but everyone knows what happened and how many americans died , and they are hiding it now, but this time they came to announce. and now they are using this issue to threaten us, we want to carry out an operation, we will take action if they want to take action too, they definitely know that this action will have very bad consequences for them if it is a widespread action, and we saw it today. among the americans. they say that we don't want the war to expand because they know that their forces are very vulnerable. today , one of the american newspapers i was reading a few hours ago published an article. now, i don't remember the name of that newspaper, but the author of this article said that our forces in the west asia region they are very vulnerable and therefore it is a very big risk for them that if they want
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to start a large-scale war here, this large-scale war will definitely not be in the interest of the americans, thank you.
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in support of the zionist regime , he requested a ceasefire twice in the security council. during this period, more than 10,000 tons of military equipment has been provided to this regime and 14 billion dollars in financial aid. but this support has become troublesome for me. american youth angry at the violence and killings in gaza.
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to show his opposition to his policies regarding the gaza war, he has become the same as biden do you know the genocide in gaza? or those who want the end of the war. now, a group of opponents of the war took biden to court because of his inability to stop the genocide in gaza. we are here because america supports the genocide in gaza. the whole world wants america to stop supporting israel. this madness must stop. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency. and now the final part of the conversation. mr. haddad, last question: blinken's trip to the region again.
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he is traveling to the occupied territories for the sixth time after the al-aqsa storm. what about the previous five trips? he had earned it now what are you looking for? well, in previous trips that did not actually achieve anything, i mentioned in previous questions why the americans entered the scene with such intensity , even accepting the risk of military operations . their foreign minister travels to the region many times because of the existence the zionist regime is in danger and they are worried that this regime will be destroyed soon , that's why the foreign minister is coming , they are bringing their military power into the region , but now the costs for them have increased. americans are exposed to an all-out war. i mentioned that america is strong they don't want to enter into an all-out war
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, because their own hands are under control, yes, because first of all, all their forces, all their bases, are the targets of the resistance axis, and this has been proven during this time , that is , a drone that can be eaten at night. let's see again, well, you mentioned that this drone operation was very strange for them, how did this drone come and not understanding where this drone came from , that's why the costs of the war are increasing for them , and they are looking to reduce these costs. on the other hand, the diet from this saving the body of these groups does not limit their foreign policy much, because it is difficult to achieve all the goals together , yes, it limits them, and especially since they are in the presidential election council , they also take that into consideration, mr. haddad. thank you for your presence in today's world. thank you
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and the end of the program. cheb jahan according to the picture.
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pero puede pasar entonces aquí está el cril muchachos ah libertad.
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. a month after the al-aqsa storm operation, the occupying army claimed full control of the north. the gaza strip has taken over, but these images return limited police gaza is in the areas of jabalia and fallujah in the north of gaza , which
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shows the presence of police forces in some axes from which the occupying forces retreated. the zionist regime claimed that it destroyed the gaza government . the commanders of the zionist army expressed concern about the withdrawal of the forces of this regime from northern gaza. they said: this departure took place without any plan to deal with the affairs of more than 20,000 palestinians who have not left this area. the return of the civilian administration of hamas it shows the northern gaza area despite the thousands of bombs that fell on northern gaza. qassam battalions were hit but never defeated and have been able to continue the war. failure of the army these days, the zionist regime's ground operations and inability to destroy hamas have taken up a large part of the program of this regime's news networks.
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israeli tv broadcast. israel announced that the army has informed the political officials in tel aviv that the hamas movement has actually managed to take over the management of the city in northern gaza and is now providing services to the palestinians in this area and even some municipalities have been activated. the zionist maarif newspaper wrote that the ability of the hamas movement to rebuild and revive its military capacity in northern gaza has worried the israeli army command even more, the first sign of which is the increase in mortar and rocket attacks over the past weekend.
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11:30 pm
hello, dear viewers of the football magazine, the 2023 nations cup of south korea and uzbekistan are also in the quarter they came to an end. in the continuation of the eighth round of the tournament tonight, south korea and saudi arabia met in a critical game.


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